Newspaper Page Text
A Statement of Intent to Dis
STORE, INC., a Georgia Corpo
ration with registered office at
112-114 Second St., Jackson,
Georgia 30233, has been delivered
to the Secretary of State by the
said corporation and filed by
him on March 2, 1970 in accord
ance with the applicable provis
ions of the Georgia Business Cor
poration Code.
benjamin b. garland,
A tty.
Jackson, Georgia 30233
In The Superior Court of Butts
County, Georgia.
To All Whom This May Con
Notice is hereby given that
petition as given in the Caption
hereof, in the Superior Court of
Butts County, Georgia on Feb
ruary 26th, 1970, praying that
the name of her minor child
WELL be changed so that her
correct and legal name shall be
tered upon said minor child’s
birth certificate;
NOW, THEREFORE, this is to
give notice to all whom this may
concern, and to all interested and
affected parties of said proceed
ings, to appear and file their ob
jections, if any they have, as said
matter will come on for hearing
by the court after the expiration
of thirty (30) days from the
date of filing of said petition.
This the 20th day of February
Attorney for the Petitioner
Georgia, Butts County:
There will be sold at Public
Outcry to the highest and best
bidder for cash, between the legal
hours of sale, before the court
house door in Butts County,
Georgia on the first Tuesday in
April 1970 the following des
cribed personal property, to-wit;
Said property found in posses
sion of Robert L. Fendley and
levied on to satisfy n Mortgage
Fi. Fa. in Favor of the Mclntosh
State Bank against ROBERT L.
FENDLEY issued from the Su
perior Court of Butts County,
Georgia levied on as the property
of the defendant in Fi. Fa. Notice
of Levy and Sale having been
given to the defendant in Fi. Fa.
This the 3rd day of March
Sheriff of Butts County,
Georgia. 3/5/'4tc.
Notice is hereby given that the
business operated in Jackson, Ga.,
Butts County, in the trade name
AGENCY is owned and carried
ERY, whose address is 122 Enst
Third St., Jackson, Ga. 30233,
and the statement relating there
to required by Georgia Code Sec
tion No. 106-301 et seq has been
filed with the Clerk, Butts Su
perior Court.
B. B. Garland, Atty.
Honor Roll
New and Renewal Subscription*
Of The Past Few Day.
W. M. Towles, Jackson
Mrs. Clyde Wright, Atlanta
Jeanette Trimble, Jackson
Mrs. Dorenda Trimble, Dayton,
B. F. Pelt, Decatur
Mrs. Arthur Cleveland, Jenkins
Mrs. W. H. Phinazee, Jackson
O. P. Stephens, Jackson
James Lawson, Jackson
Rayburn Bankston, Jackson
I. B. W. Bond, Stone Mountain
Vance R. Ray, Jr., Jackson
E. L. Etheredge, Forsyth
Sims Crawford, Flovilla
i Mrs. Duane Leverette, Jackson
Maj. Lemma M. Ingram, Ft.
Little League
Elects Officers
Monday Night
The Board of Directors of the
Van Deventer Little League met
Monday night in the civic room
of the C&S Bank of Jackson and
elected Stanley Maddox as presi
dent of the Little League for the
1970 season.
Other officers include Rev.
Ray Dunahoo, secretary; Mrs.
Wayne Barnes, treasurer; J. M. L.
Comer, player agent; and Rev.
Ray IJunahoo, chaplain. Directors
elected were Davis Willard, James
Trimble, Herman Cawthon, Tony
Grant, R. C. Norsworthy, and
Ernest Biles.
Managers and coaches for
1970 include: City Pharmacy,
Ernest Biles; Polk Tire Cos., Den
ny O’Neal and Davis Willard;
Avondale Mills, Luke Weaver;
American Mills, Robin James.
Umpires for the upcoming season
are Tony Grant, head umpire;
Allen Byars, R. C. Norsworthy,
Joe Brown, Jr., Terry Kitchens,
Frank McMichael, Ron Thompson,
and I)oc McMichael. Mrs. Jim
Browning will serve as score
keeper; Charlie Brown will call |
the games over the PA System
with Herman Cawthon as safety
The Little League season will
begin on May 6th and will con
sist of 18 games with the league
championship decided by the best
record for the season. Player
selection will be made on April
Bth at 7 o’clock at the Van De
venter Youth Center. Members of
the Finance Committee are E. I).
Briscoe, Clyde Herbert, and
Maurice Carmichael.
Plans have been discussed by
the board of directors to form a
Ladies Auxiliary for the Van De
venter Little League. Those in
terested in forming an auxiliary
will meet March 9th in the civic
room of the C&S Bank at 7
Side Of
Many people think Spring is
close at hand since there have
been reports of “buttercups”
blooming The new tele
phone office is moving right
along. We understand present em
ployees are working long hours to
make things ready for the change
over expected in September or
October of this year WSB
Radio has a contest finding the
person who can tell the biggest
lie. We know several people who,
if they entered, could win easily.
