The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, January 14, 1971, Image 8
Van Deventer Basketball Play Begins Van Deventer Youth Center Girl* Basketball Schedule 1. WJGA 2. Handy Andy 3. Daniel Ford 4. Carter Motor Cos. Jan. 14—7:00, 1 at 2; 8:00, 3 at 4 Jan. 21—7:00, 4 at 1 ; 8:00, 3 at 2 Jan. 28—7:00, 1 at 3; 8:00, 2 at 4 Feb. 4—7:00, 2 at 1 ; 8:00, 4 at 3 Feb. 11—7:00, 4 at 2; 8:00, 3 at 1 Feb. 18—7:00, 1 at 4; 8:00, 2 at 3 Feb. 25—7:00, 3 at 4; 8:00, 1 at 2 March 4—7:00, 3 at 2; 8:00, 4 at 1 March 11—7:00, 2 at 4; 8:00, 1 at 3 Van Deventer Youth Center Boyt Basketball Schedule 1. Western Auto 2. ABW Chevrolet 3. Cawthon Bros. 4. Parrish Drug Cos. Jan. 11—7:00, 1 at 2; 8:00, 3 at 4 Jan. 18—7:00, 4 at 1; 8:00, 3 at 2 Jan. 25—7:00, 1 at 3; 8:00, 2 at 4 Feb. 1—7:00, 2 at 1; 8:00, 4 at 3 Feb. 8—7:00, 4 at 2; 8:00, 3 at 1 Feb. 15—7:00, 1 at 4; 8:00, 2 at 3 Feb. 22—7:00, 3 at 4; 8:00, 1 at 2 March 1—7:00, 3 at 2; 8:00, 4 at 1 March 8 —7:00, 2 at 4; 8:00, 1 at 3 1970-71 Basketball Roster GIRLS Daniel Ford Linda McClelland, Coach; Caro lyn Taylor, Kathy Maddox, Janet Robison, Sallye Martin, Bryan ette Ridgeway, Carol Long, Deana McClelland, Frankie Mad dox, Carol Murphy. Carter Motor Cos. Glenda Coleman, Coach; Paul ette Seckinger, Coach; Beverly O'Neal, Sylvia Loyd, Gaila Waites, Tandi Williamson, Tabi Williamson, Reha Kelly, Cherry Biles. WJGA Radio Linda Beasley, Coach; Ann Franklin, Julia Ann Ridgeway, Karen Newman, Wanda Haynes, Renee Babcock, Sarah Huff, Jan Thaxton, Jackie Burford. Handy Andy Marlene Peck, Coach; Jan Grant, Coach; Lynne Duke, Tra de Barnes, Wanda Grant, Donna Heath, Tanzie Norsworthy, Sandy Biles, Beverly Raynor, Debbie Biles. BOYS Weitern Auto Bailey Crockarell, Coach; Fred ” get complete coverage! . . Sl)E^tlanla2oumal rG3Q ana duv <■******* Li4f **• THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION The Sixth's Standard Newspaper New Industry Locates On Ga. Power Lines A total of 112 new industries, representing a capital investment of $154,504,000, located on Geor gia Power Company lines during 1970, J. Curtis Smith, vice presi dent, industrial development, an nounced this week. The 1970 figure compared with 140 new industries, representing a capital investment of $152,592,- 000, that located on Georgia Power lines during 1969. Mr. Smith explained that each industry reported by the power company is a manufacturing or processing plant that has signed a power sales contract, has a mini mum capital investment of $50,- 000 and employs at least 10 workers. In addition to the new indus tries locating on Georgia Power’s nearly statewide service system last year, 106 existing industries expanded their operations at to tal capital investments of $69,- 228,000, Mr. Smith said. Last year’s expansions com pared with expansions by 155 existing industries at total capital investments of $153,943,518 in 1969, Mr. Smith said. The new units and the expan sions of 1970 will employ ap proximately 12,411 Georgians at annual wages of $74,493,000. New plants and expansions made during 1969 provided 18,875 jobs at annual wages of $99,403,- 400. PERSONAL Mrs. George Head, Sr. has just returned from a visit with her brother, S. M. Curry, and Mrs. Curry and her granddaughter, Mrs. Alex Long, in Orlando, Fla. She fiew to Tallahassee on Tuesday where her cousin, Mrs. M. B. Williams, of Bainbridge met her. They remained in Bain bridge for a visit and returned to Jackson on Friday. Mrs. Williams left for Atlanta on Tuesday for a visit with relatives. die Dodson, Coach; Morris Crock arell, Esea Pace, Bill Fears, Ricky Long, Robert Long, Char lie Robison, Victor Page, Randy Page, John Weldon, Van Fletcher, Eugene Wells. Parrish Drug Paul Platus, Coach; Gay