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Macon Feed and Seed Company
In Business For Over 37 Years
Two stores are now in opera
tion for the Macon Seed and
Feed Company, Inc. The origi
nal location is still at 3115 Broad
way and the new store is located
at 4561 Pio Nono Ave., having
opened last February.
A complete line of garden sup
plies, including fertilizers, insec
ticides, sprays, garden tools,
trees, shrubs, grass seed, garden
seeds, field seed and hardware is
carried at both locations.
Macon Feed and Seed also car
ries a full line of bedding plants
in the spring and thousands of
the ever beautiful Caladium
bulbs, flowering bulbs, plants
and many others. Grass sod of
many varieties in season is also
available here.
At times, even the most ex
perienced gardeners need advice
and it is readily given by Edward
Young, manager of the Broadway
store. He is ably assisted by his
wife, Clara, who also serves as
bookkeeper and Alton Turner
who are both eager to give cus
tomers the assistance they need
on planting and growing beauti
ful plants.
The Pio Nono store is under
the management of Joseph and
J. T. Young who are also ex
perienced in gardening. They
stand ready to assist customers
on even the most minor problems.
Middle Georgians will certainly
want to visit Macon Feed and
Seed’s 16,000 square feet of
nursery yard. The area is filled
with a very wide selection of
azaleas, camellias, fruit, shade
and nut trees, flowering shrubs
and tree of many varieties, ever
greens, rose bushes and other
shrubs and plants.
“You name it and I believe we
will have it, but if not, we will
do our best to get it for you,”
Edward Young declared.
Now is the ideal time for plant
ing these trees and shrubs, and
customers will find the prices at
Macon Feed and Seed Cos. most
As an additional service to
customers, Edward Young will
visit homes of persons starting a
new yard. He will recommend the
plants and shrubs that are best
suited for the area, or for the
garden that has already been
started, he recommends fertiliz
ers, iron and necessary elements
that will make trees, lawns and
shrubs healthier.
Most important in planting
shrubs and trees is the use of peat
moss. It is available in all size
packages at Macon Feed and Seed
Customers will find at either
store all types of fertilizers such
as azalea and camellia food, rose
food, pecan fertilizer and even
McDonough Christian Academy
New Applications Accepted
Beginnning March 9th
9 A. M. to 5 P. M.
at the
McDonough Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
Tuition Rates:
Grades 1-8: $125 Registration
$40.00 per month for 10 Months
Grades 9-12: $l5O Registration
$50.00 per Month for 10 Months
Classes Begin in September
fertilizers with insect and weed
controls, plus 4-12-12, 6-12-12,
5-10-5, 10-10-10 and many more.
Macon Feed and Seed Com
pany, both at Broadway and Pio
Nono, is the distributor for Swift
and Company, Vitogro, and Viti
gro products.
For a healthier lawn, Edward
Young advises application right
now of Vitogro Lawn Food. This
is a non-burning fertilizer, with
a 33 pound bag adequately cov
ering 5,000 square feet of lawn.
Well known in the Macon area
is the Scott'fertilizer and spread
er line which is also carried at
Macon Feed and Seed Cos.
Personnel in both stores keep
up with the newest insecticides,
fungicides and herbicides in
order to aid customers, when
ever the need arises. Edward
Young says, “Our entire sales
staff is qualified to offer pro
fessional advice and to the care
and culture of plants, including
methods of eradicating insects
and diseases.”
Included in the 15,000 square
feet of floor space within the
two stores are hardware depart
ments with every piece of equip
ment a do-it-yourself gardener
could possibly need. Other avail
able items found here are a com
plete stock of lawn mowers ; gar
dening hand tools, saws and other
items for the home shop. Spray
ers and hoses of all varieties are
included here . . . even one that
can be attached to a water hose
and used for simple application of
liquid fertilizers and insecticides.
For farm customers here, all
fertilizers, seeds, insecticides,
herbicides and farm tools are
Delivery service is offered
daily to customers of Macon Feed
and Seed Cos. For a period of 25
years, David Jackson has served
as the courteous and reliable
truck driver for this firm.
