Newspaper Page Text
Mrs. Juhlin
Is Power
Use Head
Mrs. M. W. Juhlin of the North
Butts Community, Butts County,
was recently selected to head The
Central Georgia EMC Power Use
Committee in Butts County. This
committee, which provides the
drive for member services pro
grams for the co-op, is composed
of volunteer leaders who work
to bring about good relations
among the co-op membership and
their community.
Mrs. Juhlin will serve as the
key person in Butts County for
community leaders to contact in
regards to the co-op. She will
keep informed about co-op ser
vices available to members and
keep up-to-date on the uses of
electricity. She will keep in con
tact with the Member Services
Director and advise her of the
needs of individuals and groups
in the community and county and
work with schools, 4-H Clubs,
FHA, FFA, in the uses of elec
tricity; essay contest, public
speaking contest and others.
A native of Atlanta and a
graduate of Russell High in East
Point, Mrs. Juhlin has lived in
Butts County for two years. She
and her family live on a 75 acre
farm known as the old Cole home
place on Fincherville Road.
Mrs. Juhlin is active in the
Jackson United Methodist Church
where she is a choir member and
also works with the Senior High
Youth. She worked with the girl
scout organization for 16 years.
She serves as treasurer of the
Modern Homemakers Club and
substitutes as a teacher at Jack
son High School. Her hobbies are
sewing, food preservation, crafts
(artistic), horseback riding and
bird watching.
Mr. Juhlin works for General
Motors at the Lakewood Plant
in Atlanta.
Mrs. Juhlin has three children
who are Tony Tatum, 18, Lee
Tatum, 15, and Paige Tatum, 9.
She succeeds Mrs. Charles Sib
ley who has served in this ca
pacity since 1966.
Watching calories? Then con
sider only lean meat. And no
flour on the chops, no breaded
foods, no added fats or oils. And
if you make gravy, try using
skim milk and only seasonings
for flavor.
These steers have been on corn for six
months. 30c per lb. on foot with free delivery
to processing plant. Available in halves if de
sired. 60c per lb. dressed weight.
Cawthon Bros., Inc
Phone 775-7801 Jackson, Ga.
County 4-H’ers
Set For
District Rally
Butts County will be well rep
resented this weekend, March 19-
21, when the Northwest District
4-H rally is held at Rock Eagle.
The program will include ses
sions for both 4-H members and
volunteer adult 4-H leaders.
Delegates from Butts and 26
other counties are expected to
fill the 1,000-capacity 4-H center.
Local 4-H members planning to
attend this rally are: Newton
Maddox, Ellen Pinckney, Maralyn
Ridgeway, Maria Todd, and Harry
Representing the adult leaders
in Butts County will be: Mrs.
Phyllis Ray and Mrs. Snow
Members of the Butts Exten
sion Service staff who will accom
pany the local delegates to Rock
Eagle are Mr. Millard Daniel, Jr.,
Butts County Agent, and Mrs.
Peggy Rice, Butts County Home
The 4-H’ers will take a look
at the “In Look” in fashions,
study speaking and demonstra
tion aids, and participate in
“Operation Scratch Off.”
While they are doing this, the
adult volunteer leaders will take
part in sessions on “Understand
ing Young People,” “4-H Rec
ords” and “4-H Beyond the Coun
ty Level.”
Tom Nash, University of Geor
gia football player, will speak to
the combined groups at the open
ing assembly Saturday night.
Four-H’ers and leaders will come
together again Sunday morning
to hear Gary Freeman, Blairs
ville, University of Georgia stu
dent and 1970 state 4-H public
speaking champion.
The rally will adjourn after
lunch Sunday and the Butts
County group will arrive at Jack
son around one p. m.
Honor Roll
New and Renewal Subscription*
Of The Past Few Days
J. M. L. Comer, Jackson
Ml-s. W. T. Gregg, Jackson
J. W. O’Neal, Jackson
Mrs. J. T. Strickland, Jackson
Mrs. 0. J. Bond, Jackson
Ben Wright, Jackson
A 1/C Janice R. Cook, Lang
ley AFB, Va.
