Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, OCT. 31, 1968
Resolution Act No. 204
House Resolution No. 412-917
Proposing an amendment to
he Constitution, so as to create
t : e Butts County Industrial De
velopment Authority; to provide
for powers, authority, funds, pur
poses and procedure connected
therewtih; to provide for the sub
i ission of this amendment for
ratification or rejection; and for
c ther purposes.
general assembly of
Article VII, Section VII, Para
o-raph V of the Constitution is
hereby amended by adding at the
end thereof the , following:
••A. There is hereby created a
body corporate and politic in
Butts County, to be known as the
liutts County Industrial Develop
ment Authority, which shall be an
instrumentality of Butts County
and a public corporation and
which in this amendment is here
after referred to as the ‘Authori
"B. The Authority shall consist
of five members who shall be ap
pointed by the Board of Com
missioners of Roads and Revenues
of Putts County, and they shall
serve for a term of five years.
Vacancies shall be filled for the
unexpired term by the said Board
of County Commissioners. A ma
jority of the members shall con
stitute a quorum and a majority
may act for the Authority in any
matter. No vacancy shall impair
the power of the Authority to
“C. The property, obligations
and the interest on the obliga
tions of the Authority shall have
the same immunity from taxation
as the property, obligations and
interest on the obligations of
Butts County. The exemptions
from taxation herein provided
shall not include exemptions from
sale and use taxes of property
purchased by the Authority or
for use by the Authority.
“D. The powers of the Authori
ty shall include, but not be lim
ited to, the power:
“(1) To receive and administer
gifts, grants and donations and
to administer trusts;
“(2) To borrow money, to is
sue notes, bonds and revenue cer
tificates, to execute trust agree
ments or indentures, and to sell,
convey, mortgage, pledge and as
sign any and all of its funds,
property and income as security
“(3) To contract with political
subdivisions of the State of
Georgia and with private persons
and corporations to sue and be
sued in its corporate name;
“(4) To have and exercise usu
al powers of private corporation
except such as are inconsistent
with this amendment, including
the power to appoint and hire of
ficers, agents and employees and
to provide their compensation and
duties, which officers and agents
may or may not be members of
the Authority, and the power to
adopt and amend a corporate seal
and by-laws and regulations for
the conduct and management of
the Authority;
“(5) To encourage and pro
mote the expansion and develop
ment of industrial and commer
cial facilities in Butts County so
as to relieve insofar as possible
unemployment within its boun
daries, and to that end to acquire
by purchase or gift any building
or structure within the limits of
Butts County, suitable for and in
tended for use as a factory, mill,
shop, processing plant, assembly
plant, or fabricating plant, in
cluding all necessary and ap
purtenant lands and ap
purtenances thereto, and all
necessary or useful furnishing,
machinery and equipment. Such
acquisition may be through the
acqisition of land and the con
struction thereon of a building,
including the demolition of ex
sting structures, or through the
acquisition of an existing build
ng and the remodeling, renova
ting, reconstructing, furnishing
and equipping of such building;
“(6) No building acquired
hereunder shall be operated by
the Authority but shall be leased
°r sold to one or more persons,
tirms or corporations. If sold, the
purchase price may be paid at
ne time or in installments falling
lue in not more than thirty (30)
years from the date of transfer
°f possession. The lessee or pur
' "aser shall be required to pay
'■■■ costs of operating and main
taining the building or buildings
and to pay rentals or installments
sufficient, together with other
revenues which may be pledged
for the purpose, to retire all
bonds, both principal and inter
est, and to pay all other expenses
which the Authority may have in
curred in conection with the un
dertaking ;
“(7) To accumulate its funds
from year to year and to invest
accumulated funds in any man
ner that public funds of the State
of Georgia or any of its political
subdivisions may be invested;
“(8) To designate officers to
sign and act for the Authority
generally or in any specific mat
“(9) To do any and all acts
and things necessary or conven
ient to accomplish the purpose
and powers of the Authority as
herein stated.
