Newspaper Page Text
Working Wives
Show Increase
In The County
(Special to the Progre**-Argu*)
NEW YORK, Dec. 20—The
number of working wives is on
the increase in Butts County.
No less than 59.7 percent of
the married women in the local
area leave their Homes each day
and head for their outside jobs
in offices, stores, factories,
schools, hospitals and the like. In
1960, the figures show, only 45.3
percent did so.
They find that they are able
to do this without neglecting their
household duties or their role as
One thing that has made it
possible is the time-saving and
labor saving appliances and the
prepared foods that are available.
They permit her to get her house
work done with dispatch.
She has been putting the extra
time on her hands to good use,
providing the family with an ex
tra paycheck. A study shows
that if a wife works full-time, all
year round, she contributes an
average of .‘iß percent to the total
family income.
The exent to which women, es
pecially married women, have
been entering the job market is'
brought out in national reports
released by the Census Bureau
and the Labor Department.
The finding is that more than
a third of the wives in the na
tion, 15,845,000 of them, are in
the paid labor force now, as com
pared with only about one-fifth
in 1952.
What induces married women
to take jobs? In most cases,
money is the answer. With some
it is a matter of necessity and,
with others, the desire to live on
a better scale than they would
be able to otherwise.
In many instances, too, the pur
pose is to save for a child’s edu
cation, or to pay off debts or
to escape boredom.
Single women have also been
May you find tlie peace, hope and
love which is Christmas. With
humble thanks we wish you well.
Montgomery Insurance Agency
exchange ot Christmas |
Judy Collins
Navy Training
■ & lj|j|p
.s"f;n ...
Judy Yvonne Collins, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Collins, of
Jenkinsburg, Georgia, graduated
from ten weeks of Navy Recruit
Training during military cere
monies conducted at the U. S.
Naval Training Center, Bain
bridge, Maryland on December
12, 1969.
Asa result of tests and inter
views conducted while she was at
tending recruit training, Seaman
Apprentice Collins was selected
for on-the-job training in the ad
ministrative field. Upon comple-
entering the labor force in stead
ily growing numbers, the figures
In Butts County, there has
been a definite increase, since
1960, in the proportion of females
—married and single—who are
holding down jobs.
The 1960 census listed a total
of 1,286 at work, equal to 40.6
percent of the female population
over age 14. It has now reached
approxihately 47.5 percent.
It tops the United States aver
age of 40.7 percent and the 44.0
percent in the State of Georgia.
Friends of Mrs. Wendell B.
McCoy, Sr. are delighted to learn
that she continues to improve at
Sylvan Grove Hospital after be
ing transferred last week from
Macon Hospital. Mrs. McCoy suf
fered a broken hip in a fall at
her home several weeks ago and
had to recently undergo a second
Mrs. Ed Carmichael and Miss
Jane Carmichael will spend
Christmas Day in Covington with
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hollings
worth, Sr.
tion of a 14-day leave with her
parents, Seaman Apprentice Col
lins will report to the U. S. Naval
Station, Charleston, South Caro
lina for duty.
Prior to enlisting in the U. S-
Navy in Atlanta, Georgia on Oc
tober 3, 1969, Seaman Apprentice
Collins was employed by the
American Mills of Jackson, Geor
gia. Seaman Apprentice Collins
is a 1967 graduate of Jackson
High School.
A Naval representative, Chief
Claude L. Cavanah, USN, is in
Jackson every Monday at the
Post Office from noon until 2:00
p. m. for anyone interested in
enlisting in the U. S. Navy.
best of the Christmas
holiday to a11... also,
our thanks for everything.
Carter Motor Cos., Inc.
we relive the miracle of that
first Christmas, we send our
sincerest greetings to everyone.
For your kind patronage, our thanks.
Allen’s Hom-Ond Food Store
Boys in Service
(08SC020401) JACKSONVIL-
I LE, FLA. (FHTNC) Dec. 15—
I Navy Airman Apprentice Dennis
| .J. Gillespie, son of Mr. and Mrs.
L. C. Gillespie of Locust Grove,
Ga., graduated from Aviation
Electricians School at the Naval
Air Technical Training Center,
Jacksonville, Fla.
He studied the fundamentals of
electricity, electronics, aircraft
electrical and instrument systems,, and repair of air
craft electrical parts.
He also received refresher
courses in ma hematics and phys
(09C50278) GLYNCO, GA.
(FHTNC) Dec. 16—Navy Hos
pital Corpsman Third Class Wil
lard A. Patterson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Willard A. Patterson of 157
Plum St., Jackson, Ga. is serving
at the Air Station, Glynco,
He will work in support of the
Naval Air Technical Training
Center at Glynco.
Graduates of the training cen
ter operate and maintain air
traffic control radar in the fleet.
Others serve as radar intercept
officers in the Navy’s newest all
weather fighter bomber aircraft,
the F-4 Phantom 11.
Guests Tuesday night of Mr.
and Mrs. Jul an Marsh and Alison
were Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Norris
of Chattanooga, Tennessee, and
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mangham
and Laura.
Mrs. J. J. Harris, Mrs. William
T. Feely, and Mrs. B. B. Garland
attended a bridal shower lunch
eon, honoring Miss Tyler Watts,
at the Milledgeville Country Club,
Milledgeville, on Tuesday.
p --*••• - ■
In the happy spirit of the holiday, when peace settles
as gently as freshly fallen snow, we pause and count our
many blessings. Numbered high among them is your
cherished patronage and good will.
Bountiful thanks and sincere greetings to all.
Jackson Building Supply
dljristmas tilings rrljo tfyeir jog axtfc uimtfcermrxxt
tljrmiglfnut tlje lanih ‘iHi&st tlje Ijappg hustle nf .
tjnlihag pregaratimts, me pause tu hih misljes for
Ijealtlr axtfc Ijappiness in nur hear rustomers, tlfeir
families aufc friexxhs. <Tfjak gnu, one an& all.
Cook's Clothing Shop
Cuests Christmas Day of Mr.
and Mrs. Otis Washington and
Lamar will be Mr. and Mrs. Aub
rey Washington and Kyle, Mr.
and Mis. Calvin Moss and chil
dren, Kent, Chris, Robin and
Ricky Thurston, stationed at
Camp LeJeune, N. C. arrived
Tuesday to spend the holidays
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lamar Thurston.
THURSDAY, DEC. 25, 1969
card of thanks
Words are inadquate for me to
express my appreciation to all the
friends and relatives who remem
bered u s during the bereavement
of our loved one. The flower-'
cards, food, calls, and other kind'
nesses were deeply appreciated.
Especially do we thank Ben Ham
ten, Rev. T. J. Thaxton, and Rev.
Francis Ford for their man
words of comfort. May God bl
each and every one.—The Family
of James Fleetwood Duffey.