The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, November 21, 1968, Image 10
PERSONAL Dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Jinks were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith, Adam and Chris, Mrs. Gaie Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stephens, Mrs. H. G. Morris, all of Jackson; Mrs. Ralph Paul and Barbara, Mr. and FREE Free Bonus of One Electric Blanket, double size, with the purchase of SIOO.OO or more Thursday, Friday, Saturday. JACKSON FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone 775-3339 CLEAN TJIfJ RELIABLE In'hi low cost yiy r Wherever You Live... Live the Modern Way Where city gas lines stop, we start —with LP-Gas service to bring you all the conveniences of modern living, at low cost. Call for Prompt Delivery STATE SUPPLY CO. Indian Springs Rd.—Ph. 775-3137 1 Mile South of Jackson AT AUCTION MON., DEC. 2 10 A. M. Property of Mr. E. L. Hollis, less than three miles from Social Circle on Ga. 229, one mile from city limits. SOCIAL CIRCLE, GA. 80 ACRE FARM 8 ROOM HOUSE-FURNITURE Property is one of the outstanding small farms in area. Has 53 acre cotton allotment, with 74 acres in open land. 100 mature, nut bearing pecan trees. Has 200 ft. deep well, 8 room home, and large flowing spring. Has 12 acre feed grain allotment. 10 to 12 acres planted in soy beans. Has rural mail delivery, REA electricity, telephone. Two new baths recently added to house. Has numerous out buildings and barns. Also long list of antique items collected with the idea of going into antique shop. Numerous items of farming equip ment. Farm known as the old Baily place will sell divided into seven acreage tracts and will sell tract by tract and as a whole. All farming equipment, furniture and antique items will sell for ( ASH TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. Excellent terms on this property. Only 25 % down with up to ten years to pay the balance to the right party. If these terms won’t suit you, just name the terms you want. Cotton allotment will be sold subject to the rules of the A SC. You don’t want to overlook this. Write for long list of equipment and items selling in illustrated brochure. This might just be the investment buy of the year. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT COL. GEO. COLLINS, DECATUR—24I-00312 T. LYNN DAVIS REALTY & AUCTION CO., INC. 4459 Broadway • 788-4091 • Macon, Ga. Mrs. K. A. Richardson, all of Macon; and Mrs. L. A. Everett of Luella. Hugh Bond, who at tends Middle Georgia College, was also home for the weekend. Friends of Mr. Arthur Gilmore regret to learn that he was admit ted Monday to Sylvan Grove Hos pital with pneumonia. THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARCUS, JACKSON, GEORGIA Wm. Redman Jr. To Be Buried Here Today Graveside services will be held in Jackson this afternoon at four o’clock from the Jackson City Cemetery for William M. Redman Jr., who died late Tuesday after noon at Veterans Administration Hospital in Atlanta following a lengthy illness. A native of Jackson, Mr. Red man was the son of Mrs. Loma Thomason Redman and the late Mr. William Morris Redman Sr. who served as mayor of Jackson for more than 24 years. Mr. Red man attended the University of Georgia and was a practicing at torney until ill health forced his retirement. He resided at 321 Fon Du Lac Drive, Stone Moun tain. Funeral services will be con ducted at Trinity Chapel in Stone Mountain at two o’clock with in terment to follow in the Jackson City Cemetery. A. S. Turner and Sons will be in charge of arrange ments. Mr. Redman is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lillian Rooks Redman of Stone Mountain; three daugh ters, Mrs. J. D. Creel of Decatur; Misses Brenda and Carol Redman of Stone Mountain; mother, Mrs. W. M. Redman Sr. of Bergen field, N. J.; a sister, Mrs. Frank Hawkins of Bergenfield, N. J.; a brother, J. Lee Redman of Forest Park. PERSONAL Among those from Jackson go ing over to Barnesville Monday night for the Gordon-Georgia freshman game were Mr. and Mrs. David Deraney, Larry De raney, Dt. J. C. Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Denny O’Neal, Joe Brown Jr., Sandra Brown, Charlie Brown, David Brown, Debra Brown, Ter ry Kitchens and W. A. Duke Jr. The many friends of Miss Louise Thurston of Atlanta will be interested to learn that she recently moved to 2505 Columbia Drive U-4, Country Estate Apart ments, Decatur. Telephone Your Telephone Manager MOST OF US WHO LIKE f 1 FOOTBALL, but can’t make 1 L it to the bowls and all - star \ ' games, will be able to see these V / / \ events on television. y ' i / Your unseen “travel agent” to all the televised games this season, as in the past, will be \ wnf iTM JzL — your phone company. TV sig- \ l\V' nals for some football games, \ jv" A f (j P® 5 * as well as all TV network /'teo shows, travel from stadium to ■ I you over the nationwide tele phone network. We’re glad we L. Jl jU I can help bring you your favor- I ite sports and programs. I * * * THE HOLIDAY SEASON IS FAST AP PROACHING .... Call your local Business Office and order your Holiday Extension Telephone today .... SAVE STEPS - TIME - We have many decorator colors to choose from. * * * THE YOUNG BRIDE was (f making plans, a few days in 1 advance, for her first Thanks jry-s | giving dinner. She wanted to serve several of her own tra ’vJH ditional favorites, but she re- JjjGtt alized she didn’t know how to prepare them. So she made VVK a quick Long Distance phone call—to her mother. She got her recipes, and all the news J from home at the same time. I (And she saved time