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Impressive Ceremony Unites
Miss Louisa Ball, Larry
Stephen King In Marriage
Miss Louisa Harden Ball of
Atlanta became the bride of Mr.
Larry Stephen King in an im
pressive ceremony performed at
twelve o’clock noon on November
20th, 1971 in the sanctunry of
Wieuca Road Raptist Church, At
lanta. Dr. William L. Self offi
Mrs. King is the daughter of
Mrs. Harry Willingham Ball of
Atlanta, and the late Mr. Ball.
The groom’s parents are Mr. and
Mrs. James Timothy King of El
berton, Georgia.
The altar of the church was
decorated with a large arrange
ment of white standard mums
and magnolia in a Grecian urn,
flanked by spiral candelabra and
arrangements of greenery.
The nuptial music was render
ed by Mrs. Clyde Hailing at the
Mr. King served as his son’s
best man. Usher-groomsmen were
Franklin Cooper of Elberton,
John Warren and John Wright, of
Atlanta; Tinley Anderson Jr. of
Leslie, and Scott Ball, brother of
the bride, from Tallnhassee, Flor
The bride, given in marriage
by her brother, Stephen Ball of
Tallahassee, Florida, was radiant
ly lovely in a gown of nylon silk
chiffon featuring a bodice and
long sleeves of Alencon lace. A
long chapel train flowed from
a batteau waistline. The veil of
All City Taxes must be paid by December
20th, if the taxpayer is to avoid payment of
interest on unpaid taxes. According to law,
interest must be added to all taxes collected
after the above date.
Your cooperation in this matter will be ap
preciated and will be of mutual benefit to all
concerned if you will settle your tax account
by December 20th.
M . L Powell
imported illusion was attached to
a tiara of Alencon lace embroid
ered with pearls. As her only orn
ament, the bride wore an antique
seed pearl brooch, belonging to
her grandmother. She carried a
juliette styled bouquet of white
roses and Royal Bouquet orchids.
Mrs. John Wright was matron
of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss
Connie King of Elberton, sister
of the groom; and Miss Sally Ball,
sister of the bride. They wore
long gowns with candlelight
crepe bodice, green shirring
in front and on the cuffs of the
sleeves. The skirt was fashioned
in green velvet with green satin
ribbon at the waistline. Green
satin bows were used in their
hair. They carried crescent bou
quets of green eymbidium orchids
and dieffenbac'hia foliage with
beige velvet streamers.
Each of the groomsmen, attired
in cutaways, wore in his lapel a
white carnation and the groom
wore a white rose from the
bride’s bouquet.
The bride’s mother wore a
dress and jacket of icy-green
silk peau de soie with trim of
gold and green. Her ensemble
was accented with bronze satin
accessories and eymbidium or
chids pinned to her purse.
The mother of the groom
chose a dress of blue silk shan
tung, trimmed with matching
blue lace, embroidered with
pearls. She wore a corsage of
| Phalaenopsis orchids.
The bride’s grandmother, Mrs.
John T. Stephens of Forsyth,
wore a dress of white brocade
embossed with silver and a laven
der orchid corsage.
The reception, given by the
bride’s mother, followed the wed
ding in the church social hall.
The long table holding two silver
punch bowls and candelabra was
centered with a large arrange
ment of yellow mums and white
carnations in a silver stand.
The table from which Mrs.
Stephen Ball of Tallahassee,
Florida kept the bride’s book was
adorned with a lovely arrange
ment of yellow sweetheart roses
and yellow starburst pompoms.
This table, as well as the punch
table and several round tables
on which delectable food was
served, was covered with ivory
satin overlaid with net and lace.
A center table held the three
tiered wedding cake, decorated
with yellow roses, and topped
with white orchids and yellow
The bride and groom stood be
fore a bank of greenery and can
dles to greet their guests.
Assisting in serving were Mrs.
James E. Warren Jr. of Birming
ham, Alabama, Mrs. J. B. Thomp
son Jr., Mrs. John B. Moore Jr.,
Mrs. Don Yelton, Mrs. Robert
Balentine, and Mrs. W. W. Moore
Jr. of Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. King left for a
wedding trip to Gatlinburg, Ten
nessee. For her going away cos
tume the bride wore a navy blue
and white pant suit, with a red
cape and red shoes. She wore a
corsage of white orchids. The
bride and groom will make their
home in Atlanta.
A coffee-shower was given for
the bride-elect at the home of
Mrs. John B. Moore on Riverside
Drive in Atlanta. Hostesses were
Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Hugh Carney
and Mrs. W. W. Moore Jr.
Mrs. William Pilgrim, Mrs.
George Cooper, Mrs. Roy King,
Mrs. W. H. Stowers, and Mrs. Lee
Rousey hosted a miscellaneous
shower in Elberton for Miss Ball
prior to her wedding.
A kitchen-gadget shower was
given by Mrs. Don Yelton at her
home in Marietta.
