The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, January 14, 1971, Image 3
THURSDAY, JANUARY 14. 1971 and \Juk MRS. LUCILE RIDGEWAY, HENRY PATRICK HALL WERE MARRIED JAN. 2nd Mrs. Lucile V. Ridgeway of Jackson became the bride of Mr. Henry Patrick Hall of Conyers in a ceremony performed January 2nd at seven o’clock in the eve ning at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Parham. The Reverend Parham, pastor of the Towaliga Baptist Church, performed the double ring ceremony in the pres ence of relatives and a few close friends. The bride wore a light blue suit with navy accessories. A white orchid corsage completed he r attire. Mrs. Hall is the daughter of Mrs. H. M. Vaughn and the late Mr. Vaughn. Mr. Hall is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hall of Conyers. A reception was held at the home of the bride immediately following the ceremony. Following a wedding trip to Gatlinburg, Tennessee, Mr. and Mrs. Hall are making their home at West Avenue, Jackson, Geor gia. DAR WILL MEET SATURDAY WITH MRS. PINCKNEY The William Mclntosh Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will meet Saturday, January 16th, at three o’clock at the home of Mrs. R. H. Pinckney. Hostesses for the meeting will be Mrs. Lee Roy O’Neal, Mrs. R. H. Pinckney, Miss Jewell Smith, Mrs. John Hunt and Mrs. Avon Gas ton. PERSONAL The friends of H. M. Fletcher will be interested to know that he was admitted to Sylvan Grove Hospital last Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Powell had as their guests fo r the weekend Mr. Powell’s sister, Mr. E. W. Lovett, and Mr. Lovett of Hart well and his brother, H. B. Powell, and Mrs. Powell of Winder. Lindsey Powell spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Powell before leaving for Travis Air Force Base in Cali fornia. Mrs. J. P. Harris, Mrs. John Meachern, Mrs. Euell White, Mrs. A. S. Mills and Tom Mills of At lanta spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Jones. Mrs. Brenda Williamson visited Mrs. Raymond Smith and infant daughter, Julie, Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Wells, Audie, Penny and Dondi from Griffin and Mrs. Sybil Batchelor and Butch from Monticello were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Thaxton and Jerry on Sunday. Jackson Paint & Decorating Center Custom Colors Latex & Oil Paints Wholesale Prices Call us for Your Paint & Painting Needs 775-7571 Remodeling, Add on, House Repairs Phone 775-7571 Now in Progress At DERANEY'S CAMBRIDGE SHOP Save on these fabulous values from our regular stock. A ONCE A YEAR EVENT HAPPY BIRTHDAY The Progress-Argus extends a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following: January 15—Mrs. S. M. Ridge way, Mrs. Ronnie Cook, Charles Samuel Sims, Bob Carmichael, Mrs. Betty Letson, T. R. Sims, Mrs. Nanny Cochran, Johnny De raney, Boyd Mitchell, Charles Timothy Raven, Mrs. H. C. John son, Gail H. Bush, George O. Col well, Willie Rue Noel, Cathy Marie Crump, Mrs. Ed Deaver, Joye Adams, George Kelley. January 16—Mrs. E. D. Allen and Mrs. Clyde Wright (twins), L. H. Hurt, Frank Townsend, Mrs. W. T. Plymale, Patricia Ruth Whidby, Ruth Johnson, Mrs. Lula Willard, James Harry Ridge way, Robert Fletcher, Richard V. Meredith, Janice Cochran, Bill Wood, Charles S. O’Kelley. January 17—Sadie Frances Glass, Jared White, Emma Jo Chasteen, Mrs. J. P. Pickett, Mrs. J. H. O’Neal, Mrs. Danny Hoard. Becky Cook, Carol Ann Crump, Ronnie Reeves, Penney Newman, Frank Forehand, W. Donald Gray. January 18—Edward Stodghill, J. W. Shadrix, Mrs. T. J. Thax ton, Charles Eugene Wells, Mrs. Billy Redman, Jan Jackson, Van A. Duke, Mrs. Ronald Wells, Don ald Washington, Mrs. Elbert Mul lis, Mrs. Francis M'. Holston, Da vid Gene Whitaker, Mrs. Shirley Brooks, Mrs. James E. Mixon. January 19—Foster Leverrett, Mrs. Marvin Rich, Betty Farrar, Carrilene Powell, Margaret Pelt, Harriet Rebecca Pope, Mrs. Lem Watkins, Mary Alice Vickers, Mrs. Hammond Barnes, Larry Wilmer Letson, Linda