and / I ji money, too, by dialing her | call direct instead of calling person-to-person.) Your telephone is like that. It can help you answer lots of questions—and enjoy your self, too. Jaycees Sponsor ‘Ugliest Man’ For Stocking Fund The underprivileged children of Butts County will have a mer rier Christmas this year thanks to the generosity of the Butts County Jaycees and the Empty Stocking Fund, but more specifi cally to 10 Butts County men who will compete in an “Ugliest Man” contest as a Jaycee fund raising project. Dr. James Yeomans, Jaycee president, said the Jaycees gave careful consideration to the 10 local candidates whom they con sidered “outstandingly ugly” and came up with a list that includes Dr. Roy Goff, “Pop” Holsom back, E. R. (Buddy) Edwards Jr., Joe Brown, David Deraney, Dr. Franklin Parrish, Denny O’Neal, David Ridgeway, Porter Ham and Dr. Randolph Long. The winner will be selected by the people of Butts County on a penny a vote basis, according to President Yeomans, with the con testant receiving the most votes to be declared the ugliest man in town and presented a plaque for his outstanding achievement. Vo ting containers will be placed in various business establishments over the city for the voting con venience of the public. No con testant will be allowed to control his own container, but he may solicit votes for any other con testant. Dr. Yeomans said the closing date of the contest will be announced later. PERSONAL Friends of Billy Harkness and Henry Andrews, severely burned about their hands in an accident about seven weeks ago when they touched a power line while riding atop a load of hay, regret to learn that they are still confined to Macon Hospital where they are making a slow recovery from their injuries. For those who wish to remember them with cards or visits, they are in Room A-653, Macon Hospital, Macon, Ga. 31201. PERSONAL Messrs. E. D. Briscoe, Elwood Robison Jr., and Ralph Carr Jr. went over to Barnesville Monday night for the game between the Gordon Military College Bulldogs and the University of Georgia freshman Bullpups. Miss Peggy O’Neal has been accepted at DeKalb College for the winter quarter, her many friends will be interested to learn. Miss Cathye Blue, student at Auburn University, spent the weekend at home with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Blue. Mrs. J. A. Dodson returned home Tuesday from Middle Geor gia Hospital where she was a pa tient for a week. Miss Merrelyn Price, student at Georgia Southern, was at home the past weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. M l . A. Price, and Miss Beth Price. Capt. and Mrs. Dennis M. Dun agan left Jackson November 11th for Pensacola, Florida. Mrs. Dun agan has been staying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Par rish, the past year while her hus band was in Viet Nam. BASKETBALL REGISTRATION PRESENTLY UNDER WAY The basketball signup date for boys 10-13 who wish to partici pate in the Van Deventer Basket ball League will be any day after school and on Saturdays, accord ing to William Mac Davis, Van Deventer Youth Director. Mr. Davis states that parents or guardians can register for their children and that there will be eight teams, four boys and four girls. Call No. 467 Charter No. 13897 National Bank Region No. 6 Report Of Condition Of The Jackson National Bank OF JACKSON IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON OCT. 30, 1968. Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection $ 792,747.50 United States Government obligations 791 ’ ’ Obligations of States and political subdivisions 698,18 186,699.20 Other Securities • , , _ 3,444,446.30 Loans and discounts " Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises ’ Real estate owned other than bank premises ‘ Other assets including $ No direct lease financing ’ TOTAL ASSETS ~ LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations $2,410,797.33 Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 2,852,820. Deposits of United States Government 06 Deposits of States and Political subdivisions 201 ’ rj g 49 22 Certified and officers’ checks, etc TOTAL DEPOSITS $5,532,043.19 (a) Total demand deposits $2,679,222.40 (b) Total time and savings deposits $2,852,820.79 Other liabilities including $ No mortgages and other liens on bank premises ~ . . . 239,575.92 and other real estate TOTAL LIABILITIES ..$5,771,619.n CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Common stock—total par value 300,000.00 No. shares authorized 30,000 No. shares outstanding 30,000 _ . 113,000.00 Surplus ~ __. n0 149,784.92 Undivided profits 964 11 Reserves $663 749.03 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS -$6,335,368.14 MEMORANDA Loans as shown above are after deduction of valuation reserves of- $34,6t>2. ’ I, LaNelle Perdue, Asst. Cashier, of the above-named bank do hereby declare that report of condition is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. LANELLE PERDUE Asst. Cashier We, the undersigned directors attest the correctness of this report of condition and declare that it has been examined by us and to the best of our knowledge and belief is true and eorre< J. Frank Barnes, W. O. Ball, J. W. O’Neal, Directors THURSDAY, NOV. 21, i 968 i THANKSGIVING DINNER re Make it a Big Family Feast Deliciously prepared to please all ap petites, our meals are made for holi- day feasting by whole families. 'S SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24th Turkey and Dressing Green Beans ... Potato Souffle 1 Cranberry Sauce . . . Dessert Bread and Drink Dinner served All Day $1.25 TOMLINS BARBECUE j