Newspaper Page Text
Christmas probably is the most
lonely time for a man in prison,
according to Ben Wright, a chap
lain at the Georgia Diagnostic
and Classification Center at Jack
“It’s the time when he remem
bers all the good times he had
with his family and friends in
the free world on all his past
Christmases,” the Rev. Wright
The Rev. Wright and the Rev.
Herbert Marbury are the two re
ligious leaders assigned to the
prison. Both arc trained clinical
Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Hay and
Mrs. Robert S. I>etson had as
their luncheon guests December
15th to celebrate Mr. Hay’s birth
day, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coop
er, Mrs. Charles Fletcher, Mrs.
Lanier Knight and Joe and Miss
Hattie Mann. Having supper with
them were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Roy
Miss Ruby Lane left Thursday
for Lambertville, N. J. for a
three week’s visit with her sister,
Mrs. Mildred Mangan, and Mr.
Jenkinsburg Community was
saddened by the passing last
week of Mrs. Coral Whitaker,
whom all that knew he r loved.
We would like fo
extend our warmest
wishes to all
our iriends. patrons.
What it will be like at Jackson center
“This year we have been able
to secure donations from several
greeting card companies so that
all of the men will have a chance
to remember thei r friends and
relatives,” the prisoner’s minister
The Center, which handles the
overall plans for prisoner’s re
habilitation programs and assign
ment, has approximately 170
prisoners who serve as a part
of the staff from 600 to 700
diagnostics on their way to other
“We have been lucky to have
several outside groups who have
Sympathy is extended to the fam
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Price at
tended a Christmas dinner party
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. How
ard Rogers at beautiful Lake Ca
pri Estates Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Hay, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert S. Letson, Joye
and Faith, attended the family
Christmas dinner Sunday at Mr.
Letson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. D. Freeman, on Robin Drive
in Jackson.
Friends in Jenkinsburg would
like to extend sympathy to the
family of Mr. Douglas Glass, who
passed away in Griffin Hospital
Sunday. He had been ill quite
some time after suffering a
Mrs. C. B. Christian of College
Park was a spend the night guest
of Mr. and Mr. T. H. Price Mon
day night. She presented a part
of the program at the Jackson
B&PW Club Christmas dinner at
the Jackson Clubhouse.
Mrs. Mary Dobbs of Atlanta
was spend the night guest of
Mr. and Mr. R. A. Allen Sunday
Rev. Aubrey Hawkins, Direc
tor of Baptist Student work of
the Georgia Baptist Convention,
filled the pulpit at Jenkinsburg
Baptist Church Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Harris
were hosts Sunday for their
Christmas family dinner. Guests
were their children and grand
children which included Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Harris and family
of Cartersville, Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Hoard and Lynn of
Stockbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Harris of McDonough, Mrs.
J. T. Harris, Susan and John of
Decatur and Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Harris, Emily Jo and Lee Ann of
Jenkinsburg. Mrs. Sarah Ruth
Peek, sister of Mr. Harris, was a
weekend guest.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Harris and
Mrs. Nancy Hoard and Lynn of
StockDridge visited Mrs. Sarah
Ruth Peek in Macon Tuesday.
Dr. William R. Whitaker and
Mr. Gary Whitaker of Hialeah,
Florida, and Mr. Mac Whitaker
offered to come in and present
Christmas programs of music,” he
A group of Christian young
men from the Jaekson-Griffin
area known as “the Believers”
were scheduled to perform this
“Actually, we don’t have to go
out and look for groups to come
and entertain because they al
ways seem to find us first,” the
Rev. Marbury pointed out.
Following the concert, the
group plans to have the men join
them in singing many of the old
time favorite Christmas carols.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Ball will
spend Christmas Day with their
daughter, Mrs. R. E. McCrary,
Mr. McCrary and family in Au
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bankston
will have as their guests on
Christmas Day Loran Cash and
Mike Bott of Ellenwood.
Miss Patrice Marchman arri
ved Thursday from Toccoa Falls
College to spend the holidays with
he r family and friends.
Mrs. Gladys Wilson will spend
Christmas Day with Mr. and
Mrs. V. A. Kimbell and family in
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Biles will
spend Christmas Eve and Christ
mas Day in Athens with their
daughter, Mrs. John Pope, Mr.
Pope, Kay, Johnalyn and Chris.
For Christmas Day Rev. and
Mrs. A. E. Barton will have as
their guests Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Eubanks, Baird, Mark and Sabri
na of Erwin, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs.
