Funding for the digitization of this title was provided by Georgia HomePLACE, a program of the Georgia Public Library Service, and by the generous citizens of Butts County, Georgia.
Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, DEC. 16, 1971
This Side
Of Town
Grandmotherhood is an experi
ence which many Butts County
women enjoy and delight in. Most
of them have raised their own
families and are now “raising”
their grandchildren. Some have
even successfully raised the
grandchildren and are enjoying
the great-grandchildren. One
such great-grandmother is Mrs.
Laura Wright who resides on the
Indian Springs Highway just out
side of town. Her granddaughter
that resides in Atlanta recently
presented her with a great-grand
son and upon running into Mrs.
Wright, Mrs. Obie Watkins and
fIHjL > '.5
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A-1 Septic Tank Service
All Kinds of Ditching
Phone 775-7715 If no Answer Dial
The Central Georgia
Electric Membership Corporatioi
Mclntosh State Bank
Your Home Owned Bank
Member F.D.I.C.
Carter-Moore Building Supply
Alabama St. 775-3266
Jackson, Ga.
Parrish Drug Cos.
Walgreen Agency
Phone 775-7424 Night; 775-7204
Cawthon Brothers, Inc.
Covington Road Jackson, Ga.
Jackson Highway Covington, Ga.
B&C Farm Supply, Inc.
Massey-Ferguson Sales and Service
775-2663 Jackson, Ga.
Baker's Paint & Body Shop
Indian Springs Road
Jackson Progress Argus
Printers . . . Stationers . . . Publishers
City Rexall Pharmacy
The Store of Personal Service
Tom O’Dell R °y Goff
Cleveland Furniture Cos.
On The Square, Jackson
Cleveland Carpet Outlet,
Hwy. 42, Jenkinsburg
Coleman's Garage & Body Shop
General Repairs and Body Work
Day 775-3184 Night 775-7565
Cowan's Supermarket
Home of Choice Meats
Jimmy Long 775-7311
Collins Ready Mix Concrete
Concrete and Septic Tanks
775-3591 775-3299
Middle Ga. Livestock Sales Cos
Livestock Auction Sale
Each Wednesday
Jackson, Ga.
Polk Tire & Service Cos., Inc
237 South Mulberry 775-7331
Our Young People Are Our Salvation
Avondale Mills,
Indian Springs Plant
Mrs. Maude Watkins at the bar
becue stand one day last week
the conversation naturally turned
to Mrs. Wright’s new great grand
son. She just happened to have a
picture of the little feller with
her and after we had oohed and
aahed the three ladies began rem
iniscing about “way back when”
and we thoroughly enjoyed our
lunch hour hearing them bring
back treasured memories of days
gone by. We were quite amused
to hear Mrs. Wright tell of when
her eldest son was still a tiny
baby she went out and bought
him an electric train. “We’ve
heard of new daddies buying ball
gloves, trains and the like for
their babies but I think this is
the first time I’ve ever heard
a mother admit that she had
bought something which was
quite unusable at the time of
EggXj patriot
This Series is Made Possible by These Business Firms and
Individuals Who Believe Our Country is Worth Preserving
its purchase Children
are being extra good these last
few days before the arrival of
St. Nick and many mothers are
heard to remark that their sons
and daughters have suddenly be
come quite helpful and energetic
around the house. Christmas
decorations are everywhere with
trees glowing with lights and
holiday trims and surrounded
with gaily wrapped packages in
keeping with the Yule season.
Store owners are enjoying the
boost in sales that this time of
year always brings and churches
around the county are planning
special Christmas plays or carol
ing services. Another yearly
event is the Christmas parties
which are looked forward to by
many with many many pounds
of turkey and all the trimmings
being enjoyed. Santa has almost
“The God who gave us life, gave
us Liberty at the same time ”
Thomas Jefferson
Stephens Grocery
8 Second St. 775-2595
On The Square
completed his toy list right to the
very last detail but we under
stand that he’ll be taking orders
right up to Christmas Eve when
he makes his eventful journey in
his sleigh with Rudolph leading
the way .... You know it’s
rare today to hear some tell what
the Lord has done for them and
to give credit where credit is due.
