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Queen of all she surveys is Cathy Mackey, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Mackey, who was crowned queen of the Butts County
Fair at the beauty pageant in which 38 contestants competed Wed
nesday night.
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Hoy winners in the Teenie Weenie contest Thursday night at
the Butts County Fair were, left to right, Jeff Hurst, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Hurst, third place; Jeff Maddox, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Dulane Maddox, second; and Deuce Williamson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Dick Williamson, first place.
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Entranced by the sea of faces staring at them from the large
audience at the Kiddie Show Monday night at the Butts County Fair
were the 4 and 5 year-old winners which included, left to right,
Esther O’Dell, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Tom O’Dell, third; Tanoa
Williamson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williamson, second;
and Johnna Coleman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Coleman,
(Photos by Tommy Beckham)
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Henderson Beauty Contest winners at the Butts County Fair
Tuesday night were, left to right, Gloria Head, third place; Bernice
Goodrum, queen, first place; and Linda Benton, second place.
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Winners in the popular Teenie Weenie Grown Up contest held
Thursday, October 10th, at the Butts County Fair were, left to
right, I ynn Shapard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shapard,
third; Denise Kelly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hulett Kelly, second;
and Candy Long, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Long, first.
Winners in the Kiddie Show Monday night, Oct. 7th, for 2 and
3 year-olds were, left to right, Wendy Garland, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Emmett Garland, third; Micky Garland, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William Garland, second; and Frankie Lynn McMillan,
daughter of Mrs. Janie McMillan, first.
Spot Bid Sale
At Army Depot
On October 23
Local citizens will have an op
portunity to participate in a Spot
Bid Sale to be conducted at the
Atlanta Army Depot on October
Most of the items that are be
ing made available for this sale
are those that are useful in homes
or business establishments. For
instance, many desks and chairs,
metal and wood, will be offered
for sale as will electric typewrit
ers, filing cabinets and other
choice office equipment. In ad
dition certain kitchen equip
ment, plumbing items, engine and
aircraft parts and chemicals will
be placed on sale. In aH more
than 225 individual lots will be
Interested persons, potential
bidders or prospective buyers
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FAIREST AT THE FAlß —Pictured above at the beauty
pageant of the Butts County Fair on Wednesday night, October 9th,
are, left to right, Sandra Wilder, Ist runner-up; Ed Crawford of
Griffin, master of ceremones; Cathy Mackey, winner of the contest;
Jackie Allen, 1967 Queen of the Fair; and Pam Greer, 2nd runner
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Kiddie show winners, four and five year olds, were, left to
right, Jeff Raynor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Raynor, third;
Stewart Pace, son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Pace, 2nd; and Mallory
Heath, son of Mr. and Mrs. Van Heath, first.
Winners in the Kiddie Show, 2 and 3 year-olds, on Monday
night, Oct. 7th, were, left to right, Keith Phillips, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Phillips, third; Cary Hurst, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Hurst, second; and Michael Brewer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brewer,
Col. John E. Morgan and Ru
fus Adams went over to Athens
Saturday for the Georgia-Mis
-issippi game.
Miss Gail Herbert and Wilson
Bush were among those from
Jackson going over to Athens
Saturday for the Georgia-Ole
Miss game.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sams at
tended the Georgia-Mississippi
game in Athens on Saturday aft
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Robison Sr.
and grandchildren, Tom, Janet
and Charlie Robison, went over
to Athens Saturday for the Geor
gia-Ole Miss game.
must be present to bid on the
sale items. All 225 lots may be
inspected from now through the
sale date by coming to Building
917, Atlanta Army Depot, be
tween 8 A. M. and 4 P. M. Reg
istration for the Spot Bid Sale
will take place in Building 841 at
8:00 A. M. on the sale date, Oc
tober 23.
THURSDAY, OCT. 17, 1 968
Butts Supports
Many Business
(Special to the Progr e; ,. Areui ,
NEW YORK, Oct. 12— Butts
County supports a greater nu m
ber of business
small, medium and large—than
do many communities of it 3 s ; Ze
And they have been showing
sturdy growth, as evidenced bv
the number of people they em .
ploy and by the bigger payrolls
they are carrying.
The findings are from anew
government survey, released by
the Department of Commerce. It
is based upon data compiled bv
the Department of Health, Edu
cation and Welfare from tax re
ports filed by employers for 1967.
Presented, for every county in
the United States, are compar
able figuies on employment and
payrolls for firms engaged in re
tail and wholesale trade, manu
facturing, finance, services and
other fields.
In Butts County, the report
shows, there are some 136 sep
arate businesses that employ one
or more people.
A breakdown of this total re
veals that 78 of them have from
1 to 3 employees each, that there
are 28 with from 4 to 7 and 21
with from 8 to 19. The others are
The great majority of these
businesses are well established
and of long standing. In addition,
a certain number of new ones
start up each year as well as some
that discontinue for one reason
or another.
The payrolls of these local es
tablishments reached anew peak
in the year of $5,328,000.
This was considerably more
than in 1965, when a survey
placed the total at $3,600,000.
The increase, 48 percent, top
ped the United States rise of 22
percent and that in the State of
Georgia, 28 percent.
The figures cover all persons
gainfully employed in private,
non-farm jobs subject to social
security. The total so-employed in
Eutts County is given as 1,544.
This is exclusive of members
of the armed forces, of domestic
workers, the self-employed and
civilian government personnel.
Business establishments in the
local area with fewer than 20
employees continue to thrive
despite the competition cf big
business, the reports indicate.
As is the case in most com
munities across the country, they
far outnumber the larger ones.
Currently, in the county, they
constitute 93 percent of the total.
Elsewhere throughout the na
tion, by way of comparison, 89
percent of all businesses operate
with less than 20 employees.
Mrs. Joseph E. Edwards re
turned home last week from Ho
gansville where she had been visi
ting her daughter, Mrs. W. L.
Martin and Mr. Martin. Mrs.
Marva M. O’Kelley and daughter,
Marvera, are staying with her
with Mr. O’Kelley coming down
on weekends.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Daniel Jr.
spent the weekend of October sth
with Mr. J. L. Pearson at Reids
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Rushing.
Susan, Bob and Alan Rushing
of Warner Robins, Mr. and Mrs.
W. B. McDaniel, Teri, Scott and
Brad, of Decatur, and Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Cawthon, Ma: 1:
and Wally, were spend the dar
guests Sunday of Mr. and M> ; -
Ira Cawthon and Horace.
Among those from Jackson go
ing over to Athens Saturday f Ol
the Georgia-Mississippi ? ame
were Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Briscoe-
Douglas Briscoe, and Mr aTi
Mrs. Lewis Freeman.
Burning money?
There’s a
answer A
Chevron Heating Fuels in
crease your comfort ana in
duce fuel cost to a minimu"
Ca!! Your Standrrd Oil
Man in Jackson _
T. E. Robison
•Standard Oil CompanyjncOv^