The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, January 14, 1971, Image 7

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    THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1971
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Macedonia Baptist Church
Was Scene Of Martha
Saunders, Bill Jones Nuptials
The Macedonia Baptist Church
of Jackson was the setting for
the marriage of Willie Martha
Saunders, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Saunders, to William
Bailey Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Bailey Jones, on Saturday, De
cember 19, 1970 at eight o’clock
in the evening.
The double ring ceremony was
performed in an impressive can
dlelight ceremony by Rev. Ed
Welch of Stockbridge, former
pastor of the bride and groom.
The church was banked with
emerald ferns, using rainbow can
delabras and tree candelabras
with white tapers. The flowers
were a number of potted red
poinsettias; also white tapers
were burning in all the windows.
Given in marriage by her fa
ther, the bride was lovely in a
floor length sheath wedding gown
of Chantilly lace over silk or
ganza with the skirt ending in a
chapel train. The bodice of her
gown was embroidered with seed
pearls. Her veil was a crown of
seed pearls with shoulder length
illusion. The wedding gown was
that worn by her older sister,
Mary Saunders Lucas. The bride
carried a bouquet of white roses.
Mrs. Robert Lucas, sister of
the bride, was Matron of Honor.
Bridesmaids were Mrs. Bub Ridg
way, Miss Brenda Marshall, Miss
Janet Robison, cousin of the
bride, of Jackson, Miss Shirley
Salter of Decatur and Mrs. Jim
Crayton of Zebulon. Serving as
junior bridesmaid was Miss Lynn
Saunders, niece of the bride.
For her attendants Miss Saun
ders chose avocado green floor
length gowns of silk shantung
with empire waist and long chif
fon sleeves. They carried cas
cade bouquets of red tulips with
red velvet ribbon.
Mr. Steve Jones and Mr. Billy
Sanders lighted the candles. Mr.
Mike Howell of Chattanooga,
Tennessee served as the groom s
best man. Groomsmen were Mr.
Steve Jones, brother of the
groom, Mr. Luke Weaver, Mr.
Hugh Bond, of Jackson, and Mr.
Billy Saunders of Atlanta, broth
er of the bride.
The ring bearer was Jeff Jones,
nephew of the groom.
A program of nuptial music
was rendered by Mr. Paul Stock
hammer of Jackson at the organ
preceding and during the cere
Miss Nancy Long of Newnan
sarrg “Whither Thou Goest ’ and
“The Wedding Prayer.”
Mrs. Saunders chose for her
daughter’s wedding a sky blue
satin street length coat and dress
ensemble with a stand up jewel
collar. Her outfit was completed
with matching accessories and a
large white orchid.
Mrs. Jones, mother of the
groom, wore a light blue silk and
lace street length coat and dress
ensemble with matching accesso
ries. A large white orchid com
pleted her outfit.
Following the ceremony the
bride and groom were honored at
a reception given by the bride’s
parents in the church social hall.
Mrs. George Saunders, sister
of the bride, kept the bride’s
book. Assisting in serving re
freshments were Miss Debbie Do
ver, Miss Brenda Marshall, of
Jackson; Miss La Gail Cosper of
Manchester, and Mrs. Don Shel
by of Macon.
For traveling the bride chose a
navy and white wool dress with
navy accessories. A white orchid
completed her attire.
Following a wedding trip to Mi
ami, Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Jones
are making their home near Jack
Mr. and Mrs. Don Faulkner of
Griffin announce the birth of a
daughter, Elizabeth, at the Grif
fin-Spalding County Hospital on
Monday, January 11th. Grand
parents are Mrs. Ruth Faulkner
of Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Em
ory Brown Sr. of Smyrna.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Newton of
Atlanta visited their aunt, Mrs.
David Settle, and Mr. Settle Sun
day. They remained for Sunday
night supper.
Dan Simmons, stationed at
Seymour Johnson Air Force Base
in North Carolina, was a week
end guest of Miss Dixie Elliott
and her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Elliott, and girls at Flo
villa. Saturday night he and Miss
Elliott had supper with Mr. and
Mrs. Buster Mosteller in the Tow
aliga community.
The program for the Cherokee
Garden Club will be given by
County Agent Milliard Daniel on
Thurday night, January 14th, at
the home of Mrs. L. C. Webb.
Co-hostesses will be Mrs. M. L.
Powell and Mrs. Millard Daniel
with the meeting to begin at 7:30
Patients at Sylvan Grove Hos
pital during the week of January
6-13 include
Bobby Westbrook, Ralph Smith,
Rupert Eades, Zodie Cash, Wil
liam Patton, Marcia Biles and
baby boy, O. A. Thomas, Margie
Webb, Ruby Pope, George Math
ewson, Eugene Kyre, Tommy Ba
H. M. Fletcher, Virgie Nors
worthy, Frank Rosser, N. F. Land,
Augustus Cook, Ola Mae Law
ton, James Etheridge, Delia Wat
kins, Arvilla Lewis, Ottie Evans.
Prentice Goodrum, Emma Crock
ett, Flossie Griffin, Doris Evans,
Eugene Henderson, Will Wright.
Mrs. Miriam Fletcher, Mrs.
Julia Hay and Mr. Marvin Davis
attended the Governor’s inaugural
reception at the Governor’s Man
sion and then attended the Inaug
ural Ball at the Marriott on Tues
Mr. and Mrs. James T. O’Neal
and Patty were recent visitors at
Florida’s Silver Springs.
Mrs. Walter Matthews, who has
made her home in Jackson for
several years, left this week to
take up residence at her home on
Jekyll Island. Her legion of
friends in Jackson regret to lose
this charming young matron but
wish her much success and hap
piness in her new surroundings.
