Newspaper Page Text
Sealed proposals for Contrac
tors will be received by Hoyt E.
Robinson, Supervisor of Purchas
es, State of Georgia Purchasing
Department, 142 State Capitol,
Atlanta, Georgia 30334, until 3
P. M„ E. S. TANARUS., 28 December,
1971, for one diving dock at
Indian Springs State Park, Butts
County, Georgia, for the Geor
gia Department of State Parks,
On or about 30 November,
1971, Drawings and Specifica
tions for the above named pro
ject will be available for exami
nation at the office of the Direc
tor, Georgia Dpartment of State
Parks, 270 Washington Street, S.
W., Atlanta, Georgia 30334, and
at the office of William It. Hol
land, Architect, 348 Peachtree
Street, N. E., Atlanta, Georgia
Application in writing, with a
deposit of $30.00 per set, should
be filed promptly and bidding ma
terials will be forwarded, ship
ping charges collect. The full
amount Of deposit for on e set
will be refunded to each general
contractor who submits a bona
fide bid upon return of such
set in good condition within 30
days after date of bid opening.
All other deposits will be refund
ed with deductions to cover costs
of reproduction and handling up
on return of documents in good
condition within 30 days after
date of bid opening. Deposit
shall be made on company check
made payable to the Architect.
Contract, if awarded, will be
on a lump sum basis. No bid
may he withdrawn for a period of
35 days after date of bid opening.
Bids must be accompanied by a
Bid Bond in an amount not less
than 5% of the Base Bid. No
check of any nature will be ac
ceptable in lieu of the Bid Bond.
The successful bidder will be
required to furnish a Perform
ance and Payment Bond in an
amount equal to 100% of the
contract price and executed by a
Surety Company licensed to do
business in Georgia.
No oral, telegraphic, telephon
ic or written modifications of
the proposal will be considered.
The Owner reserves the right
to accept or reject any or all
bids and to waive technicalities
and informalities.
Hoyt E. Robinson, Supervisor
of Purchases 12/16/2tc.
In compliance with Code Sec
tion #75-108, notice is hereby
given of the dissolution of the
following partnerships, to-wit:
Jackson Building Supply & Jack
son Construction Company, which
were composed of Chas. Carter
& Floyd Moore. Undersigned has
acquired the interests of said
Let's Talk Turkey!
10 LB. Turkey given with purchase of:
Effective October 28th thru December 24th
Merchandise purchased on builder’s plan not accepted.
On The Farm
Butt* County Agent
Tax Guide
The new edi
tion of the
Farmer’s Tax
Guide is now
available in my
office free for
the asking. The
guide is to help farmers file their
1971 income tax returns. The
booklet can be helpful to those of
you who have a tax practitioner
to file your returns as well as
those of you that fill out your
own forms. Even though you have
someone else fill out your returns
you still need to understand the
basic farm income tax provisions
so that you can practice tax man
agement throughout the year.
Our office is open from 8:30
a. m. to 5:00 p. m., Monday thru
Friday, so if you want a tax
guide booklet just come by and
pick it up.
Words cannot express my
heartfelt thanks for the flowers,
visits, cards, trays of fruit, phone
calls and especially for your pray
ers and other acts of kindness
shown to me during my stay in
Sylvan Grove Hospital. Avery
special thanks to the nurses and
Dr. Howell. May God bless each
of you.—Watson Vaughn.
Floyd Moore in said enterprises,
as well as in Carter-Moore Build
ers Supply, Inc., a corporation.
Undersigned will continue to ope
rate said businesses as sole pro
prietorship and solicits the fur
ther patronage of the public.
This 10th day of December,
Butts County, Georgia, Court
of Ordinary.
Dec. C, 1971
The appraisers upon applica
tion of Edna Summey Miller
(Mrs. W. L.), widow of Walter
Lee Miller, for a twelve months’
support for herself and no minor
children, having filed her return;
all persons concerned hereby are
cited to show cause, if any they
have, at the next regular January
1972 term of this court, why
said application should not be
L. J. WASHINGTON, Ordinary
Richard W. Watkins Jr.
169 Dempsey Ave.
Jackson, Ga. 30233
Names 3
New VP s
corporate vice presidents have
been named by Avondale Mills,
according to Donald Comer, presi
dent and treasurer.
The three appointments ap
proved by the board of directors
include: Graham M. Byrum, Jr.,
vice president-public relations,
Robert J. Pringle, vice president
credit operations, and John A.
Quenelle, vice president-person
nel, safety and zero defects pro
Byrum, a graduate of North
Carolina State in textile manage
ment, has held key positions in
manufacturing, merchandising,
and advertising since joining
Avondale in 1946. He succeeds
the late William G. Irby, who
was killed recently in an auto ac
Pringle, a New York native,
attended N.Y.U. and joined the
company in 1935. Active in many
textile financial organizations,
he heads credit operations for
Avondale, its divisions and out
side mills to which the firm sells.
He is past president of Textile
Credit Associates, Inc. and a
member of the National Associ
ation of Credit Management;
Downtown Textile Credit Group,
Inc. of New York; and Credit
Men’s Fraternity, Inc.
