The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, January 14, 1971, Image 9

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    THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1971
notice of highway
location and design
Notice is hereby given the
location and design approval of
project PR 6824 (FAS 2572)
Butts County has been approved
by the State Highway Depart
ment effective December 30,
This project provides for the
grading, draining, and 20 foot
wide paving of an existing un
paved county road beginning at
a point on SR 87 north of Flo
villa city limits and continue
northerly to a point on FAS 1567
south of Yellow Wate r Creek and
is 3.639 miles in length.
The purpose of this project is
to complete FAS 2572 and pro
vide for an all weather farm to
market road. This is a school bus
and mail route and will provide
more direct access from Indian
Springs to Jackson Lake.
Maps and other information
covering the project will be avail
able for public inspection for a
period of ten days at the Butts
County Commissioners Office and
the Resident Highway Engineer’s
Office located on State Route 7
south of Barnesville, Telephone
No. 358-3480. 1/14/ltc.
In compliance with Sections
59-318, 59-319 and 88-202 of
the Georgia Code, the Butts
County Grand Jury will convene
Monday, February 1, 1971, and
while in session elect, select or
appoint a member to the Butts
County Board of Health to suc
ceed C. B. Brown, Jr. due to ex
piration of term of office.
This 12th day of January 1971.
Clerk Superior Court
Butts County, Georgia
There will exist a vacancy on
the Butts County Board of Edu
cation after March 31, 1971 be
ing caused by the expiration of
the term of J. Harry Ridgeway on
that date. It will be the duty of
the February Term of the Butts
County Grand Jury to select,
elect or appoint a person to fill
this vacancy.
This notice is given in accord
ance with Code Section 59-319 of
the Code of Georgia.
This 12th day of January 1971.
Clerk Superior Court
Butts County, Georgia
The Butts County Grand Jury
will be in session beginning Feb
ruary 1, 1971 for the regular
February Term and while in ses
sion will select, elect or appoint
a person to fill a vacancy on the
Butts County Board of Education
caused by .the resignation of Mr.
Frank McMichael. Said appoint
ment will be for the unexpired
term of Mr. McMichael.
This notice is given in accord
ance with Code Section 59-319
of the Code of Georgia.
This 12th day of January 1971.
Clerk Superior Court
Butts County, Georgia
Georgia, Butts County.
Pursuant to the Power of Sale
contained in a Pertain Deed to
Secure Debt from George Kelley,
Jr., James R. Kelley, and Carol
Kelley to Lamar L. Adamson
dated October 1969, recorded Oc
tober 25, 1969, in office of Clerk
of Superior Court of Butts Coun
ty( in Deed Book 41, Page 211-
214, the undersigned, having de
clared the entire indebtedness due
under said deed by reason of a
default in monthly payments due
thereunder, will sell at public out
cry before the Courthouse Door
in said County on the first Tues
day in February, 1971, between
the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, the fol
lowing described property.
TRACT I: All that tract of
land lying and being in Land Lots
#176 and 177 of the Ist District
of Henry County, Georgia, and
the Ist District of Butts County,
Georgia, and being more partic
ularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the
East line of Land Lot #176 of
Butts County, Georgia, said point
being marked by an 18 inch pine
tree and from said point running
North 0 degrees 15 minutes East
a distance of 1442.7 feet; thence
North 2 degrees 01 minutes East
a distance of 285.3 feet; thence
South 89 degrees 14 minutes
West a distance of 1343.3 feet;
thence South 76 degrees 36 min
utes West a distance of 143.5
feet; thence South 0 degrees 18
minutes East a distance of 2215
feet; thence North 45 degrees 45
minutes East a distance of 787
feet; thence South 87 degrees 20
minutes East a distance of 900
feet to the point of beginning.
Said tract of land containing 61.-
35 acres.
TRACT II: All that tract of
land lying and being in Land Lot
176 of the Ist District of Butts
County, Georgia, and being more
particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point at the
Southeast corner of Land Lot
176 of Butts County, Georgia,
and from said point running
North 0 degrees 13 minutes East
a distance of 1239.7 feet; thence
running Southwesterly along the
center of an unpaved road a dis
tance of 1067.3 feet; thence in
a Westerly direction along the
center of said unpaved road a
distance of 494.9 feet; thence
South 0 degrees 04 minutes East
a distance of 796.5 feet to an old
rock corner; thence North 89 de
grees 29 minutes East a distance
of 1445.96 feet to the point of
beginning. Said tract of land con
taining 30.65 acres with all dwell
ings located thereon.
