Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, DEC. 25, 1969
.Linesides continue to work their come-hither magic on east
coast fishermen well into the fall, and one of the last great
love feasts of the year is the Deep Sea Club’s Full Moon Tour
nament staged out at Montauk. This year, under the fullness of
October’s moon, we joined the devotees gathering at the chill
casern tip of Long Island for one more encounter with striped
•ft’e got out early on tournament day, trailering the Garcia
Ainbassadeur, Al’s 19-foot Mako, along the narrow dunes high
way that skirted the sea. We hurried along and talked of the
big” cow stripers which run in the great fall migrations, and
the thrill it would be to pick off a 50-pounder.
Ours was one of the first boats out, and as we passed the
point of land we sighted a sure sign of stripers —a school
0 : threshing menhaden. We got busy right away with power
ful Mitchell 486 saltwater spinning reels and medium action
7-foot Conolon rods and began casting surface swimming plugs
in' among the bait fish. Six school-size stripers hit our plugs
and were boated before the baitfish scattered. It became the
afternoon’s tempo —a sighting of bait fish, quick, furious
hitting by schoolies, then the scattering. But no stripers of
tournament size.
In between sightings of baitfish, we spied haul-seiners in the
distance, working the inshore
waters. With nets strung be
tween trucks rolling along the
beach and open boats limp
ing along outside the surf,
the seiners blanketed the wat
ers for striped bass.
We could only wonder in
disgust when this reckless
assault on the migratory
striper schools would kill off
the species for sport fisher
men for all time. We also
wondered when the state
would consent to designate
this great game fish as a hook
and line fish, as other east coast states have already done.
A1 voiced our fears when he said, “For a few.-dollars apiece,
here are a handful of guys ripping apart these great schools.
If the fish don’t show up next year, what do you tell the 200,009
New York striper fishermen?’’
We dined leisurely that evening, and then with the rising of
the moon went out again in the Ambassadeur. The moon was
high and flooding the waters around us with its brilliance.
We were filled with the anticipation that only the full moon
brings to night fishing. Conditions are near daylight, and the
fish are more secure. They’re not spooked by the phosphores
cent glimmers moving line and lures set up in otherwise pitch
black water. The moonlight penetrates the water and good
monofilament, like Bohnyl, seems again to disappear while
unwary fish approach to attack attractive lures.
We began trolling Alu plastic eels on long lengths of 40-
pound test Bonnyl leaders attached to wire line. We were
using Mitchell 624 conventional reels and the heavy duty 6-
foot Conolon wire trolling rods. Almost at once we had action
and as the silvery forms were drawn to boat-side we could
discern the gill-to-tail body lines which spell striper.
We had steady fishing until midnight, but couldn’t take any
thing above the 25-pound mark. The fishing pressure from the
many near-by boats was intense, and the possibility was good
that the big cow striper which would take the tournament
would be boated this night. But we were shivering now in the
cold and thought only of securing our mess of fish at dockside
and tramping indoors for a warming toddy which is what
tournaments are about, too.
Mr. Kent Michael Mize of
Huntsville, Texas will visit Miss
Sherry Ballard and her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ballard,
during the Yule holidays.
Rev. and Mrs. Andy Holston
and family will have as their
Christmas Day guests Mrs. W. K.
Thaxton, Mrs. F. A. Holston, Miss
Maria Holston, Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Coleman, Jeff and Don
ay your home be warmed by
the spirit of the Christmas spirit.
And to our loyal patrons and
neighbors we extend our thanks.
The State Supply Cos.
Hi - Fi Oil Cos.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Julian
Marsh and Alison are glad to
learn that they moved into their
attractive new brick home on the
Monticello Highway on Wednes
day, December 17th.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pearson,
Gary, Debbie, and Dennis Peai’-
son, of Warrenton, Virginia, will
arrive December 26th to spend
the holidays with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Morgan.
Commandery To
Assemble On
Christmas Morn
Members and visitors of Alex
ius Commandery No. 22, Knights
Templar, will assemble at the Ma
sonic Hall on Christmas morning
for the traditional annual Christ
mas observance.
At that time messages from the
Grand Master of the United
States, John L. Crofts, will be
read as will the response by
Grand Commander Thomas J.
Jones, Athens, Grand Commander
of the State of Georgia.
Alexius Commandery No. 22
was chartered May 9, 1907 with
these observances having been
held on Chrismas Day since that
All qualified Knights Templars
are invited to this meeting.
sacred story is told anew, and lives and glows in the ' VJ|
heart of man, may the boundless blessings of Christmastide bring
comfort and joy evermore. Rejoicing, too, jPSm
we warmly send glad greetings, good wishes to every friend.
Local Banks
List Holiday
Closing Dates
Announcement of holiday bank
ing hours was made this week by
J. Frank Fames of the C&S Bank
of Jackson, and Henry L. Asbury
of Mclntosh State Bank.
In a joint announcement, the
public was informed that both
banks will be open Wednesday,
December 24th, until 3 p. m. to
serve customers and the public on
Christmas Eve,
Messrs. Asbury and Barnes an
nounce that both banks will be
ciosed Thursday, December 25th,
and will be open on Friday, De
cember 26th, from 9 a. m. to 12
Both banks will be closed on
Saturday, December 27th, and on
Thursday, January Ist.
Messrs. Barnes and Asbury
respectfully ask their customers
and the public to take note of the
holiday banking schedule so that
City Will
Close For
All departments of the City
of Jackson, save the Fire and
Police Departments, will be closed
from noon Wednesday, Decem
ber 24th, until Monday morning,
December 29th, it was announ
ced this week by M. L. Powell,
City Clerk. Mr. Powell reminds
Jackson residents that if services
are needed Tuesday and Wednes
day, December 23rd and 24th,
that a call to City Hall will bring
prompt attention.
Mr. Powell also emphasized
that the Fire Department and
Police Department will be on duty
during the holidays on a 24-hour
basis and that if emergency ser
vices are required skeleton crews
will be on a standby basis for im
mediate duty.
as little inconvenience as possible
will be caused those needing to do
banking business.