Welch, Wanda Kay Thompson, Charles S. Bailey, Lafayette Jones, Betty Cook, L. H. Cawthon, Forest Mad dox, Sr., Mrs. R. A. Cook, Rob ert E. McCrary 111, Angela Re nee Robertson, Jeannie O’Quinn, Robert Luzier, Billy Bradley. January 20 Mrs. Herman Shuman, Mrs. Dick Ponder, Joseph Warren Sellers 111, Rich ard B. Sasnett Jr., James Larry Landers, Franklin Weaver, Mrs. J. G. Bearden, Theodore B. Ter ry, H. A. Norton, C. L. Bradley, Jackie Norsworthy, Mrs. Jerry Watkins. January 21—James Frederick, John Hunt, C. N. Brownlee, Grady Smith, Francis E. Willard, Jerry Burford, Cynthia Elaine Welch, John B. Jackson, Debra Ann Brown, Larry Whitaker, Fred King, Mrs. V. H. Ham, Har old Joseph Pope, Billy Craig, Roger Lee, Johnny Colwell, Mar vin Lindy James, W., T. Collins. PROGRESS-ARGUS WANT-ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS! fHE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS. JACKSON, GEORGIA c JWMt (Mi .sUIL News of 10 Years Ago Dr. R. H. Pinckney, Jackson optometrist and widely known civic and religious leader, was in stalled Tuesday night as president of the Jackson Kiwanis Club for 1961 by Mayor W. M. Redman, Jackson mayor and former lieu tenant governor of the ninth di vision. An impressive concourse of friends and relatives paid tribute to Mrs. H. O. Ball, 72, at funeral services at the First Baptist Church of Jackson Sunday after noon at three o’clock. The rites were conducted by Rev. William L. Cawthon, pastor of the Jack son Methodist Church, Rev. Ralph Goodwin, pastor of the Jackson Nazarene Church, and the Rev. Sidney L. Waterhouse, pastor of the First Baptist Church. Paul Pruitt, of Atlanta, parts and service specialist the past 12 years with Ernest G. Beaudry, Inc., Atlanta, is now affiliated with Daniel Ford Sales Cos. as parts and service manager, ef fective January 2nd, according to an announcement this week by Milton Daniel of Daniel Ford Sales. In one of the great perform ances of the current season Jack son High Girls nipped the talent ed Milner lasses 31-29 in a photo finish at the Jackson gymnasium Friday night. The Jackson boys were subdued 38-29 by the potent visitors. New* of 20 Year* Ago Mrs. Lovett Fletcher, Butts County home demonstration agent, has tendered her resigna tion, effective February 1, ac cording to an announcement Tuesday at the commissioner’s office. Last week’s ice storm caused considerable damage to lines of the Central Georgia Electric Membership Corporation, serving counties in central Georgia. The damage according to R. F. Arm strong, was the heaviest the co op has eve r experienced. The building formerly occu pied by the Butts County Freez er Locker Company is being re modeled and when completed will be used as a storeroom by Colonial Stores, Incorporated. Receipts in the Butts County 1950 Christmas Seal Sale now total $445.10 according to Mrs. Robert Franklin, chairman of the Butts County Tuberculosis com mittee. Col. and Mrs. Richard Watkins spent New Year’s Eve in Atlanta with Mrs. S. L. Austin and Mrs. B. A. Wright. News of 30 Year* Ago The body of Mr. Daniel Cole man, 54 years of age, was found in a wagon at his home in Flo villa December 26th and the coro ner’s jury has investigated and returned a verdict that he died of natural causes. Mr. Coleman had been engaged in moving a neighbor when the team returned and it was discovered that he was dead. The Jonesboro Production Credit Association, serving farm borrowers in Butts, Henry, Spald ing, Clayton, Fulton, and DeKalb County, is now taking applica tions for loans. Miss Helen Thorn ton is in charge of the office in the Butts County Courthouse. Funeral services for Mr. Stev en B. Kinard, 72 years of age, one of Butts County’s best known business leaders, who died at his home early Wednesday after a long illness, will be held at the home Thursday afternoon at three o’clock. Shareholders of the Jackson Ice Corporation, meeting Wed nesday morning in annual ses sion, were paid dividends of six per cent on the past year’s busi ness. Mr. James Cornell, student at the University of Georgia, will return to Athens on Thursday. Newi of 40 Years Ago Mr. C. M. Compton, one of Butts County’s best known citi zens makes announcement this week for the office of Ordinary, to fill the unexpired term of the late Judge J- H. Ham, in the special election of January 20th. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Wiley and family moved the first of the week to Forsyth, where Mr. Wi ley became county agent in Monroe County the first of the year. A death that brought deep sor row to a host of friends was that New Life For Old Shoes Repair Them Save Money lnsure Comfort. Keep those worn shoes and let us put NEW life into them. We will repair your shoes and save you money. Try us soon and see for your self. CITY SHOE REPAIR C&S Automatic Savings. The sure way to beat the devil We know what happens. Every month you promise yourself you’ll save. But as soon as you get your paycheck, bills come in. Payments are due. You take Aunt Emma out for dinner on her birthday. Suddenly, it's the end of the month, and you just don’t feel like plopping those few extra bucks into a savings account. But we at C&S feel you should save regularly even if it’s only a few dollars a month. So we’ve made it easy. With C&S Automatic Savings On the date you say, we automatically transfer any amount from your C&S checking account into your savings account If you’re wondering what amount is best to transfer, any C&S banker will work out a plan based on your budget and your needs. And your savings will build fast, based on your intentions-not your willpower. C&S Automatic leads you not into temptation. The Citizens and Southern Banks in Georgia CgS What caa we do for you? m M p'N, Jf jflUl Pf ° m| ses. promises aHBpF That’S what you said last month... W anci the mon,h before, j jL pWßkaPtf Where’s your willpower7’ “C’mon friend. You've paid all your bills. Lei's go out and Tp blow the rest. JV You caa save next month!’ U t &#' , io</ Boys in Service (FHTNC) VIETNAM Dec. 30 —NAVY Petty Officer Second Class Clyde H. Daniels, Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. Daniels Sr. of Route 2, Locust Grove, Ga., is serving with Mobile Construc tion Battalion 74 in Vietnam. OUTDOOR MEALS Outdoor meals usually rate high in menu appeal. Miss Nellie Boyd, nutritionist with the Co operative Extension Service, says to help make outdoor meals en joyable, plan for variety in food textures. Crisp salads, chewey meats and soft vegetables fit the bill for this part of the meal. of Mr. Dodson Bankston, aged 22, who passed away Monday morning at the Macon Hospital after four days’ illness of spinal meningitis. The board of commissioners plan to have the link from Jack son to Henry County Line on Route 42 graded during the spring. The Jackson Public Schools opened for the spring term Mon day, and an increased enrollment and attendance was reported the first day. Several pupils were put on the roll and the attendance was declared better than for any day of December. PIE ANYTIME One way to have a pecan pie ready to serve anytime is to bake a supply and freeze them. Then all you have to do is take one out of the freezer, heat it and serve it. NOTICE EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT Nationally Known Company Non-Textile Contemplating a Griffin, Ga. operation will require high school grad, or equivalent TYPISTS BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATORS GENERAL OFFICE CLERKS WAREHOUSEMEN ORDER FILLERS (Male or Female) If you are interested in any of the above please complete the following application form and mail to P. O. Box 73, Griffin, Ga. Please Print or Type Name: . Age: Address: - - Phone No. Training: Experience: RANCID PECANS Want to keep those delicious pecans from becoming rancid? Then store them in the refrige rator or food freezer while they are still fresh. Once they become rancid, there’s nothing you can do to recapture that fresh flavor.