Vance R. Ray, Jr., Jackson
C. L. Sanvidge, Jackson
Mrs. John Wesley Cook, Jack
Mrs. L. D. Singley, Jackson
Jesse Nutt, Jackson
Mrs. Harold Elliott, Flovilla
Arthur L. Stewart, Jackson
Mrs. Q. J. Hardy, Conley
J. E. Cornell, Indian Springs
H. C. Wilson, Decatur
Mabel Wilkes, Jackson
C. B. Brown, Jr., Jackson
Mrs. W. J. Burns, Flovilla
Wm. H. Beck 111, Griffin
Charlie B. Stewart, Jackson
Mrs. D. C. Fortenberry, Clarks
C. E. Rooks, Jackson
Sarah T. Allen, Flovilla
M“rs. W. M. Mitchell, Macon
Mrs. W. L. Duncan, Naples,
Mrs. W. S. White, Jackson
E. M. McCart, Covington
Charlie Brown
Is State's
Best Orator
WffllW 'mSSm
Charles Brown, president of
the Jackson High School Key
Club, was first place winner in
the state Key Club oratorical con
test the past weekend at the state
convention which was held in Ma
con. He spoke on “Personal Ac
tion: Prelude to Progress.”
Charles, the son of Mayor and
Mrs. C. B. Brown Jr., is also
active in the Honor Society, the
Fellowship of Christian Athletes,
the Quill and Scroll, and the base
ball team.
The honor now entitles Charles
to participate as the Georgia rep
resentative at the Twenty-eighth
Annual Meeting of the Key Club
International which will be held
at Anaheim, California July 4-7.
Approximately 2500 delegates
will be attending the internation
al convention.
Also attending the state con
vention which represented over
150 clubs in the state were Don
McKibben, Bruce Hicks, and
Mark Maddox. Paul Stockham
mer, Key Club faculty advisor, ac
companied the group.
Outstanding speakers at the
convention were Hon. William F.
Braziel, Governor of the Georgia
District and Hon. Ben W. Fort
son, Secretary of the State of
Georgia. Entertainment was
brought by Kimberly Graham,
Miss American Teen-Ager.
The Key Club, a Kiwanis spon
sored organization, has been one
of the most active clubs at Jack
son High this school year. It has
led all clubs in the 12th division
in quality points for achievement.
Several of its projects have
been a school clean-up campaign,
the school fair booth which won
first place, the talent contest,
the school sign, the painting of
the administrative offices, and
the placing of trash cans around
the campus.
Other projects included direc
ting traffic at the beginning of
the school term, helping the Ki
wanis Club sell tickets for their
benefit game, aiding the Jaycees
in their Empty Stocking fund,
and arranging a lounge for the
The club is proud of its ac
complishments and has attempted
We Specialize In Just
Two Services
Home Loans
That’s The Reason We Lead
In These Fields.
West Taylor St. at Tenth
Yes, We’re Still Paying
Up to 6% on Savings
Mr. and Mrs. Lavar Elmer of
Stockbridge and Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Johnson of McDonough visi
ted Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Wash
ington Sunday.
Rev. Charles Camp of Hawkins
ville preached at Worthville Bap
tist Church Sunday morning and
Mrs. Carolyn Cook of Jackson
visited Mr. and Mrs. Forest Ma
son Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmitt Lane of
Rex visited Mr. and Mrs. Jake
Mason Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Butler and
Debbie of Decatur visited Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Butler Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Fortenberry
and Gary of Clarkston spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Luther
Miss Mitzi Butler spent Thurs
day night with Miss Melissa Pul
Visitors during the week of Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Avery and Mr.
L. L. Washington were Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Burnham of East
Point, Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Mc-
Donald and Don of College Park,
and Mr. and Mrs. Julian Wash
ington of Morrow.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Faulkner
of Warner Robins visited Mrs.
Nellie Cochran Saturday. They
spent Saturday night and Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Duke.
Rev. and Mrs. Charles Camp
and son of Hawkinsville were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Rebon Maddox Sunday.
Dinner guests of Mrs. W. S.
White Saturday were Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis White and Myron and
Mrs. E. M. M'cCart of Covington
and Mi - , and Mrs. Lewis Smith
and Jennifer of Leaksville, Mis
Mrs. Philip Green and Mrs.
Grady Wilson of Decatur visited
Mrs. W. S. White Tuesday.