Friends of Ralph Carr Jr., pres
ident of the Jackson Kiwanis
Club, regret to learn that he is a
patient at Macon Hospital where
he has been undergoing tests for
about a week. It is expected that
he will be able to return home
today o r Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sherrell
were among those in attendance
at the Governor’s Mansion Tues
day afternoon as guests at the
reception in honor of the inaug
uration of Gov. Jimmy Carter and
at the inaugural ball that evening
at the Sheraton-Biltmore Hotel
in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sapp and
children of Warner Robins, Mr.
and Mrs. Bobby Miller and chil
dren of McDonough and Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Smith and Tammy
were Sunday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith and
Lou Ann.
Mrs. Hillery Wise spent the
weekend with her husband who is
working with Clairmont Farm
Barbecue in Cordele.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Ridge
way and Martin had as their din
ner guests on Sunday, January
3rd, 48 members of the families
of four generations of the Mrs.
Gray Smith family. The two spe
cial guests of the enjoyable
gathering were 14 month old Bet
sy Carmichael from West End,
N. J. and her 81 year old great
grandmother, Mrs. Gray Smith,
from Barnesville.
Rev. and Mrs. Ben Wright will
have as their guests Saturday
night for a birthday dinner in
honor of their mother, Mrs.
Clyde Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Wright, John, Jeff and Janis and
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Duncan of
I do not know of words to ex
press my sincere and deepest ap
preciation to my friends and
loved ones for their sincere pray
ers offered up for me during my
serious illness; also for the num
bers of get well cards, the fruit,
gifts, flowers, and the 15 pints
of blood that I used and which
was donated for me in this com
munity and out of this communi
ty. May God richly bless each and
every one is my earnest prayer.
Again, a big Thank You.—W. J.
Men s Club Is
Organized At
Stark Church
The men of Stark United Meth
odist Church organized a “Men’s
Club” under the direction of
Rev. Francis Ford, pastor, at a
meeting on January 6th.
Officials elected were Harold
Brooks, president; Malvin Red
man, vice-president; Herman
Cawthon, secretary and treasurer,
and Cliett Redman, Jr., program
The newly formed men’s club
will meet on Monday nights after
the third Sunday with men of the
Stark United Methodist Church
and the community as well in
vited to attend.
FORSYTH, Ga.—Jack and Sal
ly Jenkins will perform at Tift
College in the Roberts Memorial
Auditorium on January 19 at
7:30 p. m. The performance is a
presentation of the Lyceum Se
ries of Tift College.
Jack and Sally are singers who
presented a program of popular
and semi-classical music by an in
strumental trio. Selections from
musical comedy will be featured.
The public is invited to attend.
Mrs. Steve Kelly of Greenville,
South Carolina arrived during
the weekend for an extended
visit with her cousin, Mrs. A.
Whit Newton.
Mr. R. Lee Glaze was admit
ted to Griffin-Spalding County
Hospital last week, his many
friends regret to learn.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Grant, Lin
da, Brenda and Wanda of Tampa,
Florida, Mrs. Mattie Lou Grant,
Mrs. Rose Colltim of Decatur
were guests New Years Day of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bedsole.
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Colwell,
Chris and A1 spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stewart
and Buster in Douglasville.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Weaver
and George Weaver spent Sunday
with Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Mad
dox, Joel and Lamar in Macon.
Noal Powell continues to im
prove but is confined to his home.
His friends hope he will soon be
out and about town again.
Friday, January 15th
Hours: 5 to 7 P.M.
The public is cordially invited to attend this open house
at which guided tours of the new installation will be given at
stated intervals. Please come and see how Southern Bell has
spent well over one million dollars in Jackson to give you im
proved telephone service.
(2) Southern Bell
Tour Lloyd
Shoals Plant
Approximately 225 visitors
toured the Georgia Power Com
pany’s Lloyd Shoals hydroelectric
plant during 1970, according to
Plant Superintendent J. A. Nutt.
Mr. Nutt said the total in
cluded groups of school children,
Scouts, 4-H and FHA members
and tourists as well as many civic
The Lloyd Shoals hydroelectric
generating station, located at
Jackson, is one of 26 Georgia
Power Company generating plants
providing power for Georgia’s in
dustrial, commercial, agricultural
and residential requirements.
These 26 generating stations
were hosts to some 10,500 visitors
in 1970.
While supplying power needs
for this area, Lloyd Shoals is
linked via a statewide transmis
sion system with the company’s
25 other power plants. In addi
tion, through an extensive inter
change system with power sup
pliers in adjoining states, con
umers in this area could, in case
of emergency, receive power
from areas as far away as Min
Tours of Lloyd Shoals can be
arranged by contacting Superin
tendent Nutt.
The many friends of Mike
Reeves, son of Mrs. Joe Reeves,
who recently underwent back
surgery at Piedmont Hospital,
will be interested to learn that
he has returned home after be
ing hospitalized three weeks. He
will be in a brace for four months
and will be confined at his home.
Mike and his mother are grateful
for the many prayers and remem
brances during his period of hos
pitalization and confinement at
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cawthon
of Atlanta visited relatives and
friends in Butts County Monday.
Mrs. F. C. Hearn, Sr. returned
Friday from a visit with Mrs. F.
C. Hearn, Jr., Betsy and Cindy
in Columbus. Mrs. Hearn, Sr. had
been ill and had a rest leave
from teaching. Her friends will
be glad to learn of her return.
Mrs. Hearn, Jr. and children
! spent the weekend with her
! mother, Mrs. J. Edwin Sims.
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A Lot Of Banking Here
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Banking, saving or paying, your
mailmar, can save you plenty of
time. And just ignore the weather.
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Bit by bit... every
litter bit hurts!
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