Mc- Michael, Andy Long, David Peck, Charlie Long, Merrill Folsom, Chuck Adams, Dennis Tingle, Jimmy Tingle. Cawthon Bros. Danny Hoard, Coach; Charles Daniel, Coach; Wally Cawthon, Mark Cawthon, Marvin Coleman, Bobby Pinckney, Kirk Welch, Ed die Cowan, Aubrey Burford, Mike Peters. ABW Chevrolet Jimmy White, Coach; Ronny Norsworthy, Kenny Norsworthy, Timmy Smith, Randy Hamlin, James A. Elliott, Mike Dahlin, Danny Norsworthy, David Brown, Keith Hobbs, Kenneth Hobbs, Jimmy Moore. Progress-Argus Honor Roll New and Renewal Subscription* Of The Past Few Days Mrs. C. E. Clayton, Jackson Kenneth G. Parrish, Jackson Mrs. W. N. Harris, Atlanta Lillie Morgan, Jackson H. M. Fletcher, Jackson Neal Baker, Jackson S. A. Washington, Jackson L. L. Washington, Jackson James T. Harris, Jackson Bobby Mackey, Jackson Mrs. P. H. Taylor, Jackson Mrs. W. D. Freeman, Jackson D. P. Settle, Jackson James Darnell, Flovilla Mrs. R. E. Willis, Marietta Mrs. B. J. Smith, Jackson A. W. Hencely, Jackson Mrs. Van Fletcher, Jackson Dwane Colwell, Griffin B. Harvey Hodges, Jackson Glenn Smith, Jackson Mrs. V. M. Kilgo, Jackson LTC Alton H. Coleman, Fair fax, Va. Mrs. Boyce Loyd, Covington David Waterhouse, Columbus Mrs. W. T. Mote, Jenkinsburg W. E. Waits, Flovilla Dr. J. C. Howell, Jackson Mrs. M. H. Bradshaw, Rome Mrs. Troupe Smith, McDon ough Mrs. Truman E. Holland, At lanta Sam A. Smith, Jackson T. M. Duke, Jackson Mrs. A. E. Stodghill, Jackson Mrs. J. O. Cole, Jackson Mrs. J. B. Caston, Jackson Lawrence J. Cole, Jackson Fairy Connell, Jackson Mrs. W. PL Parker, Pryor, Okla. Mrs. J. R. Linton, Atlanta Marlyn P. Weldon, Rowell Mrs. W. E. O’Neal, Conyers Mr. and Mrs. Harvey James, Jackson Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bond, Rome - f- •. • ' .V . t i- . , >• f ' ‘“S-- " • tee-off^ birth defects . ARNOLD PALMER THL JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS, JACKSON, GEORGIA PERSONAL On Sunday the Hiniard Pickett Family had a family get-together at the Jackson Lake cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie King of Chamblee. Mr. and Mrs. Hiniard Pickett lived in Covington and reared their family there. Guests for the occasion included Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Watkins of Atlan ta, Mr. and Mrs. Billie Kitchens, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pickett, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mobley, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tomlin, Mrs. Florrie Mobley, Mrs. Thomas Norton of Covington, Mrs. Ves Lunsford, Mr. and Mrs. Robert King. Sev eral nieces and nephews also at tended. Miss Susannah Foster, Griffin James G. Treadwell, Jackson Clome r L. Kitchens, Jackson Morgan D. Collins, Jackson Aubrey Kersey, Jackson Mrs. W. H. Britt, Jackson SP/4 James L. Cook, APO New York Mrs. Sam Henderson, Jackson Mrs. W. L. Speed, Decatur Mrs. J. Carl Funderburk, Flo villa J. W. English, Jackson Mrs. Edward B. Smith, Bruns wick Mrs. David Gray, Jackson Mrs. James Bohannon, Coving ton George L. McLain, Jackson Mrs. Robt. W. Stewart, St. Petersburg, Fla. Roy R. Henderson, Jackson Lee Maddox, Jackson Miss Jessie Sessions, Jackson Larry Letson, Jackson Mrs. Jimmie L. Jackson, Flo villa American Mills, Jackson Sandra Brooks,, Jackson Mrs. Asa Maddox, Jackson W. Lloyd White, Jackson Mrs. J. F. Collins, Rolling Meadows, 111. Mrs. W. M. Reeves, Hapeville J. R. Carmichael, Atlanta Christian Academy Collecting Bottles Jackson Christian Academy has chosen the month of January as the time for their Soft Drink Bottle Drive and are collecting all types of returnable bottles from every available source around Jackson. If anyone has any bottles they would care to donate to this drive, arrangements may be made to have them