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Newspaper Page Text
C H —' -M-
Plum pudding is as much a part of Christmas as holly
and the Tree. This is one that you will enjoy making: You
will enjoy eating it too.
1 pound seeded raisins l/2 pound minced orange
peel 5 eggs l/2 pound brown sugar 1 pound
suet chopped fine 1 teaspoon nutmeg l/2 tea
spoon cloves l/2 teaspoon mace 1 cup Cognac
brandy 1 pound currants l/4 pound flour
1 pound stale bread crumbs 1 teaspoon cinammon
1 teaspoon allspice 1 teaspoon baking soda— pinch
of salt & grated rind of 1 lemon.
Wash the dry currants, add raisins and mix well. All dry
ingredients should be mixed together. Beat the eggs and
add to them the Brandy, then pour this liquid to the dry
mixture and add fruit.
Pack into greased pudding mold and steam for 6 hours.
Steam for another 6 hours when ready to use. Serve with
Cognac or hard sauce. This will keep for weeks if kept in
a cool, dry place.
to All! ■—
and every one
And thanks for '
your very '
kind patronage. "'.*■* .1 ; *
i/. ' y '' :
P- \ ; /
Superior Cleaners
*MUf%ejsi xMg’Vv
*** 45*3 *; '
'**' **tC' Watch carefully and you may see Santa
f ■■' speeding our message your way for a happy
;)< holiday for you and yours. Thanks ,*n.
for your confidence and support,
♦>*. ' ~
•• \ ~ (i
? * '*••.
' *• j,
Deraney s Dept. Store
The Cambridge Shop
On Go-Carts,
Bikes Listed
Parents considering Christmas
gifls of go-carts, motor bikes and
motor scooters for their young
sters have been cautioned by
Public Safety Director Col. R. H.
Burson to “know the law about
such vehicles before allowing
them to be operated on public
streets and highways.”
Col. Burson said the first and
foremost requirement for opera
tion of such a motor vehicle is a
driver’s license ... a requirement
that is frequently violated in that
parents allow their youngsters to
operate such vehicles before they
reach 16, the legal age to get a
driver’s license.
In a recent ruling by Attorney
General Arthur Bolton, it was es
tablished that a go-cart must have
the same safety devices as an
automobile before operation on
public roads or streets . . . in
cluding headlights, stoplights,
and turn signals. They also must
be registered and inspected an
Motor scooters and motor bikes
with engines of five horsepower
or less must be equipped with
headlights and stoplights. Addi
tionally, operators of motor bikes,
scooters, and go-carts are re
quired to wear protective head
gear ... a regulation that is
often violated.
Col. Burson said the regula
tions are not meant to place a
hardship on the youngsters or
their parents but must be en
forced for everyone’s protection.
The law, as written, generally
prohibits the use of go-carts on
public roads by the nature of the
regulations. Col. Burson said,
however, there is no specific reg
ulation against the operation of
such vehicle on private property.
Hanging mistletoe in the home
is a tradition which originated
with Druid priests. These an
cient believed the plant was a
sign of peace and hope.
No matter how well a garden
or public landscape development
is planned and planted, a regular
maintenance program must be
carried out to insure beauty and
utility over the years, says T. G.
Williams Jr., head of the land
scape department of the Univer
sity of Georgia Cooperative Ex
tension Service.
Select a cut Christmas tree
early when the choice is wide.
Apply a freshness test before
you buy it. With proper care
the tree can be kept fresh until
To determine how fresh a tree
is, do this: Thump the butt hard
on the ground. If needles shower
down, it’s a sign of dryness.
Next pull the needles. If they
have good resistance, the tree is
relatively fresh.
Rub a finger across the butt.
If it is sticky with resin, that,
too is a sign of freshness. Spread
lower branches. If they’re
springy and sturdy, they will
hold ornaments well. Odor or
fragrance is another mark of
freshness. Avoid a Christmas
tree with browned patches of
The butt of a tree should be
6 to 7 inches long and in sym
metry the branch spread should
be half the height of a tree.
Taken home, the tree should
be given this care: First, cut a
diagonal slice an inch thick
from the butt and peel back
the bark another inch.
Place the tree in a bucket of
cold water. Keep the tree in a
garage, porch or other cool place
until you are ready to bring it
indoors. Add water to the con
tainer periodically. Coating the
needles with an anti-wilt spray
compound will prevent needles
drying out and falling. Or you
may sprinkle the needles daily
with water. This reduces
We Will Be Open
December 24th Until 3:00 P. M.
We Will Be Closed December 25th and
Will Be Open December 26th From 9 to 12
We Will Be Closed
December 27th and January Ist
We Wish You And Yours A
Very Merry Christmas
And A Happy New Year
Mclntosh state bank
Safty Tips
Given For
Yule Trees
Keep your holiday season un
marred by the tragedy that can
strike when Christmas trees ac
cidentally ignite.
That’s the advice of Dean De-
Lamar, manager of the Georgia
Power Company’s safety depart
ment, who advises Georgia fam
ilies to take the following pre
1. Use only a freshly cut tree,
one not dried out by prolonged
storage. A tree is fresh if the
needles do not fall off when the
tree is bounced down hard. An
other sign of freshness is a tree
Certified Public Accountants, with offices
in Atlanta, Cartersville, and Cedartown,
Georgia, announce the opening of offices
at 38 Mulberry Street, Commerical Build
ing, Jackson, Georgia for the practice of
public accounting, including auditing and
tax work.
butt sticky with resin.
2. Stand the tree in water until
ready for use. Saw off the tree
trunk at an angle at least one
inch above the original cut.
3. Provide a strong support for
the tree by using a sturdy stand
that has anchor clamps and a con
tainer which holds water. Check
the water supply daily.
4. Keep the tree away from
lighted fireplace and heaters.
5. Do not use candles on the
6. Use only lighting sets that
bear the Underwriter’s Labora
tories, Inc. (UL) label.
7. Never string electric lights
on a metal tree.
8. Check lighting sets for
frayed wires, loose connections
and broken sockets before using.
Dispose of defective sets; don’t
THURSDAY, DEC. 25, 1 969
try to patch them.
9. Be sure the fuse of the elec
tric circuit serving the tree is not
more than 15 amperes.
10. Turn off Christmas tree
lights before the family goes out
for the evening or retires for the
night. Collect and remove as sot i
as possible all combustible Chri .
mas wrappings as they accunu.-
late in the home.
Joy and blessings
to all, during the
Holiest of Seasons.