An attractive selection of gar
den accessories, such as cement
tables, benches, and bird baths,
or redwood tubs and trellises
may be found at Macon Feed and
Seed. Wrought iron patio furni
ture featuring chairs, settees,
tables and flower boxes is also
For both a touch of beauty and
mulching of flower beds, the com
pany has added a line of white
marble chips and pine bark mulch.
Macon Feed and Seed Cos. of
fers attractive prices, excellent
quality and service that is known
to be prompt and courteous.
Edward and Clara Young, J. T.
and Joseph Young and Allen
Turner all take this opportunity
to thank their friends and cus
tomers for their past patronage
asd invite them to call and visit
often at either or both Macon
On The Farm
Butts County Agent
February has
been Achieve
ment month
for 4-H Club
There were a
total of 59
given. The
winners will compete in County
Achievement on March 27, 1970.
The annual silage shortcourse
was held at Rock Eagle on Tues
day, February 17th. Attending
with me from Butts County was
James Kelley.
Four Butts County dairymen
attended the last of a series of
three dairy management meetings
in Forsyth last week. Those at
tending were James Kelly, Jim
my Maddox, Robert Smith and
Lamar Weaver.
Sorghums for Silage
There are very few people who
will compare sorghums with corn
for silage, however sorghums do
have some advantages over corn
such as drought resistance and
time of planting.
Let’s compare some of the
newer sorghums with NK 300.
DeKalb FS-1A produces about
the same tonnage and quality, but
matures about one week earlier.
DeKalb BR-64, Pioneer .828 and
GA 615 will not make as much
tonnage as NK 300 but matures
Feed and Seed Cos. locations.
They have purchased a 3 acre
tract of land at the corner of
Emery Highway and Lakeside
Drive for the construction of a
3rd location to be Georgia’s larg
est and most complete Farm,
Home and Garden Store. Owners
of Macon Feed and Seed Cos.,
which has been in continuous ope
ration for 37 years is Rufus Ad
ams and E. D. Briscoe of Jackson.
All locations are less than 50 min
utes drive from Jackson. These
items are also available at Ad
ams-Briscoe Seed Cos. in Jackson
and Adams-Briscoe Farm Supply
at Forsyth.
Cfe V 666
Boys in Service
NC) Feb. 9—Marine Private Roy
C. Letson, who is the son of Mr.
Roy Letson of Route 3, Jackson,
Ga., is serving with Second Shore
Party Battalion, Second Marine
Division, Fleet Marine Force at
Camp LeJeune, N. C.
His battalion provides a tactical
flow of equipment, troops and
supplies during amphibious or
helicopter operations. Its duties
include the establishment of cas
ualty collecting stations for the
wounded for further transfer to
hospital ships and the construc
tion of war compounds.
about three weeks earlier and
produces a better quality silage.
In addition to selecting the
right variety silage must be high
ly fertilized and cut at the right
time if quality silage is your aim.
Sorghums should be cut when
the first seed heads are seen in
the field. Corn should be cut in
the early dent stage.
Soil tests should be made every
year on silage land, because of
the amount of nutrients removed
from the soil.
Liriope, commonly called lily
turf or bordergrass, is often ex
posed to trying conditions such
as drought and “childrenitis.”
Consequently, liriope can look a
bit worn. Tip burn and other
mechanical damage doesn’t im
prove the appearance either.
There is a way, however, to re
new the beauty of bordergrass
which consists of pruning away
the top portion completely. Quite
often a rotary mower can be
utilized to complete the job. The
secret is to complete the process
early in February to prevent in
jury to the new shoots that
emerge quite early in the season.
Delaying the procedure naturally
results in injury 4o the new foli
Advice For Producing Quality
Pecan* Annually
When all technical informa
tion concerning pecan production
is “boiled-down” or condensed,
the simple answer appears to be:
Keep numerous, large, green
healthy leaves on the trees until
frost in the fall.
This requires an intensive cul
tural program. The following
three factors are very important
in such a program.
1. Fertilization
2. Vegetation control in grove
3. Insect and disease control
When one or more of the above
practices are neglected or impro
perly executed, pecan production
is decreased.
Before and
after Carrier
Enjoy Carrier whole-house air conditioning in
your home! Carrier value is outstanding. And
our installation is expert and prompt. In fact, a
Carrier cooling system can be added to most
warm air heating systems in less than a day —
without muss or fuss.
