Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, DEC. 24, 1970
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CITY CLERK ACCEPTS “LARGEST CHECK” —Jackson City Clerk and Treasurer M. L. Powell
accepts a check fo r $2,212 from Southern Bell Manager Ray Reece in payment of the Company’s
municipal ad valorem taxes for 1970. “Southern Bell,” said Powell, “is the largest utility company
tax payer in the city.”
Greetings .jylff
We hope your j “ 1
holiday is filled ~]
friends, good times.
Mrs. Ed (Nell) Carmichael
a Merry Christmas with ijg
,y that makes this
friends and , 'jP
t vr W
Griffin Federal Savings & Loan Association
Griffin, Georgia
Griffin Tech
lEEP Course
Begins Jan. 4
Griffin Tech is now accepting
applications for the Learning,
Earning, Education Program for
Winter Quarter which begins on
January 4, 1971.
L.E.E.P. is a short term
course designed to assist the dis
advantaged and handicapped per
sons obtain a job skill and lo
cate a job in the Griffin area.
Persons interested in attend
ing this class should contact Mr.
John Hamilton, L.E.E.P. Coordi
nator at Griffin Tech, phone 227-
1322 o r P. O. Box 131; Griffin,
Georgia 30223, or report for reg
itration on January 4, 1971, first
day of class.
In Georgia there are many
good native trees and large
shrubs suitable for hedges and
background screening. When
planting these trees and shrubs
it is important to select the best
plant for the job, use good plant
ing design, use good soil prepa
ration and planting procedures,
and plan for an adequate main
tenance program. Contact your
county Extension agent for de
Spec. Wise
ACM Medal
S. ARMY, Ft. McPherson, Ga.—
Specialist 5 William M. Wise,
Route 2, School Street, Jackson,
Ga., has been presented the Army
Commendation Medal (ACM) for
meritorious service while on his
last assignment in the Army as an
administrative specialist in the of
fice of the Deputy Chief of
Staff, Logistics, Third U. S.
Army. Prior to this assignment
Specialist Wise served in Viet
The ACM was pinned on Spe
cialist Wise by Colonel J. S.
Griffin who is the Deputy Chief
of Staff, Logistics, at this head
The citation accompanying the
ACM cited Specialist Wise for
his duties from August 5, 1969
to November 29, 1970, and stated
in part: “Specialist Wise’s out
standing performance of duty was
characterized by his exceptional
knowledge of logistic functions in
each area of responsibility, de
pendability, cheerful and coope
rative attitude, sound judgment,
and ability to remain calm under
pressure. On several occasions, he
was the senior enlisted man on
duty and because of his experi
ence and sound judgment, he was
called upon to perform duties not
normally expected of an individ
ual of his grade. He willingly ac
cepted additional responsibility,
worked long hours to accomplish
extra duties placed upon him,
and devoted many off-duty hours
to post scouting activities.”
Other awards which Specialist
Wise had previously received in
clude the National Defense Ser
vice Medal, the Good Conduct
As this quiet scene
reflects Christmas peace, >4l
may all share its true tranquility.
Spencer Realty Agency
L. C. ? WEBB, Inc
New Facilities
Are Slated For
Indian Springs
ATLANTA,—(GPS) Construc
tion of a group shelter, two com
fort stations and five cottages is
expected to get under way by
year’s end, according to State
Parks Director John L. Gordon,
at Indian Springs State Park
near Jackson.
Provided all contractual agree
ments are in order, the Reddick
Construction Company of Thom
aston will build the new facilities
at a cost of approximately $140,-
650, he said.
All of the cottages will have
two bedrooms, scenic views of
Chief Mclntosh Lake, screened
porches, and rustic exteriors to
blend with their woodland set
tings, it was pointed out.
Inside, the cottages will feature
open fireplaces and, like all other
Georgia state park cottages, each
will be completely furnished and
equipped with linens and cook
“These buildings will add con
siderably to the variety of ac
commodations at Indian Springs,”
Gordon said. “When they are
completed, Georgians and out-of
state visitors will be able to en
joy the state’s oldest and most
historic state park and, at the
same time, have the most modern
and comfortable accommodations
Medal, the Purple Heart, the
Vietnam Service Medal and the
Vietnam Campaign Medal.
Mrs. Helen Beaman, Specialist
Wise’s sister, attended the cere
mony, which was held in Colonel
Griffin’s office.
a IB.rigg ig
As the Christmas spirit
abounds through our community, we
send our warmest greetings to all
for a happy holiday. Sincere thanks
for your generous consideration.
Etheridge-Smith Cos.