Newspaper Page Text
Mrs. J. F. McCoy
Dies Suddenly
Of Heart Attack
Mrs. Alma Jane Nelson Mc-
Coy, 77, of Route 1, Flovilla,
died unexpectedly early Tues
day morning, December 14th, of
an apparent heart attack. She
had been visiting her son, Melvin
McCoy, of Centerville and her
daughter, Mrs. Sibey Wise, of
Warner Robins and was dead on
arrival at the Houston County
Mrs. McCoy was born in Jasper
County on March 12, 1894 to the
late Mr. Walter Nelson of Butts
County and Mrs. Annie Hollo
way Nelson of Jasper County.
She was the widow of Mr. James
F. McCoy and attended the Jack
son Church of the Nazarcne.
Funeral services will be conduc
ted Thursday afternoon at three
o’clock in the chapel of Haisten
Funeral Home with Rev. Billy
H. Ring, pastor of the Church of
the Nazarene, officiating. Inter
ment will be in Jackson City
Cemetery with Haisten Funeral
Home in charge of arrangements.
Mrs. McCoy is survived by
four daughters, Mrs. Alma Wor
ley of Jackson, Mrs. Sibey N.
Wise of Warner Robins, Mrs.
Max Perdue of Flovilla, and Mrs.
Lucy Jane Hicks of Ellenwood;
three sons, Walter B. McCoy of
Columbia, S. C., Lindsey McCoy
of Jackson; Melvin L. McCoy of
Centerville; two sisters, Mrs. W.
I>. Freeman of Jackson; Mrs. Ada
Gordon of Atlanta; 12 grand
Write To
Santa Claus
Dear Santa: Please bring me
an Easy Bake Oven, bedroom
slippers, mixers and some sur
prises. Love.
Dear Santa: I am five years
old. Please bring me a pitchback,
G. 1. Joe, gun and holster, guitar
and some candy. Love.
Dear Santa Claus: Please bring
me some toys. I have been a good
boy and go to church every Sun
day. Please bring me some cars,
a truck, gun and a train. I love
you, Santa. Thank you. Love,
Dear Santa Claus: I am a little
boy 15 months old. I’ve been a
good boy this year. Please bring
me a rocking chair, talking tele
phone, tractor, some pull toys and
some surprises. Please remember
all the other boys and girls. Love,
Dear Santa: If you have any
more Dawn dolls please bring me
the head-to-toc Dawn doll. Please
bring me a close-and-play record
player. I also would like to get
an electric sewing machine. San
ta. bring me a doll house so my
doll can go in it. And some suit
cases. I know I am a little gill
but I want a 118 gun. Also re
member my family, my granny,
father, mother and brothers and
sister, Randy, Mac, Tammy and
Bobby. I was sick but now I am
allright. With lots of love,
Miss Mary Carol Cook, student
at Valdosta Stale College, ' s
visiting during the Yule season
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. James Pulliam
have their son, Dennis Pulliam,
student at Georgia Southern Col
lege, as a guest during the Christ
mas season.
Mi s. Gladys Wilson compli
mented Jody March man with a
steak dinner on his birthday at j
her home, inviting several of his ;
friends to enjoy the occasion
with him.
M iss Charlene Brownlee is vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. N. Brownlee, during the Yule
season. She is a student at Geor
gia Southern College, Statesboro.
They also have as their holiday
guest Miss Antoinette Brownlee,
student at West Georgia, Carroll
Wm. P. Spenter
Died Tuesday
Mr. William Ponder Spencer,
fiß, of Route 1, Davidson, North
Carolina, formerly of Jackson,
died at Memorial Hospital in
Charlotte, N. C., Tuesday after
noon, December 14th, at four o -
Mr. Spencer was born in Butts
County December 17, 1902 to the
late Mr. George Spencer and the
late Mrs. Ada Lou Hale Spencer,
both of Butts County. He was a
retired government employee at
the Atlanta Army Depot in Con
Funeral services will be held
in the chapel of Haisten funeral
Home Thursday afternoon at one
o’clock with interment in the
Jackson City Cemetery. Haisten
Funeral Home will be in charge
of arrangements.
Mr. Spencer is survived by his
wife, Mrs. Flora Glass Spencer
of Davidson, N. C.; four sisters,
Mrs. Jo Whitaker of Jenkinsburg,
Mrs. Mary Fish of Monticello,
Mrs. Marie Swafford of Ellen
wood, and Mrs. Edna Lunsford
of Tucker; three brothers, James
Spencer of Plymouth, N. C., Ho
mer Spencer of Atlanta, Tommie
Spencer of Clarkesville.
