The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, October 17, 1968, Image 6
wrmmws All classified advertising 4c a word, cask in advance unless reg ular account is maintained with Progress-Argus. Minimum charge for an ad is SI.OO. APARTMENT FOR RENT: Three rooms, private front and back entrance. Phone 775-7498. 10/ 17/2tp. CERT’S a gay girl—ready for a whirl after cleaning carpets with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer sl. Jackson Hardware Cos. 10/17/1 tc. AUTO INSURANCE Insur ance canceled; Rates too high ; call Montgomery Insurance Agen cy. 775-G521. 10/17/1 tc. CLERICAL POSITION open. Typing required. Experience de sired but not necessary. Apply in writing to Mr. C. M. Dawson, Box 249, Jackson, Ga. 10/17/tfc. PRESTONE $1.69 Gal. Jack son Hardware Cos. 10/17/7tc. FOR SALE: Evinrude Boats and Motors. We sell ’em for fun! L. W. May. 10/17/tfc. WANTED IMMEDIATELY MAN OR WOMAN to supply consumers with Rawleigh Pro ducts. Can earn SSO weekly part time SIOO and up full time. See R, McDaniels or write Rawleigh GAJ-550-336, Memphis, Tenn. 10/17/2tp. COLOR T. V. ANTENNAS $24.44. Jackson Hardware Cos. 10/17//ltc. FOR SALE; Vfe Acre lot on Ruby Road, Buck Creek area, Hit;h Falls. Level, grassy lot, ideal building site. Reasonably priced. W. H. Durden, Macon, Ga., phone 745-4758 or 781-2775. 10/17/Itp. STEREO CONSOLE 4 SPEAKER SYSTEM If you or anyone you know are looking for a bargain buy on a f tereo Console, beautiful cabinet, I have some 1968 floor models that have never been used. I am asking only SSB cash. 775-22G9. 10/17/Itp. SEE THE NEW BROWNING COBRA HUNTING BOW. S4B - Jackson True Value Hard ware. 10/17/lte. POSITION WANTED: Man re cently moved to Butts County de sires local position. 34 years ex perience as production foreman, plant superintendent, and person nel manager of large plant in At lanta and New Orleans. Salary open. References furnished on request. Harold G. Spruell, Route 1. Jackson, Ga. 10/17/2tc. FOR RENT; Two bedroom house, lovely surroundings, quiet, couple only. Must see to appre ciate. Call H. E. Collier, 775- 3143. 10/ 10/tfc. WANTED: Sheet metal work ers, electricians, steam fitters. Bahnson Service Cos. Apply Lee Roy Weeks at trailer in rear Av ondale Mills. 10/10,2tp. FOR SALE: Bolnvhite quail, live, $1.00; dressed. $1.25. Spe cial price for large quantity. Phone 228-8147 in Griffin. 10/ 10/4tc. FOR SALE; New and used commercial refrigeration equip ment and store fixtures. Phone 227-2907 in Griffin. 10/10/tfc. NOTICE: I would appreciate if Constitution subscribers would arrange to pay once a month to save travel and bookkeeping ex penses. Monthly rate, daily and Sunday, $3.35; daily only. $2.24; Sunday only. $1.13. Make check payable to Rev. \Y. L. Renfroe, fi2B Oak St., Jackson, Ga., or leave cash in mail box. Your co operation will be appreciated. 10/10/Stc. $2.44 SCHOOL LUNCH KITS with Thermos, SI.OO. Jackson [Hardware Cos. 10/10/ltc. FOR SALE: 5-room house and lot located in City of Jackson. Nice residential area. Phone 775- 7331. After 6 p. m. call 775-7402. 8/1/tfc FOR RENT: Furnished or un furnished 2 bedroom apartments in brick building, newly refin ished inside and out. Phone 775- 7309 or night 775-7178. 10/3/tfc. You Always Save on Furniture at Cleveland Furniture & Carpet Outlet Jenkinsburg, Ga. 775-3494 FOR SALE: Inside Latex Paint $2.95 per Gal. Jackson Building Supply, phone 775-3266. 2/29/ltc ANNOUNCING THE APPOINTMENT OF HODGES HARDWARE & FURNITURE AS RCA DEALER FOR TELEVISIONS (Black & White and Color) FOR THIS AREA Mr. Hodges invites YOU to come by his store and see the new line of RCA TV’s, now on Display. He has the size and price for you. ATTENTION! SAVE MONEY on your TIRE needs. Let us RECAP your TIRES now. Your neighbors do! POLK TIRE CO. 6/13/tfc. FOR SALE: 12 ft. cane fishing poles 36c. Hodges Hardware & Furniture Cos. 2/15/tfc. Reduce safe and fast with Go- Bese tablets and E-Vap “water pills.” Jackson Drug Cos. 10/3/4tp. FOR APPLIANCE SERVICE call Russell Cawthon at Hodges Hardware & Furniture Cos., Phone 775-7601. 