TRACT III: All that tract or
parcel of land containing 60
acres, more o r less, lying and
being in 615th District of Butts
County, Georgia, bounded on
North by lands known as Potts
Place (being the tract described
below), East by lands of Toney
Hay and Joe Kelly; South by
lands of Grady James; and West
by public road; this land known
as the North side of Mill’s Farm,
and being the land described in
deed from Mrs. Addie L. Pound
to Bailey Woodward dated June
18, 1951, of record in Deed Book
18, page 414, Butts County
ALSO all that tract or parcel
of land containing 101 acres,
more or less, lying and being in
the 615th District of Butts Coun
ty, Georgia, bounded on North by
lands of James Burford; East by
lands of Joe Kelly; South by tract
described above; and West by
lands of Marvin Martin, this be
ing the land described in deed
from United States of America
to Bailey Woodward dated No
vember 18. 1952, of record in
Deed Book 19, Page 395, Butts
County Records.
The above described tracts of
land being the same property con
veyed to Hugh Berto George
from A. J. Swafford and Mrs.
Marie Spence r Swafford in deed
dated June 14, 1960, of record
in Deed Book 25, page 253, Butts
County Records and also the same
land conveyed by Hugh Berto
George to Martha Lawson, Evo
ard Lawson, W. O. McDowell
and Elizabeth Butler Lane. Eliz
abeth Butler Lane conveyed her
interest in said property to Mar
tha Lawson, Evoard Lawson and
W. O. McDowell recorded in Deed
Book 31, Page 493, Clerk of Su
perior Court Records, Butts
County Georgia.
Said property will be sold as the
property of Lamar L. Adamson.
Tract I and II shall be sold sub
ject to Deed to Secure Debt from
Lamar L. Adamson to Flint River
Production Credit Association
dated August 28, 1969, recorded
in Deed Book 41, Page 34, Butts
County Records, subject to all
taxes, assessments, easements,
and restrictions, if any. Tract 111
shall be sold subject to all taxes,
assessments, easements, and re
strictions, if any. The proceeds
of said sale applied as provided
in said deed.
As Attorney in Fact for
George Kelley, Jr., James R.
Kelley and Mrs. Carol Kelley
A. J. Welch, Jr.
Attorney At Law
P. O. Box 307
McDonough, Georgia 30253
State of Georgia
County of Butts
Legal Notice - Section 22-803,
Georgia Code
As Amended, (Ga. Laws
1968, pp. 565, 647).
Upon application of JAMES H.
KELLY, whose address is 225
Ball Street, Jackson, Georgia,
Butts County, JUDY V. KELLY,
whose address is 225 Ball Street,
Jackson, Butts County, Georgia;
KENNETH J. WELCH, whose ad
dress is 646 Freeman Street,
Jackson, Butts County, Georgia;
whose address is 646 Freeman
Street, Jackson, Butts County,
Georgia, Articles of Incorpora
tion have been granted to
orable Hugh D. Sosebee, Judge of
the Superior Court of Butts
County, Georgia, in accordance
with the Applicable provisions of
the Georgia Business Corporation
code. The Registered Office of
said Corporation is located at
225 Ball Street, Jackson, Butts
County, Georgia; and its Regis
tered Agent is JAMES H. KELLY
at said address. The purpose of
said Corporation is to engage in
the owning, maintaining and ope
ration of the business of selling
mobile homes, and/or house trail
ers, the furnishing of same of
household fixtures and furniture;
and, the installation thereof; the
parking of mobile homes, and/or
house trailers, in permanent park
ing areas, for the operation of
all necessary and incidental busi
nesses relating thereto, including
the owning and operation of
washerettes, laundermats, auto
mobile service stations, hardware
stores and grocery stores; and to
own all necesary property, both
real and personal, for said pur
poses. The minimum capital with
which said Corporation shall com
mence business is SI,OOO in pay
ment of Ten (10) shares of stock
with the par value being One
Hundred ($100.00) Dollars per
share of stock.
Attorney at Law for the
P. O. Box 271
Commercial Building
Jackson, Georgia 30233.
Georgia, Butts County
To All Whom it May Concern:
George T. Duncan having in
proper form applied to me for
Permanent Letters of Administra
tion with Will Annexed on the
estate of Arline Peffer, late of
said County, this is to cite all
and singular the creditors and
next of kin of Arline Peffer to
be and appear at my office within
the time allowed by law, and
show cause, if any they can, why
permanent administration should
not be granted to George T. Dun
can on Arline Peffer estate.
Witness my hand and official
signature, this 4th day of Jan
uary, 1971.
Ordinary. l/7/4tc.
