The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, November 13, 1969, Image 10
A Retraction In the Progress-Argus of Oc tober 16, 1969, a story concerning the death of Col. Henry Merritt Fletcher Jr. was printed under the single column head of “Col. Fletcher Died of Knife Wound.’’ This statement was not true in its entirety according to the Medical Examiner’s Certificate which has been furnished to the Progress- Argus by Mrs. Rebecca C. Fletch er’s attorneys. The immediate cause of death as shown on the Medical Examin er’s Certificate was “Broncho pneumonia and pneumothorax due to fractured ribs” suffered ; when Col. Fletcher fell off bi cycle on September 14, 1969 that fractured ribs and left clavicle. The same diagnosis of cause of death was listed as “broncho pneumonia and pneumothorax; fractured ribs (as result of fall from bicycle)” on the Report of Casualty, Department of the Air Force. The stab wounds in Col. Fletch er’s abdomen were listed on the Medical Examiner’s Certificate as “Other Significant Conditions Contributing to Death But Not Related To The Terminal Disease Condition Given in Part I (A).” The Progress-Argus gladly makes the retraction as to the cause of death of Col. Fletcher. WORTH McDOUGALD WILL SPEAK TO MINUTEMEN JflL\ ft!' • fj .JH/ DR. WORTH McDOUGALD Dr. \V. Worth McDougald, Pro fessor of Journalism and head of the Radio-TV-Film Department at the University of Georgia, will speak to the Minutemen and wom en of The Central Georgia Elec tric Membership Corporation at a dinner meeting on November 13 at 7 o’clock at the Jackson School Auditorium. Dr. McDougald holds nn A. B. degree in Journalism from Emory University, a M. A. degree in Po litical Science from the Univer sity of Georgia and a Ph-D de gree in Broadcasting from Ohio State University. He is an active member of the Central Presby terian Church in Athens where he holds several responsible posi tions. He is a retired Lieutenant Comjnander in the U. S. Naval Reserve and served on active duty in the Pacific Theater in 1945 and 1946 as well as com manding the U. S. Atlantic Fleet in Norfolk from 1951 to 1953. Special guests for the occasion will include State Legislators and young couples invited by the Min utemen and women. • PERSONAL Sister Monica of St. Marys Home in Savannah spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. H. W. Hundertmark, and her sis ter, Mrs. Frank Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bryant of Sheppard Air Force Base spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Bryant. Visiting the Bryants on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bryant of More land, Mrs. Lee Redman, Beth and David of Forest Park, Miss Amelia Bryant of Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. David Polk of Atlanta, the oc casion being Mr. Bryant's birth day. Friends of Miss Mary Newton regret to learn that she suffered injuries in a fall last Thursday and she is a patient at Sylvan Grove Hospital. Mrs. Dick Pope has been con fined to her home on McDon ough Road for the past several days due to illness, her many friends regret to learn. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Williams of Indian Springs will go over to Athens Saturday for the Georgia- Auburn game. W. B. Gresham, Former Resident, Died Nov. 4th Mr. William Byron Gresham, 77, formerly of Butts County, died November 4th in Winston- Salem, North Carolina. A resident of Daytona Beach, Florida for several years, Mr. Gresham moved to Winston- Salem to make his home with a daughter after the death of his wife, who was formerly Miss Bes sie Duke, also of Butts County. F’uneral services were held in Ardmore Baptist Church Friday at two o’clock with burial in Me morial Cemetery. Mr. Gresham is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Martiel Haigler of Daytona Beach, Fla., and Mrs. Mary Will Carter of Winston-Salem, N. C.; a sister, Mrs. Lillian Thompson of Gla stonbury, Conn.; four grandchil dren. Henderson YC To Be In Parade The Henderson Youth Cen ter will take part in the parade that is planned for Saturday, No vember 22nd, by the Foundation. The Henderson Youth Center football teams and cheerleaders will participate in the