The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, November 26, 1970, Image 10
Pollution Calls For Action Now Jim Doherty, public informa tion officer for the Georgia Water Quality Control Board, told members of the Jackson Ki wanis Club Tuesday night that pollution is all about us—in the South River, Yellow River, Jack son Lake, Yellow Water Creek and Town Branch, and unless effective measures are taken im mediately to control it pollution will become more widespread in the years ahead. The program was arranged by M. C. Paget, chairman of the Agriculture and Conservation Committee who presented the speaker. Mr. Doherty was born in Chicago and graduated from Loyola University and now re sides in Decatur. He is a former news film editor and news writer for WSB TV. He joined the staff of the Georgia Water Quality Control Board in November 1967. Mr. Doherty said that modern living calls for vast quantities of clean water and that presently in the United States citizens use 400 billion gallons of water per day and that by the yea r 2000 it is estimated the usage will in crease to one trillion gallons per day. The speaker listed five prob lems that the State of Georgia faces in its fight against pollu tion, and cited money as the num ber one problem. He reminded that most municipalities make no budgetary requirements for treat ment of sewage, nor does the state and that the state has no funds to match federal grants that might be available. Another problem cited is one of apathy, both on the part of city and coun ty officials and the public to some extent, in the fight against pollu tion. Mr. Doherty said that the caliber of the operation of water works systems in Georgia poses a distinct problem as 75% of the operators are incompetent or ill trained. A legal problem arises in the different methods of en forcement which ties up cases in courts for several years. The last problem mentioned by the speak er was that of the staff of the Georgia Water Quality Control Board emphasizing it has 50 em ployees when 75 or more are needed. Speaking on the local situation Mr. Doherty said that Yellow Water Creek and Town Branch are polluted and that on occas ions the inadequate plant at the water works becomes over loaded and that 50% of the sewage is bypassed directly into the creek. Mr. Doherty said that Jackson had been placed on notice of their pollution problem and that Mayor C. B. Brown, Jr. and the City Council have cooperated by taking the first step which calls for an engineering survey. This is being made and should be com pleted by the end of the year, the speaker pointed out. The sec ond step, as outlined by Mr. Doherty, is the drawing up of plans and specifications for an adequate plant which should be completed by September 1971. Once this step is completed, Mr. Doherty asserted hopefully that construction might begin by De cember 31, 1971 with approxi mately a year granted for com pletion or by December 31. 1972. President Ralph Car r praised the Kiwanis Club for leading the Twelfth Division on its achieve ment report for the month of October. Jackson led with the score of 111.3% as compared to Covington, in second place, with 105.0%. Plans are being made for the Man of the Year program on December Bth with th e event to be incorporated into Ladies Night and the Christmas party as well. President Carr appointed a com mittee to make plans for this event. PERSONAL Mrs. J. B. Harrison will have as her guests for the Thanksgiv ing holidays Mr. and Mrs. J. Sams Harrison of Montgomery, Ala., Miss Leila Sams of Atlanta and Mrs. Miriam S. Butler of Colum bus. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Colwell had as their guests last Sunday after noon Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Powell, Sue and Stan of Forest Park and Mrs. Dee Sullins and Julie of Decatur. Mr. Perdue, 57, Died in Florida Mr. Lawrence Perdue, 57, of Daytona Beach, Florida, was found dead in his home Sunday afternoon, November 22nd. Mr. Perdue had been in declining health for a number of years. Mr. Perdue was born June 1, 1913 in Butts County to Mr. Lee Perdue and Mrs. Louisiana Thax ton Perdue, both of Butts Coun ty. He was a retired carpenter and had lived for a number of years in Florida. Funeral services for Mr. Per due were conducted at 2:30 p. m. Wednesday, November 25th, from the chapel of Haisten Funeral Home in Jackson with Rev. R. W. Jenkins, pastor of Macedonia Baptist Church, and Rev. Don Folsom, pastor of the First Bap tist Church, officiating. Inter ment was in Jackson City Ceme tery with Haisten Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Mr. Perdue