Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, DEC. 24, 1970
pljj|j|i gatherings with families
Wgjjw and friends. And it’s the
for letting us serve you.
The pleasure has
\ ? been ours. We look forward to 2 V
I fy
more Christmases with you. V
Westbury Medical
Care Home, Inc.
l& GRonqs '$L
j/l tf!%
l\ /7
' \bristmas is a special time
filled u ith merriment for one
and all. We hope your holidays are
exceptionally happy, and thanks for making
us happy by bein j a loyal friend and customer.
gas department
Doug Glass
Died Sunday
In Griffin
Mr. Samuel Douglas Glass, 64,
of Route 2, Locust Grove, died
about one o’clock Sunday after
noon, December 20th, at the Grif
fin-Spalding County Hospital
where he had been a patient since
November 2nd. Mr. Glass had
been in declining health for sev
eral years and had suffered a
series of strokes, the last coming
only a few weeks ago.
A native of Butts County, he
was the son of the late Mr. Ben
jamin Turner Glass of Henry
County and Mrs. Nellie Harkness
Glass of Butts County. Mr. Glass
was a retired farmer and a mem
ber of the Jenkinsburg United
Methodist Church.
Funeral services were conduc
ted Tuesday morning at 11 o’-
clock from the chapel of Haisten
Funeral Home in Jackson with the
Rev. C. C. Buckalew, pastor of
the Locust Grove Baptist Church,
officiating. Interment was in the
Jenkinsburg Cemetery with Hais
ten Funeral Home in charge of
Mr. Glass is survived by his
wife, Mrs. Ernestine Culbreth
Glass of Locust Grove; one
daughter, Miss Peggy Glass of Lo
cust Grove; three sisters, Mrs.
Carl D. Robertson of North Fort
Myers, Fla., Mrs. J. B. Cooper
of Decatur, and Mrs. Frank J.
Campbell of Atlanta.
Pallbearers were C. J. Lind
sey, H. H. Madison, Roy Culbreth,
Elwood Culbreth, W. B. Cooper,
Frank Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Ruff and
children are spending Christmas
Eve in Atlanta with Mr. and Mrs.
T. D. Duffey where other mem
bers of the family will come to
gether for an annual family gath
Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Trued of
Sanford, Florida arrived Wednes
day for a holiday visit with her
sister, Mrs. Dave W. Bailey, Mr.
Bailey and family.
Dr. Bailey Crockarell and son,
Morris, attended the Atlanta
Falcons-Minnesota Vikings game
in Atlanta Sunday afternoon at
Atlanta Stadium.
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Newton Sr.
and Mrs. E. R. Edwards, Sr.
will spend the Christmas holidays
in Orangeburg, S. C. with Mr.
and Mrs. R. P. Newton, Jr. They
will accompany their granddaugh
ter, Miss Nancy Newton of At
lanta, to Orangeburg on Thurs
day and will return to Jackson
with her on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Shelby of
Macon, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beck
ham and children of Forest Park,
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Beckham
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Charles H. Beckham, all of Smyr
na, will spend a part of Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Beckham.
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Jones Jr.
will spend Christmas Day in Ath
ens with Mrs. L. F. Griffeth and
family and will join other mem
bers of the family for the tradi
tional Christmas dinner Friday
ATN2 David Woodward, sta
tioned at May port, Florida aboard
the USS Saratoga, left Monday
for his station following a week
end visit with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Bailey Woodward and
CftMias Gretf
A winter landscape of yesteryear best c ,Ulf
expresses the peace and contentment
of Christmas. May that peace, <* v i
< b. jeu'i . J
Williams Shop & Save Grocery
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A i’ : / *sir. ’■
j/n quiet serenity, let us reflect on the true message
of Christmas. May your home and family be blessed with the
spiritual joy and happiness that His birth taught us to cherish.
With our greetings goes our sincere appreciation.
Gateway Luggage of Georgia, Inc.
Jackson "B"
Team Boasts
Two Victories
The Jackson High “B” Team
has begun their 1970-71 basket
ball sceason with two victories,
defeating Henry County 50-15
and Pike County 27-18.
Representing the B-Team of
the Jackson High Red Devils are:
Tammie Smith, Bth grader, Hen
derson Junior High; Tina Hol
ston, Linda Heath, Diane Cook,
Becky Waits, and Rita Smith, 9th
graders of Jackson High; Linda
Head, Melanie Bell, Patsy Bark
ley and Brenda Bridges, 10th
graders of Jackson High.
The team has shown great im
provement in both defensive and
Mike Reeves, son of Mrs. Joe
Reeves, was admitted Monday to
Piedmont Hospital, Atlanta, and
was scheduled to undergo surg
ery on his back Tuesday. Mike is
expected to be hospitalized for
several weeks.
offensive play although offensive
shooting percentage still remains
on a low average.
Statistics for the team is as
Brenda Bridges, total of 18
points, Tammie Smith 16, Linda
Head 16, Tina Holston 16, Patsy
Barkley 8, Melanie Bell 6 and Di
ane Cook. 1.
Coach McGee states that in
terest is high and the girls have
great potential to develop into a
strong and winniing ball team.
Friends of Mr. John P. Hunt,
Jackson Postmaster, will be in
terested to learn that he under
went major surgery December
22nd at Emory University Hos
pital and wish for him a speedy
recovery. He was admitted to the
hospital Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bridges
and family are spending Christ
mas Eve with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James E. Bridges, in Griffin.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Jones of
Athens are expected for a visit
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Vincent S. Jones, during the Yule
Mr. and Mrs. Davis Willard
and Donald leave today for Al
bany to spend Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Couch, Tracy
and Chris.