parade. Girls selected by each team as queen are as follows: Gateway Luggage, Ineze Mc- Clendon; Kym Company, Annette Head; Jackson Hardware, Vivian Swain; American Mills, Angela Bell. The two Pee Wee teams selec ted Cindy M. Reynolds to repre sent them in the parade. Following the parade the Hen derson Youth Center All Star teams will play teams from the Barnesville Youth Center. All parents and interested persons are invited to see the parade and the games. COOKING NABOBS For success with cooking kabobs on the grill or on the range .home economists with the Cooperative Extension Service suggest that you choose lean, tender chunks of beef, pork or poultry and fruits and vegetables that will stay on the skewers. Whole potatoes, beets and onions work well. Office Opening Plant Camellia Percale, Georgia Plant Camellia has an opening for a Clerk-Typist. Apply in person to the Personnel Office, Monday through Friday, from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m., and on Saturday from 8 a. m. to 11 a. m. Plant Camellia is located on High way 87 between Jackson, Ga. and Ma con, Ga., 1 mile south of Juliette, Ga. An Equal Opportunity Employer THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS, JACKSON, GEORGIA Henderson Youth Football The Henderson Youth Center football report released this week reveals that on Monday Jackson Hardware won over American Mills by a score of 6-0. Scoring for Jackson Hardware was Dar rell Newby on a 90 yard run. In the second game, Gateway Luggage won over The Kym Com pany by a score of 14-8. Wilson scored for Gateway on a 25 yard pass and Timothy Hightower on a pass for 15 yards. Hightower passed to his end for point after touchdown. Scoring for Kym Company was on a pass from James Morgan to Ricky Smith for 35 yards. Morgan went in for the point after TD. STANDINGS W L Gate Luggage 4 2 Jackson Hardware 4 2 Kym Company 33 American Mills 33 PERSONAL SN Daryl A. Butler, stationed in Mayport, Fla., visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Butler, during the weekend. Their granddaughter, Sherry Butler, of Griffin also visited them. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Harrison had for their dinner guests on Sunday, the 88th birthday of Mrs. Annie Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Tierce, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Whatley, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Philips, Melissa and Eddie of Griffin and Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Wilson of Barnesville. Mrs. Richardson is the mother of Mrs. Harrison. Pfc. James L. (Jimmy) Kersey left Tuesday for his base in Cali fornia after a visit of several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kersey. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Walker, Miss Maude Walker, and Miss Gladys Walker, all of Commerce, spent Sunday with Mrs. Clyde Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Wilder and family. Dr. and Mrs. Sam Standard of McDonough and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter of Jackson will attend the Georgia-Auburn game in Athens Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Williams of Indian Springs spent the week end in Jacksonville, Fla. and at tended the Georgia-Florida game there Saturday afternoon. Messrs. Tom Payne of Griffin and Vincent Jones of Jackson will go over to Athens Saturday for the Georgia-Auburn game at San ford Field. ■/> . W f With the exception of TWO TIE GAMES which don’t count either way, my first 100% effort of the season was REACHED last week in my REGULAR PICKS and My Likely Losers column was not far behind with a 92% mark ... I suppose you could say that GENIUS will PREVAIL, but at this stage of the gridiron season it’s relatively EASY to PRE DICT the outcome of college football, since each team has ESTABLISHED its own PATTERN, and you only have to watch out for the ones who don’t FOLLOW the SCRIPT . . . Of course, we are getting into the TRADITIONAL BATTLE era and this also must be taken into consideration since past performances don’t mean too much when the ADRENALIN starts PUMPING at game time . ■. . Come to think of it, I’m right BACK where I STARTED in SEPTEMBER, when