is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Donald Johnson of Fu'ton, Calif, and Mrs. William Benedict of Rowland Heights, Calif.; three sisters, Mrs. Robert O’Neal and Mrs. 11. O. Smith, both of Jackson, Mrs. Alice Leverette of Griffin; two brothers, E. Ballard Perdue of Jackson and B. F. Perdue of Or lando, Florida; several grand children. Children Write To Santa Claus Dear Santa: Please bring me an airplane, blocks, train, basket ball, and pitchback. Love. GREG WHITE 4580 Briarcliff Lane Coconut Creek, Fla. B After Thanksgiving Friday & Saturday Only Griffin, Ga. 227-0987 1303 N. Expressway Light Import Paneling $2.88 Quarter Inch Birch Paneling Reg. $6.99 - Sale $5.99 CEILING TILE 9y 2 c Sq. Ft. ***? x 4 White Pine SHELVING 4 for $2.99 Glidden Spread Satin WALL PAINT $6.67 3ft x 100 ft POLYETHYLENE $2.49 per roll West Best INTERIOR LATEX - Reg. $7.95 INTERIOR SHUTTERS 10% off SALE $5.97 FURNACE FILTERS __ 44c ea. West Building Materials GRIFFIN, GEORGIA 1303 North Expressway Telephone 227-0987 MASTER CHARGE BANKAMERICARD C&S CHARGE FREE DELIVERY Union Service Be Held At Thanksgiving The Second Baptist Church of Jackson will be the host church at the annual Union Thanksgiv ing Service on Wednesday night, November 25th, at 7:30 o’clock. The Union Service, usually widely attended by Butts Coun tians of all faiths, is sponsored by the Butts County Ministerial Association with ministers of the county taking part on the pro gram. It is announced by Rev. R. W. Jenkins, pastor of the Macedonia Baptist Church, presi dent of the Ministerial Associ ation, that Rev. Jimmy Landrum, pastor of the Pleasant Grove Con gregational Methodist Church, will be the speaker for the eve ning and in addition will have charge of the music. The Union Service is held at a different county church each year and is interdenominational in its appeal with people of all faiths joining together to give thanks to God for his bountiful mercy at the Thanksgiving sea son. The program was as follows: Call to Worship; Invocation, Waldrep Jenkins; Hymn; Respon sive Reading, Donald Gray; An il em; Welcome, T. L. Moody; Of fertory Hymn; Offertory Prayer, Billy Ring; Scripture, Howard Lovett; Special Music; Sermon, Jimmy Landrum; Hymn; Benedic tion, Andy Holston. The Thanksgiving offering tak en at this service will be used throughout the year to assist peo ple in need of food or transpor tation as they pass through Butts County and call upon the churches for help. THL JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS, JACKSON, GEORGIA Commandery Inspection On Dec. 4th The annual inspection of Alex ius Commandery No. 22, Knights Templar, is scheduled for Friday, December 4th, at the Masonic Hall. William M. Drinnon of Macon will be the inspecting officer. Several grand officers will be present and other dignitaries from other bodies in masonry vill be present. Dinner will be served at the Jackson Clubhouse at 6:30 o’- clock with the inspection to fol low at 7:30 p. m. All qualified members are invited to attend the dinner and inspection at the Masonic Hall. Alexius Commandery No. 22 is 63 years old and was chartered May 9, 1907. It has members from Butts, Jasper and Henry Counties as well as other parts of the United States. CARD OF THANKS I want to thank all my friends and relatives who have stood by me and my husband since I’ve been a shut-in, for their love, prayers, cards, flowers, visits, phone calls and their sympathy. No man, or woman, knows what it means to have such friends, and for the preachers who visited us in our home and for their prayers, a special thank you to Rev. Jimmy Landrum, Rev. Andy Holston, Rev. P. M. Newton and Rev. Wiley Cameron. Right here I want to thank such friends as these. May the richest and choi cest blessings of heaven rest up on everyone.—Mrs. Geo. D. Barnes. PERSONAL Friends of Mrs. W. H. Phinazee will be interested to know that she is quite ill at Monroe County Hospital in Forsyth. Mr. and Mrs. David Settle will spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. Settle’s niece, Mrs. Gary Furin, Mr. Furin, Brandt and David in Atlanta. Mrs. Bill Aiken of Covington spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. J. A. Padgett and visited Mrs. Dan Ham Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Allen, Kel ly and Gene of Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hodges, Libby and Warren and Mrs. W. O. Hodges of Chattanooga will spend the Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis May, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Brittain and Miss Cindy Brittain. AT THE HOSPITAL Patients at Sylvan Grove Hos pital during the week of Novem ber 18-25 