The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, November 26, 1970, Image 6
If 'nr* -u. —' "’V!"i _ —r mniis All claasified advertising 5c a word, cash in advance unless reg ular account is maintained with Progress-Argus. Minimum charge for an ad is SI.OO. KEEP carpets beautiful de spite footsteps of a busy family. Buy Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer sl. Jackson Hardware. 11/26/ltc. FOR RENT: 3 bedroom brick house on Monticello Road. Call Darrell Evans, ph. 227-7406, Griffin, Ga. 11/26/1 tp. NOTICE Hodges Hardware & Furniture Cos. will be open each Wednesday from now until Christmas. Shop us for your Christmas needs. 11/26/tfc. GOT A big ole King or Queen size Bed? See the beautiful spreads, sheets, mattress covers, and pillows to fit big ole King and Queen size beds at The Tex tile Outlet. Open all day Wednes days. , 1 l/19/2tc. HELP WANTED, MALE OR FEMALE REAL ESTATE BROKERS STR 0U T REALTY, The World’s Largest Real Estate Com pany is continuing to enlarge its scope of offices. Licensed man, woman, or team are encouraged to investigate the Earning Poten tial of an association with STROUT REALTY. We Train and Supervise your activities to assure your success. Interested? Write me about yourself and a personal interview will be ar ranged. E. M. Richards, State Manager STROUT REALTY Inc. P. O. Box 43-K Cumming, Ga. 30130 1 l/19/2tc. FOR GIFT or for YOUR OWN HOME, see the beautiful 2 and 3 piece Bath Rug Sets or the beuutiful Vinyl Table Cloths (they're machine washable) or the Morgan Jones Spreads, all at THE TEXTILE OUTLET Open 6 days a week, including Wednesdays. 11/ 19/2tc. EXPERT carpet cleaning, free estimates —all work guaranteed —Christmas specials now. Call Earnhart Carpet Cleaning, 775- 7538. 11/19/3tc. . FOR SALE: Pistols, all cali bers, new and used. Will trade. Contact Bill Taylor at The Prin cess Shop, 34 Mulberry St., Jack son. 11/12 ltc. FOR RENT: Trailer. Fur nished. Call 775-7645. 11/5/tfc. FOR RENT: New 1-bedroom house, reliable elderly couple or single man. Reference. No pets. On Route 16. 5 miles from Jack son. Write Box 498, Rt 2, Jack son, Ga. 11/5/tfc. TAPES For the best selections visit The Record Shoppe at Cleveland Furniture Cos. LOST bright carpet colors . . . restore them with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer sl. Western Auto. 11/26/ltc. “TURKEYS” 10 LB. TURKEY GIVEN WITH THE PURCHASE OF RCA CONSOLE TV’S, STER EOS, AND ALL HOTPOINT MAJOR APPLIANCES. OF FER GOOD FROM OCT. 26th THROUGH DEC. 24th. Hodges Hdwe. & Furniture Two Locations One On 20 Oak Street and One on 128 W. Third Street Merchandise purchased on builder’s plan not accepted. 10/29/tfc. ATTENTION For expert wheel alignment see or call Polk Tire Cos. All work guaranteed. Polk Tire Cos., phone 775-7331. 3/22/tfc. SHOP OUR NEW GIFTWARE DEPARTMENT At HODGES Hardware & Furniture 775-7501 10/29/tfc NOTICE: I am affiliated with Thomaston Vault, Burial & Mon ument Cos., Thomaston. When in need of anything, please call Mrs. Bertha (Howard) Perdue, 775- 7179. 10/31/tfc. FOR SALE We have several good used portable and table model TV’s on hand. Hodges Hardware & Furni ture Cos., ph. 775-7501. 1/11/tfc. “Our Roofs Are Our Proofs” Since 1922 Bonded Shingle, Bonded Built Up Roofs. Every Job A Reference. Estimates Free Chrysler Outboard Motors, Trailers, Boats & Marine Supplies Wilde Roofing Cos. 715 E. Taylor Street Griffin, Ga. Phones Day 227-5132 Nite 227-2893 9/10/3tc. FOR SALE: 1970 Fishing and Hunting license at Hodges Hard ware & Furniture. 5/14/tfc. APPLIANCE SERVICE FOR PROMPT APPLIANCE REPAIR Call 775-7331 POLK TIRE CO. For Sale Six-room house with bath on Oak Street, with extra building lot facing Mulberry Street. CALL 775-3670 DAY OR 775-7126 NIGHT. 