The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, November 13, 1969, Image 6
THURSDAY, NOV. 13, 1969 Wf if | Jr ' y. .wmtm , Ij^ / ,3s ■ "T^ (■iff P 1 lsfm|&r ■ 1 g%y r Avery Marlene Cook Is Bride Of Albert Cleveland Smith At Pepperton Rites Miss Avery Marlene Cook be came the bride of Albert Cleve land Smith October 12th at the Pepperton Baptist Church in Jackson with the Reverend Mari on Mayo, pastor, performing the double ring ceremony. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Avery Cook of Jack son, was given in marriage by her father. She wore a floor length gown of bridal satin and ruffled lace. The gown featured a high waist with satin bow and A-line skirt, long puffed sleeves and high neckline. The elbow length veil was attached to a crown of pearls. She carried a cascade of stephanotis and white loses with an orchid mounted on a white Bible, given to her by members of the Cook family. .Miss Cathy Evans was maid of honor and Mrs. W. Ronnie Wells and Rosemary Cook served as their sister's bridesmaids. The at tendants wore identical street length dresses of deep red crepe with matching head pieces and shoes. They carried baskets of red anthirums and chartreuse fugi mums with clusters of red grapes and green ferns, l ittle Miss Jodie Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Glower of Atlanta, was flower girl and carried a basket of red carnations, chartreuse fugi mums, red cherries, and green ferns. The groom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith of Jackson, chose his brother, Roscoe Smith, as best man. Sammy and Ray Smith, also brothers of the groom, served as ushers. Clint Smith, nephew of the groom and son of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Smith of Griffin, was ring bearer. Mrs. Ed Leaver rendered a pro gram of nuptial music during the ceremony and accompanied Mrs. Ronnie Wells who sang "If I Could Tell You." The ceremony was most impressive with the bride singing "The Wedding Prayer." Mrs. Cook chose a suit of em erald green and beige with green accessories for her daughter’s wedding. The groom’s mother wore a pink knit dress with pink accessories. Their corsages were eymbidium orchids. Spiral tree candelabra and 7- branch candelabra with emerald ferns formed the background set ting. Following the ceremony, a re ception was given by the bride's parents in the Fellowship Hall of the church, A color scheme of deep red and moss green was car ried out in the decorations. Mrs. Danny Kindrick, sister of the groom, kept the bride’s book. Vis. Gebron Smith, Mrs. Larry NEW ARRIVALS VIA MASTER BATCHELOR f Mr. and Mrs. Michael Batchelor of Savannah announce the birth of a son, Dennis Michael, Jr., October 2nd, at Savannah Hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Batche lor of Jackson are the infant’s paternal grandparents. PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hodges Sr. attended the funeral of Mr. By ron Gresham in Winston-Salem, North Carolina Friday. Mr. Gres ham was a brother-irt-law of Mr. Hodges. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Williamson visited Mr. and Mrs. Neil Earn hart, Dean and Dale Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Mercer 1.. Hodges Sr. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Put-vine in Charlotte, N. C. Mr. Purvine con tinues quite ill in the Presby terian Hospital in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Hammond and Mrs. Lemma Blackwell spent Sunday afternoon at Shady Dale with Mrs. W. J. Tucker. Thomas, Miss Rita Smith and Miss Rena Smith, also sisters of the groom, presided at the serving table. The bride selected a brown wool dress with full length checkered coat and brown acces sories for her going away outfit. Following a trip to Gatlinburg, Tennessee, Mr. and Mrs. Smith are now residing on Covington Street in Jackson. Out of town guests attending the wedding were Mrs. Smokey Duke and Stacey. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Renton. Mrs. John Clower. Stephanie and Jodie, Mrs. Linda Brathole, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Smith and Clint, Mr. and Mrs. Allen l'rice. Mr. and Mrs. Ev erette Patton. Joan and Carlton. Mattie Lou Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rawls, and Jimmy. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Kendrick, and Mr. and Mrs. Gebron Smith and Brent. THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS, JACKSON, GEORGIA PERSONAL Mrs. Emerson McMichael spent Tuesday night of last week with her brother, Mr. George O’Neal, and Mrs. O’Neal in Decatur. Mrs. Roy Prosser attended a meeting of the advisors of the Y Clubs last weekend. It was spon sored by the YWCA and held at the Holiday Inn in Newnan. Mrs. Prosser visited her mother, Mrs. Eugene Payton, in Hogansville after the meeting. Lindsey Powell, student at Georgia Tech, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Avon Gaston re turned Sunday from an enjoyable month’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. John Harper in Corpus Christie, Texas, and with Mrs. Clair Morris Hardee and children in Browns ville, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Caldwell of Hampton visited their mother, Mrs. D. W. Ham, Friday. Miss Emily Duke, daughter of Mrs. Sara E. Duke of Flovilla, sustained a broken ankle and wrist, cracked rib, and facial in juries in an automobile accident Friday night in Henry County. She came home from Georgia Baptist Hospital Monday after noon and was reported as resting comfortably Tuesday, her many friends will be interested to know. Mrs. W. L. Martin of Macon was a visitor to Jackson Tuesday to visit her mother, Mrs. Joseph E. Edwards, who was admitted to Sylvan Grove Hospital for ob servation and tests. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Hammond and Mrs. Lemma Blackwell at tended the funeral of Mrs. Emily Gay Smith at Newborn United Methodist Church, Newborn, Ga., at three o’clock Monday after noon. Dr. B. Frank Parrish visited his mother, Mrs. Ben Parrish, of Metter, on Sunday. Friends of Mrs. Parrish, who has been ill, will be interested to learn that she is feeling some better. Mr. and Mrs. John Lueken and John Jr. of Warner Robins spent the weekend in Jackson with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glidewell and family. We’d like to speak lor some modest people These agents probably won’t mention it, but they’re newsmakers for Liberty National. They’ve been granted the NSAA award for out standing sales achievement. For guarding lives. The National Association of Life Underwriters, an independent insurance organization, recognizes their service to the nation. So do we. That’s why we thought you'd like to meet them. DOUGLAS COLEMAN Griffin District "I w*-' I I National Sales Achievement Award LIBERTY XATKWAL Life Insurance Company '7/ ENGAGEMENT OF MISS COOK, MR. BURFORD IS ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Cook of Covington announce the engage ment of their daughter, Marcia Ann, to Emerson Lanier Burford of Jackson. Miss Cook is a 1968 graduate of Newton County High School and is presently employed with Bibb Manufacturing