Mrs. Harold Cochran and
Kathy and Mrs. Nellie Cochran
visited Mrs. B. A. Reid Sunday
afternoon in Newton County.
Mrs. Forest Cook of Milledge
ville spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. B. F. Hamlin.
Little Cindy Edwards has had
surgery in Egleston Hospital in
Atlanta. We wish her a speedy
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mullen and
family of Mansfield spent Sun
day with Mrs. Lottie Martin and
Mr. and Mrs. Don Rooks.
Please let me thank each of
our friends for their cards and
most especially their prayers dur
ing my recent illness and stay in
the hospital. I feel it was due to
their many prayers that have
helped me make the progress I
have in my recovery. Even
though Hazel and I have been
away from Jackson a number of
years our friends there still hold
a special place in our heart. May
God bless each of you. Sincerely,
Margaret Turner, Jacksonville,
to live up to this year’s theme
—Personal Action: Prelude to
Sanvidge Is
United Appeal
C. L. Sanvidge, widely known
Jackson civic leader, was elec
ted president of the Butts County
United Appeal at a meeting early
in March.
Other officers elected include
Herbert Shapard, vice president
and drive chairman; Miss Geor
gia Watkins, vice president and
budget chairman; Grover Arline,
vice president and acceptance
chairman; Fred Raney, treasurer.
Mrs. William Mack Davis will con
tinue as secretary.
In the March meeting the plight
of two families who had their
homes destroyed by fire was
brought to the attention of the
Appeal. These families were
checked out by the proper agen
cies and by the acceptance com
mittee of the Appeal before help
was given. Mr. Sanvidge made
it clear that the agency wants to
give help where it is needed but
the amount of money available
is limited and th e emergency
must be extreme before help can
be granted.
Mr. Sanvidge, as past and pres
ent president of the Appeal,
thanked those officers and work
ers who served so unselfishly
during the 1970 drive and had
words of appreciation for publici
ty given the drive by the news
media of the county.
Cured meat, which has been
frozen, loses quality rapidly. It
should be used as soon as possi
ble, according to Extension home
economists. They say that bacon
should not be kept in the freezer
for more than a month.
A soil test is the best way to
find out if your lawn or garden
soil needs lime. Soil analysis will
determine the acidity level of
your soil, and if lime is needed
the required amount will b e rec
ommended. County agents have
sample bags and sampling instruc
tions. Contact them today.
Notice Of Referendum
Question Of Legalizing Beer
Saturday, April 3rd 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
On Saturday, April 3rd, the citizens of Flovilla
will have the opportunity to vote on legalizing the
sale of beer within the city limits of Flovilla. The
polls will open at 7 a. m. and close at 7 p. m.
All residents are urged to make their views
known on this important question in the referendum
of April 3rd.
Curtis Gilbert, Mayor
Adel Moncrief Byron Haynes
Luther Jones C. A. Anthony
E. R. Edwards, Jr.
Chorus To
Appear Here
Reinhardt College’s 21 voice
chorus, on its annual spring con
cert tour, will appear in Jackson
Monday morning, March 22nd,
at 8:40 o’clock at the auditorium.
The public is cordially invited to
attend this one hour concert.
Music this year has been divid
ed into four general categories:
traditional sacred, spirituals, folk
music, and contemporary popular
music. The program ranges from
Mozart to Garfunkel. The choir
is directed by Darnell Chance.
For your wedding invita
tions and other bridal
stationery items, you can
profit by our experience.
We invite you to visit us.
SUieldU flewebuj,
128 E. Third St. Jackson, Ga.
VilU 6ui SbiamoHcL
The Youth Assembly delegates
from the Jackson High Tri-Hi-
Y club attended a clinic at New
nan High School March 7. This
clinic is held each year for the
purpose of training delegates in
the procedures of a legislative
The Youth Assembly will be
held at the Capitol April 8-10.
Delegates going to the clinic in
Newnan were Linda Sanvidge
who will be Senate Floor Leader
this year, June Maddox, Jerry O’-
Quinn, press representative, and
Mrs. Roy Prosser, Advisor.
Delegates who could not attend
were Laurie Summers and An
drea Holston. —Rachael Watkins,