Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, NOV. 6, 1969
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Janet Carol Melvin,
Charles Leo Francis
Are United in Marriage
Miss Janet Carol Melvin,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Graham Melvin, Jr., of
Knoxville, Tennessee, became the
bride of Mr. Charles Leo Francis,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Adrian Francis of Medford, New
Jersey, in a ceremony performed
by the Rev. Gordon A. Sterchi
November Ist at four o’clock in
the Fountain City United Meth
odist Church.
Mrs. John A. McTeer, organist,
rendered nuptial music and ac
companied Miss Linda Mountain,
soloist, who sang “The Love
Theme from Romeo and Juliet”
and “The Lord’s Prayer.”
Mr. Martin Wright of Cherry
Hill, New Jersey, was best man.
Ushers were Messrs. Don Vernine
and Nick Nichols, both of Knox
ville; and Stephen Rauch of Marl
ton, New Jersey, brother-in-law
of the groom.
Mrs. Robert Thurmer Smith of
Lake City, Tennessee was matron
of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss
Leigh Ann Melvin, sister of the
bride; Mrs. Hugh O. Dicks of De
catur, Georgia, and Miss Barbara
Ann Strother, Chicago, Illinois.
They chose gowns of strawberry
Karate fashioned with long bish
op sleeves and Venice lace trim.
A band of matching velvet en
circled the Empire waistline and
their headpieces were velvet
opened crowns with floor-length
veils of strawberry illus on. They
carried baskets of pink carnations
and ivy.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, was radiantly lovely
in an ivory floor-length gown of
English net and re-embroidered
Alencon lace. Bishop sleeves of
silk organza and English net ac
cented the high Edwardian collar
and Empire bodice which were
encrusted with tiny hand-beaded
seed pearls. A built-in chapel
length train of silk-faced peau de
soie fell from a peau cummer
bund and bolero effect at the
Empire line. Her mantilla silk
illusion was bordered entirely in
re-embroidered Alencon lace. She
carried a cascade of Phalaenopsis
orchids, Stephanotis, and ivy.
A reception followed the cere
mony at Fountain City Lnited
Methodist Church. Miss Susan
King of Marietta, cousin of the
bride, kept the Bride’s Book.
Those assisting in serving were
Miss Joanne Sawyer, Mrs. David
B. Moss, Miss Marian Smith, and
Miss Trudy Slocum, all of Knox
Mr. and Mrs. Francis left on a
wedding trip for a week at Saint
Thomas Island, Virgin Islands.
They will reside in Marlton, New
The bride is the granddaughter
of Mrs. T. G. Brooks of Flovilla,
and the late Mr. Brooks. She
graduated from Knoxville Busi
ness College and was employed
as a stewardess with Delta Air
lines, based in Chicago, Illinois.
The groom attended Valley
Forge Military Academy and was
graduated from the University of
Tennessee. He will be employed
by Francis Sheet Metal Company
of Camden, New Jersey, a busi
ness founded by his grandfather,
Mr. Leo Charles Francis.
you can buy
Towle Sterling at
reduced prices
Save On Basic Sets
For A Limited Time Only
• Save up to $26.00 01* four 4-piece place settings
• Save up to $72.00 on eight 6-piece place settings
• Save up to SIOB.OO on twelve 6-piece place settings
Now is the time to buy the Towle Sterling Service you have
always wanted. Substantial savings on services for four,
eight or twelve people over the single place setting or open
stock price.
Slueidi fleAueJsuf,
128 E. Third St. Jackson, Ga.
The Progress-Argus extends a
very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the
November 7—George T. Hark
ness, Valeria Mackey, Kathleen
Mackey, Elzie Wells, Mrs. Oscar
Owens, David R. Bailey, John
Burt Knowles, Mrs. G. W. Blan
kenship, Mrs. Grover McKibben
Jr., Mrs. Nevin Clay, Mrs. Fred
November B—Mary R. Rawls,
Bobby Hammond, Ellis Cook, Pat
sy Martin, Edith Maddox Luns
ford, Betty Joanne Bennett,
Jackie M. Bledsoe, Mrs. Roy Mit
chell, J. Dawson Bryant, Mrs.
Douglas Willard, Cary Todd Hil
lard, Merritt S. Taylor.
November 9-—Edna Conkle,
Mrs. J. D. Bankston, Jack Lofton,
Ann Clark, Martha Lee Maddox,
Mrs. W. L. Howell, Mrs. Thomas
Fogg, Elana Compton, A. G.
Cowan, Kimberley Dawn Kier
bow, Clarence Edward Daniel Jr.,
Brenda Forehand, Mrs. Billy Pelt,
Lynn Hudgins.
November 10—Robert Hardy,
Tommie Kate Holifield, Mrs. D.
D. Estes, Betty Ruth Meredith,
Mrs. Ora Owens, Mrs. A. H.
Waldrop, Mrs. Ann Shields, Pa
tricia Ann Minton, Mrs. Annie
Richardson, Jimmy Autry, H. Ed
Martin Jr.
November 11 —Annette Moore,
Absolem Hardy Ogletree, Asa O’-
Neal, Mrs. Alvin Rush, Judy An
nette Rush, Larry Hodges,
George Merritt Brooks, A. A.