“E. The Authority shall not be
authorized to create in any man
ner any debt, liability or obliga
tion against the State of Geor
gia or Butts County.
“F. The members of the Au
thority shall receive no compensa
tion for their services to the Au
“G. In order to finance any
undertaking within the scope of
its power or to refund any bonds
then outstanding, the Authority
is hereby authorized to issue
bonds bearing rate or rates of
interest and maturing at the
years and amounts determined by
the Authority and the procedure
of validation, issuance and de
livery shall be in all respects in
accordance with the Revenue
Bond Law (Ga. Laws 1937, p.
761), as amended, Ga. Code
Ann. Supp. Chapter 87-8, as if
said obligations had been origin
ally authorized to be issued there
under; provided, however, that
any property, real or personal, of
the Authority may be pledged,
mortgaged, conveyed, assigned,
hypothecated or otherwise encum
bered as security for any law
ful debt of the Authority. The
Authority may execute any trust
agreement or indenture not in
conflict with the provisions of
this amendment to provide se
curity for any bonds issued as
provided herein, and such trust
agreement or indenture may pro
vide for forclosure or forced sale
of any property of the Authori
ty upon default on such bonds
either in payment of principal or
interest or under any term or
condition under which such
bonds are issued. Nothing herein
contained shall be construed to
create a right to compel any ex
ercise of the taxing power of
Butts County to pay any such
bonds or the interest thereon nor
to enforce payment thereof
against any property of Butts
“H. The Authority may author
ize additional bonds, for exten
sions and permanent improve
ments to any industrial building
acquired hereunder, to be placed
in escrow and to be negotiated
from time to time as proceeds
for that purpose may become
necessary. Bonds so placed in es
crow shall, when sold and de
lieverd, have such standing with
the bonds of the same issue as
may be provided in the author
izing proceedings.
“I. No bonds except refunding
bonds shall be issued hereunder
unless the Authority shall have
found and declared that:
“(1) The undertaking for
which the bonds are to be issued
will increase employment in Butts
“(2) The lessee or purchaser
of the building or buildings in
volved will not by virtue of es
tablishing operations in said
county, reduce the number of em
ployees employed by said lessee
or purchaser elsewhere in the
State of Georgia.
“J. No moneys derived by the
Authority from any source
other than gifts and contributions
from private individuals, firms,
or corporations shall at any time
be used for entertainment, or
other promotional expenses.
“K. Should said Authority for
any reason be dissolved, title to
all property of every kind and na
ture, real and personal, held by
the Authority at the time of such
dissolution shall revert to Butts
County subject to any mortgages,
liens, leases or other encumbran
ces outstanding against or in
respect to said property at that
“L. This amendment is adop
ted for the purpose of promoting
and expanding for the public
good and welfare industry and
trade within Butts County and
reducing unemployment to the
greatest extent possible, and this
amendment and any law enacted
with reference to the Authority
shall be liberally construed for
the accomplishment of these pur
“M. This amendment shall be
effective immediately upon proc
lamation of its ratification by
the Governor and the first mem
bers of the Authority shall be ap
pointed within thirty (30) days
after such proclamation.
“N. The General Assembly may
by law further define and pre
scribe the powers and duties of
the Authority and the exercise
thereof, and may enlarge and re
strict the same, and may like
wise further regulate the man
agement and conduct of the Au
thority. The Authority shall be
an instrumentality of Butts Coun
ty and the scope of its operations
shall be limited to the territory
embraced within said County.
The General Assembly shall not
extend the jurisdiction of the
Authority nor the scope of its
operations beyond such limits.”
When the above proposed
amendment to the Constitution
shall have been agreed to by two
thirds of the members elected to
each of the two branches of the
General Assembly, and the same
has been entered on Iheir journ
als with the “Ayes” and ‘Nays”
taken thereon, such proposed
amendment shall be published
and submitted as provided in
Article XIII, Section I, Para
graph I of the Constitution of
Georgia of 1945, as amended.
