Newspaper Page Text
County Commissioners’ Statement
For The Month of June 1968
Statement of the Butts County Commissioners of Roads and
Revenues for the Month of June, 1968. Treasurers General Fund,
Billy Sutton, Treasurer.
6028 Petty Cash Fund, Road v $ 100.00
6029 Southern Bell Tele. Cos., P. Bldg. 180.94
6030 The Fulton National Bank, Equip. 750.00
6031 Central Ga. E. M. C, P. Bldg. 7.10
6032 City of Jackson, P. Bldg. 168.22
6033 Clerk Superior Court, C&LE 157.30
6034 The Harrison Company, C&LE 31.00
6035 Barney Wilder, C&LE 19.12
6036 The Bonnie Cafe (Jurors Meals), C&LE 20.10
6037 Triangle Service Station, C&LE 254.40
6038 Triangle Service Station, Cos. Comm. 64.77
6039 Mr. English Bennett, Office Supplies 299.50
0040 Larry Hodges, Road 15.00
6041 Lewis Weldon, C&LE 13.51
6042 Sheriff Butts County, C&LE 891.00
6043 Xerox Corporation, C&LE 74.16
6044 Butts County Dept. F.A.C.S., Welfare 1969.05
6045 W. J. Robbins Insurance Agency, C&LE 140.00
6046 It. H. Thaxton, Road 113.00
6047 Mrs. Janice Weldon, C&LE 50.00
6048 County Officers Assn, of Ga. Dues 100.00
6049 Mrs. J. E. Carmichael, Tax Receiver 50.00
6050 Gulf Oil Corp, Road 1003.45
6051 Payroll Acct., Butts County 2020.65
6052 Cook’s Welding Shop, Road 65.00
6053 Life Insurance Cos. of Ga., Inc. 507.66
6054 Jackson National Bank, Withholding 1024.10
6055 Carl Brack & Yvonne Scott, HD & Agr. 65.00
6056 Murphy Oil Corp, C&LE 24.17
6057 Mr. J. L. Bailey Jr., Road 2814.60
6058 South East Sales Cos., Road 694.50
6059 Void
6060 Georgia Robot Cutter Cos., Road 156.16
6061 Warren E. Smith, Cos. Comm. 10.00
6062 University of Ga., Cos. Comm. 20.00
6063 U. S. Post Office, Office Supplies 30.00
6064 Southern Bell Tele. Cos., P. Bldg. 180.39
6065 Court of Ordinary, Butts County, C&LE 40.00
6066 Jackson Library Assn., P. Bldg. 128.39
6067 Rufus Kitchens, P. Bldg. 125.00
6068 Sheriff Monroe County, C&LE 17.50
6069 Superior Cleaners, Road 95.60
6070 Allen’s Hom-Ond Food Store, P. Bldg. .99
6071 Van Deventer Foundation, HI) & Agr. 625.00
6072 Earl C. Wallace, Court Reporter, C&LE 97.50
6073 Skinners Enterprises, Inc., Road 250.00
•5074 Upper Ocmulgee E.0.C., Inc., Welfare 180.00
6075 Donald B. Montgomery, C&LE 102.00
6076 Void
6077 Bunch-Lowe Equip. Cos., Road 243.34
6078 Governmental Guide, C&LE 4.00
6079 Payroll Account, Butts County 5834.75
6080 Gulf Oil Corp., Road 927.80
6081 Radio Station WJGA, Tax Collector 75.50
Total $22,831.22
Payroll Account
3935 Jimmy Gilbert, Road $ 164.50
3936 Ted Fears, Road 109.35
3937 James Brown, Road 136.30
3938 Aaron Goodrum, Rond 140.40
3939 James Thomas, Road 93.80
3940 Ernest I’ye, Road 133.65
3941 Roy Watson, Road 91.25
3942 James Gilbert, Road 129.48
3943 Bobby Jones, Road 163.50
3944 Oliver St. John, P. Bldg. 80.00
3945 Charity Travis, P. Bldg. 32.33
8946 Maridel Ridgway, C&LE 130.00
3947 Marie Pickett, Tax Collector 130.00
3948 Martha R. Sims, C&LE 130.00
3949 Ruby Kate Moore, Tax Assessors 100.00
3950 Billy Sutton, Treasurer 160.00
3951 Barney L. Wilder, C&LE 230.76
3952 Lewis Weldon, C&LE 230.76
3953 A. L. Weaver, Registrar 20.00
3954 Levi J. Ball, Registrar 20.00
3955 Barney L. Wilder, C&LE 230.70
3956 Lewis Weldon, C&LE 230.70
3957 Oliver St. John, P. Bldg. 80.00
3958 Charity Travis, P. Bldg. 32.33
3959 Maridel Ridgway, C&LE 130.00
3960 Marie Pickett, Tax Collector 130.00
3961 Martha R. Sims, C&LE 130.00
3962 Ruby Kate Moore, Tax Assessor 100.00
3963 Billy Sutton, Treasurer 160.00
3964 R. W. Cook, Cos. Comm. 225.00
3965 A. G. Cook, Cos. Comm. 200.00
3966 D. W. Bailey, Cos. Comm. . 200.00
3967 Mary Will Hearn, Tax Collector 416.67
3968 L. J. Washington, C&LE 541.67