Quenelle, a graduate of Aub
urn, has held several management
positions in Avondale since 1948.
His new duties include responsi
bilities in personnel, safety and
zero defects activities. He suc
ceeds the late B. Heflin Haynes
as vice president-personnel and
All of the new officers are
headquartered in Sylacauga.
Miss Judy Shivers of Daniel
Payne College is visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Shiv
ers, during the holidays.
Theodore Patterson, student at
Fort Valley State College, is visi
ting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alton Patterson.
Miss Donnell Stodghill, student
at West Georgia College, is visi
ting her mother, Mrs. Lelia M.
Stodghill during the holiday sea
Miss Brenda Smith, student at
Savannah State College, is visi
ting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter James Smith, during the
Yuletide season.
Mrs. Velma Webb has as her
holiday guest her son, John Ar
thur Webb, a student at Daniel
Payne College.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mor
gan have as their holiday guest
their son, Anderson Morgan, a
student at Middle Georgia Col
Ga. Senators
Want Russell's
Picture Hung
Washington, D. C., December 9
—Senator David Gambrell today
joined Senator Herman Talmadge
in co-sponsoring a resolution in
troduced by Senator Robert Byrd
of West Virginia to have Senator
Richard B. Russell’s portrait
placed in the Senate Reception
In remarks prepared for the
Senate Floor, Senator Gambrell
said, “I can think of no more
fitting honor to Senator Russell’s
memory than that he stand with
other giants of the Senate, like
Clay and Calhoun, in the ante
room of the Senate Chamber, to
remind those who enter the Sen
ate Floor of the standard of ex
cellence and dedication to our
country, set by our forebears.”
Gambrell said that Senator
Russell exemplified all that the
United States Senate is. “His
legislative skill, his courage of
conviction and his personal bril
lance made Senator Russell a
leader in the Senate, a mentor
to Presidents,” Gambrell contin
ued. He said that Sentor Russell’s
presence was still felt in the Sen
ate nearly a year after his pas
sing, by the many who sought
his inspiration and guidance.
Among them, Senator Robert
Byrd recalled his own relation
ship with Senator Russell, “He
was a man of honor and excep
tional distinction. I am grateful
to have counted myself among
those who benefitted from his
wisdom. I am honored to have
been his friend.”
The Byrd resolution was im
mediately referred to the Senate
Rules Committee where it is ex
pected to receive favorable con
In addition to Clay and Cal
houn, Senators Webster, Taft and
LaFollette have been honored in
this manner.
jBSpPv" \ Making a list? Follow Santa’s example . . .
check it twice. Make sure you haven’t forgot-
F ten a soul. Then come in and visit us for the
biggest selection of merchandise around. The
i :- ' Slacks $12.44 P
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Sport Coats $33.81 and up
Dacron Polyester
& Wool
Sport Coats
FREE- 1 short sleeve SHIRT with each $25 purchase
Limit 2 Per Customer
The Slax Shoppe
I-75 at Jackson-Barnesville Exit
Atlanta Tech student Miss Ida
Sidney is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Willie F. Sidney,
during the Christmas season.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse James
Usher have as their holiday
guests their daughters, Miss Lena
Bell Usher, a student at Atlanta
Tech, and Miss Lurlene Usher,
student at Albany State.
Miss Denise Davis, student at
Georgia Southern College, and
Victor Davis, student at DeKalb
Junior College, are visiting their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis,
during the Christmas holidays.
Mrs. Myrtle F. Head will have
her children, Fred Head, Mercer
University student, James Wil
liam Head, student at the Uni
versity of Georgia, and John
Head, student at Georgia State
University, home for the Christ
mas holidays.
Charles Fountain, student at
West Georgia College, will arrive
Friday to spend the Christmas
holidays with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Fountain.
Miss Diane Kimbell will visit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Kimbell, during the holidays. She
is a student at Georgia Baptist
Hospital School of Nursing.
Terry Arline, a student at
Morehouse College, is visiting his
parents during Christmas.
We wish to express our deep
est appreciation to all of those
who were so wonderful to us
during the illness and death of
our loved one, Forrest E. Maddox,
for the flowers, food, visits, pray
ers and all acts of kindness. Ev
eryone was so wonderful during
our time of grief and these kind
nesses will never be forgotten.
Special thanks to Dr. Howell, the
entire staff of Sylvan Grove
Hospital, Rev. A. L. Price and
Rev. R. W. Jenkins. May God
bless each and everyone of you.
—The Family of Forrest E. Mad
Clarence Norris, Fort Valley
State student, is spending
Christmas with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lamar Norris.
Mrs. A. B. Eberhart of McDon
ough visited friends in Jackson
last Friday.
Double Knit
Double Knit
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Men who keep up-to-date, show it! In their clothes,
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Visit our Diamond Department
CARD Accepted
THURSDAY, DEC. 16, 1971
PFC Robert Schuch Jr., sta
tioned at Ft. Jackson, S. C., will
arrive December 17th for a
Christmas holiday visit with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Schuch Sr., at their home at
423 South Mulberry Street.
$3.88 an< u p
97t and up
$3.50 and up