Newspaper Page Text
Christmas Will Be Observed
Quietly Unless Tragedy Strikes
The Christmas holidays, unless
tragedy intervenes, are expected
to be spent quietly by most coun
ty residents who enjoyed the ar
rival of St. Nicholas Christmas
Eve, with many preparing for an
influx of company or else depart
ing for homes of relatives and
friends to become company, and
in the main generally commemo
rating the birth of Jesus Christ
in a reverent and dignified man
Butts County churches and
those in the city generally ob
served special events during the
Yule Season with cantatas, choir
concerts, and special music, and
on occasion special sermons fea
turing the holy event. However,
there was no union Christmas ser
vice as is the case at Thanksgiv
ing. The Butts County Ministerial
Association sponsored the light
ing of the nativity scene at the
Howell property on West Third
Street although it had to be de
layed a week and the appearance
of the choir cancelled because of
inclement weather.
The Jackson Church of the
Nazarene this year added a dis
tinctive touch to the local scene
with members depicting a live
nativity scene which was most im
pressive and has drawn much fa
vorable comment.
The children of the community
eagerly .await the appearance of
Santa Claus and his reindeer
from the North Pole on Christ
mas Eve and thanks to the Empty
Stocking Fund of the Butts Coun
ty Jaycees, other charities, and
individuals, few, if any, families
were devoid of some semblance
of Christmas cheer at this sea
son. Many families registered for
Empty Stocking Fund assistance
while the names and plight of
other families were learned from
other sources.
Within the past several days
Christmas parties have been en
joyed by employees of several in
dustries in the city with good will
and merriment being the order of
the day.
Both Butts County Sheriff
Hugh Polk and Jackson Police
Chief Watson Vaughn caution
drivers to be especially careful
and wary during the Christmas
season when a tremendous influx
of visitors and tourists are ex
pected on the county’s highways.
Traffic on 1-75 west of the city
is expected to be especially heavy
as persons from far and near use
this principal artery for visits to
With our thanks,
please accept
a wish that the
season brings
many blessings
and a spirit
of joy that lasts
all year long.
Florida and other sites north dur
ing the Yule holidays. Both peace
officers urge special caution if
weather conditions are unfavor
able for wet or ice slick highways
create hazards that the average
driver and heavy traffic is unable
to cope with, hence a rash of ac
cidents when driving conditions
are complicated by rain, sleet or
The State Highway Patrol pre- j
diets a grim toll on highways :
over the state during the long j
Christmas-New Year holidays j
with 54 deaths forecast in 1540
accidents, with 480 injuries dur
ing the 102-hour holiday period.
Col. R. H. Burson, Georgia’s pub
lic safety director, says that the
holiday traffic toll counting be
gins at 0 p. m. Wednesday, De
cember 24th, and ends at mid
night January 4th. The Christmas
toll is expected to be 27 persons
killed, while the New Year’s cas
ualty count is estimated at 17
persons killed in 799 mishap*
and 255 injured. Col. Burson
promises that the State Patrol
will be out in full force to
augment the local sheriff’s and
police department to hold down
the toll.
Business in general is reported
as ‘‘good to brisk” by Jackson
stores with some reporting sales
at a near record mark, while
others felt that business was pre
haps off just a little, though no
one was prepared to give actual
figures. Many businesses will
close for two days, Thursday and
Friday, reopening Saturday, De
cember 27th, while some few will
take a longer holiday period. The
Post Offices in the county will
be closed Christmas Day with
mail dispatches on a holiday
schedule. Mclntosh State Bank
and the C&S Bank of Jackson
will be open Friday, December
2Cth, from 9 a. m. to 12 noon for
the convenience of their custom
ers and the public. Both banks
will be closed December 27th and
January Ist.
Family reunions and gatherings
will prove popular during the
holiday period with turkey and
all the trimmings, as at Thanks
giving, proving the principal bill
of fare on many tables over the
Both Mayor C. B. Brown, Jr.
and Police Chief Watson Vaughn
emphasize the ban on shooting
fireworks within the city limits
and state that all violators caught
will be prosecuted to the fullest
extent of the law.
One of the highlights of the
Christmas Season was the Christ
mas Lighting Contest, sponsored
for many years by the Garden
* : i WT" || to Tou/
May you and your
j family enjoy
i 111 £ a happy holiday. We
. 4 ;L thank you warmly.
