The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, February 11, 1971, Image 9
THURSDAY, FEB. 11, 1971 Mr. And Mrs. H. G. Harris To Observe Golden Wedding Anniversary On February 21 Mr. and Mrs. Herschel G. Har ris of Jenkinsburg will be guests of honor on their Golden Wed ding anniversary at an open house, to be tendered by their children, at the Harris home in Jenkinsburg on Sunday, February 21st. Mr. and Mrs. Harris were mar ried at the Jenkinsburg parson age on February 20, 1921 by the Rev. E. C. Wilson, pastor of the Jenkinsburg Charge. Hosts for the anticipated memorable occasion will be Joe Harris of Jenkinsburg, Wesley Harris of Cartersville, William Harris of McDonough, Mrs. Leon ard Hoard of Stockbridge, and a daughter-in-law, Mrs. J. T. Harris of Atlanta. Their son, Dr. J. T. Harris, died two years ago last December. Mr. and Mrs. Harris have 10 grandchildren and one great grandchild. Mrs. Julia Harris is the daugh ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hodges. Mr. Harris is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Harris. All friends and relatives are invited to call between the hours of two and four o’clock Sunday afternoon, February 21st. MRS. DAVID BLACK IS CHOSEN PRESIDENT OF CHEROKEE GARDEN CLUB The February meeting of the Cherokee Garden Club was held Thursday night, February 4th, at the home of Mrs. Doyle Jones, Jr. Co-hostesses with Mrs. Jones were Mrs. Stilwell Ball, Mrs. Wil liam Mack Davis, Mrs. Vance Ray and Mrs. John Hunt. The members were delighted to have Doyle Jones as guest speak er. Mr Jones touched on various subjects during his talk. His main emphasis was to encourage mem bers to plant more flowers and shrubs around their home. He told of ways to get some of our own wild flowering shrubs and how to plant them effectively in the yards. Mr. Jones praised the flow er show held each year at the County Fair and encouraged more members to participate in this annual event. During the business session the club voted to contribute $25 to the PTO to assist in their land scaping project of the county schools. The nominating committee pre sented the following slate of of fiers for the next two year peri od: Mrs. David Black, president; Mrs. Vance Ray, vice president; Mrs. Robert Williams, secretary; Mrs. Jack Moore, treasurer. These officers were unanimously elected and will be installed at the March meeting. The hostesses served a delicious dessert with coffee at the con clusion of the meeting. SURPRISE ANNIVERSARY DINNER SATURDAY FETES MR., MRS, TROY ALLEN Mr. and Mrs. Troy B. Allen were given a surprise twenty fifth wedding anniversary dinner Saturday night by Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Pruitt at their new home on Finchersville Road. Present for the memorable oc casion in addition to the hosts and the guests of honor were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Townsend and family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Townsend, McDonough, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Haught and family of Morrow, Mr. Haught’s parents of Ocilla, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Townsend of Jenkinsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Allen of Jackson and Mr. Pruitt’s sister and baby of Atlanta. ANCIENT YORK LODGE NO. 127 F. & A. M. Regular Meeting Nights Second Saturdays Qualified Brethren Invited. W. R. MILLS. W. M. AUBREY HARVEY, Secty. WORTHVILLE. GA. HAWTHORN GARDEN CLUB MET AT HOME OF MRS. W. J. O’NEAL The Hawthorn Garden Club met February 9th with Mrs. W. J. O’Neal with Mrs. J. M. Nutt, co-hostess, assisting. Mrs. Paul Maddox, president, presided. Mrs. A. D. Pope gave the devotional, leaving the thought “what is my life saying to others?” Mrs. Nutt gave the program on bulbs. Del i c ious refreshments of Waldorf Astoria cake, Russian tea and nuts were served with the Valentine theme used. Winners in the flowers brought include: Arrangement, Mrs. George Swan, Ist; Mrs. Bertha Perdue, 2nd. Pot Plant, Mrs. Paul Maddox, Ist; Mrs. George Swan, 2nd. Small Arrangement, Mrs. W. J. O’Neal. Miniature, Mrs. A. D. Pope. NEW ARRIVALS VIA m MASTER JONES Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jones of Jonesboro announce the birth of a son, Bradley Thomas, on Satur day, January 30th, at Georgia Baptist Hospital. