Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, DEC. 25, 1969
mortgage foreclosure
rate of Georgia, Butts County,
personally Appeared before
m( Martha R. Sims, Deputy
Cl, k Superior Court in and for
County, Robert B. Little who
sa; . on oath that Arlandus L.
. v; ; ,m of 612th District, G. M.,
of said County, is indebted to
World Finance Corporation on
th< annexed mortgage in the sum
of Cue hundred ten and 04/100
Debars principal, interest to date,
and attorney’s fees, which are
now due.
Sworn to and subscribed be
fore me, this 4th day of Novem
ber, 1969.
Dep. Clerk.
State of Georgia, Butts County.
To All and Singular the Sheriff
and His Lawful Deputies of Said
You are Hereby Commanded,
That of certain property of Ar
landus L. Wilson of the 612th
District, G. M., of said County,
I—Stereo1 —Stereo Philco w/AM & FM
you cause to be made the sum
of One hundred ten & 04/100
Dollars, principal, interest to
date, and all future interest at
the rate of 7 per cent; attorney’s
fees; and Three and no/100 Dol
lars, costs; which-sums lately be
fore me recovered of Arlandus
Wilson on the foreclosure of a
mortgage, given by the said Ar
landus Wilson to the said World
Finance Corporation dated the
7th day of June, 1969.
And have you the said sums at
the November Term, 1969, of the
Superior Court for the County of
Butts to which Court this Fi. Fa.
is made returnable to render to
said World Finance Corporation
principal, interest, attorney’s fees
and costs aforesaid. And have
you then and there this Writ.
Given under my hand and offi
cial signature, this 4th day of No
vember, 1969.
Dep. Clerk.
The application of standard
broadcast station W J G A, 1540
kc and W J G A (FM), Jackson,
Georgia, for renewal of these
licenses to operate in the public
interest are required to be filed
with the Federal Communication
Commission no later than January
2, 1970. Members of the public
who desire to bring to the Com
mission’s attention facts concern
ing the operation of this station
should write to the Federal Com
munications Commission, Wash
ington, D. C. 20554, not later
than February 2, 1970. Letters
should set out in detail the spe
cific facts which the writer
wishes the Commission to con
sider in passing on the applica
Station W J G A is owned and
operated by The Central Ga.
Broadcasting Cos., whose officers,
directors and stockholders are, R.
P. Shapard, Jr., Pres., and Her
bert Shapard, V. P.
A copy of the license renewal
application and related material
will, upon filing with the Com
mission, be available for public
inspection at the studios of Radio
Station W J G A at Brownlee
Road, Jackson, Georgia, between
the hours of 9:00 A. M. and 5:00
P. M., Monday through Friday.
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice hereby is given that
Henry Fuqua, as guardian
for Robert G. Fuqua, has peti
tioned me to sell certain property
of his said ward, described in said
petition, at private sale for the
purpose of reinvestment upon
terms set out in said petition.
The hearing upon said petition
shall be held at 10:00 a. m. on
January 5, 1970, at my office.
This the 2nd day of December,
Ordinary and Judge of the
Court of Ordinary and
Ex-officio Clerk Thereof,
Butts County, Georgia.
Court of Ordinary, Butts Coun
ty Georgia.
To any Creditors and All Par
ties at Interest:
Regarding Estate of Mrs. Grace
REDS rib
The traditional colors of the
Christmas season are red and
green. These colors have
meant different things to dif
ferent people over the ages.
Color has been used as the
symbol of abstract ideas from
time immemorial.
Green was a sacred color
among the ancient and medi
eval Egyptians who wore it as
a symbol of hope and the joy
of spring.
In early and medieval
Christian art, colors had a
mystic or symbolic meaning.
Red indicated passion. In its
good sense it was a symbol of
divine energy and love and the
creative power of the Holy
Spirit; in its bad sense it was a
sign of hate. In that meaning
it became a sign of Satan.
Emerald green is often the
symbol of hope and growth in
many Christian paintings.
In Spain the Nativity scene
is so popular that vendors set
up stands before the holiday.
They offer colorful clay, wood
and cardboard figures which
are arranged into Nativity
scenes, known locally as
" Belenes” or "Nacimientos”.
In some villages it is custom
to award a prize for the best
arrangement of a Belenes.
A small carved figure of the
Madonna and Child is the
proud possession of the Bene
dictine Monastery of Mon
sterrat near Barcelona. It is
believed that it was carved by
St. Luke and brought to Spain
by St. Peter in 30 A. D.
Smith Sealy (Mrs. H. J.) former
ly of Butts County, Georgia, no
tice is hereby given that Law
rence J. Sealy and Mrs. Mildred
H. Maddox, the heirs, have filed
application with me to declare no
Administration necessary.
