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THURSDAY, DEC. 16, 1971
Cage Teams
Are On 4-
Win Binge
By Brian Wait*
Progress -Argus Sports Writer
The Jackson Red Devils and
Devilettes both made it four
victories in a row with wins over
Pike County Saturday night.
The Devilettes were victorious
55-34. Leading the scoring was
Regina Lawrence with 24 points.
Tina Holston added 15 points
and Doris Green put in 13.
The Devils came out on top of
the Pike boys 59-48. Guard Terry
Myrick played a great offensive
game as well as a fine defensive
game, scoring 25 points. Nat
Thurman and John Sims added
14 points each with Thurman
scoring 10 in the first quarter.
On Friday the two teams travel
to McDonough to play the Henry
County Warhawks. The Devilet
tes started off with a 44-38 vic
tory. Tina Holston had her usual
fine game, scoring 14 points; Re
gina Lawrence contributed 12
and Linda Head added 11. Sher
ry Barnes, Doris Greene and
Patsy Barkley played an out
standing defensive game, allow
ing only 13 points in the first
The Devils scored a 63-60
comeback victory with the clutch
scoring of John Sims and Nat
Thurman. Trailing all the way,
the Red Devils came back to
go ahead with two minutes re
maining in the game. Center
John Sims led all scorers with
17, Nat Thurman and Terry My
rick scored 14 each, and Tommy
Stewart added 10.
To our many friends and fam
ily who have been so kind and
understanding we wish you
peace, love and joy at this Christ
mas season and throughout the
New Year. May God bless each
of you is our prayer.—Mrs.
Frank D. Moore and Anne.
the C&S Bank
in Jackson
has Total Assets
of 15
• . iT i inWF 1
y? ■*■“ ** r ■ ■ 1
Donna Gonzalez
VOCA Group
The Jackson High and Hender
son Junior High School VOCA
(Vocational Opportunity Clubs
of America) officers attended an
officers training session at Fay
ette County High School Dec. 9th.
The program began with a par
liamentary procedure demonstra
tion given by the Fayette County
FFA Club. After refreshments
each officer went to his individ
ual officer training group. In
the training groups the officers
learned the duties and responsi
bilities of his office.
The days activities were ended
with a talk by Ken Reynolds,
State Supervisor-Work Study and
Special Needs Programs.
Those attending from Jackson
High School were: Darrell Pip
pin, CVAE coordinator, Steve
Scott, VOCA President, Thomas
Varner, Vice President, Darrell
Newby, Treasurer, Cathy Can
trell, Secretary, and Wanda
Byrd, Reporter. Attending from
Henderson Jr. High were: Doug
Gibson, Coordinator, Ricky
Smith, VOCA President, Theo
dore O’Neal, Vice President,
Sandra Cook, Treasurer and Don
na Moncrief, Secretary.
Mrs. Mildred Alexander will
visit her daughter, Miss Racheal
Alexander, student at Poro Beau
ty School, Cincinnati, Ohio, dur
ing the Christmas holidays.
Kenny Waits, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Carlton Waits, is spending
the holidays with his parents. He
is a Columbus College student.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith of
Flovilla have their son, Dennis
Smith, as their guest for the Yuh; ;
holidays. He is a student at
Abraham Baldwin College.
Miss Emma Griffeth and Mr.
Woodrow Griffeth of Athens vis
ited Sunday morning with Mr.
and Mrs. Doyle Jones Jr.
City Will
Close For
All departments of the City of
Jackson, save the Fire and Police
Departments, will be closed from
noon Friday, December 24th, un
til Monday morning, December
27th, it was announced this week
by M. L. Powell, City Clerk. Mr.
Powell reminded Jackson resi
dents that if service is needed
Friday or Christmas Day that a
call to City Hall will bring
prompt attention.
Mr. Powell emphasized that
the Fire and Police Departments
will be on duty during the holi
day on a 24-hour basis and that
if emergency services are re
quired from other departments
a skeleton crew will be on stand
by basis for immediate duty.
Ga. Alumni
Set Gator
Bowl Party
ATHENS, GA.—A special pre-
Gator Bowl football party for
University of Georgia alumni and
supporters has been set for De
cember 31st in Jacksonville.
Sponsored by the Georgia
Alumni Society, the event is plan
ned for 11:00 a. m. to 1:00 p. m.
in the Mayan Room of the Thun
derbird Motor Hotel.
Two restaurants, including a
buffet, will be available at the
Thunderbird, which is located at
5865 Expressway, two blocks be
yond the east end of the Mathews
Bridge on the St. John's River,
and within one mile of the Gator
A large number of alumni
from throughout Georgia, Flor
ida, and other states are expected
to attend the party, for which
reservations are not necessary.
People, that is. Not money. Of
course we do have money. At last
count, $9 million.
But at C&S we feel our real assets
are our people who smile and say,
“Good morning,” even when it’s
really been a very bad morning.
The Citizens and Southern Banks
in Georgia.
What can we do for you?
Write To
Santa Claus
Dear Santa: I have tried to be
a good girl this year. So has my
sister, Tanya. Please bring me
a Timey Tell doll, a nurse kit and
any other surprises. Bring my
sister a Baby Tender Love and
anything else she will enjoy.
Dear Santa: Please bring me
some games, a bicycle, record
player and records, a doll and
anything else you want to bring.
I have been a good girl and
I will be asleep when you come
to my house. Please remember
all the poor children, too. Love,
Dear Santa Claus: I am a boy
five years old and I am looking
forward to you coming. I would
like a motorcycle set, a Flip Wil
son and train set. Remember my
cousins and friends. Love,
Dear Santa Claus: I am a girl
seven years old and would ap
preciate a Timey Tell Doll, a
watch, an Operation Game, Pogo
Stick and don’t forget my teach
ers. Bring them something nice.
Dear Santa Claus: I am 4V6
years old and have tried to be a
good boy. I have looked at a lot
of toys in stores and like all of
them. So just bring me five sur
prises. Be good to all boys and
girls. Please remember my Gran
ny and Granddaddy Barnes and
Grandmother and Granddaddy
Cleveland. Love,
Dear Santa Claus: I have been
a good girl. Please bring me a
doll, head-to-toe, and a snow
cone machine, a doll house, doll
clothes and suitcase farm house.
Thank you, Santa. Love,
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