Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, NOV. 21, 1968
petition to superior
Georgia, Butts County
To The Superior Court of Said
Mike Allen, Maurice W. Car
michael, Catherine M. Allen, and
Juanita D. Carmichael, herein
after called applicants, bring
this application for the granting
0 f a charter for a private corpo
ration, and show to the court the
following facts:
1. They desire for themselves,
their associates and successors,
to be incorporated under the
name of Mike & Maurice, Inc.
The principal office and place
of business of said corporation
shall be located in Butts County,
Georgia, with the privilege of es
tablishing branch offices and
places of business in such other
i places as may be determined.
2. The applicants are residents
of and their post office addresses
are: Mike Allen and Catherine
M. Allen, 454 Woodland Way,
Jackson, Georgia 30233; Maurice
W. Carmichael and Juanita D.
Carmichael, 406 Woodland Way,
Jackson, Georgia 30233.
3. The purpose and object of
said corporation is pecuniary
gain and profit to its sharehold
ers. The general nature of the
business to be transacted is, and
the corporate powers desired are:
(a) To operate a business un
der the trade name of Jackson
Mobile Homes;
(b) To own, hold and sell real
estate and personal property;
(c) To borrow money and to
secure same by the hypothecation
or mortgage of any property,
real or personal, of this corpora
(and) To buy, hold, rent, sell,
maintain, transport, service, in
stall, connect with public utilities
and repair mobile homes;
(e) To operate wholesale and
retail outlets for household fur
nishings and any and all items
useful in connection with mobile
homes and to finance the sale
of same.
(f) To own or lease and ope
rate mobile home parks and to
do any and all things necessary
or incidental thereto.
(g) To carry on the advertise
ment of, the promotion of, and
the sale or rental of mobile homes
and furnishings and equipment
(h) To operate a general con
tracting and building business
and to do any and all things in
cidental thereto;
(i) To buy, hold, subdivide,
► sell, lease, rent, transfer and as
sign and to hypothecate both real
and personal property of every
kind and character and to deal
with same in any manner that
may seem expedient.
(j) To buy existing houses and
commercial type buildings and to
improve them or demolish them
as seems expedient;
(k) To contract for and con
struct new buildings and resi
dences of all types;
(l) To have all of the powers
and enjoy all of the privileges
enumerated in Sections 22-1827
and 22-1870 of the Code of Geor
gia and all of the other powers
and privileges enumerated in
Chapters 22-18 and 22-19 of said
Code and all of the powers and
privileges enumerated therein
are made a part hereof to the
same extent as if the same were
quoted herein.
4. The time for which said cor
poration is to have existence is
thirty-five (35) years.
5. The amount of the capital
with which the corporation will
begin business shall be $10,000.-
00, either in cash or other assets
or a combination of the two.
6. The capital stock of said
company shall be divided into 100
hares of common stock of the
face or par value of SIOO.OO per
The holders of each share of
ommon stock shall be entitled to
one (l) vote per share, in the
government of the corporation.
Applicants desire the privilege
of increasing the capital stock of
aid corporation to 250 shares of
ommon stock of the par value of
one hundred dollars ($100.00)
per share.
Applicants desire authority
to adopt by-laws not contrary to
the terms of this petition nor con
rary to law for the government
c : this corporation.
8. Applicants pray that the li
ability of stockholders in said
corporation be confined to the
unpaid purchase price of the
stock subscribed for by each.
\\ herefore, applicants pray to
be incorporated under the name
and style aforesaid, with all the
rights and privileges herein set
out and such additional powers
and privileges as may be neces
sary, proper or incident to the
conduct of the business for which
applicants are asking incorpora
tion, and as may be allowed like
corporations under the laws of
Georgia as they now or may here
after exist.
Attorney for Applicants.