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones of Jackson and Mrs. Felton Jordon of Covington. MASTER WHITAKER Dr. and Mrs. William Ronald Whitaker announce the birth of a son, Frank Guin, on Monday, February 1, at Hialeah Hospital, Hialeah, Florida. The baby’s ma ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Guin I. Henegar of Rossville, Ga. and his paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James Whitaker of Jenkinsburg. J WHEREVER A YOU f J WANDER...' ‘ j I crosstown *yp, ~ | cross . countl y ( or roun J |% ‘j ||P the world, Henry Lee j j j|j’ f designed this perfect / j| / | pants suit to cater to iJ 'f Jj§ f your every need! / m ' j I Elegant enough for cock- I iff If / I / if | tails, as practical as it | f / if I / i f |is pretty! It can go to ’ - | I brunch, stay for late | 1 lunch... captivate any \\ evening. 100% Polyester ' '***'■"' *'" Crepe in Pink, Putty, 4 Navy, Green, 81ue... j' r ' ' ‘ Sizes 8 thru 20. Etheridge-Smith Cos. THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS. JACKSON, GEORGIA CANDLELIGHT NUPTIALS MARCH 27th TO UNITE MISS BARNETTE, RAY SMITH Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Barnette, Jr. of Hampton, Georgia an nounce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Phyllis Jim Barnette, to Ray Morris Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Smith of Jackson. Miss Barnette is the grand daughter of Mrs. R. H. Andrews and Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Bar nette, Sr. Miss Barnette is a graduate of Griffin High School and attended Griffin Area Vocational Techni cal School in the area of com puter programming. She is em ployed by Fashion Pillows, Inc. Mr. Smith is the grandson of Mrs. J. A. Turner and the late Mr. Turne r and the late Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Smith. The groom-elect is a graduate of Jackson High School and at tended Griffin Area Vocational Technical School in the area of heating and air conditioning. He is employed by Ponderosa Parks, Inc. A candlelight service will be held March 27th at seven thirty o’clock at the First Baptist Church in Hampton. All relatives and friends are invited to attend. JENKINSBURG GARDEN CLUB TO HAVE BAKE SALE The Jenkinsburg Garden Club will sponsor a bake sale Saturday, February 13th, at ten a. m. in front of Brown’s Furniture Cos. on Mulberry Street. Anyone de siring to place an order in ad vance is asked to please contact Mrs. Joe Harris at 775-3642 or any member of the garden club. “WE BELIEVE” SINGERS AT FLOVILLA SUNDAY The “We Believe” singers will present a musical program at the Flovilla United Methodist Church Sunday, February 14 th, at six o’clock p. m. The public is cor dially invited to attend this ser vice. AMERICAN LEGION POST WILL MEET FEB. 26th The American Legion, Post 102, will meet at the Van Deven ter Youth Center on Friday, Feb ruary 26th, at 7:30 o’clock. All members are urged to attend. HAPPY BIRTHDAY The Progress-Argus extends a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following: February 12 Mrs. A. O. Linch, James Edwin Williams, Haywood Hodges, Mrs. Van Hay, Alma Kersey, Mrs. Don Knight, Mrs. Edward Melvin, William Jackson, Mrs. J. L. Edwards, Nancy James, Carole Lawrence, James Paul DeVore, Mrs. John Deraney, John Arthur Bailey, Mrs. Donald I). Richardson, Michele Jones, Noah J. Rich, Mrs. Barry W. Stowe, Mrs. Jerry A. Hobbs, Walter Dwayne Mixon. February 13 —Rosa Lee Ridge way, Barbara Brooks, Emory Spencer, Wi lie Levie Collins, Jr. Bobby Taylor, Lou W. Moelchert, Troy Howard Norsworthy, Thom as