The ballot submitting the
above proposed amendment shall
have written or printed thereon
the following:
“Shall the Constitution be
amended so as to create the Butts
County Industrial Development
YES ( ) NO ( )
All persons desiring to vote
in favor of ratifying the proposed
amendment shall vote “Yes.”
All persons desiring to vote
against ratifying the proposed
amendment shall vote “No.”
Is such amendment shall be
i-atified as provided in said Para
graph of the Constitution, it shall
become a part of the Constitution
of this State. The returns of the
election shall be made in like
manner as returns for elections
for members of the General As
sembly, and it shall be the duty
of the Secretary of State to as
certain the result and certify the
result to the Governor, who shall
issue his proclamation thereon.
Speaker of the House
Clerk of the House
President of the Senate
Hamilton McWhorter, jr.
Secretary of the Senate
application for charter
Georgia, Butts County.
To The Superior Court There
of :
#l, Jackson, Georgia, “appli
cants”, bring this their petition
for charter, alleging:
1) Applicants desire for them
selves, their associates, and suc
cessors incorporation under the
name and style, to wit:
2) The principal office and
place-of-business of said proposed
corporation shall be Rt. #l, Jack
son, Butts County, Georgia; how
ever, applicants desire the pri
vilege of establishing branch of
fices or places-of-business else
where, if deemed expedient.
3) Pecuniary gain to its stock
holders is the purpose of said
proposed corporation.
4) The general nature of said
proposed business is to carry on
a general farming establishment,
including, but not limited to, the
production and marketing of beef
cattle and eggs, the growing and
harvesting of various erops, as
well as engaging in allied farm
ing operations.
5) The capital stock will be
$50,000, divided into 500 shares
of common stock of par value of
SIOO per share, with the privilege
of increasing its capitalization to
6) Applicants desire that the
charter of said proposed corpo
ration be granted for a period of
35 years.
7) There is presented simul
taneously herewith for the
Court’s inspection a certificate of
the Secretary of State showing
that the proposed name is not
identical with or deceptively or
confusingly similar to the name
:of any other existing domestic
or domesticated Corporation reg
istered in the records on file in
his office or to the name of any
other proposed domestic or do
mesticated corporation as shown
by a certificate of said Secretary
of State heretofore issued and
presently effective.
8) Applicants desire incorpo
ration under the Act, approved
January 28, 1938 (Ga. Laws,
1937-38, pp. 214-247), known as
the “1938 Corporation Law,” and
laws amendatory thereof—seek
ing the right to conduct said busi
ness, to hold and manage real
estate, and to exercise the powers
gi’anted incident thereto, or ancil
lary thereof, corporations of like
kind, as well as the rights, pri
vileges, and immunities allowed
under said Act, and said Act, as
Wherefore: Applicants pray to
be incorporated under the name
and style aforesaid, with all the
rights, privileges, and immuni
ties sought herein and such other
powers as might be necessary,
proper or incidental to the con
duct of the business for which
they seek a charter, and as may
be allowed like corporations un
der the laws of Georgia, as they
now or may hereafter exist.
Attorney for Applicants
P. O. Box 226,
Jackson, Ga. 30233
The foregoing petition of the
named applicants to be incorpo
rated under the name and style,
FARMS, INC., read and consid
ered. It appearing that said pe
tition is within the purview and
intention of the laws applicable
thereto, and that all of said laws
have been duly complied with, in
cluding exhibition of the afore
said certification of the Secretary
of State, as required by Section
22-1803 of the Code of Georgia,
it is hereby ordered, adjudged,
and decreed that all the prayers
of said petition be, and the same
are, hereby granted, and said
applicants, their associates, and
successors, are hereby incorpo
rated and made a body politic
under the name and style of
for and during the period of 35
years, with the privilege of re
newal at the expiration of that
time, according to the laws of
Georgia, and that said corpora
tion be, and the same is, hereby
vested with all the rights, privil
eges, and immunities mentioned
in said application, as well as be
ing subject to all liabilities, limi
tations, and restrictions of like
This the 4th day of October,
Judge Butts Superior Court.
Georgia, Butts County.