State of Georgia
Office of Secretary of State
I, Ben W. Fortson Jr., Secre
tary of State of the State of
Georgia, de hereby certify that
based on a diligent search of the
records on file in this office, I
find that the name of the follow
ing proposed domestic or domes
ticated corporation, to wit
is not identical with or decep
tively or confusingly similar to
the name of any other existing
domestic of domesticated corpo
ration registered in the records
on file in this office or to the
name of any other proposed do
mestic or domesticated corpora
tion as shown by a certificate of
the Secretary of State heretofore
issued and presently effective.
In Testimony Whereof, I have
hereunto set my hand and affixed
the seal of office, at the Capitol,
in the City of Atlanta, this 4th
day of November, in the year of
our Lord One Thousand Nirie
Hundred and Sixty Eight and of
the Independence of the United
States of America the One Hun
dred and Ninety-third.
Secretary of State, E-Officio
Corporation Commissioner
Of The State of Georgia.
Petition to Incorporate
Mike & Maurice, Inc.
Butts County Superior Court
The foregoing petition of Mike
Allen, Maurice W. Carmichael,
Catherine M. Allen, and Juanita
D. Carmichael to be incorporated
under the name of Mike & Mau
rice, Inc. read and considered. It
appearing that said petition is
within the purview and intention
of the laws applicable thereto, and
that all of said laws have been
fully complied with, including
the presentation of a certificate
from the Secretary of State as
required by Section 22-1803 of
the Code of Georgia Annotated;
It is hereby ordered, adjudged
and decreed that all of the pray
ers of said petition are granted
and said applicants and their as
sociates, successors and assigns
are hereby incorporated and
made a body politic under the
name and style of Mike & Mau
rice, Inc. for and during the
period of thirty-five (35) years,
with the privilege of renewal at
the expiration of that time ac
cording to the laws of Georgia,
and that said corporation is here
by granted and vested with all
the rights and privileges men
tioned in said petition.
Granted at chambers this 6th
day of November, 1968.
Judge, Superior Court,
Butts County
Georgia, Butts County.
To The Superior Court There
TER, all of Jackson, Georgia,
30233, “applicants,” bring this
their petition for charter alleg
1) Applicants desire for them
selves, their associates, and suc
cessors incorporation under the
name and style, to-wit:
2) The principal office and
place-of-business of said proposed
corporation shall be in Jackson,
Butts County, Georgia, with
privilege of establishing branch
offices elsewhere.
x 3) Pecuniary gain to its stock
holders is the purpose of said pro
posed corporation.
4) The general nature of said
proposed corporation is the man
ufacture, sale, and distribution
of portable buildings of all des
criptions, wholesale and retail,
including the handling of all
building materials, as well as con
struction of permanent-type edi
fices (residential or commercial),
and dealing in allied lines.
5) The proposed corporation
will commence business with a
capital stock of $2,500, divided
into 25 shares of common stock
of par value of SIOO per share,
with the privilege of increasing
its capitalization to SIOO,OOO (the
$2,500 being “paid-in”).
6) Applicants desire that the
charter of said proposed corpo
ration be granted for a period of
35 years, with privilege of renew
7) There is presented simul
taneously herewith for the
Court’s inspection a certificate of
the Secretary of State showing
that the proposed name is not
identical with or deceptively or
confusingly similar to the name
of any other existing domestic
or domesticated corporation reg
istered in the records on file in
his office or to the name of any
other proposed domestic or do
mesticated corporation as shown
by a certificate of said Secretary
of State heretofore issued and
presently effective.
8) Applicants desire incorpora,
tion under the Act, approved Jan
uary 28, 1938 (Ga. Laws 1937-
38, pp. 214-247), known as the
“1938 Corporation Law,” and
laws amendatory thereof—seek
ing the right to conduct said
business, to hold and manage real
estate, and to exercise the powers
granted incident thereto, or ancil
lary thereof, corporations of like
kind, as well as the rights, pri
vileges, and immunities allowed
under said Act, and said Act, as
Wherefore: Applicants pray to
be incorporated under the name
and style aforesaid, with all the
rights, privileges, and immunities
sought herein and such other
powers as might be necessary,
proper, or incidental to the con
duct of the business for which
they seek a charter, and as nay
be allowed like corporations un
der the laws of Georgia, as they
now or may hereafter exist.