Haynes, C. J. Maddox, Mrs. G. M. Blankenship, Mrs. E. F. Cawthon, Evelyn Awtry, Monica Christine Hulsey, W. D. Hunt, Barbara Jean Maddox, Lisa Brad ley. Februrary 14—E. D. Patrick, Ira Thaxton, Sylvia Lamb, Ira Taylor, Richard W. Watkins, Jr., Mary Paulette Wells, Mrs. J. C. Burford, Melvin Roland Strawn, Agnes Maddox, Katrina Nesbit, Mrs. J. R. Patrick, Larry Wilson, Mrs. J. D. Long, Mrs. W. H. Cut ter, Peggy Joanne Bennett, Dr. Jack R. Newman, Mrs. Marcus Irby, Jamie Norsworthy. February 15—Stewart Biles, Jill Thurston Williamson, Homer Miller Moelchert, Mrs. Eugene Harris, Mrs. B. J. Thomason, Catherine Lawton, Catherine I Gregg, Mrs. Robert Yielding, Mrs. Peggy M'. Knowles, Dawn Leh mann, Michael Dahlin. February 16 —Frank MeClen ' don, Mrs. J. R. McMichael, Aud rey Washington, Mrs. W. T. Ply male, Mrs. Bernard Gaston, How ard Thurston Bradley, Frank A. Fountain, Mrs. Robert Balk, Rob ert Hunt Ridgeway, J. A. Jack son, Danny Rivers, George Wal lace Pearl, Mrs. Theresa T. Cro well, Paige Tatum, Danielle Shad rix, Trincher Watkins, John H. McClendon. February 17—Mrs. H. C. Mor gan, Alvin Hugh Dempsey, Betty Coming through with a Brand-New Car ata Brand-New Price. * - ~ v , S'/* / ; NEW PIYMOUTH FURY CUSTOM Plymouth Fury Custom. Com class me whitewall through tires and more. . f® ] ■ fflj|j|||j „™o„,. D -^--^Coming PAA ‘ .._ CARTER MOTOR CO., INC., 137 W. Third St. MEMORIAL In memory of my dear sister, Mrs. Bessie Thurston Brooks, who departed this life February 2nd, 1971 at 12:45 p. m. “Just the word ‘Sweetness’ in connection with death.” Asa nurse who has seen so many peo ple expire through the years, I know it is often sweet to die. Fre quently I have seen a change of expression as the moment of death approached—-almost a smile. It was a blessing for our loved one to leave us. There are many things worse than death. We should have better faith in the goodness and mercy of God. Only God can know all the facts. Death is not the end it is really the be ginning of life. Jesus has said, “Thou shalt be with me in Para dise.” (John 23:43) My sister didn’t care for ma terial things but she loved God and her family. As Jesus said of one woman to another, “Leave her a'one, she has done what she could.” Thanks sincerely to each of you for remembering my family and me at this time of sorrow. Respectfully, LOUISE THURSTON, R. N. Supervisor of Health Services Infirmary Georgia State University Ann Jackson, Mrs. Donald N. Brown, F. S. Bohannon, Beverly Faye Biles, Mrs. Doris Ridgeway, Mrs. C. B. Waldrop, Helen H. Hardy, David Ronald Dodson, Mrs. Earl Williams, Mrs. Etta Higgins, Carol Long, Ronnie Dod son, Jane Jenkins, Willard A. Patterson, Ouida Cheek, John Cross, Jr., Mrs. Alice Burdette, Jack Hauser. . February 1,8 —Mrs. Sam S. Johnson, William Ray Saunders, Ben M. Garland, Vickey Joy Washington, Mrs. Howard Greer, Mrs. Duane Leverette, Mrs. Frances Washington, Mrs. James E. Payne, Mrs. Guy Richardson, Mrs. Gerald Kersey, Paul Nail, Mrs. Ralph Smith. Butts PTO To Sponsor Movie Feb. 13 The Butts County Parent Teacher Organization will spon sor a movie, “Monster From the Ocean Floor,” Saturday, Febru ary 13, at 2 p. m. in the High School Auditorium. Admission will bo fifty cents per person, A Road Runner cartoon will also be shown. Please bring your children and support your PTO. jfW / * IBmtm # DIAMOND ; f SWiNgErS ; * FOR YOUNG LOVERS , Swing along with the swinging seventies. Real swingers wear 14K gold ''Lucky” and "Dear Heart” set with brilliant dia monds fashioned to swing from your finger and guaran teed to catch every eye in town. SltieldU flewelny 128 E. Third St. Jackson, Ga. ' ooi Tbiat*ux*uL sbeficvUma*tt Want Ads REDUCING INVENTORY SALE: Over 1,500 gallons brand name paints at Vi Price or less. Pittsburgh & Sherwin-Williams Kemtone, reg. SB.OO or more per gal. on sale at $3.50 per gal. Buy your Spring Paint now and save! Carter-Moore Builders Supply, Inc., Jackson Ga. ph. 775-3266. 2/11/2tc. C?L666