I didn’t have too much to go on, so I’d better get the OLD SMART PILL MACHINE warmed up to help me with this week’s losers . . . IOWA STATE vs MISSOURI JOHNNY MAJORS turns his CYCLONES on full blast this week in an effort to BLOW the show-me TIGERS OFF the CHAMPIONSHIP expressway which leads to the BIG EIGHT throne room . . . DAN DEVINE has been briefed by the FELINE CIA and is well AWARE of the IOWA AMBUSH, and will have his CATS ready to TURN the TWISTERS around and make ANTI-CYCLONES out of them, and the BLOW BACK should LIFT the TIGERS right into TITLE country while the WIND CIRCLERS BLOW themselves out of sight . . . LEONARD’S LOSER IOWA STATE NO LOSERS IN A CHEVROLET GEORGIA TECH vs NOTRE DAME The INSECTS from the. INSTITUTE couldn’t take care of a GREEN DRIP in New Orleans last week, and now return hqme to find the JOLLY GREEN GIANT from SOUTH BEND waiting to play HANDBALL with them . . . ARA’S ALTAR BOYS have made great strides since their early DEFEAT by the INDIANA ALCOHOLICS, and should have no trouble STRIPPING the BEES of all their HONEY and PLUGGING up the ENTRANCE to their HIVE with pigskin PARTICLES . . . The Tech ALUMNI will be given LAST RITES by the PADRES to prepare them for their ULTIMATE END on No vember 29th when the K-9 UNDERTAKERS move in for the PLANTING . . . LEONARD’S LOSER GEORGIA TECH YOU ALWAYS WIN WITH A CHEVROLET! OHIO STATE vs PURDUE The BUCKEYE EXPRESS keeps on ROLLING down BIG TEN avenue, and this week they come to their last DANGER OUS INTERSECTION which is plainly MARKED with GOLD and BLACK blinkers . . . JACK MOLLENKOPF will be the SIGNAL MAN on duty, and will do all he can to send the COLUMBUS NUTS off on a DETOUR, down a DEAD END street, but WOODY HAYES drives a 1969 BULL DOZER, and if he RUNS OUT of ROAD, he’ll just START GRADING a NEW PATH till he can get back on the EXPRESSWAY . . . This could be an UPSET, but the SMART PILL machine re fuses to go along with the GAME being PLAYED' in COLUM BUS . . . LEONARD’S LOSER PURDUE NO LOSERS IN A CHEVROLET ALABAMA vs MIAMJ IVORY TOWERS will be DECKED out in CRIMSON and WHITE this week, as the HOME COMING group gather to see what a HURRICANE can do to the TIDE IN TUSCA LOOSA BAY . . . The WATERS should be CHOPPY all after noon, and a few SMALL CRAFT will be CAPSIZED before the GALE CALMS down . . . The BIG BLOW will move IN LAND and DIMINISH in FORCE by the time it reaches down town TUSCALOOSA, and WON’T CAUSE too much DAM AGE as the RED TIDE RISES to the OCCASION, apd sends the MATZA WARRIORS back to the WEATHER BUREAU for RE-PUMPING . . . LEONARD’S LOSER MIAMI YOU ALWAYS WIN WITH A CHEVROLET! GEORGIA vs AUBURN SHUG JORDAN brings his BIG CATS into the SAN FORD DOG HOUSE to see if it’s really true what they say about the K-9 offense . . . The DOGS are LICKING their WOUNDS from the past two weeks and may be too busy USING their TONGUE to do anything with their TEETH, but I wouldn’t bank on the RED CLAY HOUNDS ROLLING OVER and PLAYING DEAD ... As always this should be one of the dog-gondest CAT and DOG fights of the season, and a lot of FELINE HAIR will be MINGLED in the SOD before the DOGS get their FLANKS CLAWED ... The VET CLINIC will be OVERLOADED with patients but the TIGERS will only be there for FIRST AID, while the DOGS go in to INTENSIVE CARE . . . LEONARD’S LOSER GEORGIA NO LOSERS IN A CHEVROLET FLORIDA vs KENTUCKY The GIANT WATER LIZZARDS got tied up with a DOG last week, and return to their SWAMP to catch a WILDCAT from the blue grass state trying to RE-BOUND from an OVERDOSE of COMMODORES . . . RAY GRAVES will have the GATORS ready for RAY’S PUSSY CATS, and have a field day using UNKNOWN LIZZARDS most of the second half . . . The CATS will FIGHT BACK, but there ain’t too much they can do under WATER . . . LEONARD’S LOSER KENTUCKY YOU ALWAYS WIN WITH A CHEVROLET! F. S. U. vs MEMPHIS STATE BILL PETERSON’S SEMI-ROLES almost CHANGED /""A BW CHEVROLET C? 7 / rcHEMtmrfl H.U. tff-1 1 1 H 3 I<i I Leonard's Losers By LEONARD POSTOSTIES Sponsored By ABW CHEVROLET CO. THANKSGIVING around when they got CHEWED up by a TURKEY, but did manage to SAVE the DRESSING with a 4th quarter come back to TIE things down, but now thev must concentrate on a.TOUGH