Attorney For Applicants
I'. O. Box 266
Jackson, Ga. 30233
The foregoing petition of the
named applicants to be incorpo
rated under the name and style,
MFG. CO., INC., read and con
sidered. It appearing that said
petition is within the purview and
intention of the laws applicable
thereto, and that all of said laws
have been duly complied with,
including exhibition of the afore
said certification of the Secretary
of State, as required by Section
22-1803 of the Code of Georgia,
it is hereby ordered, adjudged,
and decreed that all the prayers
of said petition, be, and the same
are, hereby granted, and said ap
plicants, their associates, and
successors, are hereby incorpo
rated and made a body politic
under the name and style of
CO., INC. for and during the
period of 35 years, with the pri
vilage of renewal at the expira
tion of that time, according to
the laws of Georgia, and that
said corporation be, and the same
is, hereby vested with all the
rights, privileges, and immunities
mentioned in said application, as
well as being subject to all liabil
ities, limitations, and restrictions
of like corporations.
This the 28th day of October,
Judge Butts Superior
Court 10/31/4tc.
To Whom It May Concern:
As of Nov. 7, 1968, I, Ray B.
Kinard, am no longer responsible
for any debts made by my wife,
Lether Wilson Kinard.
State of Georgia
County of Butts
To the Honorable Court of
Ordinary of Said County:
The petitioner, Mrs. David B.
Evans, respectfully shows to the
Court the following facts:
That she is the owner of a cer
tain tract of land lying and being
in the 613th District G.M. of
Butts County, Georgia.
That there is on said property
a dirt road beginning near the
W. J. Greer Farm and leading
to State Route #36 south of the
City of Jackson, Ga., which is no
longer needed due to proposed
paving of another road in the
same area.
The petitioner further shows
that she is the sole owner of
property on both sides of said
road the entire length of it
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Briscoe and
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Jones Jr.
were among those from Jackson
going over to Auburn, Alabama,
Saturday for the Georgia-Auburn
ployed by the Georgia Education
al Television Network as a de
signer and illustrator, is spend
ing this week in Washington, D.
C. where he is attending the Na
tional Association of Educational
Broadcasters Convention, being
held November 19-22.
Blane Dunahoo, son of Rev.
and Mrs. Ray Dunahoo, returned
home Sunday afternoon from
Griffin-Spalding County Hospital
where he was a patient for sev
eral days.
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Rawls,
Mrs. Dewey Wise, and Mrs. Min
ne Hoard attended the 65th an
niversary celebration Sunday,
November 17th, of Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Upchurch, Sr. of McDon
ough, which was a reception at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Upchurch, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Wat
kins Jr. were dinner guests Mon
day evening of Mrs. B. M. Pen
nington in Madison. Following
dinner Mrs. Watkins presented
the Central Georgia Electric
Membership Corporation Christ
mas Lighting display to members
of the Boxwood Garden Club at
the home of Mrs. Pennington.
and that she would prefer to have
said road closed provided that
there are no objections.
Georgia, Butts County
The foregoing petition read
and considered it is hereby ord
ered that notice of the applica
tion for such discontinuance shall
be published for thirty (30) days
at the door of the Courthouse of
Butts County, Georgia, and once
a week for four weeks in the
Jackson Progress-Argus notifying
all persons that on and after the
6th day of November, 1968 said
old road as described in said pe
tition will be declared discon
tinued and abandoned unless
good cause to the contrary be
Ordinary 11/7/4tc.
There will be sold at public
auction between the legal hours
of sale on December 3rd, 1968,
pursuant to action brought by
Butts County Sheriff J. D. Pope,
one 1959 Ford 2 Door, Serial No.
11-9AV116642, Tag No. 54-2590,
the property of Leßoy Gay,
Route 1, McDonough, Georgia.