People are complaining
everyday about the garbage, but
are doing nothing about it. Still
they carelessly discard cans and
trash alongside the road without
giving it a second thought
Overheard a woman say that she
took her diet pill later in the day
than she should and was up at
two a. m. taking exercises, among
other things, because the pill had
given her lots of energy
Glad to hear thut the Griffin-
Jackson-Monticello Highway is
going to be resurfaced. It's not
being done before it needs it . . .
. . . Many reports of flu have
been heard of in the county. We
hope these people are feeling up
to par now Jimmy Cor
nell made the statement that it
was cold Saturday. Can’t pos
sibly imagine where he got an
idea like that The burn
ing of the old Indian Springs
i Consolidated School left a big
, gap on the hill that was a familiar
Butts County School Schedule 1970
Sixth Month Ends March 4
GTE A March
One day separate or together
GEA March
Third Nine Weeks Ends March 26
Spring Holidays March 27 and 30
Seventh Month Ends April 6
In-Service Training April 10
Eighth Month Ends May 5
Ninth Month Ends June 2
Post-Planning June 3-4-5
Gilbert Named
Head of Law
Advisory Group
At the regular meeting of the
Law Enforcement Advisory Com
mittee held on Febraury 25, 1970,
the following officers were re
elected: Dwayne Gilbert (Sheriff,
Spalding County), Chairman;
Brasil Usery (Chief of Police,
Barnesville), Vice-Chairman; Leo
Blackwell (Chief of Police, Grif
fin), Secretary.
The Law Enforcement Advis
ory Committee was responsible
for obtaining $138,644.50 of
federal and local funds to as
sist in the improvement of law
enforcement within the Mclntosh
Trail Area including the coun
ties of Butts, Fayette, Henry, La
mar, and Spalding.
The Law Enforcement Ad
visory Committee consists of local
experts in the field of criminal
justice, i. e., police, courts, cor
rection, juvenile delinquency,
parole, probation, educators, and
one citizen at large from each of
the five counties.
Georgia Power
Taxes Aid Two
Butts Towns
The Georgia Power Company
has paid a combined total of sl,-
237.86 to the cities of Flovilla
and Jenkinsburg for their 1969
M. W. Massey, local manager
of the Georgia Power Company,
presented each of the checks with
$462.76 going to Flovilla and
$775.10 to Jenkinsburg. Each of
these checks represented a per
centage ,of the grnss receipts
received in 1969 by the company
from the sale of electric power
to commercial and residential
customers in the city.
The company’s total tax bill
for 1969 was $02,185,926 includ
ing property taxes. This does not
include the sales tax the company
collects from its customers for
the State of Georgia, nor does
it include sales tax the company
pays on materials used in its ope
Honor Roll
New and Renewal Subscription*
Of The Past. Few Days
Mrs. B. A. Weaver, Jackson
C. A. Colbert, Jackson
Chester Rivers, Jackson
Luther Wilkins, Jackson
John W. Webb, Indian Springs
Mrs. Otis Barnes, Jackson
J. M. L. Comer, Jackson
Homer Capps, Jackson
W. A. Thaxton, Jackson
A. M. Davis, Jackson
Charlie D. Moore, Jackson
Mrs. Virgie Norsworthy, Jack
Flint River PCA, Jonesboro
W. L. Collins, Jackson
sight to the many people who
drive back and forth that way ev
eryday A child was over
heard recently to say that he
loved his mother “more than my
puppy,” which to a child, is a
great deal of love We
named our Boxer dog “Snoopy”
because for several days last
week we noticed him on top
of his doghouse looking just like
Snoopy in Peanuts Glad
to note that Kiwanians in Atlanta
are trying to educate youth about
drugs. This is a problem, 1 think,
that is more serious than people
New* of 10 Year* Ago
On January 25th Mrs. J. H.
McKibben of Atlanta realized one
of her most cherished ambitions,
for on that date she observed her
100th birthday surrounded by all
her children.
Miss Willene Holloway, senior
at Jackson High School and
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W .L.
Hblloway of Indian Springs, has
been selected by the William Mc-
Intosh Chapter, DAR, as recipient
of the Good Citizen Award at
Jackson High.
Macedonia Baptist Church will
hold special dedicatory services
Sunday afternoon to dedicate
their now $20,000 Educational
G. N. Etheredge, 1960 Cam
paign Director of the new March
of Dimes announces this week
that the drive was a record break
ing success with $1,900.29 collec
ted this year.
Severe winds, accompanied by
roaring sounds generally associ
ated with tornadoes, struck por
tions of Butts County between
eleven o’clock and noon on
Thursday, inflicting damage to
several buildings, uprooting trees,
blowing over signboards and in
terrupting electrical service in
areas of the county, by trees and
limbs falling across power lines.
News of 20 Years Ago
Thanks to the Exchange Club
and public spirited individuals
and firms, the Jackson High
School Band is now outfitted with
new uniforms.
The Jackson High Red Devils
took two games from Henry
County Friday night, the girls
winning 47-15 and the boys by
a 48-33 score.
Alfred D. Fears, Jackson at
torney and Vincent Jones, Jack
son newspaperman, announced
this week that they would be can
didates for representative and
senator respectively in the sum
mer primary.
