The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, November 26, 1970, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, NOV. 26, 1970
S C hk
Approximately 60 guests were
present Friday night at the Van
1 , venter Youth Center to hon
or the champion team of the Pee
Wee Football League, Etheridge
,'inith Cos., for 1970.
Team members, coaches, cheer
leaders and other guests were
, resent with the team presenting
their coaches, Freddie Dodson,
Dr Bailey Crockarell and Joe
Hopper, with key chains engraved
with “Champs 1970.” The team
cheerleader sponsors, Susan
James and Diane Kitchens, were
also presented gifts from the
cheerleaders. This team has the
distinction of not having lost a
game in two years.
The center was appropriately
decorated with team colors of
blue and white and the guests
were served cup cakes decorated
with banners having each mem
bers name and the team name
written on it.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Wyatt and
children will motor to Dothan,
Alabama to spend the Thanks
giving weekend with his mother,
Mrs. B. S. Wyatt.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wise and
family had as their Sunday guests
their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Meeks, of Rockmart.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Richards
of Chattanooga, Tenn. will spend
Thanksgiving with thei r mother,
Mrs. James T. Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bowen
Jr. and Paul of Oak Hill, West
Virginia arrived Wednesday night
to spend the holidays with her
brother, Rev. Billy Ring, Mrs.
Ring and children. Mrs. Eula
Ring, who has been visiting her
son and family for two weeks,
will return to West Virginia with
Mr. and Mrs. Vance Ray and
family will spend Thnaksgiving
weekend with her mother, Mrs. T.
P. Dorman, in Marietta. Mrs.
Ray’s grandmother, Mrs. J. C.
Yeargain, of St. Louis, Mo. will
also be a guest during the holi
Mrs. James T. Moore, Dickie
Moore and Mrs. Bobby Mackey
motored to Vincent, Ala. Tues
day of last week, being called
there due to the death of Mts.
Moore’s sister, Mrs. Cassie Whel
ler. They returned to Jackson
Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Whid
by and Tanji of Hull spent Sat
urday afternoon and Sunday with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ches
ter Whidby.
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Taylor
and Robin will have Thanksgiv
ing dinner with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor, Sr.
Paul Stockhammer will have
Thanksgiving dinner with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Crossfield in
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Stewart
will have as their guests Thanks
giving Day her family including
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tony
Phillips of Locust Grove, and
her brothers and their families,
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Phillips
and Lisa of Covington, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Phillips of Locust
Grove, and her niece, Mrs. Jim
my Rogers, Mr. Rogers and
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Baker and
children, Billy, Cynthia and Whit
ney, of Atlanta, will be Thanks
giving Day dinner guests of Mr.
end Mrs. Jimmy Cornell and Mr.
J. Edward Cornell Sr. at Indian
Jackson, Ga.
Phone 775-7872
The Progress-Argus extends a
very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the
November 27—Mrs. G. W. Cas
ton, Luther Weaver, Jr., Rachael
Beasly, Mrs. R. E. Pullin, Hud
son Peacock, Mrs. W. W. Carr,
Mrs. W. Herman Cawthon, Phyl
lis Stodghill, G. C. O’Neal, Bar
bara Bowen.
November 28—Miriam Clark,
Anderson Nutt, Mrs. T. E. Dukes,
Harvey Williamson, Jane Thomas,
John Gordon Thompson, Mrs.
Travis White, Aldine Carmichael,
Mrs. J. B. Maddox, James Pear
son, Charles James, Timothy Nor
ms O’Neal, David Cook, Audie
Milton Wells, Craig L. Parker
Jr., David Landrum.
November 29—Virgil Smith,
Rodney Standard, J. C. Gunn,
Joe Proctor, Donald Faulkner,
Reggie Letson, Alan Ford.
November 30—Mrs. W. E.
Smith, Edgar Thaxton, Michael
Gray, Mary Dean Boyd, L. A.
Brooks, Jr., Jerry Mitchell, Wal
lace O’Neal, W. R. Presley, Ron
nie Wise, Mrs. Andy Holston,
Larry Price, Sammy Clay Smith,
John Lester Edwards, Charles
Brown, Paul Reeves, Sr,, Mrs.
O’Dell Cook, Richard Allen, Jane
Cole, John Arthur Savage.
December I—George Turner,
Wynsol Smith, Van Kersey, Bar
ry Wayne Bethune, Jimmy Her
bert, Gail Kitchens, Susan Marie
Apple, David Phillips.
December 2 Mrs. Joyce
Barnes, Jimmy Collins, Richard
Stewart, Harvey Bohannon, Mrs.
Tommy Carmichael, Tony Moore,
H. Mack Lamb.
December 3 —Lawrence Petti
grew 7 , Mrs. J. C. Newton, Mrs.
Edgar Wilson, H. J. Castellaw,
Malcolm Smith, Virginia Angeline
Washington, Sylvia Ann Carmich
ael, Danny Deraney, Mrs. Sidney
Villines, Mrs. D. W. Ham, Lisa
Evans, Ricky Cook, Lance John
son, Lisa Thomas, Mrs. E. C.
Perkins, Cindy Landrum.
Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Williams
and Keith and Mrs. B. O. Wil
liamson will visit their aunt, Mrs.
