Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, DEC. 25, 1969
Qidwt Out ,-ssgg?
News of 10 Years Ago
josie Newby, 25 year old Negro
voman, became Butts County’s
fourth traffic fatality of the year
when she was killed and her
daughter, Rosa Lee, 4, critically
Injured when struck by a car
near Pepperton Cemetery on
Route 16 East Friday night.
Howard J. Greer was elected
Worshipful Master of the Indian
Springs Lodge 307, Flovilla, at a
recent election.
Lamar P. Jinks was elected to
serve as president of the Jackson
Exchange Club at the meeting
Thursday night.
Frank Sinkwich, of Athens,
University of Georgia All Amer
ican and greatest offensive play
er in southern football history,
spoke to the Butts County Ath
letic Association Wed nesday
night. He was introduced by Dr.
J. C. Howell, a long time personal
News of 20 Years Ago
The Covington Manufacturing
Company, operating plants in At
lanta and Covington, began the
manufacture of pants here Mon
day in the Howell Building.
N. A. Powell was elected high
priest of Jackson Chapter No. 50,
Royal Arch Masons, at the annual
business meeting Monday night.'
Wayne Barnes, Butts County
Tax Collector, is the new presi
dent of the Exchange Club. Other
officers are L. C. Webb, vice
president; M. G. McCrary, secre
tary and Gervin Lewis, treasurer.
Funeral services for James
Howell Pettigrew, 24, killed in an
automobile accident in Detroit,
Michigan were held Saturday at
g| J •■ /
Ch return
Here’s wishing you and yours all
the long-lasting happiness of an
old-fashioned Christmas. We deep
ly value your continued patronage
...and friendly good will. To
everyone, a heartfelt thank you.
Haisten Chapel.
When their car sideswiped a
truck Thursday morning near
Perry, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mc-
Michael and Mrs. R. H. Burford
suffered multiple injuries and
were taken to the Riverside Hos
pital in Montezuma.
News of 30 Years Ago
The campaign for the sale of
Christmas Seals, the proceeds of
which goes to fight Tuberculosis,
is headed by N. F. Land as chair
Members of the Baptist, Meth
odist and Presbyterian Churches
joined in a Union Service at the
Methodist church Sunday night
for a welcome to the new pastor
of that church, Rev. J. C. Callo
way, who comes to Jackson from
On Tuesday evening at six
o’clock the members of the C. L.
F. Class of the First Baptist
Church were dinner guests of
Mrs. John E. Lane, their teacher,
at Hotel Buchanan.
G. Carter Moore was again
named Worshipful Master of
Saint John’s Lodge No. 45 F and
AM, at the election of officers
Monday night.
The Jackson City Council for
the second consecutive time has
banned the shooting of fireworks
within the city limits during the
Christmas holidays.
News of 40 Years Ago
Voters of Jackson will nomi
nate city officials to serve for
1930 at a primary election to be
held on December 27.
Mrs. Marian Duke, aged 40,
passed away at her home in the
Worth ville community Saturday
night following an illness of two
weeks during which she suffered
The loveliest event ushering in
the Yuletide season was the meet
ing of the Garden Club Wednes
day with Mrs. W. D. Roper as the
gracious hostess.
The piano pupils of Miss Viola
Slaughter gave a most enjoyable
recital Friday evening at the
clubhouse when a large assem
blage of friends of both the pu
pils and teacher were present.
The boys of Jackson High
School defeated the boys of For
syth 19-14 in the opening basket
ball game of the season.
• -•*' ■//.,' , 1 " ' II amni rmi nin 'in’ IHi ’****** WHM
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voices are raised in joyful
Merry Christinas resounds warmly in our
hearts. At this most festive of all seasons,
|fj|p we wish you and yours the happiest of holidays.
Thank you for your continued good will which indeed
makes our day-tO'day business a privilege and pleasure.
Griffin Tech
To Offer
New Courses
Griffin Tech announces that
courses in Home Decorating and
Home Sewing (dressmaking) will
be taught beginning the week of
January 5, 1970.
The classes in Home Decora
ting will meet one day a week
and will start January 7, 1970. A
class in Accessories will be taught
from 10 a. m. to 12 p. m. and a
class in Basic Color and Design
will be taught from 1 p. m. to 3
p. m.
The sewing classes will be
Luncheon guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Julian Marsh and Alison on
Christmas Day will be Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Wise, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Barnes and Dan, and Mr.
C. B. Wise.
taught two (2) days pey week be
ginning January 5, 1970. Classes
iir Basic and Intermediate Sew
ing will be taught. Both day and
evening classes will be offered.
The cost will be $5.00 per
course. Anyone interested in en
rolling in these classes should
contact Griffin Tech, Box 131,
phone 227-1322 for further in
formation and a time schedule
for each class.
Miss Gene Cameron will be the
Christmas Day guest of Dennis
Remington, Mrs. Pearl Remington
and Mr. Dennis Agee at their
home on the Atlanta highway.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Wells
were Christmas Eve dinner guests
of Mrs. Wells’ parents, Mr. and
Mi s. Avery Cook, and fam
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Wells
will be Christmas Day guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wells at Jenk
Dinner guests Christmas Day
of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Washing
ton will be Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Norsworthy and Mr. and Mrs.
Bennie Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Ball, ac
companied by their son, Henry
Ball, will spend Christmas Day
in Augusta with their daughter,
Mrs. R. E. McCrary, Mr. Mc-
Crary, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Jones Jr.
will spend Christmas Day with
Mrs. L. F. Griffeth and family in
Athens, going over for the tra
ditional family dinner and re
union Christmas afternoon.
Mrs. W. B. Asbury of Wood
ville was a guest during the
Christmas holidays of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Asbury and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank O’Neal of
Atlanta will spend a part of the
holidays with Mrs. Madge Pickett.