11/5/tfc. WELL PUMPS WELL PUMP HEADQUARTERS YOUR AUTHORIZED MYERS & JACUZZI PUMP DEALER Myers & Jacuzzi Well Pump Sales Myers & Jacuzzi Well Pump Service Myers & Jacuzzi Well Pump Installation Call Russell Cawthon Service Manager at HODGES HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. Phone 775-7501 2/19/tfc. LET US TRUE & BALANCE your tires for smoother riding and longer wear. Polk Tire Cos., Jackson, Ph. 775-7331. 7/30/tfc Carpets Wall to wall or room size car peting. Priced to meet your bud get. Cleveland Furniture Cos., Jackson, Ga., Ph. 776-3494. 4/14/tfc. TELEVISIONS RCA Black & White Color in Portable and Console RCA Stereos, Portable and Console We have our own Service Man and Shop, located in store, available six days a week. 775-7501 Hodges Hdwe. & Furniture Two Locations One On 20 Oak Street and One on 128 W. Third Street 6/22/tfc. ATTENTION! SAVE MONEY on your TIRE needs. Let us RECAP your TIRES now. Your neighbors do! POLK TIRE CO. 6/13/tfc. Used Refrigerators Used Refrigerators in A-l condition, newly painted, From $50.00 up Guaranteed Hodges Hdwe. & Furniture 775-7501 5/14/tfc. THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS, JACKSON, GEORGIA HOUSE FOR RENT: 3-bed room house, large lot, in city. Call 775-7645. 11/5/tfc. HEATERS Atlanta Gas Arvin Electric Boss Oil Atlanta Wood & Coal Sizes and Price to suit your needs. We will install. Hodges Hdwe. & Furniture 775-7501 FOR SALE: 3 bedroom house in good neighborhood in good condition. Call 775-2482. 10/29/tfc. WE SELL new and used furni ture. Hodges Hardware & Furni ture Cos., ph. 775-7501. 1/11/tfc. THE TEXTILE OUTLET Open 6 Days - 9 till 6 Including Wednesdays. 10/1/tfc. ELECTRIC MOTORS Motor winding, Delco and Pack ard Authorized Warranty Service. Delco and Packard Electric Mo tors, 1-250 to 100 HP., Whole sale and Retail. Griffin Armature Works, 347 New Orleans St., Griffin, Ga. Phone 227-3015. 10/11/tfc. SHOP OUR NEW GIFTWARE DEPARTMENT At HODGES Hardware & Furniture 775-7501 10/29/tfc FOR RENT: Miller Apart ments, 2 bedrooms with carpet, Coppertone appliances, AC, in cluding water, sewage, and garb age. SBS per mo. Ph. 775-3415, Jenkinsburg, Ga. 10/15/tfc. FOR SALE: Good used wringer washers, $35.00 and up. Hodges Hardware & Furniture Cos., phone 775-7501. 1/11/tfc. Mary Carter Paints America’s Best Paint Value Available At Redman Seed Cos. 407 E. Second 775-7143 9/3/tfc. FOR SALE: “Posted” signs on cardboard. 20c each, 6 for sl. Others signs for sale at Progress- Argus office. 8/20/tfc. HUNTERS SPECIALS Archery & Hunting License Shotguns Hunting Boots Insulated Underwear Deer Rifles Shotgun & Rifle Ammuni tion Gun Racks Hunting Knives Bows & Arrows Light Weight Camouflage Suits All Available Now At Hodges Hdwe. & Furniture 775-7501 10/1/tfc. notice For the best buy in used ap pliances and televisions, check our used merchandise department. Polk Tire Company, phone 775- 73C1. 3/22/tfc. TIMEX WATCHES Jackson True Value Hdwe. 8/6/tfc. Jenkinsburg MRS. T. H. PRICE Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Burrell and family of R.oswell were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Allen. Mrs. G. L. Crumbley of Locust Grove, Mrs. Ralph Coker, Mrs. Adel Allen, Miss Pam Crumbley and Mrs. Flora Price were visi tors to Atlanta Saturday. Miss June Farrar of Atlanta spent the weeeknd with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Farrar. Sunday dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Mangham, Bob, Susan and Miss Debbie Turner of McDonough. Visiting Miss Ruby Lane for Sunday dinner were Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Lane of Avondale, Mr. J. H. Patterson of Decatur and Mrs. Lueile Jolly of Jackson Lake. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Huff and Lynn spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wellborn and daughter in Walton County. The two couples celebrated their wed ding anniversary together. Mrs. M. B. Farrar attended In Service for teachers at Monroe Primary School in Monroe Friday. Mrs. Ann Melton and Mrs. T. E. Huff visited Mrs. Joyce Cowan in Atlanta Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Allen left Wednesday via plane for Colo rado Springs, Colorado where they will visit Lt. Col. and Mrs. Marshall Allen and son for sev eral days. Lt. Col. Allen, son of Mr. R. A. Allen, will be home on ten days leaves from Vietnam. Mrs. W. J. Saunders and Mrs. Dewitt Price of Forsyth were visitors to Griffin Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Price were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Price and family of College Park last Sunday. Congratulations to Miss Jackie Burford for being crowned queen of the Hamp Daughtry League Saturday night at Wallace Memo rial Park. PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Alan Jones of Atlanta will be dinner guests Thanksgiving evening of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Fears and family. Jim Massey of Charlotte, N. C. and a student at North Georgia College, was the weekend guest of Bill Fletcher and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lovett Fletcher, and family. Dr. and Mrs. Bailey M. Crock arell and children, Kathy, Mau rice and Alan, will spend the Thanksgiving holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Crock arell and Mr. and Mrs. W. H.- Tippit, all of Dover, Tennessee. FOR RENT: One two bedroom house, 770 Brookwood. Phone 775-7478 or 775-3064. 11/19/2tc. FOR SALE: Evinrude Boats and Motors. We sell ’em for fun! L. W. May. 10/17/tfc. FOR SALE: All types new and used Zig Zag Sewing Machines, also straight Stitch Machines, new and used Sewing Machine Cabi nets, most any price range. Also repairs done on all types ma chines. Call 775-2269 for free demonstration in your home. 11/19/2tp. FOR SALE: 3-bedroom home with large living room, kitchen, dining room and family room. Carpeted. Brick veneer, single carport and utility room. Chain link fence. Desirably located at 750 Franklin St. $20,500. Phone 775-3007. 11/12/3tc. APARTMENTS FOR RENT: Furnished and unfurnished one bedroom apartments. Phone 775- 7045. 11/5/tfc. FOR RENT; 2-bedroom brick apartment. Dial 775-7309 or 775- 7178. 11/5/tfc. FOR RENT; Aew, modern two bedroom house at Blount. R. H. Freeman, phone Forsyth 994- 5882. 10/29/tfc. TREE WORK, trim, take down, move and clean up. Free esti mate. Rigsby’s Tree Service, Henry Rigsby, 1318 Parker St., Experiment. Ga., P. O. Box 238, ph. 228-2622 or 227-8069. 11/19/ltc. ANTIQUE Dining Room and Bedroom furniture. Hodges Hardware A Furniture. 10/22/tfc. School Menu Nov. 30 —Wiener with Catsup and Mustard, Baked Beans with Bacon, Cole Slaw, Milk, Bun, Cookie, Peaches. Dec. I—Swiss Steak with Gravy, Steamed Rice, Field Peas, Green Salad, Milk, Roll, Apple Brown Betty. Dec. 2—Pork Loaf with Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Turnip Greens, Beet and Onion Salad, Milk, Cornbread, Lemon Pie. Dec. 3 —Hamburger with Cat sup and Mustard, String Beans, Potato in Jacket, Sliced Tomato and Onion, Bun, Milk, Orange cup. Dec. 4—Sea Dog with Bun, Catsup, Potato Salad, English Peas, Carrot Stick & Bell Pepper Rings, Ginger Bread with Lemon Souce. PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Dodson will be among those from Jack son going over to Athens Satur day for the Tech-Georgia gamq at Sanford Field. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Carmichael will be dinner guests Thanksgiv ing of Rev. and Mrs. David Black and Dawna. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Helm of Rome visited Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Marion Gunn, Miss Glenda Gunn and Mrs. Judy Hightower. Miss Debbie Hodges of Athens and A1 Jackson of Statham were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hodges, Jr. Miss Merrelyn Price, student at Georgia Southern College, and Miss Beth Price, student at West Georgia College, will spend the Thanksgiving holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Price. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Presley of Locust Grove will attend the Georgia-Georgia Tech game in Athens Saturday. Mrs. Frankie Hearn and daugh ters, Cindy and Betsy, of Colum bus, are spending the Thanksgiv ing holidays with her mother, Mrs. Martha Sims, and other rel atives. /pOUGHTS i THANKSGIVING Heap high the board with plenteous cheer, s-jjf And gather to the feast, And toast the sturdy Pilgrim band, V Whose courage never ceased. <jPT Give praise to that All-Gracious One, 7&<Spf By Whom their steps were led, And thanks unto the harvest's Lord, Who sends our daily bread . . . Let us give thanks, too, for our freedom. Our right to worship in the church of our choice ... to express our thoughts . . . and to do for ourselves what needs to be done . . . It was in this American tradition that our electric service system was found- sA *J m L ed. The many benefits of coopera- j mlj W^ tive Rural Electrification give us all /Mr' <j 1 much to be thankful for . : CENTRAL GEORGIA ELECTRIC MEMBERSHIP CORPORATION Z7g COMMUNITY OWNS) • COMMUNITY BUtf CNtK. • COMMUNITY BUIIOR THURSDAY, NOV. 26, 197 0 In Memoriam On Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 27 1969, Mrs. J. W. Browning went to be with her Lord. Her death came as a surprise, even though she had been ill for quite some time. “Miss Alma,” as she was affec tionately called, had been a life time member of Pleasant Grove Congregational Methodist Church. She loved her church, and she spent many hours in prayer and work for her church. Even though she was unable to attend church regularly in recent months, she was very concerned about the church. I have only known “Miss Alma” since July, when I moved here to pastor Pleasant Grove Church. I can truly say it was my privilege to have known her even this short time. I am very much impressed with her life. She was truly a saint of God. I think that Pro verbs 31:10-31 describes her very well, for she was indeed a “vir tuous woman.” She loved God with all of her heart. She also loved missions, and was a missionary at heart. Only Heaven will reveal her con tribution to missions. She gave sacrificially to the ministry of missions. It was her delight to en tertain missionaries, preachers, and other Christian workers in her home. We at Pleasant Grove are go ing to greatly miss “Miss Alma.” All who have known her will miss her. She has now gone to be with the One she loved and served. To her, death was not something to fear or dread, nor to be viewed as a horrible event. To her, death was a stepping stone of victory, passing from victory to greater victory and happiness. Truly she has left that which is good (a life filled with God’s glory) for that which is far better (a life with God in Heaven). Her Pastor, Rev. Jimmy Landrum —From the Congregational Methodist Messenger, January 24, 1970. LET WANT-ADS SELL FOR YOU!