To All Whom it May Concern:
Banks A. Weaver having in
proper form applied to me for
Permanent Letters of Administra.
tion on estate of Robert L. Bul
lock, late of said County, this is
to cite all and singular the
creditors and next of kin of Rob
ert L. Bullock to be and appear at
my office within the time allowed
by law, and show cause, if any
they can, why permanent admini
stration should not be granted to
Banks A. Weaver on Robert L.
Bullock estate.
Witness my hand and official
signature, this 23rd day of Sep
tember, 1968.
Ordinary. 10/10/4tc.
In compliance with Sections
59-318, 59-319 and 88-202 of the
Georgia Code Annotated, the
Butts County Grand Jury will
convene Monday, November 4,
1968, and while in session elect,
select or appoint a member to
the Butts County Board of
Health to succeed Dr. James C.
Howell, due to expiration of term
of office.
This 30th day of September
Clerk Superior Court
Butts County, Georgia
State of Georgia.
Butts Court of Ordinary.
The appraisers upon applica
tion of Patricia R. Polk, widow
of said C. Max Polk, for a twelve
months’ support for herself and
one minor child, having filed
their return; all persons con
cerned hereby are cited to show
cause, if any they have, at the
next regular November term of
this Court, why said application
should not be granted.
Ordinary, Butts County.
Georgia, Butts County.
To The Superior Court There
of :
TER, all of Jackson, Georgia,
30233, “applicants,” bring this
their petition for charter alleg
1) Applicants desire for them
selves, their associates, and suc
cessors incorporation under the
name and style, to-wit:
2) The principal office and
place-of-business of said proposed
corporation shall be in Jackson,
Butts County, Georgia, with
privilege of establishing branch
offices elsewhere.
3) Pecuniary gain to its stock
holders is the purpose of said pro
posed corporation.
4) The general nature of said
proposed corporation is the man
ufacture, sale, and distribution
of portable buildings of all des
criptions, wholesale and retail,
including the handling of all
building materials, as well as con
struction of permanent-type edi
fices (residential or commercial),
and dealing in allied lines.
5) The proposed corporation
will commence business with a
capital stock of $2,500, divided
into 25 shares of common stock
of par value of SIOO per share,
with the privilege of increasing
its capitalization to SIOO,OOO (the
$2,500 being “paid-in”).
6) Applicants desire that the
charter of said proposed corpo
ration be granted for a period of
35 years, with privilege of renew
7) There is presented simul
taneously herewith for the
Court’s inspection a certificate of
the Secretary of State showing
that the proposed name is not
identical with or deceptively or
confusingly similar to the name
of any other existing domestic
or domesticated corporation reg
istered in the records on file in
his office or to the name of any
other proposed domestic or do
mesticated corporation as shown
by a certificate of said Secretary
of State heretofore issued and
presently effective.
8) Applicants desire incorpora,
tion under the Act, approved Jan
uary 28, 1938 (Ga. Laws 1937-
38, pp. 214-247), known as the
“1938 Corporation Law,” and
laws amendatory thereof—seek
ing the right to conduct said
business, to hold and manage real
estate, and to exercise the powers
granted incident thereto, or ancil
lary thereof, corporations of like
kind, as well as the rights, pri
vileges, and immunities allowed
under said Act, and said Act, as
Wherefore: Applicants pray to
be incorporated under the name
and style aforesaid, with all the
rights, privileges, and immunities
sought herein and such other
powers as might be necessary,
proper, or incidental to the con
duct of the business for which
they seek a charter, and as may
be allowed like corporations un
der the laws of Georgia, as they
now or may hereafter exist.