A luncheon and spice-recipe
slower in Jackson, Georgia was
given by aunts of the bride, Mrs.
W. O. Ball and Mrs. L. J. Ball,
at the home of the latter.
Several parties were given for
the bride-elect and groom-elect
prior to their wedding. These in
cluded a dinner party given by
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thompson at
their home on Cherry Tree Lane
in Sandy Springs. A dinner par
ty was tendered by Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Balentine at their home
on Loridans Drive.
Mrs. James W. Warren Jr. of
Birmingham, aunt. of the bride,
1966 Pontiac Catalina, 4 Door, Extra Clean
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1967 Chevrolet Impala 4 Dr. Hardtop, Fully Equipped, Extra Clean
1969 Caprice, Fully Equipped, Real Nice
1969 Chevrolet % Ton Pick-Up, Extra Nice
1968 Ford Fairlane 500, Air Cond., Full Power
1966 Ford Fairlane 500, Straight Shift, Runs Real Good
/cHKN’RoiFT /
Open House Saturday To Honor
Albert Smiths' 50th Anniversary
Friends and relatives are cor
dially invited to attend open
house for Mr. and Mrs. Albert
M. Smith of Flovilla on Satur
day, December 25th, between the
hours of three and five o’clock
at their home. The occasion will
honor them on their fiftieth wed
ding anniversary.
No gifts, please! No written
invitations are being sent to local
friends and relatives and all are
invited to attend.
The December meeting of the
Jackson Garden Club was held
Tuesday evening of last week at
Falls View Restaurant with Mrs.
Hugh Mallet as hostess.
The business session was car
ried on amid decorations befit
ting the Christmas season. Can
dles and Christmas favors were
placed on the tables with the
central arrangement being can
dles with a! Holly wreath 'at
their base.
A delicious meal was enjoyed
by the members with the ex
change of gifts being a highlight
of the evening. The hostess pre
sented the members with favors
in keeping with the Christmas
and her son, John Warren of At
lanta, entertained at a dinner
party at the Peachtree House.
Parents and sister of the
groom, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy
King and Miss Connie King, gave
the rehearsal dinner at Yohan
non’s in Atlanta.
Visit our store and make it your headquart
ers for Christmas shopping in our well-stocked
Affiliated with MMG *
(McCrory, McClellands & Green)
At the December meeting of
the Sylvan Grove Hospital Aux
iliary Wednesday evening, De
cember 9th, Mrs. Elizabeth Hod
ges and Mrs. Ruth Burford were
welcomed as new members.
Miss Anne Grant, supervisor
of nurses, was an invited guest
and gave some information on
responsibilities and services of
Auxiliary members are known
as Pink Ladies and were en
couraged to wear the regulation
pink pinafore or the pink smock
when on duty.
Mrs. Gladys Wilson reported
on the meeting of Council on
Auxiliaries which she attended at
the Marriott Motor Hotel in No
vember. After the meeting mem
bers furnished and decorated a
Christmas tree for the hospital
Harry Lewis, student at Middle
Georgia College and son of Mr.
and Mrs. G. R. Lewis, arrived
home the 14th to spend the
Christmas holidays.
Georgia Tech student Robert
Burpee is spending the holiday
season with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. F. Burpee.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Peck have
as their holiday guest their son,
Steve Peck, a student at Georgia
Southern College, Statesboro.
Mr. And Mrs. R. M. Vickers
Observe 50 th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Riley Marvin
Vickers will be honored on Sun
day, December 19th, by their
children at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. L. H. (Bear) Cawthon,
Route 1, Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. Vickers will cele
brate their fiftieth wedding an
niversary with friends and rel
atives invited to call between the
hours of three and five o’clock.
No invitations are being sent to
local friends and relatives.
Children of Mr. and Mrs. Vick
ers, who are honoring their par-
128 East Third Street 775-7798
fg™* ELGIN
See Our 1 50 W
Christmas V \ % I \ ,
Watch m \ p
Visit our Diamond Department
CARD Accepted
We will serve Christmas Dinner on Sun
day, December i9th, featuring a complete
Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings for $2.00.
We will begin serving at 11:30 a. m. and will
continue until closing time.
We will close for the holidays on Thurs
day evening, December 23rd, and will open
on Friday, December 31st.
Please place your order now for Boiled
and Baked Hams, and also for Turkeys. They
may be picked up as late as closing time on
Thursday evening, December 23rd.
To Our Customers We Wish
A Very Merry Christmas
And A
Happy New Year
THURSDAY, DEC. 16, 1971
ents, are Mrs. L. H. (Bear) Caw
thon, Mrs. Bobby Moore, and
Edwin Vickers, all of Jackson.
The family of Ralph Wheeler
wishes to thank the many friends
and neighbors for their acts of
kindness and love shown them
during their recent tragedy. The
prayers of each, the flowers and
the food will long be remember
ed. May God bless you.—Mrs.
Brenda Martin Wheeler, Rev.
and Mrs. J. C. Martin.