The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, November 21, 1968, Image 3
we care A turkey is a turkey not really! Take A&P’s “Super-Right” Turkeys, for example. Because we understand how important the turkey is to your dinner, we do everything possible to be sure there are none finer than “Super-Right” Thrkeys. We start by carefully selecting the growers from whom we buy. To assure perfect turkeys, we buy only U.S. Inspected Grade “A” birds. To assure tenderness, we buy only young turkeys from this year’s flock. Because we care this much about “Super-Right” Turkeys, we know you can’t buy better... even at a premium price. So, we don’t hesitate to offer you DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK* if our turkey isn’t everything you think it should be. Now that you know you can’t lose on the turkey, here’s something else that’s important: If you make A&P your store for all holiday needs, you’re sure to be satisfied, because we guarantee everything we sell, no matter who makes its Isn’t this the week to give A*P a try? *Bring in the price label or register tape, of course. \ COPYRIGHT © 1967, THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO., INC. /* Philadelphia Cream Cheese • 35c Piilsbury Cinnamon Rolls 9/i ° zsize 27c Blue Bonnet Whipped Margarine ° (F ' Lb c '" 30( Toilet Tissue Soft-Ply 3 ■'MPrf, *I.OO PIE SHELLS Pet Ritz Frozen Pkg. of 2 39c Hl-C DRINKS Choose From 6 Flavors 46 oz. Can 28c NABISCO RITZ 37c • MRS. FILBERT'S MARGARINE Soft Golden 4c Off Lb. Ctn. 38c Soft Whipped 4t °" übci " 38c Soft Corn Oil 4c Off 1 Lb. Cfn. 39c .dinless Steel Double Edge RAZOR BLADEJ 44c Gerber Baby Foods Junior Strained 2- 31c 6 65c BIRDSEYE AWAKE Frozen 9 oz. 39c Calgonite 12c OFF 35 oz. Size 65c Toilet Tissue Aurora 2 Roll Pack 29c Assorted Color Towels Northern “ 33c Keebler Fig Bars <* *. 35c Plain or lodized A&P Salt 260 z Cfns |OC BETTY CROCKER Canned Puddings Chocolate Chocolate Fudge Vanilla Butterscotch 18 oz. Can 33c A&P BRAND YELLOW POPCORN 1 Lb. Bag |sc 2lb Ba s 29c x/'Super-Right" HICKORY SMOKED HAMS Shank 4% I® Butt M f* Portion # p ortion Ml W U.S.D.A. INSPECTED FRESH FROZEN FRYER BREASTS 5 *->2.09 “SUPER-RIGHT" BONELESS HEAVY BEEF CHUCK ROAST * 69c FRESH LATE HOWE CRANBERRIES 29c FLORIDA ORANGES OR LARGE GOLDEN RIPE Grapefruit 5 59c Bananas 2“• 25c SELECTED ALL PURPOSE RUSSETT WESTERN Potatoes 20 *> 99c D'Anjou Pears 2 39c CALIFORNIA LARGE RED R OME OR STAYAAAN WINESAP Pascal Celery * 19c Apples 4 59c Maxwell House Coffee 1.59 79c CAMAY SOAP 2 Reg Bars 23c 2 Bath Bars 33c LAVA SOAP For Dirty Hands 2 Barl 27c [ Thrifty "Super-Right" Quality Meats! ] U.S.D.A. INSPECTED GRADE A TURKEYS 37 c *35 c Broiler TURKEYS 4T > Lbs - > 45c SWIFT'S BUTTER3ALL TURKEYS -45 c NO. 1 THIN SLICED Allgood Brand Bacon -55 c "SUPER-RIGHT" FANCY (A&P'S FINEST) Thick Sliced Bacon 2 - 1.15 "SUPER-RIGHT" FULLY COOKED EXTRA LEAN Boneless Hams - 1.25 "SUPER-RIGHT" HOT OR MILD Pure Pork Sausage 45c SKINLESS ALL MEAT ... 1 LB. PKG. 59c "Super-Right" Franks - 45 c ■ Your Greatest Value JANE PARKER • 1 FRUIT CAKE Over Fruit and for Gift Gluing” ▼ FJ * 1% lb. Loaf I s |?9 • W m r; ■ - WAk a, a. I Only at A & P can you buy America 8 favorite Fruit Cake!^ [ ] Whole Xj Aa 'A Ham f 1 g+ or Half jrl UV sliced "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY BEEF BONELESS * SHOULDER ROAST -69 c "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY BEEF BONELESS CUBED STEAKS -99 c •5129 -,%M i Zest Deodorant Soap 2 8,3 33c 2 Bath Bars 45c Safeguard Soap 2•■ 33c 2 Bath Bars 45c J —— . 5 lb. Ring RdAAUklb 16 to 18 Lbs. • Sunshine Chocolate Nuggets 15 Oz. Peanut Butter Crunch 5 Oz. Hydrox Cookies 1 Lb. Your Choice 45c • Dei Monte Blue Lake Cut Green Beans 2 lU > C *"49C Del Monte Sliced Pineapple 2 20 oz. Cans 75c Pineapple-Grapefruit Drink 3 46 ° z can * SI.OO Whole Kernel Golden CORN 2 ubc *“49c Early Garden PEAS 2 : - ■ 49c -''special low price'' • McCormick Assorted Food Colors Red, Green, Yellow Vial 35c Pure Extracts Brandy, Rum, Sherry 25c Come See ... You'll Save at A&P! Golden Rise BISCUITS d£ Ctns. of 5 Biscuits 25c JIFFY Biscuit Mix 40 oz. 39c PIE CRUST - MIX 9 oz. 15c SAVE AT A&P ON THESE ITEMS A&P INSTANT COFFEE 10 OZ. JAR 99c Whole SPICED PEACHES 2V2 can 3 for 89c A&P Cranberry SAUCE lb. can 27c Eight O’Clock COFFEE lb. bag 49c 3 lb. bag $1.45 * 'j < ANN PAGE STRAINED HONEY 3 lb. jar 99c