Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, DEC. 24, 1970
Gail Norsworthy Is Bride
Of C. W. Williams
At Smyrna Nuptials
Miss Gail Norsworthy became
the bride of C. W. Williams on
December sth at the Welcome All
Baptist Church in Smyrna.
Mrs. Betty Polk, organist, pre
sented a program of nuptial mu
sic with Mrs. Ruth Whitehead
rendering two chosen selections.
The double ring ceremony was
officiated by Rev. Bobby Moore,
pastor, and Rev. Edward Jones,
former pastor, at six o’clock.
The bride and groom pledged
their marriage vows in the midst
of candlelight and a background
of fern.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, Jack Inman Nors
worthy, was lovely in a floor
length bridal gown of white satin
and alencon lace. The full cage
back swept into a cathedral train
in matching lace. Her shoulder
length veil was attached to a tiara
of pearls and rosettes. She car
ried a bouquet of red roses top
ped with a white orchid.
Miss Shirley Norsworthy, sis
ter of the bride, was maid of hon
on. Her attire was a floor length
red crepe and white lace gown.
She carried a red rose and fern.
Miss Janice Norsworthy, sister
of the bride, and Miss Gigi Lev
erette, cousin of the bride, were
bridesmaids. They wore identical
floor length empire gowns of red
crepe with white lace and car
ried a red rose.
Charlie Williams was his cous
in’s best man. Ushers were Dan
ny Singleton and Terry Blood
worth. They wore a red rose in
their boutonniere.
Mrs. Norsworthy chose for her
daughter’s wedding a street
length dress of red crepe with
matching accessories. She wore
a white orchid.
Mrs. Williams wore a navy
and white outfit with red and
navy accessories. A white orchid
completed here attire.
The wedding party and guests
were entertained at a reception
in the fellowship hall of the
church immediately following the
As you worship with your family at
Christmas, may the true spirit
of the season greatly bless you.
s^ Sf SinCCrely ’ WG eXtCnd ° Ur greetingß ’
Superior Cleaners
wedding. Mrs. Wanda Dukes, sis
ter of the bride, kept the Bride’s
Book. Mrs. Martha Williams, Mrs.
Martha Sealock, and Mrs. Cathy
Smith assisted in serving.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Norsworthy
of Smyrna. She is the grand
daughter of the late Inman and
Thelma Norsworthy of Butts
happy birthday
The Jackson Progress-Argus
extends a very HAPPY BIRTH
DAY to the following:
December 25 Charles D.
Moore, D. V. Spencer, Mrs. Ben
James, W. H. O’Neal, Julian Rob
ert James, Jack Evans, John Mar
shal Allen, Edwin Ford, Barbara
Peacock, Murry Todd Jones, E.
F. Welch, E. H. Roberts, Benjy
Daryl Hardy, Mrs. Randall Ma
con, Kyle McMichael, Mrs. Henry
Riley, James W. Truluck, Randy
December 26—Mrs. Bob Moore,
Mrs. W. M. O’Neal, Jr., Mrs. Ola
Baker, Mrs. Merida Powell, James
Hilley, Mrs. M. L. King, James
Biles, Juanita Mangham, Phil
Cowan, Mrs. Hazel Harper, Hazel
Silas, Tyrus Grant, Laura Lee
Ann Rooks, Kenneth Rich, Mrs.
Thomas J. O’Quinn, Alan Folsom.
December 27—Banks Weaver,
Jr., Betty Jane Martin, Elsie
Ann Moore, Alford V. Smith,
Hugh Glidewell, Charles Kelly,
Bubber Jones, Margaret Lynn
Mitchell and Miriam Luann Mit
chell, (twins), Marian Michelle
December 28 —T. C. Clark,
Mrs. Wallace O’Neal, Mrs. J. H.
Pope, Mrs. W. J. Brooks, C. W.
Hodges, Ellen Fletcher, Diane
Elizabeth Wilson, Jimmy Patrick,
Charlotte Price, Bonnie Nell Kin
ard, Mrs. Ralph Stallworth, Mrs.
Andy Kinard, Mrs. Horace Jack
son, Michele Elaine Garland, An
nette Prosser.
December 29—W’illiam Edward
Jackson, George Britt, Elinor
Joan Coleman, Arthur Turner,
Vincent Barrett Jones, M. E.
Wade, Mrs. Hesper Stephens,
Walter Wilson Bedsole, Buddy
Dean, Robert L. Smith, Wendell
Spencer, Jr., Mary Blanchard,
Mrs. Sammy Webb, Toree Ray.
December 30 Mrs. Morris
Williams, Mrs. Willie Gray, Miss
Jacquelyn Mitchell, Peggy Hardy,
Tom Beckham, Mrs. W. S. Nor
ton, Cheryl Diane Harrison,
Clarence Eugene Morton, Clyde
Herbert, Melaine Leigh Tomlin,
Mrs. John L. Cross, Richie Lewis.
December 31 —R. M. Vickers,
Mrs. A. S. Mills, Woodrow Tur
ner, L. L. Washington, W. J.
Moss, Jr., Sandra Barnes, Bar
bara Jean Rutherford, Mrs. C.
T. Whiten, Billy Taratoot, Mrs.
C. A. McKibben, David Owen
Peed, Becky McCranie, Peggy K.
McMichael, James Cook, Frank
Childs, Neil Earnhart, Tommy
Dean, Vivian Kelly Hardy, Mrs.
David Maddox, Peggy C. Holland,
Mrs. Ben Wright, Timothy Pat
Honor Roll
New and Renewal Subicription*
Of The Past Few Days
Mrs. Dan Thurston, Port
Richey, Fla.
‘ ~ oKay your Christmas dreams come
true, and your hearth and home be filled
-with happiness. To our patrons, warm thanks.
Douglas Bryant, Moreland, Ga.
C. T. Whiten, Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Garland,
Mrs. E. S. Settle, Jackson
SP/4 Kenneth M. Wise, APO
San Francisco
Marvin Standard, Jackson
Richard V. Meredith, Jackson
That’s where you want to make
your cash gifts go. Be sure to
check the sales and see what
they have to offer you. Remem
ber to evaluate the offer to see
if the saving is valid. Don’t buy
impulsively just because an item
seems inexpensive.
After-holiday bargains attract
many folks. Some really get bar
gains. Others just get taken. Bar
gains are genuine only when they
are useful, have inherent quality
and compare favorably with a
simi’ur article that carries a
higher price tag.