Last week Grady Jackson, Sr. of
Greensboro, a former Jacksonian,
stopped by the office for a brief
visit and before he left the staff
of the Progress-Argus had re
marked about his youthful looks.
When Mr. Jackson told that he
was 69 years old everyone was
quite amazed and someone told
him he had better keep his age a
secret for no one would know it
by his looks. He immediately be
gan telling us that he wasn’t like
a woman who wouldn’t tell her
age but that he thanked the good
Lord for giving him 69 years of
life. He stated that he had been
in the hospital a number of times
lately but that the Lord had seen
fit to strengthen him and allow
him to return home. He related
the fact that everyone had some
thing to be thankful for but so
many times people overlook this
and take things for granted not
taking a few minutes of the day
to pause and thunk God for life
and all our many blessings. Dur
ing this Christmas season it might
be well if we all would stop and
consider our blessings and re
member the One who has given
them to us. Certainly we don't
want the commercialism of this
season to push aside the real and
true meaning of Christmas. The
birth of our Saviour is the most
important event to ever occur and
Hall's Standard Service Station
Open 7 Day3 to Serve You 775-9058
Barnesville Rd. and Interstate 76
Albany State student Theotis
Watkins is visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Watkins, dur
ing the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Prentice Hender
son, Sr. have as their holiday
guest their son, Prentice Hender
son, Jr., student at Morris Brown
Ken Barnes arrived Wednes
day, December Bth, to spend the
Christmas holidays with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnes.
He is a student at Georgia Tech.
West Georgia College student
Rodney Singley will visit his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sing
ley, during the Yule holidays.
we certainly want to remember
Him on His birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Caldwell
and family of Tallahassee, Florida
spent last weekend with his
mother, Mrs. H. H. Caldwell.
Mrs. Judia Frazier of Atlanta
spent Sunday in Jackson with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Fountain, and Charles.
The friends of Mrs. Mary
Harkness are delighted to learn
she is now at home after being
a patient at Ponce de Leon In
firmary in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Tay
lor have as their guest during the
holidays Stacey Taylor, student
at Fort Valley State.
Morris Ball is spending the
holidays with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Dick Ball. He is a stu
dent at Daniel Payne College.
Weaver Insurance Agency
6 Byars St. 776-2626
We Are Interested In Our Youth
Westbury Medical Care Home
Jenkinsburg, Ga.
Hi-Fi Oil Cos.
Bay Station 1 Mi. So. Hwy. 42
Gas for Less - Stop and Save
James City Taxi
776-3711 Charles James, Owner
Jackson, Ga.
Tomlin's Restaurant
Monticello Hwy. 776-7611
Shop & Save Super Market
680 S. Mulberry 776-8610
Stand Up For America
Montgomery Insurance Agency
122 East Third St. 776-8840
Jackson, Ga.
Jones Brothers Grocery
Stark Community
Your Convenient Grocery Store
Craig Upholstery Shop
23 Years Experience Serving
Butts County
776-7896 Flovilla, Ga.
Bennett Tax Service
666 Joy St. 776-6121
Mrs. Walter Bennett
Jones Garage
Automobile Repairs and Welding
776-7200 Flovilla, Ga.
The Dinner Bell Restaurant
2 Miles East on Monticello Road
Buffet Lunch 7 Days a Week
Daniel Ford Sales, Inc.
1327 Brookwood Ave. 776-7872
Support Your Local Police
Self-Service Laundries
#1 209 East Second Street
#2 Corner of Mulberry and College
Edwards Department Store
Clothes for The Entire Family
On The Square 776-6486
G r eer's Kiddie Korral
Day Nursery
Barnesville Rd. 776-6431
Haisten Brothers
Funeral Home
The Kym Cos.
Jackson, Ga.