Newspaper Page Text
I hereby announce my candi
dacy for Councilman from the
Fourth Ward, City of Jackson, in
the City Primary of October 10th,
subject to the rules and regula
tions adopted by the City of
Jackson Democratic Executive
This marks my first venture
into the field of politics. 1 enter
this race with the firm conviction
that Jackson is about to exper
ience a period of unprecedented
growth that will require the best
thought, planning and coordinated
efforts of the city and county
governments as well as each citi
zen to prepare for and solve the
problems that expansion will
thrust upon us. I am ready to ded
icate my efforts and energies
toward serving the people of
Jackson as Councilman from the
Fourth Ward if you favor me
with your nomination in the City
Primary of October 10th.
It is my hope that I can see
each voter personally. Failing
this, I take this opportunity to
ask for your vote and support
and express my appreciation to
you in advance for your confi
I hereby announce that I am
a candidate for re-election to the
City Council from the Fourth
Ward in the City Primary of Fri
day, October 10th, subject to the
ruled and regulations of the City
of Jackson Democratic Executive
I feel that experience gained
as a councilman in past years
will enable me to serve you bet
ter and 1 pledge to support every
worthwhile endeavor that will
benefit Jackson and our commu
Your vote and support will be
sincerely appreciated.
W;:'- . 5 . j'jtittW ■.
Mrs. R. Maynard, RN, Nursing Supervisor; Mrs. Deering, LPN
■ jf^ 1 ""’.. ■'''.. ■£
■rj * -
I I JJffi mksH| s 4BPy
■B ■ ■' ** v ' mKKKKKKm* BHHft
Spacious Dining Room
Modern Kitchen
I 1 hereby respectfully announce
! my candidacy for re-election to
I the City Council from the Fifth
j Ward in the City Primary of Fri
day, October 10th, subject to the
rules and regulations of the City
Democratic Executive Committee.
If re-elected, I will serve to the
best of my ability, giving repre
sentation toward the continued
growth and betterment of our
community, commensurate with a
sound fiscal policy.
Your vote and support will be
sincerely appreciated.
I respectfully announce my
candidacy to the City Council
from the Fifth Ward in the City
Primary of Friday, October 10th,
subject to the rules and regula
tions of the City Democratic Ex
ecutive Committee.
I have lived in Pepperton for
over 50 years and I would appre
ciate the honor of representing
these people on the City Council.
If elected, I will serve to the
best of my ability and work dili
gently toward every progressive
move that will benefit Jackson
and help move it forward.
Your vote and support will be
sincerely appreciated.
Harold Martin firmly believes
that a person who enjoys the
benefits offered by a community
has the responsibility of con
tributing anything he can in
order to make the community a
better place in which to live.
With this resolution on my be
lief and an honest desire to serve
my City, I hereby announce my
candidacy for Councilman from
the First Ward, City of Jackson,
in the City Primary of Friday,
October 10, 1960, subject to the
rules and regulations of the City
Democratic Executive Committee.
If you see fit to elect me to
this important post I pledge to
you my best efforts in your be-
Cook Books
Now On Sale
Those citizens who wish to es
pouse a worthwhile cause and at
the same time avail themselves
of a cook book replete with
prize local recipes may purchase
one of the new cook books from
any member of the Sylvan Grove
Hospital Auxiliary, sponsors of
the project, or from Mrs. C. W.
Shields of Shields Jewelers. The
price is $2.00.
Gut of town persons desiring
to order a cook book by mail may
do so by sending $2.00 plus 25
cents for postage and handling to
Mrs. Shields at P. O. Box 115,
Jackson, Ga. 30233.
The cook book is chock full of
favorite recipes from many of
the county’s best known cooks
and is considered a bargain at
the $2.00 tab. Proceeds from the
sale of books will be used by the
hospital auxiliary to purchase new
draperies to be used throughout
Sylvan Grove Hospital.
Boys in Service
SP/4 Dwight H. Townsend,
who has been in Germany for 14
months, has received his second
award, given for having driven
14,000 miles and all done safely.
Altogether, he has driven close
to 18,000 miles and most of these
for his battalion commander.
Sp/4 Townsend says he expects
to leave Germany the later part
of February and be home by
March Ist. His family is anxiously
looking forward to his return
half. I invite and solicit your ad
vice and counsel now and after
the election.
The Living Center of Griffin has vacancies
Prices are competitive The Nursing Care is excellent —
Atmosphere Cheerful
We accept the following
type patients:
Medicare - Medicaid -
Private - Long or short term
Approved for Veterans —
Man and wife.
Registered nurses every
shift, licensed practical
nurses every shift.
Located at 415 Airport Rd.
Griffin, Georgia
Telephone 227-8636
Phone (404) 227-8636 • 415 Airport Road • Griffin. Georgia 30223
Local Folks
Spend $550,000
For Soda Pop
(Special to the Progress-Argus)
NEW YORK, Sept. 20—The
bubble, sparkle and fizz business
is setting new records in Butts
The amount of soda pop being
consumed is at an all-time high.
So is the amount of money being
spent in that direction.