TIGER from MEMPHIS that don’t believe in INDIAN SIGNS . . . BILL MURPHY’S FE LINES are the PRIDE of the MISSOURI VALLEY, and the INDIANS are going to have to HOT FOOT it around their TEEPEE, or they’ll be BURNED at their own STAKE The MEDICINE MAN will probably come to the RESCUE with a CAT POTION, but SOMEBODY will have a TF.RRIBLE TIME getting it down the TIGER’S THROAT . . . LEONARD’S LOSER MEMPHIS STATE NO LOSERS IN A CHEVROLET L. S. U. vs MISSISSIPPI STATE The BENGALS get their DAY of REST this week, after being put to TEST for the last two outings . . . CHARLIE SHIRA will LEAD his MANGY MONGRELS into the TIGER’S DEN, and this shouldn’t happen to a DOG, even from MISSIS SIPPI . . . The CATS won’t have to get TOO HIGH for this contest since the. K-9’s TRAVEL UNDERGROUND, but TRA DITION will remind CHARLIE McCLENDON not to take the STARKVILLE FLEA BAG TOO LIGHTLY ... It could HAP PEN AGAIN as it has in the PAST, and wouldn’t that be a nice KETTLE of DISTEMPER . . . LEONARD’S LOSER MISSISSIPPI STATE if YOU ALWAYS WIN WITH A CHEVROLET! MISSISSIPPI vs TENNESSEE The REBELS RESTED up in a SNAKE PIT last week, while the VOLS played RUN FOR YOUR LIFE with the COLUMBIA POULTRY, and now the STAGE is SET for the SHOWDOWN at the JACKSON CORRAL ... The RIFLE MEN are showing SIGNS of FATIGUE and several KEY IN JURIES are not going to make them QUICK on the DRAW when it’s time to GO FOR LEATHER . . . JOHNNY VAUGHT has a SHARP SHOOTER that don’t need to HIDE behind any thing, cause he can DODGE a BULLET on the RUN, and this could be the DIFFERENCE as the CONFEDERATES throw the SEC in a MESS by DUMPING the VOLS in the MISSIS SIPPI MUD . . . LEONARD’S LOSER TENNESSEE NO LOSERS IN A CHEVROLET S. M. U. vs ARKANAS The MUSTANGS got the PLOW TREATMENT from a TEXAS FARMER, and that won’t help them when the OZARK HOGS start to ROOT around in their STABLE . . . PORKY PIG won’t let his PORKERS go astray in DALLAS, cause ev erything is coming up TEXAS for the rest of the year with RAIDERS and LONGHORNS looking down his TROUGH . . . The SLICK GILLETTS will SLIDE by the PONIES and start to get in a LATHER for the next two weeks . . . LEONARD’S LOSER S. M. U. YOU ALWAYS WIN WITH A CHEVROLET! TEXAS vs T. C. U. The AUSTIN BULLS hold a PRAY-IN on Saturday, and have the HOLY FROGS as GUEST SPEAKERS when they RAISE the TENT over ROYAL SOIL ... I know the TEMPO of the MEETING will QUICKEN as time passes, but when they get started on the HELL-FIRE and BRIMSTONE, REV ERAND ROYAL will be in the PULPIT, and I guarantee you, he’ll make CHRISTIANS out of all the DOUBTING THOMASES in the AUDIENCE as the LONG HORNS STAM PEED down the path of RIGHTEOUSNESS toward PIG SKIN HEAVEN . . . LEONARD’S LOSER T. C. U. NO LOSERS IN A CHEVROLET WASHINGTON vs SOUTHERN CALIF. JIM OWENS’ HUSKIES get a chance to CHASE the TROJAN HORSE all over SEATTLE this week, as JOHN McKAY brings his STABLE from TROY to town for a ROMP in the RAIN ... In case the WEATHERMAN is right, the •HORSES might be SLOWED DOWN to a TROT, but that should still be enough to LEAVE the DOGS BEHIND with their TONGUES out in LONG PANTS . . . LEONARD’S LOSER WASHINGTON LEONARD’S LIST OF LIKELY LOSERS PITTSBURGH will lose to ARMY V. M. I. will lose to BOSTON COLLEGE BROWN will lose to HARVARD COLUMBIA will lose to PENN. CORNELL will lose to DARTMOUTH NAVY will lose to SYRACUSE MARYLAND will lose to PENN STATE PRINCETON will lose to YALE WM & MARY will lose to VILLANOVA CINCINNATI will lose to OHIO ILLINOIS will lose to WISCONSIN NORTHWESTERN will lose to INDIANA IOWA will lose to MICHIGAN KANSAS will lose to OKLAHOMA NEBRASKA will lose to KANSAS STATE MINNESOTA will lose to MICHIGAN STATE OKLA STATE will lose to COLORADO CLEMSON will lose to N. CAROLINA DUKE will lose to V. P. I. N. C. STATE will lose to HOUSTON WAKE FOREST will lose to S. CAROLINA VIRGINIA will lose to TULANE BAYLOR will lose to TEXAS TECH RICE will lose to TEXAS A&M AIR FORCE will lose to STANFORD ARIZONA will lose to UTAH NEW MEXICO will lose to WYOMING OREGON will lose to U. C. L. A. WASH STATE will lose to OREGON STATE Well that’s all the SMART PILLS I have for this week join me again next week for some other Lih.>l2> of W loDOM . . . THURSDAY, NOV. 13, i 969