Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, NOV. 13, 1969
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Marriage Event
Of November 29
Mr. and Mrs. Barney L. Wilder
of Jackson announce the forth
coming marriage of their daugh
ter, Sandra Elaine Wilder, to
Donald H. James, son of Mr. and
Mrs. B. J. James of Macon, Geor
The bride-elect was graduated
from Jackson High School.
Mr. James was graduated from
Willingham High School and is
employed by May and Company
in Macon.
The wedding will be November
29th at four o’clock in the after
noon at the First Baptist Church
in Jackson. No invitations will be
sent. All friends and relatives are
Meet The Red Devils
Tommy Turner, senior
place-kicker, is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow
Turner of Jackson. Tommy
kicks off for the Red Devils
and is currently averaging
over 55 yards per kick-off.
Several of his kicks have
been to the goal line. Tom
my’s kicking has been a big
part of Red Devil football
this fall.
1967 Chevelle Malibu 2 Dr. Hardtop, Straight Shift, V-8, Real Nice
1969 Impala 4 Dr. Sedan, Fully Equipped, 5,000 Actual Miles
1969 Malibu 4 Dr. Sedan, Fully Equipped, Air, 4,000 Miles
1969 Caprice 2 Dr. Hardtop, 4,000 Miles, Extra Nice, Fully Equipped
1966 Chevrolet V-8 l / 2 Ton Pick-Up , Fully Equipped, Low Mileage
1967 Plymouth 4 Door, Real Nice
1968 Ford, Fully Equipped, Air Cond., Runs Real Good
1964 Buick Electra 225, Extra Clean
1964 Chevrolet Station Wagon, Air Cond., Real Nice
Thirty-one students from West
Georgia College, representing fra
ternities, campus organizations,
and residence halls, will compete
for the title of Miss Chieftain
when the annual beauty revue is
held on November 13.
The contest, sponsored by the
college yearbook, will be held in
the Health-Physical Education
Building at 8:00 p. m.
Prior to the pageant, a tea to
be held at the Wesley Foundation
House in Carrollton will provide
an opportunity for judges to in
terview the contestants individ
The winner will be selected on
the basis of personality, dress,
beauty, and poise, and will be
crowned by Beverly Wills, last
year’s Miss Chieftain.
The contesants for the award
include Constance Thurman,
Patients at Sylvan Grove Hos
pital during the week of Novem
ber 5-12 include:
Ralph Fogg, Harvey Smith,
Margery McMichael, Harvey Hod
ges, Mrs. Harvey Hodges, Mary
Newton, Evelyn Moncrief, Elzie
Minton, Jimmie Earnhart, David
Lee Deal.
Maude T. Edwards, Roy Moon,
Vera Edwards, Margaret McCoy,
Dovie Evett, Cassie Edwards.
K. C. Hicks, Drucilla Holcomb
and baby boy, Jeff Thornton.
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Steve Barnes, sophomore
place-kicker is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnes
of Jackson. Steve combines
with Tommy Turner to give
Jackson as fine a pair of
place-kickers as can be
found in any school.
Steve averages over 50
yards per kick on kick-offs
and is developing into a
consistent and long field
goal kicker.
Students Attend
DCT Planning
Meet in Macon
October 17th marked the date
of the 1969-70 Fall Planning
Conference for DCT students.
This planning conference was
held in Macon at the Dempsey
Motor Hotel.
Two students were elected to
represent Jackson High School
at this meeting. Chosen as repre
sentatives were Sheila Blanken
ship, treasurer, and Rosemary
Cook, reporter.
This conference was to unite
all schools in the DCT program
enabling them to plan activities
for the school year. Sheila at
tended the representatives meet
ing. A money making project was
discussed and the club rating
scale. Rosemary attended the re
porters meeting where they dis
cussed and were shown ways of
writing good articles.
Several sessions were held in
the Ball Room of the hotel. Em
blem ceremonies took place be
fore each session and were pre
sented by state officers. Films
were shown on last years confer
ence and banquet.
The conference was dismissed
at 11:00 Saturday morning with
everyone leaving hoping to be
elected to attend the Spring Plan
ning Conference in 1970.—Re
porter, Rosemary Cook.
Mrs. Lucile Green, Mrs. Margie
Young and Mrs. Opal Haynes of
Atlanta were guests Tuesday aft
ernoon of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Ham
mond and Mrs. Lemma Blackwell.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ball will at
tend the Tech-Notre Dame game
in Atlanta Saturday night.
Word was received in Jackson
Tuesday that Mrs. J. H. O’Neal,
who is a patient at Southside Hos
pital, Mesa, Arizona, is much bet
ter and has a good appetite.
Rev. and Mrs. Joe Parham, Mr.
and Mrs. Dwayne Colwell, Mr.
and Mrs. O. L. Weaver, Mr. and
Mrs. W. S. Weaver, and Miss
Willene Weaver were dinner
guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.
Powell Colwell in Griffin.
Indian Springs Lodge
No. 307
Flovilla, Ga.
Regular Meeting Nights
First & Third Saturdays
Howard Greer, W. M.
Robert C. Riley, Jr., Sec’y.
Rt. 1, Flovilla, Ga.
Coming On
November 24
The regional bloodmobile, ope
rated by the American Red Cross,
will visit Jackson on Monday, No
vember 24th, with a quota of 112
pints urgently needed.