St. Johns Lodge No. 45, F&AM,
will hold its annual meeting
Monday evening, December 20th,
at 7:30 o’clock in the Lodge
Hall. Election of officers for
1972 will be the order of busi
An oyster stew will be served
following the business session.
All qualified Masons are invited
to attend this meeting.
Miss Patsy Maddox, student at
Georgia College, Milledgeville, is
visiting during the Christmas
holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Maddox, and
Kim Ruff is visiting his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. (). H. Ruff,
during the Christmas holidays.
He is a student at Abraham Bald
win College, Tifton.
Georgia College student Ramey
Pace is visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Virgil Pace, during the
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller have
as their guest for the holidays
their daughter, Miss Kathy Miller,
a student at Brenau College.
Miss Emily Carr, University
of Georgia student, is spending
the holiday season with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carr
The Hugh Glidewell family will
have as their house guests dur
ing the Yule holidays Tommy
Glidewell, student at Auburn
University, and Billy Glidewell,
student, at Furman University.
Leon Cook of Georgia Tech,
Atlanta, is visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook, during
the Christmas holidays. He ar
rived December sth.
the Dinner Bell
All You Can Eat
LUNCH BUFFET 7 Days a Week
11 until 2
Adults $1.50 Children SI.OO
Sunday $2.00 $1.25
DINNER Friday & Saturday Nights
5 until 9
Buffet or A La Carte
fresh farm-fed channel CATFISH
All You Can Eat
Adults $1.75 Children SI.OO
Come to the Dinner Beil
Jus' good ole time eatin'
2 Miles East Jackson on Monticello Highway
Miss Kiki Carmichael, La-
Grange College student, is spend
ing the Yule holidays with her
mother, Mrs. Margaret S. Car
Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Pinck
ney have as their guests during
the Christmas season their daugh
ters, Miss Ellen Pinckney, stu
dent at the University of Geor
gia, and Miss Kay Pinckney, stu
dent at Agnes Scott College.
Jed Jinks of the University of
Georgia will visit his mother,
Mrs. Eslyn Jinks, during the
Christmas season.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Haisten will
have as their guests at their Mc-
Donough Road home during the
Yule season their children, David
Haisten, a cadet at North Georgia
College, and Miss Cissy Haisten,
a student at Middle Georgia Col
Ricky Stodghill, student at
Georgia Southern College, is vis
iting his parents, Ms. and Mrs.
A. E. Stodghill, during the Yule
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Carmich
ael have as their holiday guests
their children, Walter Carmich
ael and Miss Candace Carmichael,
both students at West Georgia
Miss Ann Watkins, student at
Reinhardt College, is spending
the Christmas season with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
W. Watkins Jr., and sisters,
Misses Rachael and Virginia Wat
Randy Freeman of South Geor
gia College is visiting his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Free
man, during the Christmas holi
Miss Carole Lawrence, daugh
ter of Mrs. R. D. Lawrence, is
visiting her mother during the
Christmas holidays.
Mrs. Mary Will Hearn has as
her guest during the Yule holi
days her daughter, Miss Norma
Dean Hearn, a student at Geor
gia College, Milledgeville.
Miss Alice Patrick, student at
Georgia College at Milledgeville,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Duvall Patrick, during the
Christmas season.
Miss Nancy Settle of Emory
University will visit during the
holidays with Mrs. Mary Mallet,
anil other relatives.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Reeves Sr. will be interested to
know they celebrated their 52nd
wedding anniversary on Tuesday,
December 14th, at their home in
East Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Chandler
of Duluth visited her mother,
Mrs. M. L. Watters, on Sunday.
Coach Ron Wade carried Steve
Bennett, Steve Fletcher, Tommy
Herbert and A1 Gilbert to Pres
byterian College, Clinton. S. C.,
on Friday where they tried out
for football scholarships.
Joe Brown Jr., a Columbus
College student, is visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown
Sr., during the Yule season.
Mr. and Mrs. Q. C. Ingram of
Miami, Fla. have arrived for an
extended visit with Mrs. Mary
Ingram through the Christmas
holidays. They will return home
the first of the year.
Robert W. Grier Jr., son of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Grier Sr.
of Indian Springs, suffered a
heart attack Saturday at Balti
more, Maryland airport while en
route home. He is confined in
North Arundel Hospital at Glen
Burnie, Maryland in intensive
care where his condition is re
ported as critical. His brothers,
Richard Grier of Atlanta, and
Barnard Grier of Norfolk, Va.,
flew to Glen Burnie to be with
him and to keep their parents
posted on his condition.
