Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, NOV. 25, 1971
Butts County Home
If you need
some enter
tain m e n t
Thursday aft
ernoon after
that big tur
key dinner, or
Friday after
the kids are
home from school, I recommend
trying out anew recipe.
I would like to share with you
one of my recipes which would
be well suited for this occasion.
A-1 Septic Tank Service
All Kinds of Ditching
Phone 775-7715 If no Answer Dial
The Central Georgia
Electric Membership Corporatioi
Mclntosh State Bank
Your Home Owned Bank
Member F.D.I.C.
Carter-Moore Building Supply
Alabama St. 775-3266
Jackson, Ga.
Parrish Drug Cos.
Walgreen Agency
Phone 775-7424 Night: 775-7204
Cawthon Brothers, Inc.
Covington Road Jackson, Ga.
Jackson Highway Covington, Ga.
B&C Farm Supply, Inc.
Massey-Ferguson Sales and Service
775-2663 Jackson, Ga.
Baker's Paint & Body Shop
Indian Springs Road
Jackson Progress Argus
Printers . . . Stationers >. . . Publishers
City Rexall Pharmacy
The Store of Personal Service
Tom O’Dell Roy Goff
Cleveland Furniture Cos.
On The Square, Jackson
Cleveland Carpet Outlet,
Hwy. 42, Jenkinsburg
Coleman's Garage & Body Shop
General Repairs and Body Work
Day 775-3184 Night 775-7565
Cowan's Supermarket
Home of Choice Meats
Jimmy Long 770-7311
Collins Ready Mix Concrete
Concrete and Septic Tanks
775-3501 775-3299
Middle Ga. Livestock Sales Cos
Livestock Auction Sale
Each Wednesday
Jackson, Ga.
Polk Tire & Service Cos., Inc.
237 South Mulberry 775-7331
Our Young People Are Our Salvation
Avondale Mills,
Indian Springs Plant
This recipe is easy enough for
the kids to help and it’s quite
tasty too.
Cereal Peanut Bars
cup light corn syrup
M cup light brown sugar
M teaspoon salt
1 cup peanut butter
cups rice crispies
1 cup cornflakes, slightly
1 (6 oz.) package semi-sweet
chocolate pieces
Combine corn syrup, sugar,
salt in small saucepan. Bring to
a boil, stir in peanut butter. Re
move from heat and stir in va
nilla, rice cereal, cornflakes, and
chocolate pieces. Press into a
buttered 9x9x2 inch pan. Chill at
least one hour; then cut into
bars. Store covered in refrigera
tor. Yield: 2 dozen bars.
This Series is Made Possible by These Business Firms and
Individuals Who Believe Our Country is Worth Preserving
Yule Homes
On Tour
In Madison
Famous “Casulon Plantation”
is expected to draw a large group
of history buffs from across the
state for the Christmas Tour of
Homes in Madison, December 4
and 5. The Tour is being spon
sored by Morgan County Histori
cal Society, Inc.
Casulon Plantation, consisting
of the Manor House and some
sixteen acres, was a gift to Mor
gan County Historical Society,
Inc., from the Armstrong Cor
poration. It was originally part
“The God who gave us life, gave
us Liberty at the same time ”
Thomas Jefferson
What’s with
Stephens Grocery
18 Second St. 775-2595
On The Square
of a ten thousand acre planta
tion referred to in ‘‘Gardens of
Georgia, 1733-1933," as one of
two such plantations left in the
state. Since the publication of
this rare book, the other planta
tion mentioned has been de
Casulon is the last of its kind
in all of Georgia, and, among
other things, was the site of a
gala wedding of a governor of
Georgia to an early mistress of
the Plantation. Casulon is under
going continuous restoration by
the Morgan County Historical So
ciety, and donations derived from
the Christmas Tour of Homes
will be set aside for restoration
of Casulon’s famous boxwood and
formal gardens.
The Christmas Tour of Homes
from 1 until 5 p. m. will include
other historical and contemporary
YES, there are dirty plays, but not one has
even approached the performance rec
ord of homey "Oklahoma” or "Fiddler on
the Roof”
Foreigners are scornful of our ghettos. Yet
tens of millions are being spent by busi
nesses to rebuild slums with modern homes,
and the median Negro family income has
risen to $5360 a year and the number earn
ing S7OOO has doubled in ten years.