Dr. William R. Cannon, pro
fessor of Historical Theology and
Church History at Emory Uni
versity, will be the guest minis
ter at a church mission at the
Jenkinsburg Methodist Church.
Mrs. S. B. Kinard, one of the
county’s most widely beloved
women, died early Sunday at the
home of her son, S. B. Kinard
Jr., in Macon. Death resulted
after an illness of several months.
News of 30 Years Ago
Unable to successfully combat
a combination of snow, clogged
highways and frozen pipes, the
meeting of the Jackson Kiwanis
Club set for Tuesday night was
postponed and set for January
30. At that time the club will
celebrate its 19th anniversary.
The Jackson Public Schools and
the Butts County Schools will re
main closed until Monday, Jan
uary 29th, it was announced
Thursday morning. This action is
taken because of the extremely
cold weather, snow and under
bad highway conditions.
Mr. T. H. Nolen, one of Jack
son’s best known citizens, will ob
serve his 80th birthday on Mon
day, January 29th.
Announcement is made that J.
W. Glass, who has served as
Jackson Moving
& Storage
We do all types of hauling, local and
long distance. We are specialists in
moving household furniture and pride
ourselves on the extra care we take
with your furnishings. Space is avail
able for furniture storage if desired.
Call us at
775-7571 or 775-2358
superintendent of the Indian
Springs State Park for the last
few years, has been transferred
to Pine Mountain State Park.
News of 40 Year* Ago
Friends of Mr. B. H. Hodges,
well known Butts County farmer
and member of the county Board
of Commissioners, are delighted
to know that he was a winner in
the Five-Acre Cotton Contest
conducted by the State College
of Agriculture.
Following the monthly meeting
of the Board of Education Tues
day it was announced that ar
rangements have been completed
to pay teachers the last payroll.
A team from Jackson com
posed of J. A. Dodson, P. H.
Weaver, R. C. Ward and L. H.
Hurt went up to Locust Grove
Monday night and defeated a
team from that city in a bowling
match, winning nine out of ten
Girl Scout Troop No. 1 of
Jackson was organized recently
under the leadership of Mrs. J.
G. McDonald with the organiza
tion operated by the Women’s
Be Careful
Einoculars, opera glasses, tele
scopes, smoked glass, a pinhole
in a card, exposed photographic
film, welder’s goggles and even
sunglasses are NOT safe for
watching the eclipse of the sun,
Saturday, March 7.
Only by indirect methods, such
as simple projection devices and
television, can the eclipse be ob
served without risking damage to
the eyes, cautions the Georgia
Optometrie Association.
A simple “pinhole camera” can
be made by punching a clean hole
in the end of a shoebox with a
pin or needle. Cover the oppo
site end with white paper. Then
point the pinhole toward the sun
so that the rays move through
the pinhole and project a clearly
defined image of the eclipse on
the white paper.
Honor Roll
New and Renewal Subscriptions
Of Ihe East Few Days
Max Perdue, Flovilla
J. L. Fletcher, Jr., Tucker
Mrs. Q. J. Hardy, Conley
W. Howard O’Neal, St. Peters
burg, Fla.
Mrs. J. A. Dodson, Jackson
Mrs. S. W. Maddox, Jackson
Mrs. C. B. Gaston, Jackson
Mrs. H. C. Gunn, Jackson
Elmer Cawthon, Jackson
Mrs. J. E. Bond, Jackson
Mrs. J. S. Ball, Jr., Jackson
Mrs. John K. Wise, Jackson
M. L. Powell, Jackson
MVs. M. C. Braswell, Carroll
Lindsey Powell, Atlanta
WINNING DEMONSTRATION —Bruce Shepard, left, and
Joe Lineberger, center, look on as Glen Rivers demonstrates
how to measure amperes in an electrical circuit. His demon
stration won sixth place in the contest, sponsored by Georgia
REA Cooperatives in cooperation with the Vocational Division
of the State Department of Education, held in Carrollton.
Glen Rivers
Places Sixth
In Contest
Glen Rivers, member of the
Jackson High FFA Chapter and
son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Rivers of Route 4, Jackson, took
sixth place overall in the FFA
Rural Electrification Contest
sponsored by the Georgia Elec
tric Membership Corporations in
cooperation with the Vocational
Division of the State Department
of Education.
The Electrification Contest was
held at Central High School of
Carrollton on February 28. Mem
bers of 47 departments in North
west Georgia participated in the
In order to participate in the
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Call 775-3129
Carmichael Insurance Agency
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March 6th thru March 14th
contest each member must have
made an oral presentation of
some phase of Rural Electrifi
cation, plus take a written test
concerning principles of Electri
city, and in addition successfully
wire up a wiring problem which
was assigned to them.
E. B. Shepard and J. W. Line
berger, advisors of the Jackson
High FFA Chapter, will accom
pany Glen on April 2 to Atlanta
to attend an Awards Banquet at
the Marriott Hotel in honor of
the winners of the contests spon
sored by the Georgia Electric
Membership Corporations.
I wish to express my sincere
appreciation to each one who ren
dered service in helping to con
trol the fire on my property
Sunday night. Special thanks to
the Jackson Fire Department.—
Mrs. Obie Watkins.
Fri. and Sat. Only