The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, January 14, 1971, Image 4
All classified advertising 5c a word, cash in advance unless reg ular account is maintained with Progresn-Argus. Minimum charge for an ad is SI.OO. BLUE Lustre not only rids carpets of soil but leaves pile soft and lofty. Rent electric shampooer sl. Jackson Hard ware. 1/14/ltc. HELP WANTED ‘TWAS THE MONTH AFTER CHRISTMAS and all through the house—not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse! Bored? Join the happy people who sell AVON. Call 228-1372 col lect. 1/14/ltc. The Annual Meeting of the Members of Physicians Service, Inc. will be held at 6:00 p. m., Saturday, January 30, 1971, at the Martinique Motor Hotel, Co lumbus, Georgia, to nominate and elect members to the Board of Directors and to transact any other business which shall come before the Members. 1/14/ltc. KEEP carpet cleaning problems small—use Blue Lustre wall to wall. Rent electric shampooer sl. Western Auto. 1/14/lte. Lake Jackson, 2 bedrooms, electric heat, garage and dock. $12,500. Phone 461-6015. 1/14/tfc. FIRST QUALITY king size sheets in colors only $6.98, flat or fitted. White in selected sec onds $5.98, flat or fitted. The Textile Outlet. 12/31/3tc. DRIVERS NEEDED Train now to drive semi truck, local and over the road. Diesel or gas; experience helpful but not necessary. You can earn over $4.50 pej- hour after short train ing. For interview and applica tion, call 404-451-8213, or write Safety Dept., United Systems, Inc., 3781 N. E. Expressway, Suite 18, Atlanta, Georgia 30340. l/14/4tc. POSITION OPEN: General caretaker including keeping of grounds and green houses; man 26 to 50 and family; good salary, excellent house with all modern conveniences; some experience re quired, general farming accept able; references required togeth er with past history of employ ment. Mail to Post Office Box 410, Conyers, Georgia 30207. l/14/2tc. FOR SALE: Ford’s Trading Post, Indian Springs, Ga. Un determined amount of stock, fix tures, and household furniture. To all interested parties contact by phone 775-3069 or home next door to store as store is closed, 1/14/ltp. QUEEN AND KING size bed pillows, Queen and King size mat tress pads. New selection of queen and king size spreads in both first quality and slight ir regulars. You always save at The Textile Outlet. 12/31/3tc. TELEVISIONS RCA Black & White Color in Portable and Console RCA Stereos, Portable and Console We have our own Service Man and Shop, located in store, available six days a week. 775-7501 Hodges Hdwe. & Furniture Two Locations 20 Oak Street and 128 W. Third Street 5/22/tfc. FOR SALE We have several good used portable and table model TV’s on hand. Hodges Hardware & Furni ture Cos., ph. 775-7501. 1/7/tfc. GRIFFIN READY-MIX CON CRETE; Call 227-5861 collect, Griffin Ready-Mix Concrete. 1/7/tfc. WE SELL new and used furni ture. Hodges Hardware & Furni ture Cos., ph. 775-7501. 1/7/tfc. EXPERT carpet cleaning, free estimates—all work guaranteed. Call Earnhart Carpet Cleaning, 776-7538. 12/31/tfc. ANTIQUE Dining Room and Bedroom furniture. Hodges Hardware tk Furniture. 1/7/tfc. FOR SALE; “Posted” signs on cardboard. 20c each, 6 for sl. Others signs for sale at Progress- Argus office. 8/20/tfc. FOR SALE: Good used wringer washers, $35.00 and up. Hodges Hardware & Furniture Cos., phone 775-7501. 1/7/tfc. TREE WORK, trim, take down, move and clean up. Free esti mate. Rigsby’s Tree Service, Henry Rigsby, 1318 Parker St., Experiment, Ga., P. O. Box 238, ph. 228-2622 or 227-8069. 11/19/ltc. APARTMENTS FOR RENT: Furnished and unfurnished one bedroom apartments. Phone 775- 7645. 11/5/tfc. NOTICE For the best buy in used ap pliances and televisions, check our used merchandise department. Polk Tire Company, phone 775- 7321. 3/22/tfc. SSi PISTOLS, all calibers, new and used. Will trade. Contact Bill Taylor at The Princess Shop, 34 Mulberry St., Jackson. 11/12/ltc. APPLIANCE SERVICE FOR PROMPT APPLIANCE REPAIR Call 775-7331 POLK TIRE CO. NOTICE; I am affiliated with Thomaston Vault, Burial & Mon ument Cos., Thomaston. When in need of anything, please call Mra. Bertha (Howard) Perdue, 775- 7179. !0/31/tfc. ATTENTION! SAVE MONEY on your TIRE needs. Let us RECAP your TIRES now. Your neighbors do! POLK TIRE CO. 6/13/tfc. PIANO Tuning, repairing, re conditioning and key covering. Phone Griffin 228-1682, Elmer Devall, 930 West Solomon St. 1/7/tfc. LET US TRUE & BALANCE your tires for smoother riding and longer wear. Polk Tire Cos., Jackson, Ph. 775-7331. 