Newspaper Page Text
ThURSCAY, DEC. 25, 1969
Spirit of Christmas
Spreads Its Joy
BY anna mang
“Merry Christmas, one and
With this simple and sincere
greeting, all the warmth and ex
citenn nt of Christmas reaches its
peak. , . .
In this community, as m cities
an d towns throughout the nation
an d around the world, days and
weeks of list-making, gift-shop
ping, home-decorating, party
planning and Christmas-program
rehearsing are reaching a happy
Families gather, Santa enters,
church bells ring. Christmas
Every year, Christmas seems
to generate more eager antici
pation, here and everywhere, with
earlier and more enthusiastic
planning— appropriately, for part
of the spirit and the joy of
Christmas is in the planning.
The spirit of Christmas starts
with thoughtfulness. It begins in
the hearts of each of us. It grows
with a hope, a wish, a prayer.
It shows itself, outwardly, in
such manifestations as merry
songs and bountiful gifts, and in
the festive decorations and glow
ing lights now adorning local
streets and stores, homes and
It expresses itself, most deep
ly, in private devotions and in
special services such as those
scheduled by local churches.
We send best wishes for happiness
and good health in this holiday season,
as well as our grateful thanks to all .
Claudette's Beauty Shop
Closed Dec. 23 Thru Dec. 29
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% Jrl A.s choir voices sing out in joyful \ oT&™'
*W*i\ celebration of the glorious Christmas - £
season, we lend our own with \
praises to Him and to all men of good will. f £
\ May your holiday be filled with good cheer. a
' Thunk you for Iraki o. iho yuO yoar ao fkff.
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It is a spirit abounding in leg
end and lore, in customs and tra
ditions honored through the
years. And most of all, it is the
spirit of reverence and joy that
shepherds and wise men knew.
To capture that spirit is to
keep Christmas truly and well,
for it enriches all the things this
wondeful season stands for.
For Children
Christmas is for children. Can
dies and cookies and all those
holiday goodies, trees gaily
adorned and brightly lighted,
Santa’s pack stuffed with sur
prises—all these things are plan
ned and prepared just for the
Or at least, so the grownups
say, and who’s to doubt them?
In a still more special way,
Christmas is for children. The
manger scene in homes and
churches ever reminds us that the
Child born in Bethlehem was He
who later said, “Suffer little
children to come unto me.”
For Rejoicing
Christmas is for rejoicing.
Since first the herald angels sang,
this rejoicing has most often
found expression in music and
“Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace, good will
toward men,” the angels sang.
Now as in earliest times, the
spirit of joy and wonder echoes
anew in the hymns and carols of
Christmas. ,
A traditional family Christmas
dinner will be held this year on
December 28th at the home of
Miss Ethel Smith, Mrs. 0. A. An
dres and Mrs. Mildred Ballenger
on Monticello Road. A bountiful
supply of food will be spread
with all but two members of the
family in attendance. Those at
tending, in addition to the host
esses, will be Mr. and Mrs.
Wright Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. C.
H. Smith and Katheryn. all of
Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Aiken
of Covington, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Crittenden, Mrs. Tom Lane, Bill
and Tom Lane Crittenden of
Indianapolis, Indiana, Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Smith of Monticello,
Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell,
Ruth Ann and Adell Mitchell of
Athens, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Smith,
Mike and Suzanne Smith, Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Thomas, Miss
Beth Thomas, Misses Sherry and
Terry Thomas, all of Sanders
ville, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Traylor
of Marietta, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Atkinson of Carrollton and Miss
Sally Clark of Atlanta, a close
friend of the family.
For Giving
Christmas is for giving. The
eagerness of children waiting
for Santa, the excited plotting
and planning that goes into the
choosing and wrapping of gifts,
the packages heaped beneath the
tree happily symbolize the spirit
of Christmas,
Even as the Wise Men gave
of their most precious treasures,
to honor Him, so people give gen
erously at Christmas, and true
generosity stems from thought
fulness—giving with open heart
as well as open hand.
For Sharing
Christmas is for sharing. Thus
giving to the less fortunate is a
traditional part of the Christmas
Joy grows through sharing,
says the holiday message , and
sharing is most blessed when it
extends not only to those near
and dear but to those known only
through their need.
For Greetings
Christmas continues as it began,
with “Merry Christmas, one and
all.” And as long as the spirit
of this cheerful greeting prevails,
Christmas never really ends.
Yes, Christmas is for greetings,
to family, friends and neighbors.
“Merry Christmas, one and all,”
we say, and the spirit of Christ
mas lives forever in the words.
In just this spirit, today’s edi
tion of this newspaper is one
big Christmas card, filled with
greetings from the business firms
of the community, who take the
opportunity to say, “Merry
Christmas, one and all,” with spe
cial thanks to their patrons and
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Barfield
and Karen will motor to Vidalia
Christmas Eve to be with their
daughters, Misses Janice and
Peggy Barfield, and with then
parents, Mr. and Mis. G. J. Bar
Mr. and Mrs. O. I-. Weaver Jr.
will have as their guests Christ
mas Day their children, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Yielding of Albany,
and Mr. and Mrs. Luke Weaver,
Laura and Lisa. Mr. and Mrs.
Yielding will remain until the
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Carmich
ael and Betsy of Atlanta will
spend Christmas Eve and Christ
mas Day with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Ridgeway and
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Carmichael.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Collins and
family will spend part of Christ
mas with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Lem Watkins.
Rev. and Mrs. Billy Ring and
family are spending Christmas
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Griffin, in Waycross.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Williams
and family spent Christmas Eve
with her mother, Mrs. Gladys
Johnson, at Stone Mountain.
"x Serene good wishes
- . and sincere thanks.
Western Auto Assoc. Store
.As the sights and sounds of the holiday season
are upon us once again, may we wish all of you a happy and
peaceful Christmas. Thank you for your very loyal friendship.
Snapping Shoals EMC will be closed for all normal business Thursday, Decem
ber 25th, and Thursday, January Ist. In case of emergency please call one of the
following numbers: 786-7329, 786-3954, 786-6192,786-3768,786-7498.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Williams and
family of Flovilla spent Saturday
in Macon visiting Mr. and Mrs.
S. R. Bowman.
Christmas Day guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Jim McMiehael are Mr.
and Mrs. Tommy McMiehael, Gail
and Gregg of Chamblee, Mr. and
Mrs. George Saunders and Lynn
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold McMich
ael and Steve.
Mrs. Brenda Williamson, Mrs.
Anne Lawhon and Miss Gloria
Williamson spent Thursday night
shopping in Macon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bradley
will spend Christmas eve and
Christmas Day with his son, W.
H. Bradley, in Atlanta. A Christ
mas party for the family will be
held Christmas Eve with his four
children and their families expec
ted to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williams
and children, Rhonda and Louis,
journeyed to Taylorsville Tues
day to spend Tuesday night and
Christmas Eve with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jones. On
Thursday they went to Montezu
ma to be with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Williams and fam
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'Because happy homes are our
business, we cheerfully extend
happy holiday wishes to everyone at
your house. Thanks for everything.