Newspaper Page Text
Mrs. Campbell
Buried At
East Juliette
Funeral services for Mrs. Nora
Campbell, 87, who died
in a Jones County hospital Sun
day after a long illness, were
held at 3:30 o’clock Tuesday
afternoon in the East Juliette
Baptist Church with burial in the
East Juliette Cemetery.
Mrs. Campbell was a native of
Jasper County but had lived most
of her life in East Juliette and
was a member of the East Juli
ette Baptist Church.
Survivors include two daugh
ters, Mrs. Robert Marsh of East
Juliette and Mrs. E. F. Jenkins
of Flovilla; two sons, Q. W.
Campbell of East Juliette and W.
T. Campbell of Forsyth; 21
grandchildren and 38 great
Oratory To
Flow At
Legion Contest
The Oratorical Contest, spon
sored by Post No. 102 of the
American Legion, will be held
Thursday morning, February
18th, at 8:45 o’clock in the Jack
son High Auditorium. The public
is cordially invited.
Four contestants, A1 Gilbert,
Glen Maddox, Ramey Pace and
Ellen Pinckney, all from Mrs. Ed
ward L. Houghtaling’s Speech
and Journalism class, will vie for
the following prizes: first prize
$25; second prize sls; and third
prize $lO.
The winner of this event will
compete with other students in
the sixth district oratorical con
test on February 22nd at two o’-
clock in Villa Rica.
This contest is on a national
level with participants striving
for prizes and scholarships
amounting to approximately SB,-
Butts County Schools Menu for
week of February 15-19.
Monday: Wiener with Mustard
and Catsup, Potato Salad, June
Peas, Sliced Tomato and Onion,
Bun, Milk, Coconut Pudding.
Tuesday: Barbecue Chicken,
Mashed Potatoes, String Beans,
Coleslaw, Peanut Butter, Cookies,
Rolls, Milk.
Wednesday: Beefaroni. Turnip
Greens, Beet & Onion Salad, Corn
Bread, Milk, Applesauce Cake.
Thursday: Brunswick Stew',
Tossed Salad, Buttered French
Bread, Crackers, Milk, Peaches,
Friday: Fish Square with Tar
tar Sauce, Spanish Rice, Field
Peas, Coleslaw, Cornbread, Milk,
Lemon Chiffon Pie.
Friends of Troy Allen will re
gret to learn he was a patient
in the Jasper Memorial Hospital
in Monticello for several days last
Friends of H. M. Fletcher will
regret to know that he underwent
surgery Friday at the Griffin-
Spalding County Hospital and is
recuperating nicely.
Mrs. Florrie Gregory of Indian
Springs is able to be up from a
recent illness and is still under
going treatment, her many
friends will be interested to learn.
Mrs. Betty Singley was admit
ted Sunday to Sylvan Grove Hos
pital and transferred Tuesday to
Griffin-Spalding County Hospital,
her many friends will be inter
ested to learn.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy M. Kit
chens spent Monday in Atlanta.
Jackson, Ga.
Phone 775-7872
Cold Wave
Hits Area
The coldest weather of the win
ter plunged southward Monday
on the heels of bristling winds
that sent the mercury tumbling
at a rapid pace Monday afternoon
with near zero degree readings
recorded in North Georgia Tues
day morning and with most ther
mometers in this area registering
14 to 15 degrees.
Snow flurries fell in the Jack
son area Monday night but were
extremely light. Heavier snowfall
was reported well north of At
lanta in the Rome-Dalton area
where hazardous driving condi
tions due to the icing of the roads
were issued. Before nightfall
Monday the mercury in Jackson
had fallen below the freezing
mark with the wind chill factor
equating temperatures of near
zero locally before midnight.
Temperatures of 9 degrees
we r e predicted for Wednesday
morning but did not materialize
as the mercury in Butts County
generally registered from 13 to
15 degrees. Nea r zero readings
were common in the North Geor
gia mountains, however, with
many reporting stations record
ing the low for the year and for
the same date. The National
Weather Service forecast mode
rating temperatures for Thurs
day and Friday.
Boys in Service
LONG BINII, South Vietnam —
SP/4 Stanley H. Vaughn, son of
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Vaughn of
Route 1, Jackson, Georgia, has
arrived in South Vietnam for a
one year tour of duty with the
U. S. Army.
SP/4 Vaughn is stationed at
Long Binh, headquarters for U.
S. Army in South Vietnam. He
is a member of the Special Staff
Company (Communications and
Electronics.) He pre v i ously
served at Fort Jackson, South
SP/4 Vaughn is a 1967 grad
uate of Jackson High School and
a 1969 graduate of Middle Geor
gia College, Cochran, Georgia.
Friends of SP/4 Vaughn may
write him at SP/4 Stanley H.