3969 John D. Pope, C&LE 700.00
3970 Jack R. Newman, C&LE 40.00
3971 Joel V. Crane, C&LE ... 75.00
3972 D. P. Ridgeway, C&LE 625.00
3973 Ed E. McGarity, C&LE 180.34
3974 Carl E. Brack, HD & Agr. 260.00
3975 Yvonne Scott, HD & Agr. 145.00
3976 Barbara Rutledge, HD & Agr. 45.00
3977 E. H. Cook, Tax Assessor 300.00
3978 H. G. Harris, Tax Assessor .... 300.00
3979 Donald R. Willard, Tax Assessor 300.00
Local Families Move Into
Higher Income Brackets
(Special to Progre*-Argus)
NEW YORK, Oct. 26—Thanks
to their income gains in the last
few years, many Butts County
families have moved into new and
higher income brackets.
The upward shift has been tak
ing place across the board, leav
ing a smaller number than be
fore in the very low income cate
Families who had been in the
$5,000 to SB,OOO bracket are now
to be found, in many cases, in
the SB,OOO to SIO,OOO division.
Their former positions have been
occupied, in turn, by families
that advanced from the next
lower level.
The shifts are recorded in a
special study, made by the Stand
ard Rate and Data Service, to
determine what portion of the
population falls within each in
come bracket.
Every area of the country is
covered in the breakdown, the
purpose of which was to obtain a
better understanding of family
earnings in each community than
is possible through the so-called
“average income” figure.
It makes clear whether that
average income is enjoyed by a
large part of the population or
whether it is merely a statistical
figure resulting from a balancing
off of very high and very low
income groups.
In Butts County, it shows, no
less than 56.6 percent of the
families had disposable cash in
comes of $5,000 or more after
payment of their taxes.
This compares favorably with
the proportion two years earlier
when a similar study was made.
At that time, 46.6 percent had
earnings above $5,000.
The gain, 10.0 percent, was
greater than in the United States
as a whole, 6.0 percent. In the
State of Georgia it was 7.8 per
Just where other segments of
the local population fit, in terms
of income groups, is also brought
out in the report.
Sqme 15.6 percent of the fam
ilies are in the $5,000 to SB,OOO
bracket, it finds. There are 13.9
percent in the SB,OOO to SIO,OOO
category and 19.1 percent at the
$3,000 to $5,000 level. The re
mainder are over SIO,OOO or
under $3,000.
According to the Council of
Economic Advisers, there has
been a solid improvement in the
past few years in the well-being
of Americans generally.
Incomes have more than kept
pace with the rising cost of liv
ing, it states, the net gain in 1967
Weaver Insurance Agency
Complete INSURANCE Service
Phone 775-6911
dec, il Try
3980 Jimmy Gilbert, Road 164.50
3981 Ted Fears, Road 124.20
3982 James Brown, Road 124.70
3983 Aaron Goodrum, Road 116.10
3984 James Thomas, Road 120.40
3985 Ernest Pye. Road 155.10
3986 Roy Watson, Road 100.00
3987 James Gilbert, Road L_ 143.52
3988 Bobby Jones. Road 138.00
Total $9390.13
alone being about 4 percent.
Those in the lowest income
brackets benefited most. Asa re
sult, about 600,000 families
moved out of the poverty cate
gory in the past year, the coun
cil reports.
Towaliga Baptist
Church To Hold
Five Great Nights
Towaliga Baptist Church has
scheduled a series of inspiration
al messages entitled “Five Great
Nights” to be held from October
30th through November 3rd.
Services will begin at 7 o’clock
each night.
Rev. J. C. Parham, pastor of
the Towaliga Baptist Church, an
nounces the sermon topics and
guest speakers for the five nights
as follows:
Wednesday, Oct. 30—“ The
Christian and His Devotional
Life,” Rev. J. C. Parham, Pastor.