You can buy Carrier, the world’s finest air
conditioning, with nothing down and up to 5
years to pay.
Call for a free estimate today!
Authorized Carrier Dealer
Radio Dispatched Trucks For Fast Service
Heating & Air Conditioning Cos., Inc.
261 Macon Street McDonough, Ga. 30253
Phone 958-5177
Flint PCA
Has Loaned
Record Sum
The Flint River Production
Credit Association reached a
record high loan volume of $5,-
300,414 during 1969 to meet the
needs of 311 farmers, growers
and ranchers in the Association’s
territory for operating and capi
tal investment credit on an inter
mediate-term basis according to
the Association’s general man
Flint River PCA is one of 60
Production Credit Associations
providing agricultural credit ser
vices to over 50,000 farmers,
growers and ranchers in Georgia,
North Carolina, South Carolina
and Florida. On December 31, the
60 Associations had a peak loan
volume of $522.5 million out
standing for the year which was
an increase of nearly SB7 million
over the peak loan volume in
July, 1968.
Flint River PCA is a farmer
owned and operated credit co
operative serving the credit needs
of farmers and their families in
Butts, Clayton, DeKalb, Fayette,
Fulton, Henry, Lamar, Monroe,
Pike, Spalding, Taylor and Upson
Counties. The Association’s home
office is located in Thomaston
and branch office is now located
in Jonesboro, but will be moved
to Griffin in approximately six
Since organization in December
1933, Flint River PCA has ex
tended $56,144,314 in credit and
now has $543,500 in member
owned capital and $391,624 in ac
cumulated earnings.
At year end assets of the As
sociation had increased t055,811,-
897 from $5,015,171 at the end
of 1968. The Association’s net
worth totaled $935,124, an in
crease of 27 percent over 1968,
Mr. Worsham reported.
Officers and directors include
Hubert Hancock of Thomaston,
president, W. G. Burch of Fay
etteville, vice president; J. J.
Pierson of Culloden, director;
Wiley A. Brown of Locust Grove,
director; Franklin McCants of
Butler, director; Elijah J. Mar
tin of Milner, director; David P.
Elder of Griffin, director; W. J.
McDaniel of Zebulon, director
emeritus; F. L. Maddox of Jack
son, director emeritus; Mr.
Grover C. Worsham, Jr., general
manager and Mr. Harold D. Fal
lin, assistant secretary treasurer..
The branch office manager is Mr.
Travis R. Hardy.
Jackson friends of Bob Parsons
of Mcßae will be interested to
learn that he is showing improve
ment from a recent serious ill
ness. Mrs. W. G. Hicks, sister of
Mrs. Parsons, visited the Parsons
during the weekend.
Give your shoes another chance
Make them into Golf Shoes.
You will feel better and play better.
1 Day Service
Ask About Our
Six Savings Plans
One Is Just Right For You
4.75% to 6%
Dividends Mailed or Compounded Quarterly
Open Add Withdraw By Mail
Accounts Insured to $20,000 by F.S.L.I.C.
120 S. Hill St., Griffin, Ga.
Call Collect: 228-2786
Photographed at Jekyll Island, Georgia
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Make the
Great Escape.
Switch to a
flameless electric heat pump
Before the electric heat pump, only globe-hopper
could enjoy perfect year-round climate.
Happily, such gallivanting is now unnecessary. Any
Certified Electric Heating/Cooling Dealer can install
an electric heat pump which will give you perfect year
round climate control at home.
Just set the thermostat. And whatever the weather
does outdoors, the heat pump maintains the chosen
temperature indoors. It also filters and dehumidifies,
as needed. All automatically, all year long.
And for a low monthly cost, you can get a 10-year
warranty which includes all parts and all labor.
Why chase the sun? Escape! With a flameless elec
tric heat pump, you can bask in the climate of your
own choosing.
Georgia Power Company
A citizen wherever we serve®
With a grateful heart I wish
to thank each and everyone that
remembered me with cards, flow
ers, calls, visits and many other
acts of concern shown me during
my recent stay in the Macon Hos
pital and since returning home.
Your kindness will always be re
membered.—Mrs. L. D. Singley.