Vaughn, 257-82-8013, HQ
USARV C and E, A.P.O. San
Francisco 96375.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Kitchens
and Mrs. J. E. Sims attended the
christening of their grandson,
Charles Samuel Sims, Jr., Sunday
at the First United Methodist
Church in Griffin. The baby is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
S. Sims of Griffin.
Friends of Paul Waits will be
interested to learn he was dis
missed from Piedmont Hospital
last week and is spending several
days in Atlanta with relatives.
Horace Cawthon spent several
days the first of the week in
Hilliard, Florida on a business
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Traylor
of Marietta spent the weekend
with Mrs. Mildred Ballenger, Mrs.
O. A. Andrews and Miss Ethel
James G. Whitaker has enrolled
in Miami-Dade College in Miami
fo r the winter quarter. Mr.
Whitaker served as a corporal in
the U. S. Marine Corps before
receiving his honorable discharge
in the fall. He served for a year
in Vietnam and received numer
ous medals for his service there.
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Whitaker of Jenkinsburg.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Mitcham
of Hampton were recent guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Malvern Ed
Insulated Boots, Plain Boots.
Men’s Soles and Heels
Shine Laces and Heel Pads
$6.25 Value 54.95
Jackson Girl
In Saigon With
Red Cross
Miss Dorncr Carmichael left
Washington, D. C. P'riday after
noon and arrived in Saigon Sun
day, February 7th, where she be
| gins a one year tour of duty with
| the American Red Cross with rec
j i cational services.
| Dorncr recently completed a
I wo weeks training period in the
l nation's capitol which helped ori
ent her for her service abroad.
1 Dorner is the daughter of Mr.
land Mrs. M. W. Carmichael of
Jackson and graduated from the
University of Georgia in Decem
ber with a degree in Psychology.
In fact, Dorner was recently in
receipt of a letter from H. Boyd
McWhorter, Dean of the Franklin
College of Arts and Sciences,
stating that she had made the
Dean’s List for the Fall Quarter.
Dorner is an honor graduate of
Jackson High School and is a
member of the Jackson Presby
terian Church where she was
active in its youth programs and
served as a Sunday School teach
Patients at Sylvan Grove Hos
pital during the week of Febru
ary 3-10 include:
Isabelle Maines, Eugene Conner,
Wendell McCoy, Sr., Bobby Farr,
Arthur Williamson, Curtis Man
gham, Nettie Ridgeway, Ruby
Bennett, Gordon Bankston, Joe
Gilmore, Betty Singley, N. F.
Estelle McMic-hael, Aleene Har
per, Ottie Evans, Jimmy Earn
hart, Dennis O’Neal, O. A.
Knowles, Andy Johnson, George
Mathewson, Lucius Lawson, Vir
gia Norsworthy, Horace Aiken,
Delia W’atkins.
Julia Johnson, Flossie Griffin,
Linda Ingram, Pamela Andrews,
Susie Kate Wright, Lillie Cool
edge, Betty Thurman, Eunice
Thurman, Carrie Barkley, Char
lie Eusery.
Cadet John Allen Moore spent
the weekend with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Moore. Miss
Becky Edwards of Richmond, Va.
and North Georgia College, Dah
lonega, was also a guest of the
Friends of Frank C. (Buddy)
Hammond will be interested to
know he entered Emory Hospital
last Saturday having majo r surg
ery Monday. Reports from the
doctors say his condition is sat
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Dekle of
Swainsboro visited Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Fountain last Sunday.
Mrs. J. F. McCoy returned
home Monday from the Griffin-
Spalding County Hospital and is
presently recuperating from
surgery at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Max Perdue, at Flovilla.
Friends are delighted to learn of
the improvement in her condi
Mr. and Mrs. David Deraney
visited Mr. and Mrs. Eddie De
raney in Eatonton on Sunday. In
the afternoon, Coach Vince
Dooley and family of Athens visi
ted the Deraneys.
Many, many thanks to all those
friends and relatives who were
so kind to me while a patient
at Griffin-Spalding County Hos
pital as well as since returning
home. I appreciate so very much
the visits, cards, prayers, flowers,
phone calls and other expres
sions of concern. W’illis H.
Kiwanis Club
In Top Ten
In Attendance
The Jackson Kiwanis Club con
tinues its high rank in attend
ance among state clubs, placing
seventh for December with a per
centage attendance of 96.3%.
Placing above Jackson are Ful
ton Industrial Area and Kenne
saw, both with 100%; Rockmart
98.1%; Smyrna 97.8%; Green
ville 97.2%; East DeKalb 96.4%.
Placing below Jackson in the
top ten are Eatonton 95.6%;
Marietta 95%; Thomasville 95%;
Henry County 94.7%; and Forest
Park 94.3%.
The Butts County Singing Con
vention will be held Sunday, Feb
ruary 14th, at the Methodist
Church in Locust Grove from 2
to 4 o’clock in the afternoon. The
public is invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Hayne Waldrop
of Villa Rica spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Raney and
Tommy Baker left Friday for
Lackland Air Force Base in Tex
as fo r training, his many friends
will be interested to learn.