Attorney For Applicants
P. O. Box 266
Jackson, Ga. 30233
The foregoing petition of the
named applicants to be incorpo
rated under the name and style,
MFG. CO., INC., read and con
sidered. It appearing that said
petition is within the purview and
intention of the laws applicable
thereto, and that all of said laws
have been duly complied with,
including exhibition of the afore
said certification of the Secretary
of State, as required by Section
22-1803 of the Code of Georgia,
it is hereby ordered, adjudged,
and decreed that all the prayers
of said petition, be, and the same
are, hereby granted, and said ap
plicants, their associates, and
successors, are hereby incorpo
rated and made a body politic
under the name and style of
CO., INC. for and during the
period of 35 years, with the pri
vilage of renewal at the expira
tion of that time, according to
the laws of Georgia, and that
said corporation be, and the same
is, hereby vested with all the
rights, privileges, and immunities
mentioned in said application, as
well as being subject to all liabil
ities, limitations, and restrictions
of like corporations.
This the 28th day of October,
Judge Butts Superior
Court 10/31/4tc.
State of Georgia
In The Superior Court of Butts
SEPTEMBER 10, 1968.
SEPTEMBER 14, 1968.
The defendant LESSIE TROT
TER WILSON is hereby com
manded personally, or by at
torney, to be and appear at the
Superior Court to be held in and
for said County within sixty (60)
days of the date of this order
for service by publication, us set
forth above, then and there to
answer the plaintiff’s complaint
in the above captioned case, else
to proceed as the Justice shall
Witness the Honorable Hugh
D. Sosebee, Judge of said Court.
This the 14th day of September
Clerk of Butts County
Superior Court.
Attorney for the Plaintiff
P. O. Box 271
lackson, Georgia. 9/19/4eow.
Georgia, Butts County Court
of Ordinary.
October 8, 1968
The appraisers upon applica
tion of Patricia Ann Smith widow
of said Robert Lurry Smith for
a twelve months’ support for her
self and one minor child, having
filed their return; all persons
concerned hereby are cited to
show cause, if any they have,
at the next regular November
term of this court, why said ap
plication should not be granted.
Ordinary. 10/10/4tc.
AnoUteA kind Au
&l ifCAditicJz?
The Rural Electric System is a kind of "yard
stick”, too . . .
How? . . . Well, electricity is a commodity,
like many of the things you need and buy
every day. The Rural Electrics were organiz
ed by their Member-Owners to bring electric
service into the un-served areas at the lowest
possible cost. By operating efficiently . . .
managing each dollar carefully . . . observing
sound business practices —and still serving the
remote, thinly-populated areas Rural Elec
trics are a kind of “yardstick” whereby electric
power rates may be evaluated and measured.
This obviously works to the benefit of all
users of electricity everywhere, because it pro
vides a demonstrated basis on which to com
pare the costs of electric service.
How does one find the words
to express their appreciation for
the beautiful flowers, the many,
many cards, visits, phone calls
and most of all their prayers in
my behalf while I was in the
Middle Georgia Hospital and
since my return home. I didn’t
realize how very much my hus
band and family as well as
friends meant to me. All I can
say is “Thank You” for every
thing and may the Lord bless you
as He has me.—Mrs. Otis Steph
Mrs. Dennis M. Dunagan, the
former Victoria Ann Parrish,
flew to San Francisco, Calif, on
Sunday to meet her husband,
Capt. Dunagan, on his return
from Viet Nam.
Mr. and Mrs. Loy Hutcheson
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wil
liams will be among those from
Jackson going over to Athens Sat
urday for the Georgia-Houston
Dr. and Mrs. Sam Standard of
of McDonough and Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Carter of Jackson will go
over to Athens Saturday for the
Georgia-Houston game.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Brewer,
Messrs. Maurice Carmichael and
Walter Carmichael were among
those from Jackson going up to
Atlanta Saturday for the Tech-
Tulane Homecoming game.
To Any Creditors and All Par
ties at Interest:
Regarding Cherokee Lake Es
tate Lot Owners Assoeiation, Inc.,
dissolved July 9, 1965, Honorable
H. 1). Sosebee, Judge Butts Coun
ty Superior Court presiding, no
tice is hereby given that all funds
in said association, at the time
of liquidation have been account
ed for and all transactions com
pleted and are on record.
Having complied with Section
22-1874, Georgia Corporation
Law, thereby relieving all parties
of all responsibility and duties.