Mr. and Mrs. Grady Jackson
of Greensboro were visitors to
Jackson Wednesday of last week.
Friends of Mrs. Frank Ogletree
of Flovilla will be interested to
know that she will leave this week
for Athens where she will spend
some time with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hodges
of Marietta visited relatives in
Jackson on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Patrick
of Athens were weekend guests
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
D. Patrick.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Maddox
of Miami, Fla. are visiting Mrs.
Howard Perdue and Mr. and Mrs.
Asa Maddox.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Burford
of Austell and Richard Burford
of Atlanta spent Sunday with
Mrs. Ruby Burford.
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Malcolm,
Miss Peggy Malcolm, and Miss
Mary Ann Hunt spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. John Hunt and
Miss Lois Colwell.
Miss Ann Watkins left via
plane Monday for El Paso, Texas
for a visit with her uncle, Mr.
Ben Watkins. Miss Watkins will
drive her uncle back to Jackson
for a visit with Miss Delia Wat
kins, Miss Georgie Watkins, Mrs.
S. L. Austin, and other relatives
during the Christmas holidays.
Mrs. R. E. Pullin and Jane,
of Griffin, visited Mrs. Howard
Ferdue on Sunday.
John Allen Moore, student at
North Georgia College, will spend
the Christmas season with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Moore and other relatives.
Reach for your
C&S Christmas Card.
Charge the things you want for the people you love.
CgS The Citizens and Southern Banks in Georgia. aNjK
What can we do for you... this Christmas?
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Freeman
were hosts Sunday at a family
Christmas dinner at their home
on Indian Springs Street. Their
guests included Mr. and Mrs. T.
H. Freeman and family and Mr.
and Mrs. W. P. Weir, all of At
lanta, Mr. and Mrs. John Carter,
Douglas Freeman, Miss Gail Car
ter and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. God
sey, all of Jackson.
Miss Nancy Settle of Emory
University is spending this week
with her grandmother, Mrs. Hugh
Mallet, before leaving Friday for
a Christmas visit with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Settle,
in Frankfurt, Germany. Mrs. Mal
let has recently returned from
a visit with the Settle family and
reports a wonderful trip and
beautiful scenery.
Jimmy Browning, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Browning, is visit
ing his parents during the Yule
tide season. He is a student at
Georgia College.
Miss Rachael Berry and Miss
Phyllis Berry, students at Morris
Brown College, are visiting their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ber
ry, during the Christmas season.
Mrs. Virginia Babb of Chamb
lee visited her mother, Mrs. Oscar
Cook, on Sunday.
Mrs. John Leuken and children
John, Jr. and Joseph, of Mont
gomery, Alabama, spent a few
days last week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glidewell Sr.,
and family.
Rev. and Mrs. Donald Gray
spent Sunday afternoon in Grif
fin where they attended the open
house of the Griffin District
United Methodist Church parson
age. Rev. and Mrs. Neal Windom
were hosts, he being District Su
perintendent of the Griffin Dis
trict United Methodist Church.
Georgia Southern College stu
dent Tony Parker is spending the
Christmas holidays with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Park
Harry Cook will visit his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Cook,
during the Christmas season. He
is a student at Columbus Col
Miss Gail Carter will visit dur
ing the holidays with her mother,
Mrs. J. W. Carter. She is a stu
dent at Georgia Baptist Hospital
School of Nursing.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Browning
Sr., have as their guest during
the holidays their son, John W.
Browning Jr., a student at Clay
ton Junior College.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Gibson of
Route 1, Monticello, have as their
guest for the holidays their son,
Gary, a student at Georgia South
Tulane University student Bob
Harrison will spend Christmas
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Levi Ball.
Weaver Insurance Agency
Complete INSURANCE Service
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$4.94 WAS $9.88
$6.94 WAS $13.88
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Jackson True Value Hardware
The C&S Christmas Card makes all your
holiday shopping easier. Because the C&S
Christmas Card is welcome in over 10,000
stores all over Georgia.
THURSDAY, DEC. 16, 1971
South Georgia College student
Mike Hodges will spend the Ynle
holidays with relatives in the
Bruce Hicks will spend thj
Christmas season with his moth
er, Mrs. Seaborn Maddox Jr., Mr.
Maddox and family. He is a
freshman at Furman University.
Vick Smith, student at the
University of Georgia, is spending
the Christmas season with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Smith, at Flovilla.
Miss Linda Sanvidge, student
at Carson Newman College, will
spend the Christmas holidays with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L.