Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, NOV. 25, 1971
Mrs. Emma Allen of Atlanta
and Mr. August Edstrom of Lake
worth, Florida were united in
marriage at the Brookhaven
United Methodist Church Thurs
day evening, November 10th, at
seven o’clock. The Reverend An
drew Peters performed the cere
Mr. and Mrs. Edstrom will re
side in Lakeworth, Florida.
Mrs. Laura Wright of Jackson,
twin sister of the bride, was
among those who attended the
Mrs. T. P. Thurston moved re
cently into her attractive new
home on Joy Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sark and
Amy of Orlando, Fla. arrived
early in the week to be with her
mother, Mrs. Jessie Mackey, and
other relatives for the holiday
George Howell of Georgia
Southwestern College is spending
the holiday season in Jackson visi
ting Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Howell
and Mrs. O. B. Howell.
Ken Barnes, student at Geor
gia Tech, is spending the holiday
season with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Barnes, at their at
tractive Buttrill Road home.
Among those students from
Georgia Southern College, States
boro, who are spending the holi
days with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Rogers Starr, Sr., are Miss
Patricia Starr and Charles Starr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lee Burford
are spending the Thanksgiving
holidays in Atlanta with their
children, Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Allen, and children, Wendy and
Miss Lynn Crum, student at
Trevecca Nazarene College, Nash
ville, Tenn., is spending the
Thanksgiving season with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Crum,
Jerry and Sheila.
Jackson, Ga.
Phone 775-7872
Bargain at the
Dodge Boys!
dart demon
If you’re looking for an economy car
that’s roomy enough be youroriy
car test drive the new Dart Demon.
It seats five adults in comfort and its
198 Six or 318 V 8 standard engines
wffl fate thon a tag way on regular
Will laKC - •—= - T
Dodge -Depend On It
137 West 3rd St., Jackson, Ga.
The Progress-Argus extends a
very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the
Nov. 26—Mrs. Carl McMich
ael, James Andrews, Odell Cook,
Mrs. James F. Townsend, Bruce
Comer, Mrs. Evelyn Moncrief,
Lynda Cawthon, Georgia Ann
Franklin, Mrs. W. L. Singley,
Franklin D. Terrell, Cathy Lane,
Kenneth Ayers.
November 27—Mrs. G. W. Cas
ton, Luther Weaver, Jr., Rachael
Beasley, Mrs. R. E. Pullin, Hud
son Peacock, Pamela Gordan,
Mrs. W. Herman Cawthon, Phyl
lis Stodghill, G. C. O’Neal, Bar
bara Bowen.
November 28—Miriam Clark,
Anderson Nutt, Mrs. T. E. Duke,
Harvey Williamson, Jane Thom
as, John Gordon Thompson, Mrs.
Travis White, Aldine Carmichael,
Mrs. J. B. Maddox, James Pear
son, Charles James, Timothy
Norris O’Neal, David Cook, Audie
Milton Wells, Craig L. Parker,
Jr., David Landrum.
November 29—Virgil Smith,
Rodney Singley, J. C. Gunn, Joe
Proctor, Donald Faulknei-, Reg
gie Letson, Alan Ford.
November 30—Mrs. W. E.
Smith, Edgar Thaxton, Michael
Gray, Mary Dean Boyd, L. A.
Brooks, Jr., Jerry Mitchell, Wal
lace O’Neal, W. R. Presley, Ron
nie Wise, Mrs. Andy Holston,
Larry Price, John Arthur Savage,
Sammy Clay Smith, John Lester
Edwards, Charles Brown, Paul
Reeves, Sr., Mrs. O’Dell Cook,
Richard Allen, Jane Cole, Mrs.
IL L. Peck.
December I—George Turner,
Wynsol Smith, Van Kersey, Bar
ry Wayne Bethune, Jimmy Her
bert, Gail Kitchens, Susan Marie
Apple, David Phillips.
December 2 —Mrs. Joyce
Barnes, Jimmy Collins, Richard
Stewart, Harvey Bohannon, Mrs.
Tommy Carmichael, Tony Moore,
H. Mack Lamb.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynwood Thurs
ton and family recently moved
into their attractive new home on
Franklin Street.
Miss Susan Taylor of the Uni
versity of Georgia is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Taylor.
Douglas Briscoe, student at
West Georgia College, is at home
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. D. Briscoe, during the Thanks
giving holidays.
Charles Fountain is visiting
during the Thanksgiving weekend
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Fountain. He is a student
at West Georgia College.
gas. Demon’s 108-inch wheel base
is long enough to give you a stable
ride and short enough for easy park
ing. If you want an economy car that
doesn’t cramp your style, drive a
bargain at the Dodge Boys today.
Mrs. Lois Coleman and Mrs.
Florence Harris were co-hostesses
of the Hawthorne Garden Club
for the November meeting at
the home of Mrs. Coleman.
Delicious cake and ice cream
were served upon the arrival of
the members.
Discussion of Christmas light
ing and decoration of homes was
held with the decision made that
the club would participate. A
pledge of $25.00 to the Water
Pollution Control was paid.
Instead of the usual Christmas
party in a home or at the club
house, the members voted to have
their Christmas get-together at
Tomlin’s Restaurant.
Voting on arrangements was
as follows: Large arrange
ments, Dora Maddox, first,
Gladys Wilson, second; Small Ar
rangements, Gladys Wilson, first;
Miniature, Lois Coleman, first,
Gladys Wilson, second; Specimen,
Florence Harris, first; Plant, Lois
Coleman, first.
Rodney Singley of West Geor
gia College is spending the holi
days with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Singley.
Ricky Fletcher of Valdosta
State College is spending the
holidays with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lovett Fletcher.
Wayne Barnes, Jr. is a guest
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Waynes Barnes, during the
Thanksgiving holidays. He is a
student at Georgia Southwestern
Leon Cook is among students
from Georgia Tech who is spend
ing Thanksgiving with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Jones Jr.
will be among those from Jack
son going up' to Atlanta Thanks
giving Day for the Georgia-Tech
freshman game in the afternoon
at Grant Field and the Tech-
Georgia varsity game that night.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Briscoe
and Douglas Briscoe will attend
the Georgia-Tech game tonight at
Grant Field in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Carmichael
will attend the Tech-Georgia
game today in Atlanta at Grant
I wish to thank everyone for
every act of kindness extended
me during my illness, but words
fail me. Just take the sweetest
phrases the world has ever known
and make believe I’m saying
them all to you.—Ruby Spangler.
j jjr
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