Geoi’gia, Butts County
To All Whom it May Concern:
William R. Holsomback having
in proper form applied to me for
Permanent Letters of Adminis
tration on the estate of Lovedia
R. Holsomback, late of said Coun
ty, this is to cite all and singular
the creditors and next of kin of
Lovedia R. Holsomback to be and
appear at my office within the
time allowed by law, and show
cause, if any they can, why per
manent administration should not
be granted to William R. Holsom
back on Lovedia R. Holsomback
Witness my hand and official
signature, this 21st day of De
cember, 1970.
Ordinary. l/7/4tp.
Georgia, Butts County
Whereas, Miss Grace Garling
ton, Executor of the last will of
Miss Annie Lou McCord, repre
sents to the Court, in her petition,
duly filed and entered on record,
that she has fully administered
Miss Annie Lou McCord’s estate:
This is therefore to cite all per
sons concerned, kindred and
creditors, to show cause, if any
they can, why said Executor
should not be discharged from
her administration, and receive
Letters of Dismission, on the
first Monday in February, 1971.
Ordinary. l/7/4tp.
Georgia, Butts County
W’HEREAS, Miss Grace Gar
lington, Administrator of Harry
Bob Butner’s Estate, represents
to the Court in her petition, duly
filed and entered on record, that
she has fully administered Harry
Bob Butner's estate:
This is, therefore, to cite all
Friends of Rev. Arthur L.
Price will be glad to learn he re
turned home Friday, January
Ist, following a period of several
weeks confinement in the Grif
fin-Spalding County Hospital. His
condition is reported as improved
although he remains quite weak.
Mrs. Homer Allen of Bain
bridge and her aunt, Mrs. Rosa
Strickland, of Moultrie spent
Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs.
Mike Allen.
persons concerned, kindred and
creditors, to show cause, if any
they can, why said Administrator
should not be discharged from her
administration, and receive Let
ters of Dismission on the first
Monday in February, 1971.
Ordinary. l/7/4tp.
Georgia, Butts County
WHEREAS, Elizabeth S. O’-
Neal, Administrator of Gordon H.
Barnes Jr., ■ represents to the
Court in her petition, duly filed
and entered on record that she
has fully administered Gordon H.
Barnes’ Jr. estate:
This is, therefore, to cite all
persons concerned, kindred and
creditors, to show cause, if any
they can, why said Administrator
should not be discharged from his
administration, and receive Let
ters of Dismission on the first
Monday in February, 1971.
Ordinary. l/7/4tp.
Georgia, Butts County
Ralph O. Settle, Jr., Guardian
of Ralph O. Settle, Sr., has ap
plied to me for a discharge from
his guardianship of Ralph O. Set
tle Sr.:
This is therefore to notify all
persons concerned to file their
objections, if any they have, on
or before the first Monday in
February next, else he will be dis
charged from his guardianship as
applied for.
Ordinary. l/7/4tc.
. 4j2gEgjgcjjjj& jmm h 'Au'?; sir •
*tjr * • ; ' t/ ■ fr| •
**■. \ -SU'" Hfy
Bom SweetJomo
Life is too short to pick up any more burdens than
you really have to. Right? , . . Well, let yourself in
on some carefree living. Go all-electric. For comfort,
convenience, economy you can't beat it; Ask the many
who enjoy itl
Rural homes, both farm and non-farm, can go all
electric" because of the availability of low-cost electric
power from the Rural Electrics . . . just another present
day benefit from work which began a generation
ago! . . .
For a really sweet home . . . go all-electric. The
happy carefree hours it will save you will give you
plenty of time for your worries!
This Side
Of Town
The 1971 auto license tags
went on sale last week and sev
eral cars are now sporting the
new additions. The reflectorized
tags have blue letters on a beige
background with the county name
across the bottom. The five year
tags also have letters at the be
ginning rathe r than our tradi
tional county number of 102. We
assume this is the busiest time
of the year for Tax Collector
Mary Will Hearn and her staff
for they will be quite active now
receiving and distributing tags.
People can often be
heard remarking that people to
day have little regard for hon
esty, integrity and public morals
and that our laws have come to
the point of becoming quite law
less. All this may be quite true
but while we were gathering
material for the looking back
wards column we came across an
item in the Progress-Argus 40
years ago which was taken from
the Dawson News. It was as fol
lows: “We are living in the worst
period of lawlessness the country
has ever known. There never has
been a time when people had so
little regard for honesty and in-
tegrity, nor so little concern or
alarm for the state of public
morals and safety.” One can
draw their own conclusions as
to which era of time, then or now,
was the worst period but it is
quite amazing that 40 years later
people still complain about the
same things whether they be laws,
safety, morals or every day liv
ing. Many of those “old timers”
would “turn over in their graves”
if they were living in today’s
world. So many things are done
now without any restrictions
whatsoever and yet people keep
right on griping about the sit
uation when they themselves are
going to be the ones to correct
the situation and stand up for
what is right, decent and moral.