1/11/tfc. Cook & Kelly BODY AND PAINT SHOP Guaranteed work that will please you! Pete Cook Chas. Kelly 185 N. Oak St. Ph. 775-6081 WE BUY used furniture. Call Hodges Hardware & Furniture, phone 775-7501. 3/21/tfc. ATTENTION For expert wheel alignment see or call Polk Tire Cos. All work guaranteed. Polk Tire Cos., phone 775-7331. 3/22/tfc. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meet every Friday at 8 p. m. at the Butts County Health Center, Jackson. Men and women invited. Ph. 775-3504. 12/14/tfe. WE SELL new and used furni ture. Hodges Hardware & Furni ture Cos., ph. 775-7501. 1/11/tfc. FOR SALE: Good used Electric Ranges, Hodges Hardware & Fur ’ niture Cos. Phone 775-7501. 1/11/tfc FOR SALE We have several good used portable and table model TV’s on hand. Hodges Hardware & Furni ture Cos., ph. 775-7501. 1/11/tfc. HODGES HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. WELL PUMP HEADQUARTERS YOUR AUTHORIZED MYERS PUMP DEALER Myers Well Pump Sales Myers Weil Pump Service Myers Well Pump Installa tion Russell Cawthon Service Manager Thone 775-7501 1/5/tfc Carpets Wall to wall or room size car peting. Priced to meet your bud get Cleveland Furniture Cos., Jenkinsburg, Ga.. Ph. 775-3494. 4/14/tfc. FOR SALE: Good used refri gerators, $40.00 and up. Hodges Hardware & Furniture Cos. 1/11/tfc. MONTGOMERY INS. AGENCY Insurance of all Kinds For Family, Home & Business Don Montgomery, Agent 113 N. Oak St. 775-6521 Jackson, Ga. 30233 ATTENTION I SAVE MONEY on yoar TIRE needs. Let us RECAP your TIRES now. Your neighbors do I POLK TIRE CO. 8/18/tfc. e VICTOR VICTOR COMPTOMIieR CORPORATION ADDING MACHINES JACKSON HARDWARE CO. 9/26/eow/tc. HELP WANTED: Business op portunity. Young man with knowledge of building supplies to work as assistant manager of ma rine & building supply business. Call 786-3779 in Covington after 6 p. m. 10/3/tfe. SMART SHOPPERS KNOW THE THRIFTY BARGAINS At Cleveland Furniture & Carpet Outlet Jenkinsburg, Ga. 775-3494 WE SELL HOTPOINT appli ances. Hodges Hardware & Furni ture Cos., ph. 775-7501. 1/11/tfc. FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment. L. \V. May, 775-3277. ELECTRIC MOTORS Motor winding. Delco and Pack ard Authorized Warranty Service. Delco and Packard Electric Mo tors, 1-250 to 100 HP., Whole sale and Retail. Griffin Armature Works. 347 New Orleans St, Griffin, Ga. 10/11/tfc. THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS, JACKSON, GEORGIA The Scoreboard Jackson 13—Monticello .7 Mary Persons 34 — Central Gwinnett 6 Manchester 13 —Carrollton 12 West Point 20—Gordon 6 Henry Cos. 25 —Shamrock 7 Lithonia 7—Stockbridge 0 Southwest DeKalb 28—- Griffin 23 Tennessee 24 —Tech 7 Georgia 21—Mississippi 7 Atlanta 24—New York 21 PERSONAL Mr. Gene Evett was admitted to Sylvan Grove Hospital last Thursday, his friends will be in terested to know. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Allen of Bainbridge will spend the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Al len. Among those from Jackson go ing over to Athens Saturday for the Georgia-Vandy game will be Miss Elizabeth McMichael and Mrs. V. H. Ham. Mrs. C. E. Washington, who was admitted Sunday to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Atlanta, un derwent surgery on Monday, her many friends will be interested to know. SFC-E7 Charles R. Bennett and family left Monday, October 7th, for Fort Sill, Oklahoma aft er spending a 30-day leave with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Bennett of Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Singley of Locust Grove, as well as other relatives. Miss Elizabeth Lovett of At lanta is visiting her sister, Mrs. Van Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Moelchert and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jones will be among those going over to Athens Saturday for the Geor gia-Vanderbilt Home coming game. 45# Hunting BoW Set. Six arrows. Camo Bow cover. Arm Guard. Finger Tab $14.88. Jack son Hardware Cos. 10/3/ltc Jacuzzi Well Pumps We Sell, Install and Service Call Russell Cawthon, Service Manager at Hodges Hardware & Furniture Phone 775-7501 3/21/tfc G. E. 175 WATT OUTDOOR MERCURY Night Lights with automatic switch and new white bulb. Complete $49.00. Jackson Hardware Cos. 9/19/ltc. FOR RENT; New modern four room apartment, air conditioned, wall to wall carpet. $75.00 per month. Three rooms furnished with utilities $95.00 month. Mil ler Apts., Jenkinsburg. Phone 775- 3415. Four miles north of Jackson on U. S. 23. 