Company. Mr. Burford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Burford, is a 1968 graduate of Jackson High School and is presently attending Mid dle Georgia College at Cochran. The wedding will be December 19th at 8 p. m. at Stewart Bap tist Church. All friends and rel atives are invited to attend. PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Mayhue and children of Forest Park spent Friday and Saturday with rel atives. Mrs. A. E. Evett, who suffered a heart attack on October 31st, continues a patient at Sylvan Grove Hospital, her many friends regret to learn. Mrs. Gary Williams and David of Moultrie spent Wednesday and Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses Knight. St. Johns Lodge Jk # 45 /G V F&AM 'ils' Jackson, Georgia Regular Communication Ist and 3rd Monday Night 7:30 P. M. JOE M. MORRIS, W. M. Wm. J. SUTTON, SEC. COLONIAL [ S T O RES i Cristmas Shop * J with m Gold Bond Stamp! | FILL YOUR % H GOLD BOND - ft £ STAMP SAVER’S A % BOOK FASTER |? I EXTRA FREE 1 It GOLD BOND STAMPS ® With Coupons 'pi On This Page At Colonial 7* ; 25 EXTRA m GOLD BOND Stamps 1 With this coupon and purchase of { One Head Cauliflower Offer good at local Colonial Stores 1 thru Sat. night. Nov. 15. 1969 (P-52), 25 EXTRA ] GOLD BOND Stamps! With this coupon and purchase of , 1 One Bunch Broccoli , Offer good at local Colonial Stores' J thru Sat. night. Nov. IS, 194? [ 25 EXTRA j !GOLD BOND Stamps! With this coupon and purchase of * One 3-Lb. Bag Yellow Onions 'Offer good at local Colonial Stores thru Sat. night. Nov. IS. 1969 (P-54) [25 extra! GOLD BOND Stamps! 1 With this coupon and purchase of 1 One 2-Lb. Bag Carrots Offer good at local Colonial Stores' 'thru Sat. night. Nov. IS. 1969 (P-55), j* 1 a* ** 225 EXTRA j GOLD BOND Stamps! • With this coupon and purchase of , On* 'h Gal. Wish 1 Liquid Detergent Offer good at local Colonial Storesi I thru Sat. night. Nov. IS. 1949 (C-20) f 50 EXTRA .] GOLD BOND Stamps f With this coupon and purchase of ! 1 One 4 01. Jar Nescafe | , Instant Coffee Offer good et local Colonial Stores ; 'thru Sat night. Nov IS. 1949 (1-12)' t 25 EXTRA j GOLD BOND Stamps] With this coupon and purchase of V One Gient Sis* 4 Fab Detergent 4 Offer good at local Colonial Storesi 'thru Sat. night. Nov. IS. 1949 (1-13)1 f25 EXTRA j GOLD BOND Stamps] I With this coupon and purchase of 1 , On# 2-Lb. Pkg. Jim Dendy j i Grits, Reg. or Quick | Offer good e local Cos 'oiai Storesi 'thru Sat. n ght. Nov. IS IH9 (l ie 1 25 EXTRA ij [COLD BOND Sbmps! r With this coupon a*d pwchave of j fc One La'ge Crest Toothpaste 1 I*o Or Mist F 4 LO*f' 3cod a* loco* Cos o* el S*oresj No* S (l-IS J F 25 EXTRA s [GOLD BOND Stamps] I With this coupon and purchase of J L One Quart Teiize Aqua I 1 Lotion Detergent j I Offer good at local Colonial Storesf pthru Sat. night. Nov. !5. (L29JJ 100 EXTRA j GOLD BOND Stamps! , With this coupon and purchase of One Half Cure-81 Boneless Ham Offer good at local Colonial Stores' | 150 EXTRA 8 GOLD BOND Stamps f With this coupon and purchase of l One 5-Lb. Any Brand < \ Canned Ham Offer good at local Colonial Stores ’thru Sat. night. Nov. IS. 1969 (M-47) 100 EXTRA 1 GOLD BOND Stamps , With this coupon and purchase of One-5-Lb. Pkg. or Larger 4 Fresh Ground Beef 1 Offer good at local Colonial Stores , 1 .thru Sat. night Nov 15. 