Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, DEC. 24, 1970
Mrs. Beeland
Butts Native,
Died Friday
.Mrs. Maude Missouri Nutt Bee
laiiJ of Zebulon Road died early
Friday morning at the Griffin-
Spalding County Hospital.
Mrs. Beeland was born in Butts
bounty and had made her home
in Griffin for 55 yeai-s. She was
a member of the Baptist Taber
nacle Church.
Funeral services were conduc
ted Sunday afternoon at two o'-
clock at the Baptist Tabernacle
Church with the Rev. Bob Jones
officiating. Burial was in Oak
Hill Cemetery. McDonald Chapel
of Griffin was in charge of ar
Mrs. Beeland is survived by
two daughters, Mrs. C. A. Moore
and Mrs. Jack Scott, both of
Griffin; a son, Robert T. Bee
land; and six grandchildren.
May holiday Many thanks
Mary Will Hearn
I Christmas 1
y old-fashioned
===s£j enthusiasm we send
Christmas greetings and
warm wishes that you and your dear ones
may enjoy a bounty of wonderful holiday pleasures.
the kym CO.
Miss Kathy Miller of Brenau
College is spending the Yule sea
son with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Miller.
Miss Sylvia Kirkland left Fri
day for Tallahassee, Fla. where
she will visit her grandmother
and other relatives during the
Christmas holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mangham
have as their guests today her
mother, Mrs. Virginia Hollis, and
brother, Freddy, of Griffin.
Mrs. Charles E. Daniel of Holly
wood, Florida visited several days
recently with Mr. and Mrs. Mar
vin Strawn.
Horace Cawthon, who is spend
ing two months training at Hil
liard, Fla. in connection with his
job at the FAA installation at
Hampton, will spend the Christ
mas holidays with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Cawthon.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Taylor will
spend some time during the holi
days with his parents, Mr. and
I Mrs. W. L. Taylor, in Griffin.
R. O. Settle
Buried Here
On Tuesday
Mr. Ralph 0. Settle, Sr., 84,
of Plantation Keys, Florida, for
merly of Jackson, died Saturday,
December 19th, in Plantation
Mr. Settle for many years was
Station Agent in Jackson for the
Southern Railway System. He was
married to the former Mrs. Ada
S. Miller of Jackson. His wife
preceded him in death on Decem
ber 30, 1969 and since that time
Mr. Settle has made his home in
Florida with his son, Ralph O.
Settle, Jr., in Plantation Keys.
Funeral services were held
Tuesday afternoon at two o’clock
from the chapel of Haisten Fu
neral Home with the Rev. Don
ald Gray, pastor of the Jackson
United Methodist Church, offi
ciating. Interment was in Jackson
City Cemetery with Haisten Fu
neral Home in charge of arange
Mr. Settle is survived by one
daughter, Mrs. Mary F. Rupp of
Salt Lake City, Utah; a son,
Ralph O. Settle, Jr. of Plantation
Keys, Florida; one brother, Ed
ward Settle of Jacksonville, Flori
da; nine grandchildren and one
great grandchild.
Pallbearers were Max Redman,
T. E. Robison Sr., Marlin Spen
cer, P. H. Weaver, Doyle Jones
Jr. and W. O. Ball.
Rev. and Mrs. Ben Wright, Ann
and Renee will spend Christmas
Day in Atlanta with Mr. and Mrs.
T. H. Pressley.
Little Miss Sherrie Napoletan
arrived Friday for an extended
visit with her foster parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Hollis Duke at Flovilla.
She is the sister of Miss Toni
Napoletan who has been resid
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Duke for
the past several months.
Miss Elizabeth Finley is spend
ing the Christmas holidays with
her brother, James Finley, and
family in Red Bank, New Jersey.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Finney,
Sherri and William will spend
Christmas Day in Monticello with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob
bert Bailey, and Mrs. Odessa
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Etheridge
will have as their guests on
Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs. Rus
sell Blankenship and family of
Stockbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Hollis
Etheridge of Atlanta, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Young of Jackson,
Mr. and Mrs. James Etheridge
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Preston Bridges and family, all
of Jackson.
Lindsey Powell, stationed at
Lackland Air Force Base, Texas,
is with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
M. L. Powell, on a 15 day leave
before being transferred to Tra
vis AF Base in California. Mr.
and Mrs. Michael Braswell of
Pensacola, Florida are also spend
ing the holidays with her par
Mr. and Mrs. Brae Hodges Sr.
will have as their guests Christ
mas Day Mr. and Mrs. B. Hay
wood Hodges, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
my White, Bart and Kelly, Mrs.
Dolly Ann Dooley and Gina, Mr.
and Mrs. Brae Hodges Jr. and
family, all of Jackson, Mr. and
Mrs. Leslie Sanders and Patti of
East Point, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mathias and family of East Point
and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hodges
and family of Decatur.
\ §jjgt RjaSkgfjv; • 1
" In traditional spirit,
J the real meaning of Christmas
brings to the minds and hearts of
f everyone the feeling of peace
and happiness, of togetherness,
a season of rejoicing.
With deep appreciation and great pleasure,
we set aside the routine of everyday business, to
greet and thank our friends whose good will we treasure.
Jo aIL, jcl msihtoj* (JtAi&JjficUL*
American Mills, Inc.
Fashion Pillows, Inc.
mm 4d* ® j°y- Hope you
a<^our s ' ncere