Thursday, Oct. 31—“ T h e
Christian and His Home Life,”
Rev. W. E. Flanders.
Friday, Nov. I—“ The Chris
tian and His Business Life,” Rev.
James Brown.
Saturday, Nov. 2 —“ The Chris
tian and His Recreation,” Rev.
Franklin McWhirter.
Sunday, Nov. 3—“ The Chal
lenge of the Cross,” Rev. and
Mrs. Ben Stone and GA’s.
On Sunday morning, November
3rd, Rev. Parham will preach at
the morning worship hour.
BPW Club Asks
Addresses Of
Viet Servicemen
The Jackson 38’jsines and Pro
fessional Women’s Club will
again send Christmas packages to
Butts County boys in Viet Nam
and Korea, but complete addres
ses of servicemen in these areas
are urgently needed by Mrs. Rob
ert C. Edwards, P. O. Box 257,
Jackson, Georgia by October
Mrs. Edwards respectfully asks
for the cooperation of parents,
relatives and friends of service
men in Viet Nam and Korea so
that Christmas packages can be
sent in time to arrive at their
destination on or before Christ
Paul Rice Is
President Of
Jackson FFA
Paul Rice, a senior at Jackson
High School, has been elected
president of the Jackson High
Chapter of Future Farmers of
America. He is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. James L. Rice of Route 2,
Jackson and is an outstanding
agriculture student.
Paul’s supervised farming pro
gram for this year includes 20
head of swine, seven acres of
corn, five acres of hay beans,
two acres of butterbeans, and 22
head of cattle. In addition, he is
employed in the Agri-Business
Placement program.
Other officers elected for the
school year include Ray Smith
and Danny Rivers, vice presi
dents; Donnie Smith, secretary;
Paul Collins, treasurer; Sammy
Smith, reporter; James Moore,
sentinel; Terry Weaver, parlia
mentarian; and Joe Lineberger,
advisor.—Sammy Smith, Report
J. T. Harris, who knows Jack
son Lake about as well as any
man alive and who has fished
it as often, called last Wednes
day to report the catch of a 20
pound blue cat that fell victim
to cut bait on a trotline.
Mr. Harris caught his large
cat near the confluence of Tus
sahaw and Caney Fork Creeks.
His catch followed a day or two
a 25 pound blue cat caught by
Gene Ogletree, another veteran
Jackson Lake fisherman.
Mr. Harris said this was the
largest catfish he had ever caught
and when asked about his larg
est bass replied that it was a nine
Dr. Hugh C. Huckett, who has
been visiting Mrs. S. L. Austin,
Misses Georgie and Delia Wat
kins here, and other relatives and
friends in Florida, returned Fri
day to his home in Riverhead,
Long Island, New York.
Mrs. Virginia Storey, Ginger,
Mitzi Dee, and Kelly, Mr. and
Mrs. C. B. Biles, David and and
Ruth Woods spent Sunday in De
catur with Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Friends of Rev. Ray. Dunahoo
sympathize with him in the death
Tuesday of his uncle, Mr. Cla
rence W. Johnson, of Griffin.
Funeral services were held Wed
nesday afternoon from Haisten’s
Chapel in Griffin. Interment was
in Monroe, Ga.
Players Of The Week
\ '
For the first time this season, Terry Waits and Kenny Waits,
both outstanding linemen, share Lineman of the Week honors
for their superlative play Friday night against Manchester. Terry
had 9 individual tackles and Kenny 13. Tim Hardy was accorded
Back of the Week honors, hitting on 13 of 35 passes for 179 yards
including one touchdown and rushing for 55 yards in 11 carries.
We salute them all!
Amendments 18 & 19
Georgia Farmer
No cost to Taxpayers
(Sponsored By Butts County Farm Bureau)
1965 THUNDERBIRD, Fully equipped
1968 FORD, X-L, 2 Dr. Hardtop, R, H,
Auto., Power Steering, Air, Less
than 6,000 Miles $2795.00
dan, 8 Cyl., Power Glide, Power
Steering, Air Conditioning, White
Walls $1195.00
1966 FAIRLANE 500 4 Dr. Sedan, 8
Cyl., Straight Shift, Radio, etc.
Little Profit’}
THURSDAY, OCT. 3 1, 1968
Profits vanish
Used car sale
Easy term deals like these
do a fast disappearing act
from our lot. Because the
Little Profit saves you more
than anything you ever bar
gained for on used cars, too.
This is true. Choose from
our sale-priced, big selection
. , . TODAY!
Tim Hardy