1969 (M-48) ' | 25 EXTRA"*] GOLD BOND Stamps With this coupon and purchase of One Bottle of SO 1 ’ Bayer Aspirin < • Offer good et locel Colonial Stores, thru Sat. night, Nov. IS. 1949 (1-17) 25 EXTRA j GOLD BOND Stamps • With this coupon and purchase of On* 23 ox. Pkg. Sunshine Hydrox Cookies ' Offer good at local Coloniel Stores' 50 EXTRA j iGOLD BOND Stamps With this coupon and purchese of I ’ One Medium or Family Six* j ( prell Concentrate ' 1 Shampoo Offer good at local Colonial Stores ! L thru_Sat, Nov. (M9jJ| 100 EXTRA GOLD BOND Stamps , this coupon and purchase of j One 21 ox. Lyiol Spray Disinfectant ' Offe' good at local Colonial Stores! I thru Sev night Nov. IS 149 (>-20) L- - ~ 50 extra! COLD BOND Stamps! With th>i coupon a-d pu'ctin of 4 1 Oee 10-Lb. Jim Dandy Dog Option or V • Jim Dandy Chunx iO‘*e' pood a* *ocnl Colonies' s*e'esl qh* II f [ SO EXTRA• GOLD BOND Stamps With this coupon and purchase of • One 5-Lb. Bag ( Sunflower Seed ’ Offer good at local Colonial Stores thru Sat night. Nov. 15. 1969 (P-57) iioo extraT GOLD BOND Stamps | With this coupon and purchase of ( ’ Three '/j Gals. Cheer ’ Grape Flavor Drink i I Offer good at local Colonial Stores ; thru Sat night. Nov. IS. 1969 (P-58) 4 25 EXTRA j GOLD BOND Stamps] i • With this coupon and purchase of J , One I % 01 or 3'/, or. 1 , Vaseline Hair Tonic \ 1 Offer good at local Colonial Stores I ; ’ thru Sat. night. 25 EXTRA m J GOLD BOND Stamps I With this coupon and purchase of ( , One 14 ox. Sue Bee Liquid Honey Offer qood at local Colonial Stores' ’thru Sat. night. Nov. IS. 1949 (I 23), ! 25 EXTRA N GOLD BOND Stamps! 1 With this coupon and purchase of . ( One 8 ox. Fiddle Faddle Peanut Snack Offer good at local Colonial Stores' •thru Sat. night. Nov. IS 1969 (1-24) ** ' .1 |25 GOLD BOND Stamps! With this coupon and purchase of ; ► One 4 ox. Jer Coffee-Mote ' ■ Offer good at local Colonial Stores! thru Sat. night Nov IS 1949 (I-2SI i 25 EXTRA [GOLD BOND Stamps F With this coupon a"d purchase of j I Two 15 ox. Cans ) Friskies Cot Food kOffer good at local Colonial Stores 1 ght [ 50 EXTRAo I [GOLD BOND Sumpsl L With this coupon and purchase of 1) On* 7 ot. ei | Glade Air Freshener ( fotfe- qood at local Co'onial S-o-esi |*t- u W e.qht No. 'ls IH* (1-7711 50 EXTRA j [GOLD BOND Stamps] With this coupon and purchase of 1 ' One 10-Lb Bag 4 Bird Seed | 1 Offer good at local Colonial Storesi thru Sat. night. Nov. IS, 1969 (P-S6! j 25 EXTRAJ GOLD BOND Stamps! , With this coupon and purchase of 1! One 1-Lb Blue Bonnet Sott Margarine J! > or Fleischmann's Reg. 1! Margarine 4 Otter good at local Colonial Stores i> 'thru Sat. night. Nov 15. 1969 {I 34; 100 EXTRA* GOLD BOND Stamps , With this coupon and purchase of , One Whole or Half Country Piq Country Ham Offer good at local Colonial Stores I .thru Sat. night Nov. T 5. 1969 (M-45), | 50 EXTRA 2 GOLD BOND Stamps 1 With this coupon and purchase of 1 ( One 5-Lb Bag Plain or S R White Lily Flour Offer qood at local Colonial Stores’ i 'thru Sat. IS. 1969 ; 50 EXTRA v GOLD BOND Stamps 1 With this coupon end purchase of \ 1 One Lge. Btl Lotion or Medium or 1 Large Tube Head t Shoulders 1 j Shampoo Offer good at locel Colonial Stores 1 thru Sat. night, Nov. 15. 1949 (1-32)4 ! 25 EXTRA' GOLD BOND Stamps* With this coupon and purchase of ' One Medium Site Jar i 1 Ponds Cold Cream 4 'Offer qood at local Colonial Stores] thru Sat. n.ght, Nov. IS. 1949 (1-33) 4i mm 25 EXTRA '! COLD BOND Sumps] i With this coupon and purchase of * ( On# I ox. or 4 ox. 4 Accent < Offer good at local Colon el S’ o '*' j 'thru Sat. niqht. Nov 15 ISM I 1 100 extra! COLD BOND Sumpsi ’ With this coupon and pu'chas# of { On# 10 ox *eq or HTH i VOS Hair Spray ,OH#r good at local Colonial St°'*, thru Sat_ night IS IW j 25 EXTRA f i GOLD BOND Stamps] With this coupon and purchase of One 25 P. toll Diamond \ Heavy Duty Foil (! OWer good at local Co*o"-'' S thr„ SaTTght No* IS I H ]-