8/22/tfc. FOR SALE: Brick home with four bedrooms, 2 baths, large kitchen, double garage, daylight basement, central heat, including draperies and carpets. In nice lo cation, two blocks from town. Phone 775-6451 day, 775-7632 night. 8/29/tfc. FOR SALE: Good used wringer washers, $35.00 and up. Hodges Hardware & Furniture Cos., phone 775-7501. 1/11/tfc NOTICE For the best buy in used ap pliances and televisions, check our used merchandise department. Polk Tire Company, phone 775- 7331. 3/22/tfc. COLD WEATHER ATLANTA GAS HEATERS ATLANTA WOOD & COAL HEATERS Now on Display We have the size and price to fit your needs. We Deliver St Install HODGES HDWE. & FURNITURE 10/3/tfc. V: UF 0p Jp' ' • j '■' ' Teens Against Dystrophy Collect Funds The Teens Against Dystrophy collected funds at halftime of the Jackson-Monticello game Fri day night with the money to be used for research on Muscular Dystrophy. Taking part in the collection drive were Pamela Goff, Angie Goff, Rita Bennett, Nanci Settle, Kay Pinckney, Lin da Sanvidge, Pamela Anderson, Gail Gordon, Diane Lawton, and Sheryl Meredtih. Two of Jackson’s widely known citizens, Mrs. Imogene Goff and Denny O’Neal, agreed to be “ar rested” with the apprehension of the two by the Jackson police en livening proceedings. The youthful solicitors desire to thank the public for their generous contributions which will PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Levi J. Ball went up to Atlanta Satuday for the Tech-Tennessee game at Grant Field. Howard J. Jolly, who has been confined to Piedmant Hospital for some time, returned home Tuesday. Friends regret to learn that virtually no improvement is noted in his condition. TAX NOTICE Minutes Of Called Meeting Of The Board Of Commissioners, Butts County Held On Oct. 11 With All Commissioners Present. The purpose of this meeting, to set the tax rate for Butts County for the year 1968. Upon request of the Board of Education, Butts County the rate for Operation and Maintenance of the Butts County Schools was set at 13:50 Mills. For the retirement of School Bonds U Mill. Total assessment for school purposes 14:00 Mills or Four teen Dollars per One Thousand Dollars Taxable property. After discussion the Board of Commissioners voted to set the rate for County purposes at 12:00 Mills, and for retirement of Hospital Bonds *4 Mill. The total levy for County purposes is 1214 Mills. The Total Tax Levy for Butts County including Mill for the State of Georgia for the year 1968 wall be 26.75 Mills or Twenty Six Dollars and Seventy Five Cents ($26.75) per One Thousand Dollars of Taxable Property. R. W. COOK, Chairman A. G. COOK, Member D. W. BAILEY, Member Board Of Commissioners, Butts County help in the fight to conquer Mus cular Dystrophy—Rita Bennett, Reporter. ORKlNguard PROTECTION It makes good sense. firkin's complete program of cientific pest control isguar nteed to keep your home or iusiness pest-free all year ong for pennies a day. So thy put up with the worry, rouble and annoyance ofin ect and rodent pests? Call )rkin today and ask to speak o an ORKlNguard pest con- I DON'T WAIT- CALI TODAY FOR 4? | GUARANTEED PROTECTION 775-7677 World's largest Termite and Pest Control Company THURSDAY, OCT. 17, 1 968 PERSONAL Mr. Homer L. William and hi sister-in-law, Miss Rachael John son, of Stone Mountain ttende • ' the Georgia-Mississippi Kam? . Athens on Saturday. Dr. Hugh C. Huckett of Ri Ver Dr. and Mrs. Sam Standard of McDonough and Mr. and Mrs Charles Carter of Jack ln were among those attending the Geor gia-Mississippi game in Athens Saturday afternoon. Head, Long Island, N. y. , pent a few days last week as th g Ue -- of Misses Georgie and Delia Wat kins and Mrs. S. L. Austin, while enroute to St. Petersburg, Fla., where he will be visiting with friends and relatives for several weeks.