Said application will be heard
at my office Monday, January 5,
1970, and if no objection is made
an order will be passed saying
no Administration necessary.
November 19, 1969.
Ordinary. 12/11/4tc.
A City election for the pur
pose of electing five councilmen
for one year terms will be held
at City Hall, Flovilla, Ga., on
January 10th, 1970, 7 a. m. to 7
p. m. Candidates may qualify
with Mrs. Virginia Williams, City
Clerk, Flovilla, Ga., by January
3, 1970. 12/18/3tc.
Georgia, Butts County.
To Whom It May Concern:
Neoma W. Knighten, as Guar
dian of Bennie C. Knighten, has
filed her petition asking for an
order allowing her to sell certain
property of the wai’d for the pur
pose of the support and mainten
ance of said ward. All interested
persons are herey cited to show
cause before the Court of Ordi
nary on the first Monday in Jan
uary, 1970, why said order should
not be granted as prayed.
Ordinary, Butts County, Ge
fill J Aflial
ftp R*M Ml
(]}ood Tidings
Let the eternal light of love, the
symbol of His birth, shine into
every heart, bringing peace to all.
Mrs. Ed (Nell) Carmichael
Bayberry Candles
Popular Favorite
The settlers of our country
found that the bayberry gave
ofl a wax that would make
fine candles. Since animal fats
were important as food and
for other uses, it was the bay
berry candle that was used as
much as possible. It w-as
usually the task of the children
to gather the berries.
Candles have always been
associated with Christmas and
many legends give . them a
place in the observance of the
In Ireland, for instance, on
Christmas eve a large candle
was burned w'hich could be
snuffed out only by one
named Mary.
An old verse repeats the
tradition, that burning a bay
berry candle on Christmas eve
would insure one of a long and
happy life.
To learn your luck for a
year, they say,
Burn a bayberry dip on
Christmas day.
If the flame burns bright
and the light shines clear,
Good-luck will be yours
through out the year.
It was the night of Christ’s
rth in Bethlehem. Outside the
able of the inn where the Holy
amily had taken shelter for
die night, a group of people
had gathered. Among these
were, the shepherds who had
come to worship the Babe. All
of them were bearing gifts for
the Child.
There was a young girl in
the gathering. She joined the
group to find out what had
brought them here. When she
heard their story and knew
that the young child born this
night had been called the Sav
iour, she too wanted to go in
and worship.
But she had no gift to offer,
and tears of disappointment
fell from her eyes. As her tears
touched the ground, at that
place there sprang up a bush
and on it was the most beauti
ful white blossom she had ever
seen! She plucked it happily
and reverently offered her gift
to the Christ Child.
According to the legend, it
was in that way, the Christ
mas Rose came into being.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Burford,
David, Walton, Aubrey, Jackie
and Linda Burford had as their
guests Christmas Eve night Mr.
and Mrs. Lanier Burford, Mr. and
Mrs.* Robert Smith, Judy and
Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cook,
Mark, Greg and John, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Williams, Glen and Andy,
all of Flovilla; Mr. and Mrs. Jer
rold Burford, Johnny and Ray
mond of Jonesboro, Mr. and Mrs.
A. G. Cook of Jackson, Mr. and
Mrs. E. T. Foster and Mrs. Z. L.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson
and Eobby, of Decatur, spent
Sunday with Mrs. J. H. Pope.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Raney Sr.
and Miss Gloria Raney will visit
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Raney Jr. and
Glenn at Morrow on Christmas
The many friends of Mrs. J. 11.
O’Neal of Mesa, Arizona will be
interested to know that she con
tinues to make progress from a
recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Whiten will
have as their guests Christmas
Day Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whiten
and family of Locust Grove, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Whiten and family,
and Mr. E. O. Whiten and fam
ily of Gainesville.
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Moelchert
and Louis 111, of Mars Hill. N. C.,
visited Friday night with Mr. and
Mrs. L. W. Moelchert and family,
while enroute to Dothan, Ala
bama for a visit during the holi
days with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Barbin and family. They plan to
return to Jackson Christmas Day
to be with the Moelcherts.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Wise will
have as their guests on Christmas
Day Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hud
gens and daughter, Denise, of
I wish to thank the many
friends who remembered me with
Christmas cards, gifts, calls and
prayers at this Yule season.
They have made the days pass
more rapidly and each and every
act of kindness is cherished and
greatly appreciated. -—Miss Tom
mie Kate Hollifield, Peachbelt
Nursing Home, Warner Robins,
with family and friends to sing
a song of holiday cheer and to $
celebrate with reverence and joy, the many blessings
of this glorious season. In the glad spirit of
an old-fashioned Christmas we send your way warm and ,
hearty wishes for every happiness shared with loved ones.
American Mills, Inc.
Fashion Pillows, Inc.