Jimmy's Radio & TV Service
170 N. Mulberry
i .'V*. * v v*■ vv ***• ■*—- ■™— ■— ■'*— - '
<,• V- >\ v <- s -. V. \- -"W -
On this joyous day,
we extend to dur friends and neighbors,
the wish for peace and happiness.
And add a heartfelt thank you to all.
Stephens Grocery
Club Council and the Jackson
Progress-Argus, which was held
Thursday night, December 18th,
with the homes of Dr. and Mrs.
J. C. Howell and Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Shapard being adjudged
the city’s most prettily decorated.
Winning second place were Mr.
and Mrs. Harold McMichael and
Miss Elizabeth Finley. Third
place awards went to Mr. and
Mrs. Richard W. Watkins, Jr. and
Mrs. J. W. Carter. The town was
divided into east and west with
Mulberry Street the dividing line.
The three businesses winning
prizes as being the most attrac
tively decorated were Mclntosh
State Bank, first; Brookwood
Beauty Salon, second; and The
Princess Shop, third. Prizes in
denominations of SIO.OO, first;
$7.50 second; and $5.00, third,
in all categories are made avail
able by the Progress-Argus with
the Garden Club Council and
participating garden clubs obtain
ing and entertaining the judges,
setting up rules, and other details
in general.
Members of Alexis Command
ery No. 22 will assemble at the
Masonic Hall on Christmas morn
ing for the traditional Christmas
observance. All qualified Knights
Templars are invited to attend.
Finger Style Food
Foods for nibbling are
welcome at holiday festivi
ties. Try this quick and easy
spread for toast rounds or
crackers. Combine 1 can
(12 oz.) luncheon meat,
ground with 1/2 cup sour
cream, 1/8 teaspoon garlic
salt, and 1 teaspoon dry
instant onion, reconstituted.
Mix thoroughly.
Bologna Kabobs are
good finger eatin’ too, and
easy. On skewers or on
wooden picks thread: bolo
gna cubes, green pepper
squares, and small spiced
beets; or 2 bologna cubes
and pickled cherry pepper;
or 3 bologna cubes, pimento
squares, green tomato pick
les and gherkins.
At the king’s court, as well
as at universities and manor
houses a Lord of Misrule had
charge of the sports, games,
and ceremonials during the
Yule season. In London, for
instance, this personage pa
raded along the streets with
his followers and organized
festivities for the populace. In
homes games were played, one
of the favorites being Snap
Dragon, the attempt to pull a
raisin from a bowl of flam
ing spirits.
Devotees Of
Prayer Are
Asked To Sign
Madelyn Murray, the atheist
who has protested prayers in pub
lic schools and succeeded in get
ting the Supreme Court of the
United States to rule them out,
has obtained 27,000 signed letters
protesting the astronaut’s read
ing the Bible from outer space.
She plans to present these to
N.A.S.A. Headquarters, asking
that the men be publicly cen
sured. The Family Radio Broad
cast is asking for 100,000 letters
commending the astronauts.
The Tri-Hi-Y Club of Jackson
High School has taken as a pro
ject the collecting of signatures
of people who are concerned and
interesting in letting the people
of N.A.S.A. know they are op
posed to Mrs. Murray’s protest.
If you support this project please
sign below and send to Jackson
High School to Norma Hearn,
chairman of the project, or to
Mrs. Roy Prosser, Tri-Hi-Y advis
I personally appreciate and
wholeheartedly support the recent
decision of the astronauts to read
the Bible in space as they orbited
the moon. It should be the right
Thanks for your most
generous good will.
To you and yours we
° wish a Merry Christmas.
he young
We join in to wish you the best
of the Holiday Season with loved ones.
Dixie Discount
• We join these who
. V sing oul the praises of
' this joyful season, and thank
you for your trust and good will.
IN STYLE . . . Holiday
dresses, fashioned after the
styles worn by their favorite
dolls can delight a young
girl’s heart. The coin-dot shirt
maker at left is of Combed
Sateen, and has a doll-carry
ing pocket Ribbon print is at
right It has pendant bow that
tops the piped cowl collar and
tucks through corded am 1
gathered waistline.
of every human to publicly ex
press his faith in God and the
Bible without fear of reprisal
from government or any other
City & State
' . y>> y : >. ..’ '■ >v
Griswell Realty Cos.
112 E. Second St. 775-2664
cfjl Joy-filled voices ring out
Jn song ' folding the
message of that first
Rita's Beaute Rama
Closed Dec. 25 and 26
■! yl- •;•/ ■ . /
Ronnie s Pure Oil Station
THURSDAY, DEC. 25, i 969