Newspaper Page Text
Mrs. Alton H. Coleman had as
her guests for Sunday dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coleman of
Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Coleman, Susan and Alfred of
St. Simons Island and Lt. Col.
and Mrs. Alton 11. Coleman, Al
ton, Cindy and Sharon of Monte
rey, California.
Mr. and Mrs. Vance Kay and
family spent yesterday and to
day in Marietta with her mother,
Mrs. T. P. Dorman.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Collins
of Colorado Springs, Colo, are
spending this week with her moth
er, Mrs. Arnold Cheek.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Perdue
will have as their guests for
Christmas dinner their children,
Mr. and Mrs. Max Perdue, Scott
and Sybil of Flovilla, Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Cook, Gary and
Edith and Mr. and Mrs. Darwin
Campbell, Rose and Melton, all of
Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Win
fred Perdue and Dee of Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williams
and family will visit his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Williams, in
Montezuma and her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Jones, in Taylors
ville on Christmas Day. They will
remain with the Jones family for
a visit of several days.
**-*■ l-0 1 m ■' -"• m =
133=1 Hope you and your family share
an old-fashioned Christmas decked
with friendship, fellowship, festivity.
Yuletide is the season to be jolly . . .
and it’s a fine time to wish you and yours
the happiest. Warm “thanks,’’ too.
Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Parrish had
as their guests during the week
end her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Hargraves, of Swainsboro.
Mr. and Mrs, Donald Bristol
and family have as their guests
for a visit of several days her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Tay
lor of New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Kendrick,
Deborah and Tim have as their
guests for Christmas Eve her par
rents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Sol
lenberger of Barnesville.
Weekend guests of Mr. and
Mr.;. Marvin W. Ray were her
sister, Mrs. Warren Sanders, and
Mr. Sanders of Knoxville, Tenn.,
her nephew and his wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Sanders and
children of Marietta and her
niece, Mrs. Wilson McEntyre, and
Mr. McEntyre of Smyrna.
Mr. Ben Watkins of El Paso,
Texas arrived Saturday to be with
his sisters, Mrs. S. L. Austin and
Miss Georgie Watkins, and to
visit his sister, Miss Delia Wat
kins, who is in Piedmont Hospital
following a fall in which she sus
tained a broken hip. He will also
visit other relatives here.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Ira Butler were Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Ott and Betty of
Warner Robins, Allan and Sherry
Butle r of Griffin and Mr. Z. L.
Wilson, also of Griffin.
Mrs. Westbury
Writes Of
Holy Land
Mrs. S. J. (Dorothy) West
bury, wife of the owner of the
Westbury Medical Care Homes,
Inc., in Jenkinsburg and Conyers,
wrote of her experiences on a
recent trip to the Holy Land in
the December issue of “The Bell
ringer,” monthly publication for
the benefit of patients, employees
and friends.
Mrs. Westbury and her hus
band, accompanied by a group of
friends from Griffin, left on the
Holy tour on October 19th
and returned on October 29th. It
was the first overseas trip made
by Mrs. Westbury while her hus
band has been on many such
trips, particularly to Africa where
his church, First Assembly of
God, in Griffin, has established
several missions, schools, hospit
als, etc. On their way over the
group visited in Italy and on their
return trip stopped off in Greece.
Among those from Griffin join
ing Mr. and Mrs. Westbury for
the trip were Rev. and Mrs. Les
lie Grounds, Rev. Lee Roy Jones,
Rev. H. L. Freeman and Messrs.
Bill Ballew and Lloyd Sennell.
In writing in the Bellringer un
der the title “Holy Land Remin
iscences” Mrs. Westbury said:
“Ten busy days of sightseeing
in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Galilee
and Greece. Bus trips through the
Judean Hills around and over the
mountains, through the olive
Swimming in the Dead Sea
which is 24% salt. You couldn’t
sink even if you couldn’t swim.
Looking down at lights in grave
of Abraham at Hebron. Watching
Arab women draw water from an
cient well. Noticing the chess
game carved in the streets of the
Holy City by Roman soldiers 2000
years ago. Watching hundreds of
Jews praying at the Wailing Wall
with hats on as is their custom.
Looking at Qumron scrolls, the
oldest pieces of Bible ever found.
Looking at Hill of Cross, where
Jesus died, going in the grave
where they laid Him.
Standing on the Mount of
Olives looking towards the East
ern Gate which is sealed until
the King, the Lord Jesus Christ,
appears. Leaving the bus and
ascending Mt. Tabor (Mt. of
Transfigulation) in fast taxis,
fearing for our lives.
Looking at home of Joseph and
Mary in Nazareth, asking for
wate r in Jewish restaurant. Cros
sing the Sea of Galilee in a boat,
eating Peters’ fish at
Kibbutz (communal farm).
Looking at well preserved syna
gogues in Capernaum. Having a
service on the Mount of Beati
tudes—dipping our feet into Jor-
Friends of Arthur Ray Polk,
21, regret to learn that he under
went surgery Friday morning at
Talmadge Memorial Hospital in
Augusta. He was injured in a mo
torcycle accident in Conyers De
cember 12th and was admitted to
the Augusta hospital for surgery
on his shoulder. If he is able to
be discharged by Christmas he
will visit his aunt, Mrs. Frances
Moss, in Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barnes
visited Sunday with Mi’s. Elise
Barnes Sudderth and family in
Mr. and Mrs. David Garr of
California, Maryland arrived
Monday for a visit of ten days
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Garr and Mr. and Mrs. John
L. Coleman.
dan’s peaceful waters.
Watching sunset on the Medi
terranean—a most beautiful
sight. Visiting Corinth where
Paul preached one and a half
years, building a large congrega
Visiting Acroplis and Parthe
non in Athens—also Mars Hill
where Paul preached.
Visiting St. Peter’s church in
Rome, seeing altars and treas
Visiting the Coliseum where
100,000 Christians died for
Christ. Then busy days of sight
seeing. Ten of the most enjoy
able and unforgettable days of
my life.”
We join Santa in taking this opportunity
to wish all of our customers and friends a Merry, 0 JzsW&£k
Merry Christmas. May your holiday be rich M| /
with the joys and blessings of happy family unity
and warm friendships. It's been our pleasure to serve you.
City Shoe Repair
W. J. BURNS, Owner
k-. <ww
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siccl our many fficnis milk
bast wisbKS
The State Supply Cos.
Hi - Fi Oil Cos.
THURSDAY, DEC. 24, 1 970