Charles W. Barton, Miriam, Da
vid, Charlene and Glenn of East
Point and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Barton of Decatur.
of Fort Lee, Virginia, were home
last week for the funeral of their
grandmother, Mrs. Coral Whita
MERRY , lsgf°
Santa’s making a list
all our friends so that he i|
can be especially
good to each of you.
Best wishes to all.
170 N. Mulberry St.
Throughout the land, the season
spreads its warmth and happiness
vith our message of sincere gratitude.
G. H. Barnes Lumber Cos.
Christmas behind bars
Christmas Day guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Gus Cook will be their
children, Mr. and Mr. Wendell
Smith and Jamey of College
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Cook
of Lithonia will spend the Christ
mas weekend with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Cook and Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Fletcher.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Richard Bal
lard will spend the Christmas
weekend with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Roland Ballard, in Bar
nesville and her mother, Mrs.
Ruth Bartlett, and brother, How
ard Bartlett, in LaFayette.
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Knott of
Vicksburg, Mississippi, arrive this
week for a visit of several days
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. M. Thaxton.
Mr. and Mrs. Billie W. Moore
spent several days with their
daughter, Mrs. Jim Edmondson,
Mr. Edmondson and new grand
daughter, Terri Jean, last week
in Barney. They returned home
on Friday.
Friends of Mrs. Lonny Lloyd
will be glad to learn she returned
home Monday ftom Sylvan Grove
Hospital where she had been a
patient for the past week.
In the chapel, which seats
about 400, stands the prisoner’s
Christmas tree, completely deco
rated by members of the in
stitution’s Sunday School class.
“Music will play a large part
in our holiday program as we
have many men who love to sing
and a few who are actually pro
fessional musicians,” he added.
As far as presents for the men
are concerned, there is a rather
limited list of items that the pri
son will allow inmates to receive
because of security reasons.
“Some guys families don’t even
write to them over once or twice
Friends of A. G. Cowan sym
pathize with him in the death of
his brother, Fitzhugh Cowan, of
Invited guests for Christmas
Day dinner with Mrs. Margaret
Carmichael and Miss Kiki Car
michael are Mr. and Mrs. David
Faulkner, Mary and Jeff of Mi
ami, Fla., Mrs. John G. McDon
ald, Mrs. Howard J. Jolly, Miss
Lilia Watkins, Jim Loftis and A.
F. White.
The John Levi Fletcher family
will gather on December 27th at
the home of his daughter, Mrs.
R. E. Willis, and Mr. Willis in
Marietta. Attending will be Mr.
and Mrs. Kirk Biles, Mr. and
Mrs. Julian Fletcher of Jackson,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fletcher of
Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Flet
cher of Tucker and Mrs. Carl Ha
mil of Decatur.
— ——
Jackson, Ga.
Phone 775-7872
a yea r and never visit, but most
of us who stay here get visitors
on Christmas such as wives and
families,” one prisoner said.
One thing that in prison, at
least at Jackson, may surpass
what a man is use to in the free
world is Christmas dinner.
Chief Stewart, H. E. Waldron,
a man who readily admits to be
ing interested in the prisoner’s
welfare, talked about the menu
for the holiday banquet.
Turkey, dressing baked ham,
candy yams, mashed potatoes,
peas, gravy, four kinds of cake,
four kinds of pie, fruits, candy,
Cawthon Bros. Gas Cos.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Coleman,
Johnna and Jeff will have as
spend the day guests on Sunday,
December 27th, Mr. and Mrs.
John L. Coleman, Scott Coleman,
Mr. and Mrs. David Garr of Cali
fornia, Md., Mrs. C. L. Britton,
and Mrs. Martiel Williams.
Mrs. E. F. Tharpe will spend
this weekend in Warne r Robins
with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stonica.
May the season shine with warmth, peace
and happiness for you and your family.
M \ ~.x, I A.*
nII {M 4
Rita s Beaute Rama
THURSDAY, DEC. 24, 1 970
ice cream, tea, milk, and coffee
comprise the list.
“All the food the men get is
first grade and Christmas is no
exception,” Waldron said.
Cooking the 30 pound turkeys
and the 20 twenty-five pound
hams will all be a part of what
makes up Christmas in the prison.
“We will feed about 1,000
people that day because it will
be one of the times when all
the personnel bring their fam
ilies to set down to eat eat at the
center,” Chaplain Wright added.
—The Griffin Daily News, Dec.
I wish to thank all of my
friends, neighbors and relatives
for the beautiful flowers, food,
cards and calls. Also thanks to
the different ministers for the
calls and prayers for me and a
special thanks to Dr. Howell and
the entire staff at Sylvan Grove
Hospital while I was a patient
there for being so very nice to
me. God bless each one of you.—
Mrs. J. W. (Ida) Raney, Sr.