include: Jimmy Earnhart, Mary Law rence, Bernice Benton, Kim Phelps, Librada Green, Emma Sue Hosey, Riley Hay, Mrs. Ver tie Mathewson, Mrs. Estelle Mc- Michael, Horace Watkins, Troy Heath, Rome Varner. GRIFFIN FEDERAL Savings & Loan Association 10th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION FREE from GRIFFIN FEDERAL (1) $lOO. GIFT CERTIFICATE GOOD ANYWHERE IN SPALDING COUNTY BETWEEN DECEMBER sth AND DECEMBER 25th, 1970. and (2) TWENTY FIVE 12-14 POUND SWIFT’S BUTTER-BALL TURKEYS and *(3) PRESTIGE WALL PLAQUES and Register All you need to do is register at our new home office, Nov. 27 corner of W. Taylor and 10th Street, November 27th Thru Dec. 5 thru December sth. Lucky winners will be drawn on December sth. You do not have to be present to win. $lOO. Gift Certificate cannot be exchanged for cash, but must be used by December 25th with one or more Spalding County merchants. $lO Million The directors, officers and staff of Griffin Federal are Assets: not only proud to show off our new building in cele brating our 10th Anniversary, but we are also proud to show off our assets: $lO Million in Ten Years. All of our growth and progress would not have been possible without the support of many, many people in this area. This 10th anniversary celebration is our way of saying “Thanks” to all of you. Prestige * Also, during the week’s celebration, open or add $2OO. Wall or more to one of our five savings plans and receive, Plaques: Free, A Prestige Wall Plaque. Sixteen plaques to choose from. Ideal for den, office, boy’s room or a wonderful Christmas gift. After receiving your initial plaque, additional plaques may be purchased for $2.50 each. Christmas Take advantage of our 10th Anniversary Celebration Club to open a Christmas Club Account, too. Our Christ- Accounts: mas Club Accounts, like all accounts at Your Savings Center, earn interest while you are saving. This spe cial account earns 4.75 percent. Use our new drive-in window, night depository or spacious parking to earn the most on your savings. Wy SAVINGS [(insured)] PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy White, Bart and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd White are spending today with Mr. and Mrs. Dewey White in Birmingham, Alabama. Rev. and Mrs. Andy Holston spent the weekend with their daughter, Mrs. Williams Marrs, and Mr. Marrs in Louisville, Kentucky. Mrs. Roy Prosser, who under went surgery last week at Mid dle Georgia Hospital, is expected to return home during the Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Spencer joined Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Daughtry in Atlanta on Sunday for the Falcons-Rams game. Friends of Mrs. S. L. Austin, who is a patient at Piedmont Hospital, will be interested to learn that she is improving and it is hoped that she will be able to return home at an early date. Miss Connie Franklin, student at Bob Jones University, Green ville, S. C. arrived Tuesday to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with Mrs. S. W. Hamilton. Loran Cash and Mike Bott had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bankston last Friday night. Mrs. R. P. Newton returned home Monday from Coweta Gen eral Hospital in Newnan. GRIFFIN FEDERAL LO AN ASSOCI AT IO Nj West Taylor at Tenth Street - Phone 228-2786 THURSDAY, NOV. 26, 19 70 PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Funder burk, Jeannine and Tracy of Cos lumbia, S. C., Mr. and Mrs! Conner Dodson, Alic e and Patty of Decatur, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Funderburk of Jonesboro and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Funderburk, Jr., John and Amy of Atlanta are spending today with Mrs. Carl Funderburk Sr. and Mrs. Vivian Hightower. Arriving Wednesday to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Nash were Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Nash, Suzy, Steve and Richard of Austell and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Nash, R ae Tim and Teressa of Stone Moun tain. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bradley were guests today at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harris Bradley m Atlanta for a family get-togeth er. On Friday night they will at tend the wedding of Miss Kathy Bradley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harris Bradley, to La.rv Still of Atlanta at the Evangel Temple at 7:30. Mrs. Evelyn Chapman and her daughter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Malvern Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lewis and Richie will spend Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Buck Lewis in Cumming.