picked up by calling 775-2354, 775-7568, 775-2313 or 775-2621. WORTHVILLE MRS. MINNIE LEE HODGES Mrs. Claude Sealey is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Billy Weaver and family in Perry, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rooks, Sheila and Donna Sue, and Mrs. Lottie Martin visited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rooks in Winder on Friday. Mr. Don Rooks attended the funeral of his 12-year-old neph ew, Steve Rooks, in Winder Sat urday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Stone, Gina and Ginger of Jonesboro visited Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Ben Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Webb of Atlanta were guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Norton of Hapeville visited Mr. and Mrs. Jake Mason on Saturday. Recent visitors of Mrs. Nellie Cochran were Mrs. David Burford of Flovilla, Mr. and Mrs. James Cochran and Danny of Griffin. Mrs. W. B. Burnam of Ola visi ted Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Washing ton Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hamlin and Leslie Hamlin spent Friday in Milledgeville with Mr. and Mrs. Forest Cook. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Washington visited in Covington Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Granger. Buy U.S.Savings Bonds t REGULARLY Ask where you WORK Ask where you BANK ■— "The Hen s Nest” Between Oak & S. Mulberry Streets (Adjacent To Triangle Service Station) DRIVE-IN BUSINESS Shop From The Convenience Of Your Car Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday From 9 to 12 A. M. and 1 to 6 P. M. Closed Wednesdays Specials For The Week-End 3 Doz. Grade A Jumbo Eggs ... $1.65 3 Doz. Grade A Large Eggs ... $1.50 With A Purchase of Eggs 1 Gal. Sweetmilk ... $1.25 All Prices Include Tax UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Phone 775-2544 PERSONAL Miss Delia Watkins, a patient at Sylvan Grove Hospital, con tinues to show improvement and her sister, Mrs. S. L. Austin, is making progress at her home on McDonough Road. Both have been confined for severel weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Adams spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Mace Owen in Conyers. The friends of Miss Kathy Stanik will be interested to know that she has been visiting a col legemate in France and is now touring points of interest throughout Europe. It's Cold Outside But... jjgfP COO( Prices on Air Conditioners J HBIMw Are HOT!! \l—-J © ' fll ' It’s difficult to think about 95 degree weather when the thermometer registers 20 degrees, but as certain as there’s a cow in Texas we’ll have those hot, muggy days, probably beginning in May. See me now for Off-Season Bargains on Air Conditioners. Prompt service and quick instal lation promised. Now’s the time to buy! Don’t wait until the mercury zooms and everyone be gins to think of air conditioning. By then the prices are higher and installation could take longer. Call today about our Air Conditioner bargains! DONALD WASHINGTON Sales Service lnstallation Rt. 3, Jackson Ph. 775-2512 775-3094 THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1971 WESLEY POWELL ON GA. STATE DEAN’S LIST Wesley Powell, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Powell of Route 4, Jackson, has been placed on the Dean’s List of Georgia State Uni versity, Atlanta, for the past quarter, according to a letter to the student from Charles B. Vail, Dean, School of Arts and Sci ences. Dean Vail wrote that “in your particular case the award is that of distinction.’’ The letter con cluded “please accept my hearti est congratulations for this excel lent evidence of your scholarship at Georgia State.”