7/30/tfe Carpets Wall to wall or room size car peting. Priced to meet your bud get. Cleveland Furniture Cos., Jackson, Ga., Ph. 776-3494. 4/14/tfc. THE TEXTILE OUTLET Open 6 Days - 9 till 6 Including Wednesdays. 10/1/tfc. THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS, JACKSON, GEORGIA FOR SALE: Evinrude Boats and Motors. We sell ’em for fun! L. W. May. 10/17/tfc. Mary Carter Paints America’s Best Paint Value Available At Redman Seed Cos. 407 E. Second 775-7143 9/3/tfc. AREA RUGS: 9x12 room size rugs in beautiful gold or green, $49.98. Bxll ovals with fringe in beautiful greens and golds, $49.- 98. 6x9 ovals with fringe $24.98. Heavy jute backing. The Textile Outlet. l/7/2tc. Used Refrigerators Used Refrigerators in A-l condition, newly painted, From $50.00 up Guaranteed Hodges Hdwe. & Furniture 775-7501 5/14/tfc. ELECTRIC MOTORS Motor winding, Delco and Pack ard Authorized Warranty Service. Delco and Packard Electric Mo tors, 1-250 to 100 HP., Whole sale and Retail. Griffin Armature Works, 347 New Orleans St., Griffin, Ga. Phone 227-3015. 10/11/tfc. WILL BUY old time clocks, picture frames, trunks, etc. Or will exchange fabric, pillows, sheets, towels, etc. for same. The Textile Outlet. 12/31/tfc. FOR RENT: Miller Apart ments, 2 bedrooms with carpet, Coppertone appliances, AC, in cluding water, sewage, and garb age. SBS per mo. Ph. 775-3415, Jenkinsburg, Ga. 10/15/tfc. WELL PUMPS WELL PUMP HEADQUARTERS YOUR AUTHORIZED MYERS & JACUZZI PUMP DEALER Myers & Jacuzzi Well Pump Sales Myers & Jacuzzi Well Pump Service Myers & Jacuzzi Well Pump Installation Call Russell Cawthon Service Manager at HODGES HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. Phone 775-75P1 2/19/tfc. “Our Roofs Are Our Proofs” Since 1922 Bonded Shingle, Bonded Built Up Roofs. Every Job A Reference. Estimates Free Chrysler Outboard Motors, Trailers, Boats &. Marine Supplies Wilde Roofing Cos. 715 E. Taylor Street Griffin, Ga. Phones Day 227-5132 Nite 227-2893 9/10/3tc. ATTENTION For expert wheel alignment see or call Polk Tire Cos. All work guaranteed. Polk Tire Cos., phone 775-7 331. S/22/tfc. Mayor Names Committees Jackson Mayor C. B. Brown Jr. made the following committee ap pointments for the year 1971 at the meeting of the Mayor and Council on Monday night, Jan uary 4th. Members of the City Council are C. M. Daniel Jr., mayor pro-tern; W. O. Ball, John L. Coleman, Harold Martin and John Robert Pulliam. Building John L. Coleman, chm.; C. M'. Daniel Jr., W. O. Ball, John R. Pulliam. Fire C. M. Daniel Jr., chm.; W. O. Ball, John R. Pulliam, John L. Coleman. Library W. O. Ball, chm.; C. M. Dan iel Jr., John L. Coleman, Harold Martin. Cemetery John L. Coleman, chm.; C. M. Daniel Jr., W. 0. Ball, Harold Martin. Gas John L. Coleman, chm.; C. M. Daniel Jr., W. 0. Ball, John R. Pulliam. Printing John R. Pulliam chm.; W. O. Ball, John L. Coleman, Harold Martin. Police C. M. Daniel, Jr., chm.; John L. Coleman, W. 0. Ball, John R. Pulliam. Electric W. O. Ball, chm.; John L. Coleman, C. M. Daniel Jr., John R. Pulliam. Ordinances W. O. Ball, chm.; C. M. Daniel Jr., John L. Coleman, Harold Martin. Water W. O. Ball, chm.; John L. Cole man, G< M. Daniel Jr., John R. Pulliam. Streets John R. Pulliam, chm.; John L. Coleman, W. O. Ball, C. M. Dan iel Jr. Sanitary Harold Martin, chm.; John L. Coleman, C. M. Daniel Jr., John R. Pulliam. Finance C. M. Daniel Jr., chm.; W. O. Ball, John L. Coleman, John R. Pulliam. Industrial C. M. Daniel Jr., chm.; John L. Coleman, W. O. Ball, Harold Martin, John R. Pulliam. Planning and Development C. M. Daniel Jr., chm.; Harold Martin, John L. Coleman, John R. Pulliam. FOR RENT New and Modern 2 bedroom apartments. For Information Call 775-7135 6% Interest Compounded Daily, Paid or Credited Quarterly. Deposits by the 10th earn from the 1st —after the 10th, earn from day of deposit. $5,000 minimum - 2 year term Four Other Plans to Choose From. GRIFFIN FEDERAL SAVING^N^OA^ASSOCIATJON 120 S. Hill St, Griffin, Ga. Phone 228-2786 Important OEO Meeting Set For Jan. 14th The Board of Directors of Up per Ocmulgee Economic Opportu nity Comuission, Inc. will