The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, March 05, 1970, Image 5
THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1970 ANNOUNCING OUR SAVINGS PLANS (NEW) 7'/j % 0 SIOO,OOO Minimum 0 One Year Single Maturity k 0 Interest Compounded A Daily! WE PAY THE HIGHEST RATES AN INSURED BANK CAN PAY! Mclntosh state bank FDK VBtKKAI DffOSIT MSUtANCI COtfOtAMMI CHOOSE THE SAVINGS PLANS WHICH SUIT YOUR NEEDS! 5% GOLDEN INVESTORS PASSBOOK • 90-Day Anniversary • Interest Compounded Continuously W • Interest Paid Quarterly A THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS, JACKSON, GEORGIA yr (new) 0 $25.00 Minimum 0 Two Year Single Maturity 0 Interest Compounded Continuously 0 Interest Paid Quarterly, i k Semi-Annually, Annually A or at Maturity fk ful! SERVICE |Tbankj 4% REGULAR PASSBOOK SAVINGS Interest Compounded Continuously yr (NEW) s'/ 2 % 0 $25.00 Minimum 0 One Year Single Maturity 0 Interest Compounded Continuously 0 Interest Paid Quarterly, k Semi-Annually, Annually A or at Maturity / 'fOtw BankAmericard Vn/i fim, /mu,