We often wonder what the world
will be like five years from now
if the One from on high chooses
to leave our planet, earth, in
place The song “Rain-
drops Keep Falling on my Head”
has proven true the last few
weeks due to all the rain we have
been having. We have been quite
lucky thus far though by escap
ing all the snow and ice that
north Georgians and persons far
ther north have been experienc
ing. While the weather men pre
dicted middle Georgia would be
the victim of these weather haz
ards, conditions just didn’t turn
out that way. Lucky as we' have
been we had better not count our
chickens before they hatch for
we still have most of January and
all of February and March to
struggle through One of
Jackson’s most attractive young
matrons, Mrs. Avis Matthews,
will be missed around town now
due to her moving from Jackson
to her home at Jekyll Island. The
attractive and charming lady
made many friends in the Jack
son area who are sorry to see
her leave and wish her the best
of luck for the future. He r hus
band, the late Mr. Walter Mat
thews, was a member of the staff
of the Georgia Diagnostic and
Classification Center and was
prominent in the Georgia penal
system. Frio r to his death he had
made many friends in Butts
County and many persons had the
feeling that he and his pretty
wife were just made for each
State Bank No. 64-291
The Citizens and Southern Bank
Of Jackson
ON DECEMBER 31, 1970.
Cash and due from banks (including $ None
unposted debits $ 299,819.00
U. S. Treasury securities - 1,088,271.94
Obligations of States and political subdivisions 1,267,167.73
Other securities (including $14,250.00 corporate
stocks) 14,250.00
Other loans - - 6,413,088.55
Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other
assets representing bank premises 231,387.48
Other assets 9,803.21
TOTAL ASSETS 58,323,787.91
Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships,
and corporations 52,583,288.05
Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships,
and corporations 3,624,368.70
Deposits of United States Government 74,461.81
Deposits of States and political subdivisions 617,750.37
Certified and officers’ checks, etc. * 14,663.80
TOTAL DEPOSITS ~~ $6,914,532.73
(a) Total demand deposits $2,97.7,259.89
(b) Total time and savings deposits $3,937,272.84
Other liabilities 678,103.91
TOTAL LIABILITIES - $7,692,636.64
Reserve for bad c!bt bosses on loans (set up pursuant
to Internal Revenue Service rulings) $ 71,010.99
Reserves on securities - 2,261.94
t,• , ; t
Equity capital, total _ -Y‘
Common stock—total par value 300,000.00
(No. shares authorized 30,000)
(No. shares outstanding 30,000)
Surplus -- 200,000.00
Undivided profits 92,878.34
Reserve for contingencies and other capital reserves 65,000.00
CAPITAL ACCOUNTS . $8,323,787.91
Average of total deposits for the 15 calendar days
ending with call date $7,002,332.92
Average of total loans for the 15 calendar days
ending with call date $5,391,023.33
Unearned discount on instalment loans included in
total capital accounts $ 625,162.51
I, Dennis A. O’Neal, Cashier, of the above-named bank, do
solemnly affirm that this report of condition is true and correct,
to the best of my knowledge and belief.
J. Frank Barnes, E. D. Briscoe, J. W. O’Neal, Directors.
State of Georgia, County of Butts, ss:
Sworn to and subscribed before me this Bth day of January, 1971,
and I hereby certify that I am not an officer or director of this bank.
My commission expires Nov. 9th, 1972.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Maddox and
Charlene of Atlanta spent Sunday
with Mrs. Stella O’Neal and Mrs.
C. B. Gaston.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fletcher of
Carrollton, Sgt. Roger Fletcher of
Warner Robins and Miss Martha
Jo Parker of Macon spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Julian
Fletcher and family.
Mrs. Bobby Greer of Atlanta
and Miss Cindy McEachem of
Roswell spent several days last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Morgan of
Jonesboro and Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph Morgan spent Sunday with
Mrs. T. J. Collins. Mr. Joseph
Morgan has received his dis
charge from the Army after com
pleting a tou r of duty in Viet
nam. He and Mrs. Morgan will
live in Jonesboro.
Mrs. Verna Lucas of Reynolds
and Mr. and Mrs. Jason Elliston
of Butler spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Barnes and fam
other. We extend good luck and
best wishes to Mrs. Matthews as
she leaves Jackson and look for
ward to he r being a visitor to our
fair city in the future.