Ralph Williams, in Lawrenceville
during the holidays.
Miss Dixie Elliott of Macon ar
rived Wednesday to spend the
Thanksgiving holidays with her
family, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. El
liott and girls. She will return
to Macon Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Tharpe and
family will have as their dinner
guests Thanksgiving evening Mr.
and Mrs. K. K. Williams and
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Briscoe,
Douglas Briscoe and Mr. and Mrs.
M. W. Carmichael will be among
those from Jackson going over
to Athens Saturday for the Geor
gia-Tech game.
Mrs. R. P. Newton returned
last week from Coweta General
Hospital in Newnan where she
was a patient about a week. She
is much improved, friends will be
glad to learn.
Attention: All Operators Of
Mini-Bikes And Go-Carts
The Georgia Law defines a “go-cart” as a
motor vehicle, and the operator must be li
censed ; the go-cart must be registered, inspec
ted annually, equipped with headlights, stop
lights, and turn signals.
The operator of a mini-bike must be licensed;
the mini-bike must be equipped with headlights
and stop lights.
Jackson Ski
Club Questions
Airport Site
Although cooler weather has
somew'hat curtailed skiing in the
last few weeks, the Lake Jackson
Ski Club continues to be an active
organization through the winter
Tlie regular monthly meeting
W'as held on Saturday night, No
vember 14, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Burdette in At
lanta. The 27 members and guests
devoured large amounts of the
covered dish dinner in the typical
jovial manner.
In the meeting following din
ner, a number of important mat
ters were discussed. The place
and date for the club Christmas
dinner is to be handled by Mrs.
W. L. Corley and will be an
nounced soon. Asa money-mak
ing project, it was suggested that
the club sponsor a bake sale at
an Atlanta shopping center. Sev
eral members are to check on
this. Plans for an early spring
ski show were begun, as well as
considerations for a novice tourn
ment to be held on Lake Jackson
next summer. Suggestions for
several sites to be used as club
headquarters were presented and
will be further investigated by
the Site Committee.
The most urgent business of
the evening was a discussion of
the impending effects that the
location of the new Atlanta air
port in Henry County will have
on Lake Jackson. Ray Merritt in
formed the group that there are
three present threats on the
water quality of the lake: the
dredging and channelization of
the Alcovy River, an increase in
pollution of South River from At
lanta waste disposal, and the lo
cation of the airport in Henry
County. The latter problem is
most urgent at this time. Rep.
Ben Blackburn has been contac
ted on behalf of the club, and
all members were requested to
“get on the ball” to fight the
Henry County location. If any
local citizens are interested in
making their voices of opposition
heard in this matter, please con
tact a member of the club.
The meeting was adjourned by
the President, Dr. Charles Tug
gle. Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Burdette, Cindy
and Pam, Mrs. R. W. McGarity,
Lisa Nicholas, Katrina Peek, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Merritt, Lynn and
Jon, Mrs. W. L. Corley, Charlie
and Barbara, Dr. and Mrs. C. S.
Tuggle, Jr. and Angelyn, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Boling, Bobby
Duncan, Lisa Tuck, Terry Steph
ens, Alan May, Carolyn Ruark,
David Cowart, Alton and Annise
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Robison
Sr. and grandchildren, Miss Janet
Robison, Tom and Charlie Robi
son, will motor over to Athens
Saturday for the Tech-Georgia
game at Sanford Field.
■ ML JaKh.
Roland Lee, right, guidance counselor at Jackson High
School was among some 70 North Georgia counselors honored
recently by the University of Georgia College of Agriculture
during “C-Day” on the Athens campus. Greeting each coun
selor was Dr. Richard Noles, left, assistant director of resident
instruction. The counselors were recognized for their dedi
cation to today’s youth and were presented information about
programs of study within the College of Agriculture.
After you sec your doctor.,. Wl
\ j
rluocjo \
[Mcr 7=>x\&n7^A*
• m
... a Time for Togetherness,
with Prayer and Gratitude
Family, neighbors, friends . . . everyone
joins together in a community spirit of
Thanksgiving as glad voices show grati
tude through prayer. We share in this joy
of Thanksgiving, with special thanks for
the opportunity and obligation of serving
our friends and neighbors, and working
with them for the betterment of our com
munity, that we may fully deserve the
many blessings for which we are always
grateful. To all, a happy Thanksgiving.
Y dosed]
Mclntosh State Bank
Are you keeping enough fam
ily records? Miss Lora Laine,
home management specialist with
ssthe University of Georgia Co-
am ocam set
ft ;■ lit ACKINTON CO 7T~"' .
Silverplate and Crystal combined in perfect
harmony. Can be used as Coasters or Ash
trays as the occasion fits. Beaded pattern
rim with non-tarnish silverplate. Inside
diameter can accommodate all glasses.
Beautifully gift-boxed in sets of 4 or bulk
Set of 4 $4.95
Wf/t-onu fait *
Sltieldli fletu&buf,
128 E. Third St. Jackson, Ga. Out 2> eW(W
operative Extension Service, says
most families aren’t. Contact
your local Extension home econ
omist for a convenient check list
of all family records* needed—
where and how to keep them.