According to the latest figures,
it is estimated that local residents
are drinking such beverages at
the rate of 529 eight-ounce bot
tles a year per person.
Elsewhere in the United States,
the average is 331 per capita and,
in the South Atlantic States, 470.
In the past year it added up
to a total of 5,184,000 bottles for
the local population as a whole.
And this was exclusive of bulk
drinks sold at soda fountains and
By way of comparison, it was
considerably more than was down
ed in the area ten years ago. The
total at this time was 2,631,000
The increase, a hefty 97 per
cent, was greater than in many
sections of the country.
The figures for the local area
were developed from data re
leased by the Department of
Commerce and by the soft drink
industry. They show the rate of
consumption nationally and in
each regional area.
The reports reveal that soda
pop consumption varies along
geographic lines. People living in
the southern part of the country,
where temperatures are generally
higher year-round, drink much
more, on average, than those in
the north.
In the matter of flavor, too,
regional preferences are quite
marked. In the northeast, cola
type beverages represent about 40
percent of the demand, with gin
ger ale, root beer, citrus drinks
and the like making up the re
In the south, by way of con
trast, some 70 percent of the
October 14-15
Annual Meeting
Kimbell Ass’n
The time for the annual meet
ing of the Kimbell Baptist As
sociation has been set for the
14th and 15th of October. It will
meet for the first day at the
Sharon Baptist Church, 4:00 p.
m., and the second day will be
at the Rocky Creek Baptist
Church, 10:00 a. m.
Rev. Elbert Moore, pastor of
Sharon, will preach the intro
ductory sermon on the first day’s
meeting of the association. Rev.
R. W. Jenkins, pastor of Mace
donia, will bring the Missionary
Message the second day. Other
speakers and complete program
will be announced later.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor,
Cliff, Bill, and Len of Atlanta,
Mr. and Mrs. Howell Cook, Mr.
and Mrs. Jimmy Cook, Ronnie,
Dolores Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
by Taylor and Robin, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Mayhue, Monty,
Renee, and Chuck Mayhue, Mr.
and Mrs. Troy Welch all visited
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor on
Mr. and Mrs. Truett Foster and
family of Hiawassee spent the
weekend with Miss Ruth Phinazee
and Mrs. W. H. Phinazee.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stevens
will attend the Teeh-Clemson
game in Atlanta Saturday after
calls are for cola drinks.
.An idea of the amount of
money that goes for soda pop
in Butts County is indicated by
the figures. They show that local
residents spent an estimated
$550,000 for such beverages in
the past year. Ten years ago it
was $210,000.
Nationally, the outlay for the
66 billion bottles of pop con
sumed in the past year came to
a cool $7 billion. Teenagers and
those in their early 20’s were the
biggest users.
Chapel—Ample Lounges
Recreation areas
Beautiful dining area —
Modern Kitchen —Beauty
and Barber Shop—
Spacious Bedrooms —
Modern furniture
Completely Air
Good staffing.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Robison
Jr. will go over to Athens Satur
day afternoon for the Georgia-
South Carolina game.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Letson of
Jacksonville, Alabama visited
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. L.
Letson, recently and while here
attended the Letson reunion at
High Falls State Park.
Friends of Miss Jean Evans
will be interested to know that
she left September 23rd to re
sume her studies at Georgia
Southern College at Statesboro.
SSGT Kenneth Batchelor ar
rived last Monday morning to
spend a 30 day leave with his
mother, Mrs. Ruth Batchelor.
SSGT Batchelor is stationed in
Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Williamson
had supper with Mr. and Mrs.
Lonnie Lloyd Friday night. Com
ing by for a visit were Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Henderson.
As some of you know, I have not been out of
the hospital long, having had to undergo an
operation, and have not fully regained my
strength. Because of this, my doctor advises
me not to do much walking or riding.
I wish to inform you, the voters of the City
of Jackson, of my doctor’s directive and to let
you know why it may not be possible for me to
see each of you in person. I want you to know
that I will do the best I can under the circum
stances and will strive to see as many voters as
possible personally.
I earnestly solicit your vote and support as
I ask you to re-elect me as Councilman from
the Fifth Ward in the City Primary of Friday,
October 10th. Your influence and vote will be
greatly appreciated.
Lounge and Admitting
t ' *■. '*■" "*■"’ "*, . | 'jtklM
♦5 1
Lounges on Each Ward
*i "'illr
w% tiff
7' x
W & ■ Mj
Lovely Private Bedrooms
Miss Diane Kimbell left Ve]
nesday to enroll at Georgia Ban'
tist Hospital School of X Ursin „ ■ '
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Welch and
Mrs. J. H. Pope were SU p per
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Elliott and family last Friday
Friends of Mrs. Wendell B Me
Coy Sr. regret to learn that 'she
suffered a broken left hip i n a
fall at her home Friday morning
and that she is a patient at Ma
con Hospital where she is making
satisfactory progress.
Miss Flora Robison was admit
ted to Emory University Hospital
last week for treatment and is
reported to be somewhat im
proved and resting more com
fortably the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Allen and
children of Tifton spent Sunday
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs
L. W. May.