meet in the conference room at the Butts County Health Center, 206 South Mulberry St., Jackson, Ga., at 6:45 p. m. on January 14. The general public is urged to attend. It is most important that all who can attend do so as this is the meeting where representa tives of the Southeastern Region al Office of Economic Opportuni ty render their decisions regard ing the plans and priorities of the commission in its efforts to help the low incomed help themelves become economically self suffic ient. These plans and priorities will be effective for the program year beginning July 1, 1971. When any effort is made in be half of a certain segment of a community’s population, the whole community is affected. Co operation between the community and the commission results in a general economic strengthening that benefits everyone directly or indirectly. Indian Springs MRS. W. A. HOARD Miss Blannie Stallworth and Miss Eleanor Moncrief had as thei r guest Sunday afternoon Miss Stallworth’s cousin from Ola. Mrs. Jimmy Cornell spent Fri day in Macon. Miss Falma Gregory spent Sunday with her niece, Mrs. Al dean Waldrop, and Mr. Waldrop. Rev. and Mrs. Howard Lovett and Mrs. Minerva Perkinson were luncheon guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Holloway. Mrs. Vickie Wells of Atlanta spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Ivey. Mrs. Andrew Waldrop con tinues on the sick list. Miss Suzi Fletcher of Macon and George Howell of Americus visited his grandmother, Mrs. Evelyn Aarcher, here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Posey of Atlanta visited Mr. and Mrs. John Webb one day last week. Mrs. Florrie Giles spent Sun day afternoon with her sister, Mrs. Mack Finney, and Mr. Fin ney in Jackson. Mrs. Dan Hoard and Miss Carole Leverette visited relatives in Macon on Saturday. Hk. A.. ■ t Btr Mr mSS BjJ* " ySsJpISw BSD ''*;/ ■■Hk'TvxJWFShB jp!®* LIONS GIVE PEACH BOWL TICKETS Peach Bowl tickets are being presented to Coach Loy Hutcheson, center, by Stanley Maddox, left, representing the Butts County Lions Club, and Denny O’Neal, representing the Athletic Boosters Club. These two clubs purchased tickets as a joint venture for the football players and coaches of Jackson High School. PERSONAL Mrs. Tommy Carmichael and Betsy spent several days with her parents, Mr. and Mr. J. Har ry Ridgeway and Martin, and Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Carmichael. On Friday they left by plane for West End, N. J. On Sunday, Jan uary 17th, Lt. and Mrs. Tommy Carmichael and Betsy will leave New Jersey to go to Heidelberg, Germany for a 17 month tour of duty for Lt. Carmichael. Mr. A. G. Cowan has been con fined to his home with influenza friends regret to learn. They all wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. George Head Sr. and her guest, Mrs. M. B. Williams, of Bainbridge visited Mrs. George Head, Jr. in Middle Georgia Hos pital in Macon Monday where she is recovering from surgery. Mrs. Walter J. Bennett of Bennett Tax Service Office Opening January 11, 1971 Hours 9:00 A. M. - 6:00 P. M. Office will be at corner of Joy Street and Freeman Road One block off Brownlee Road Office: 775-5121 Home: 775-7759 ! m &m) THIS OF THE IVIOIMTH INDOOR (D AND | OUTDOOR I . REG. 5.95 Wm J 2.00 ill £ m V mm *' / & r Mauler )L if S 'Vi sC s '\ && > S \' \ '■'- X % O \' , ,■." v < > y >■ • *sS * ' & - ■•> N - ' • v - ' . >, ~.y. 4,'. v Jg3 DOUBLE THERMOMETER Check indoor AND outdoor temperatures even at night or when windows are frosted! Five-foot liquid-filled tubing connects to outdoor temperature sensing bulb. Easy-to-instali, rustproof mounting bracket holds 9x2" desert gold plastic case. Brown scale has bold, easy-to-read white numerals and graduations. Jackson Hardware Cos. THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1971 School Menu Butts County School Menu for the week of January 18-22. Monday: Barbecued Wiener with Boston Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Rolls, Milk, Applesauce Crunch. Tuesday: Chili with Beans, Crackers, French Bread, Tossed Salad, Chocolate Cake with Icing, Milk. Wednesday: Meat Loaf with Tomato Sauce, Candied Yams, Turnip Greens, Beet and Onion Salad, Corn Bread, Cookie, Milk. Thursday: Fried Chicken, Steamed Rice, June Peas, Sliced Tomato, Rolls, Milk, Strawberry Pie.