J. D. POPE, Sheriff
Butts County, Ga.
Chevrolet’s got a big surprise for
the guy who’d buy a sports car if
only it had more room. It’s the
Impala SS 427.
Like all Impalas, it comes with a
119-inch wheelbase, Astro Ventila
tion and full door-glass styling.
Like all Chevy Sportsters, it comes
with a beefed-up suspension and
p- w
.......... - r n- -rrr nV- rr,tryi ' i iirnt ' Cir , -
*69 Impala SS 427 Custom Coupe.
More Babies
Forecast For
Butts County
(Special to the Progress-Argui)
NEW YORK, Nov. 16—As was
predicted, the postwar baby boom
that took place in Butts County
during the late 40’s is now pro
ducing a marriage boom.
And, in turn, the marriage
boom means that a bigger baby
crop may be expected for the
next few years.
In general, the annual ratio be
tween number of births and num
ber of marriages in the local
area is about 2.17.
Asa consequence, with the
marked increase in marriages
locally, a corresponding rise in
births is foreseen.
Reports from all over the coun
try show a sharp advance in the
number of marriages taking
place. In the first six months of
1968 alone, the total was up more
than 10 percent over last year.
No less than 2,000,000 couples
in the United States will be
marching to the altar this year,
as against 1,523,400 in 1960, it
is estimated.
The figures are from the De
partment of Commerce and the
Department of Health, Education
and Welfare.
On the basis of their findings,
the marriage rate in Butts Coun
ty is now approximately 10.2 per
1,000 residents.
By way of comparison, the
rate was 9.1 per 1,000 in the
local area in 1964.
The upswing is directly attri
buted to the sharp rise in the
number of young people who
have arrived at the marrying age.
The latest Census Bureau fig
ures show that there are some
964 young men and women local
ly between the ages of 20 and
25, which is the span in which
most first marriages take place.
This is a greater number than
is usual in that age group. In
1960, for example, the total was
only 441.
With each new marriage anew
family is formed and, with each
family anew household, with its
need of furniture, dishes, linens,
floor covering, electrical appli
ances,, draperies and the many
other items that go into house
keeping. Eventually, the need
will be for baby carriages, too.
The Census Bureau estimates
that the average annual increase
in number of households in the
United States, for the next few
years, will be about 1,200,000, as
compared with 882,000 in the
1960-66 period.
Putting you first
keeps us first.
See the Super Sports at your Chevrolet dealer’s Sports Department now.
grabby red-stripe wide oval tires.
Under the hood, it’s more of the
same. We tucked in a 427-cubic
inch 390-horsepower Turbo-Jet VB.
That means it’s the kind of car
you can take for a workout even if
you’re just going to work.
There’s driving excitement in
these other packages too: Corvette
I | FftSSCRIPTION* jj===-S^K
I {'■
Uru g Lo.
Notice of Public Hearing
of Jackson-Butts County
Planning Commission
This is notice of a public hearing to be held
by the Jackson-Butts County Planning Commis
sion at 8:00 p. m. on Tuesday evening, Decem
ber 3, 1968, at the Jackson City Hall on a pro
posal to amend “A Plan for the Development
of the City of Jackson, Georgia,” amending the
zoning map thereof so as to change from a R-l
(Low-Density Residential District) to C-l Zone
(Central Business District) the following des
cribed property: The property south of West
Third Street in the City of Jackson, Georgia,
from the western boundary line of the property
of Mrs. James Buchanan west to the east side of
Harkness Street and between said boundaries
from the south side of West Third Street south
to the north side of Cedar Street.
The hearing will be held also upon a proposal
to add the use to the C-l Zone (Central BusP
ness District) “Multi-Family Dwellings.”
This the 14th day of November, 1968.
Jackson-Butts County
Planning Commission
Stingray, Chevelle SS 396, Camara
SS, Camaro Z/28 and Nova SS.
Listen for it at your Chevy
dealer’s Sports Shop.
Putting you first,keeps us first.