Thrasher, Mary Warwick, Bar
bara Jean Maddox, Mrs. Johnny
Kinard, Julie Ann Morris, R. F.
November 12—Howell Wash
ington, Linsay A. Maddox, Al
bert Duke Jr., Mrs. J. S. Jack
son, Wayne Reeves, Dan Carter
Holsenbeck, Mrs. H. G. James,
Bobby Browning, Valeta Sing
ley, Rachael Watkins, Mrs. Tom
P. Henley, Roger Hardy, Jeffery
Paul Lucas, C. A. Harris.
November 13—Miss Sue Wal
lace, Mrs. J. F. Hardy, Emory
Carpenter, Robin James, David
Charles Barber, Ronnie Jackson,
Kimberly Dawn Presley, Marley
ATLANTA ARMY DEPOT—Right, Richard H. Burford,
Jackson, receives official commendation from Lt. Col. G.
E. Oldefendt, Director for Maintenance, Atlanta Army
Depot. Mr. Burford was cited upon receiving a sustained
superior performance award in recognition of outstanding
performance of his duties as an electric motor repairman.
A native of Jackson, he served in the Coast Guard from
1940 until 1945, and has been employed at the Depot 19
years. He is affiliated with Jackson Methodist Church and
the American Legion. Mrs. Burford is employed by the
Central Georgia Electric Membership Corp., and they have
one daughter, Linda.— (U. S. ARMY PHOTO)
Spend the day guests Sunday
of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Cawthon
and Horace were Mr. and Mrs.
B. C. Rushing, Susan, Bob and
Alan Rushing of Warner Robins,
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McDaniel,
Teri, Scott and Brad McDaniel of
Decatur. The McDaniels remained
for a visit of several days.
Miss Sarah Bond attended the
wedding of her niece, Miss Pa
tricia Blair, and Mr. John Hayes
at the Methodist Church in Or
rick, Missouri, on Saturday eve
ning, October 25th. Miss Blair is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Blair. She is the grand
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
W. M. Bond of Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Jones Jr.
attended the Atlanta Falcons-Los
Angeles Rams game Sunday aft
ernoon at Atlanta Stadium.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Brittain at
tended the Georgia-Tennessee
game in Athens Saturday and
were met there by Mr. and Mrs.
Randy Hodges of Chattanooga,
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Briscoe and
Douglas Briscoe went over to
Athens Saturday for the Georgia-
Tennessee game.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jordan
and Neil had Sunday night sup
per with the Levi Balls.
coums n
1. Contest begins the weekend of Sept. 20th and continues
through the weekend of November 28th.
2. Persons under 12 are not eligible.
3. Only one entry per person is permitted.
4. Selections must be deposited in boxes at any of the
four sponsors by 12 o’clock noon on Saturday games
are to be played.
5. Scores must be indicated. No entry will be counted
unless scores are listed. If tie is picked and missed,
“The Store of Personal Service”
Phone 775-7812 Jackson, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barnes
visited Mrs. Howard Garr and
Mrs. Willie Ruth Bankston at
Bolingreen Nursing Home and
Mrs. Alberta Phinazee at Hilltop
Nursing Home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Asbury
and children, Bill and Kathy,
attended the Georgia-Tennessee
game in Athens Saturday after
Mr. ahd Mrs. Robert L. Wil
liams Jr. attended the Georgia-
Kentucky game in Athens on Oc
tober 25th.
Boys in Service
FORCES, Vietnam—U. S. Air
Force Staff Sergeant Marion C.
Maddox, son of Mrs. W. E. Mad
dox of Jackson, Ga., is on duty
at Cam Ranh Bay AB, Vietnam.
Sergeant Maddox is an air
craft electrician with the 483rd
Consolidated Aircraft Mainten
ance Squadron, a unit of the Pa
cific Air Forces, headquarters for
air operations in Southeast Asia,
the Far East and Pacific area.
The sergeant, who previously
served at McClelland AFB, Calif.,
is a 1953 graduate of Jackson
High School.
I'm going to start
lg) saving next payday!
/? l /m 9°' n 9 to start
sav ' n 9 next P a yd a y!
Km going to start
yy saying next payday!
Why Not THIS Payday?
Jackson’s Friendliest and Most Progressive
Full Service Bank
Miss Elizabeth McMichael and
Mrs. V. H. Ham were among
those from Jackson going over to
Athens Saturday for the Georgia-
Tennessee game at Sanford Stadi
the game will be counted as incorrect.
6. In event of a tie, the prize will be equally divided
among the contestants tieing.
7. Winners will receive their prize at The Progress-
Argus office after 10 a. m. Tuesdays, at which time
the winners’ names will be posted in the windows of
the sponsoring firms and announced in the paper.
8. No employees and their families of four sponsors and
newspaper are eligibie.
Wise Standard Station
465 East Third St.
Phone 775-3191 Jackson, Ga.
Allen's Hom-Ond Food Store
Fancy and Staple Groceries
112 West 2nd St. Phone 775-7505
Each depositor Insured to HfitDOO
j 'wcflwtM ftm j
Rev. and Mrs. Bill Ring and
children spent Sunday afternoon
visiting friends in Swainsboro.
Miss Anne Adams of Decatur
spent the weekend with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Adams.
Ist Prize $lO
2nd Prize $5