John B. Long, blood recruit
ment chairman, said this week
that the 112 pint quota is the
figure normally accepted by the
county and that it is incumbent
upon local citizens to see that
the quota is met or exceeded. Mr.
Long said that this is the second
visit of the bloodmobile of the
year and that if the quota is not
reached Butts County will be
placed on probation. If at the
third visit of the bloodmobile the
quota is not reached, Butts Coun
ty will automatically be placed
on the credit card system, Mr.
Long pointed out. Under the
credit card system donors and
their immediate families will be
covered while others needing
blood would have to purchase it
at prevailing prices, Chairman
Long explained. Under the pres
ent set up those persons needing
whole blood can obtain it free
of charge since the county is an
active participant and in good
standing on the blood program.
Chairman Long adds that the
bloodmobile will again set up for
business at the National Guard
Armory on Franklin Street be
tween the hours of 1 and 6 p. m.
Volunteer workers, headed by the
Jackson Business and Profession
al Women’s Club, will staff the
Mr. Long said “I feel that we
can pass the quota once the peo
ple of the county realize the im
portance of the blood program
to all citizens. With the schools
in session I anticipate a good re
sponse from young donors, many
of whom will be giving for the
first time. I have the utmost faith
that citizens of the county will
not allow the program locally to
be placed on probation or at a
later date see the establishment
of a credit card system through
apathy and indifference.”
.. . ■
Area Monday
Monday, November 10, nine
teen young (ranging in age from
twenty to twenty-three) college
graduates toured Butts County
and its environs under the direc
tion of E. L. IToughtaling, Direc
tor of Upper Ocmulgee Economic
Opportunity Commission.
The young people were part of
the VISTA program (Volunteers
in Service to America) and came
from all over the nation: from as
far west as California, north as
Minnesota, and east as Massa
chusetts. Their purpose, wherever
they will ultimately be assigned,
is to work with the community
toward developing and planning
programs designed to help the
community in fighting poverty.
Meeting in Atlanta, the group
toured target sections of Coving
ton, Jackson, and Forsyth. Dur
ing a luncheon at Henderson High
School, Mr. W. L. Miller, chair
man of the Board of Directors
of UOEOC, welcomed the group
to the area. Mrs. Kathleen Pinck
ney spoke to the group next on
the subject of social problems
in the school, and Mr. J. E. Mc-
Cormick told the guests some
thing of the needs of the farmer.
It is hoped that UOEOC will be
fortunate in obtaining the ser
vices of two VISTA volunteers.
On Wednesday of last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Freeman at
tended the luncheon and dedi
cation services for the Hill Free
man Library at Reinhardt College
where Elisabeth Freeman is a
Friends of Mr. Aubrey Patrick
are interested to know that he
returned home last week from
Emory University Hospital. He is
able to be up and about part of
the time.
Sgt. Kenneth W. Williams,
stationed at Luke AFB, Arizona,
arrived home recently for a visit
of several weeks with his mother,
Mrs. Frances Cook, and family.
Miss Bennett
Buried At
Old Bethel
Miss Ruby Lee Bennett, 73, of
Route 2, Jackson, died at Jasper
Memorial Hospital Monday night
at 7 :45 p. m. following an extend
ed illness.
Born August 22nd, 1896 in
Butts County, she was the daugh
ter of the late Mr. John Thomas
Bennett and Mrs. Elizabeth Fin
cher Bennett, both natives of
Newton County.
Miss Bennett was a retired su
pervisor of the school lunchroom
and was a member of the Old
Bethel Primitive Baptist Church.
Funeral services were conduc
ted Wednesday afternoon at
three o’clock from the chapel of
Haisten Funeral Home with Elder
W. S. Kelly officiating. Interment
was in Old Bethel Cemetery in
Butts County with Haisten Fu
neral Home in charge of arrange
ments. Nephews served as pall
She is survived by one sister,
Mrs. H. R. Harris, Jackson;
brother-in-law, Mr. A. L. Kersey,
Jackson; several nieces and neph
Friends of G. Wilson Caston
of Jenkinsburg will be interested
to learn that he was admitted to
Emory University Hospital last
Friday. Surgery that was sched
uled earlier in the week was
Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Fountain last Sunday were Mr.
Fountain’s mother, Mrs. Pauline
Fountain of Adrian; his brother,
Mr M. G. Fountain, Mrs. Foun
tan, Mark, Marsha and Melisa, all
of Adrian; Mrs. Meda Walker of
Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Fountain of Decatur, Mrs. Judia
Frazier of Atlanta, and Charles
E. Fountain, a student at Middle
Georgia College, Cochran.
Dr. Robert H. Pinckney and
son, Bobby, spent the weekend in
Washington, D. C. on an enjoy
able sight-seeing trip .
Miss Ellen Payne, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Payne of
Statesboro, has become a pledge
of Zeta Tau Alpha International
Fraternity at Georgia Southern
College. Ellen, a graduate of
Jackson High School, is a sopho
more Elementary Education ma
jor. She is the social chairman
of Winburn Hall and the secre
tary of her pledge class.
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Jones Jr.
will be among those from Jackson
going over to Athens Saturday
for the Georgia-Auburn game.
Please join us
in congratulating...
Fred Harris
Your Life of Georgia mao has
successfully completed the Life
Underwriter Training Council
course of study. He is now an
LUTC Graduate.
The completion of this com
prehensive two-year course qual
ifies him even more than before
to help you plan for your family's
future security.
We congratulate him and hope
you’ll call him soon for the best
in life, health or group insurance.