45 percent of Americans attend church
and 70 percent consider religion very
More Americans finish high school than
is true of any other nation, and we’re getting
ready to improve that even more by special
programs (developed in America) for pre
school children. And the number of Ameri
can adults who continue their schooling
even into old age is the wonder of the
Book buying has doubled in 10 years
good books.
50 million Americans donate time and 14
billion dollars every year to charity.
And you can add paragraphs of what else
is good from your own experience.
All of which makes a pretty good national
anthem, doesn’t it —a lot healthier than the
sorry blues which too many love to sing.
homes. Open to the public on
these dates, and resplendent in
Christmas decorations to compli
ment the period of each will be:
Stokes-McHenry House, the
home of Louise McHenry Hickey
and Hallie Schinholser, seventh
generation Madisonians. Louise
McHenry Hickey is the author of
the newly published “Rambles
Through Morgan County.”
Villa Dean, home of Colonel
and Mrs. Zender Dean, was built
in 1821 and once housed the des
cendents of Francis Scott Key.
Walker House, the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Walker, is
contemporary in design, and at
tractively furnished and deco
rated with heirloom antiques and
Boxwood, owned by Miss Kitty
Newton, is a three-storied house
of impressive proportions built in
Hall's Standard Service Station
Open 7 Days to Serve You 776-9058
Barnesville Rd. and Interstate 76
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Robison,
Jr. will attend the Georgia-Tech
game at Grant Field Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Seckinger
and Kirk are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Don Lightsey and Mr. and
Mrs. Theron Seckinger and other
relatives during the Thanksgiving
holidays. They will return to
Jackson Sunday from Valdosta.
1851. The boxwood gardens, only,
will be open for the tour.
Tour Headquarters will be lo
cated in the civic room of the
Georgia Power Company Build
ing on South Main Street in
Madison. Advanced tickets may
be purchased with a donation of
$7 by writing to the Morgan
County Historical Society, Inc.,
P. 0. Box 207, Madison, 30650.
Dr. and Mrs. Tom O’Dell and
childrep, Esther and David are
spending Thanksgiving Day with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hope
Loftin in Newnan. During the
weekend they will visit his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Royce O’Dell
in Clayton, Alabama.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Moelchert,
Jr. and family of Florence, S. C.
are spending the Thanksgiving
holidays with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lou Moelchert, and Mrs.
India Bailey.
Friends of Mrs. Leslie Hamlin
will be interested to learn that
she was admitted to Georgia Bap
tist Hospital on November 16 and
underwent surgery the following
day. Mrs. Hamlin is recuperating
nicely and was expected to re
turn home before Thanksgiving.
Weaver Insurance Agency
6 Byars St. 776-2626
We Are Interested In Our Youth
Westbury Medical Care Home
Jenkinsburg, Ga.
Superior Cleaners
02 Byars 776-6361
One Day Service
State Supply Cos.
LP Gas Tanks and Appliances
Prompt Service 776-3137
Tomlin's Restaurant
Monticello Hwy. 776-7611
Shop & Save Super Market
680 S. Mulberry 776-8610
Stand Up For America
Montgomery Insurance Agency
122 East Third St. 776-3840
Jackson, Ga.
Jones Brothers Grocery
Stark Community
Your Convenient Grocery Store
Craig Upholstery Shop
23 Years Experience Serving
Butts County
776-7896 Flovilla, Ga.
Bennett Tax Service
656 Joy St. 776-6121
Mrs. Walter Bennett
Jones Garage
Automobile Repairs and Welding
776-7200 Flovilla, Ga.
The Dinner Bell Restaurant
2 Miles East on Monticello Road
Buffet Lunch 7 Days a Week
Daniel Ford Sales, Inc.
1327 Brookwood Ave. 776-7872
Support Your Local Police
Self-Service Laundries
#1 209 East Second Street
#2 Corner of Mulberry and College
i *
EdC/ards Department Store
Clothes for The Entire Family
On The Square 775-6486
G r eer's Kiddie Korral
Day Nursery
Barnesville Rd. 776-6431
Haisten Brothers
Funeral Home
The Kym Cos.
Jackson, Ga.