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Baker and
children, Steve and Linda, of
Stone Mountain, were guests Sun
day of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
Moore at their home near Jenk
Gordon Bankston was carried
to Emory University Hospital last
Friday night from Sylvan Grove
Hospital where he had been a
patient for the past ten days.
Friends will be glad to learn
his condition is improving.
Scott Coleman of Jackson,
Miss., spent the weekend with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John L.
Miss Ginnilu Etheredge of At
lanta spent the weekend at home
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Newt Etheredge.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Brook of
Swan Lake, Stockbridge, and Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Wilkerson and
grandson, of Snapping Shoals,
visited Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. D. D. Estes.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Aiken of Cov
ington and Mrs. Wright Watkins
were visitors Sunday afternoon of
Mrs. O. A. Andrews and sisters.
Weaver Insurance Agency
Complete INSURANCE Service
Phone 775-2626
Interest Compounded Daily, Paid or
Credited Quarterly. Deposits by the
10th earn from the 1st —after the 10th,
earn from day of deposit.
$5,000 minimum - 2 year term
Four Other Plans to Choose From.
120 S. Hill St., Griffin, Ga. Phone 228-2786
Eastern Star
Banquet Honors
Worthy Matron
The Worthy Grand Matron of
Georgia, Order Eastern Star, Mrs.
Florence E. Roberts, of Bon
Aire will pay an official visit
to Jephtha Chapter, OES, Friday
night, February 12th, with a ban
quet at the Jackson Clubhouse at
6:30 o’clock to be the highlight
of her visit.
Mrs. Loretta Browning, Worthy
Matron of Jephtha Chapter, said
that many present and past grand
officers from over the state are
expected to attend the meeting
in Jackson. In addition, Mrs. Rob
erts will pay a visit to other
chapters in District No. 26 which
has its headquarters in Jackson.
She will visit the chapter in
Thomastdn on February 9th;
chapters in Griffin and Liberty
Hill on February 10th; in Barnes
ville and Forsyth on February
11th and in Jackson and Worth
ville on the 12th.
Robins AFB—A resident of
Jackson, Walter C. Norsworthy,
has been awarded recognition at
Robins AFB. Mr. Norsworthy
works for the MACPBB Unit as a
A/C Propeller Assembler.
He received a $4O cash award
for his suggestion on “Installa
tion of Aluminum Plate Over
Steel Rollers in Dip Vat.”
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fletcher
of Carrollton spent the weekend
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Carr Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Garland of
Macon spent the weekend at the
Adams cottage on Jackson Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ball recently
spent several days in Fort Lau
derdale, Fla. and also visited the
Space Center at Cape Kennedy.
Ken Barnes, student at Georgia
Tech, spent the weekend with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cawthon’s
guests on Saturday night were
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kinney, Mr.
and Mrs. Bobbie Moore and Jim
mie, Fred Cook and Miss Pam
Cawthon, home for the weekend
from Middle Georgia College at
Mrs. Malvern Edwards attend
ed the Sweet Briar Garden Club
meeting last Tuesday.
The Ocmulgee Saddle Club is
sponsoring a square dance Sat
urday night, February 13th, at
the Towaliga Club House from 9
to 12 o’clock. Admission will be
$1.50 per person with children
under 12 admitted free.
Hot dogs, barbecue sandwiches,
and soft drinks will be available
from the concession stand. Pro
ceeds from the dance will be used
for improvements to the Sad
dle Club’s arena.
Col. Wendell B. McCoy was ad
mitted Wednesday of last week to
Sylvan Grove Hospital, his many
friends regret to learn.
Horace Cawthon, Pam Caw
thon, Charles Fountain, and Flint
Cook were recent luncheon
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Odell
Cook and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Fletcher,
Don and David, spent the week
end with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Townley, in Carroll
EH United States
■ Intelligence know of
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Nightly 7:30, Sunday 2:30 NOW SHOWING
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A RED FOIL HEARTS assorted chocolates ~ 51/£ OZ. SI.OO
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DAY PHONE 775-7812 NIGHT PHONE 775-7044
The Store of Personal Service
THURSDAY, FEB. 11, 1971
Lions Heard
Talk By
Bert Hatch
Mr. Bert Hatch, executive sec
retary of the Georgia Association
of Broadcasters, was the speaker
at the meeting of the Butts Coun
ty Lions Club on Tuesday, Feb
ruary 9th. Herbert Shapard was
program chairman and presented
Mr. Hatch.
Mr. Hatch pointed to regula
tions that are forced upon the
broadcasting industry that affect
no other advertising media and
cautioned that “we may awaken
to find that broadcasting as we
know it today will be gone.”
The report was given on the
“Make Georgia Beautiful Month”
in which the Lions gave away
1,500 dogwood and red bud trees
Saturday. The weather was so
beautiful and the demand so
great that the trees lasted only
a short time. The Lions are now
in the process of obtaining more
to be given away at an early date.