Newspaper Page Text
Ty Cobb Set
For Opening
On April 29
The 1972 Ty Cobb League
kicks off the season with games
on April 29th, with players for
the four teams, coaches and man
agers having already been selec
The rosters of the teams in
clude the following:
James A. Jones, Manager.
Charles Roberts, Coach.
Jeff Jones, Charles Williams,
Chuck Roberts, J. D. Mealey,
Michael Long, Robert Marsh, Hal
Rosser, James Jones, Brad Earn
hart, Scott Thurston, Richard
Meredith, Shawn Bunch, John
Cross, Jimmy Gilbert, Andy Wil
liams, Ralph Campbell.
James Biles, Manager.
James Etheridge, Coach.
Bill King, Roger McDaniel, Ed
ward Trimble, Lawrence Biles,
Bart Fears, Joe Kersey, Mark
Taylor, Robert Torbett, Martin
Davis, Jeffery Barnes, James
Etheridge, Chris Fears, Chris By
ars, Wesley Parker, Stephen Fen
Wayne Cook, Manager.
Russ Crumbley, Coach.
Andre Rodriguez, Duece Wil
liamson, Joe White, Warren Wea
ver, Thomas Manley, Gary Cook,
Walter Mixon, Alan Folsom, Jon
E. Ross, Steve Cobb, Wendell
Bowen, Randy Hutcheson, Scott
Folsom, Jeffery Raynor, Danny
Hamlin, Anthony Bennett.
Farris King, Manager.
Victor James, Coach.
Mike James, Jeffery Maddox,
Richard McMichael, Chip Daniel,
Jeff Cook, David Whitaker, Lance
Smith, David Dahlin, James Hol
comb, Mark Barnes, Stewart
Pace, James Thomason, Ed Mad
dox, Tracy Raborn, Leslie Mad
1. Motor Valet
2. Jackson Style Shoppe
3. Beckham’s
4. Superior Cleaners
April 29: 1 at 2; 3 at 4
May 1: 4 at 1; 3 at 2
May 4: 1 at 3; 2 at 4
May 8: 2 at 1; 4 at 3
May 11: 3 at 1; 4 at 2
May 15: 1 at 4; 2 at 3
May 18; 3 at 4; 1 at 2
May 22: 3 at 2; 4 at 1
May 25: 2 at 4; 1 at 3
May 29: 4 at 3; 2 at 1
(All garnet above at 6 and 7:30)
June 1: 3 at 1; 4 at 2
June 5: 4 at 1; 2 at 3
June 8: 1 at 2; 3 at 4
June 12: 3 at 2; 4 at 1
June 15: 2 at 4; 1 at 3
(All game above at 6:30 and 8)
A game shall consist of 5 in
nings or one hour time limit.
The game shall end if one team
is 10 or more runs ahead at the
end of three complete innings of
No boy may pitch more than
five innings per calendar week.
One pitch in an inning shall
count as pitching one complete
All boys on the team rosters
shall play in at least 50% of the
regularly scheduled league games.
Each manager is encouraged to
give each boy equal opportunity
to play, regardless of playing
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News of 10 Years Ago
Mrs. Bobby Mackey was seri
ously injured Sunday evening
in the headon crash of two cars
on the Brownlee Road, which also
seriously injured the driver of
the other vehicle Charlie Frank
According to J. M. L. Comer,
principal of the Jackson Element
ary School, 72 prospective stu
dents registered last Saturday for
the 1962-63 school term.
Billy Leverette, recently named
Young Man of the Year at the
Jaycee Awards Night dinner, was
honored Sunday night at the fam
ily night supper and meeting at
the Jackson Presbyterian Church.
A Creek Indian Museum will be
opened at Indian Springs State
Park around May Ist.
News of 20 Years Ago
Col. Alfred D. Fears, now serv
ing a first term in the General
Assembly from Butts County,
has qualified as a candidate in
the State Primary of May 14.
A young Newton County con
struction worker drowned in the
swirling rain swollen South River
Tuesday after a broken cable on
a bridge construction job tossed
him and two other workers into
the deep water.
Final plans are being made for
the elaborate charter night din
ner of the business and profes
sional Women’s Club of Jackson
to be held Monday evening at
the Woman’s Clubhouse.
The Spalding Manufacturing Cos.
which early in the year began the
manufacture of pants in the
Howell Bldg. on West Third
ability. Failure to allow each boy
to play in at least 50% of the
games per week shall result in
the forfeiture of the last game
scheduled during the week the
boy did not play.
A pitcher may not re-enter the
game as a pitcher once he has
been removed..
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My Name—. —L._~ Age
I | I ,■ . '. ’ ~'j ! i;i
II; f| Aldldf 1
City- .Mine - ,
Last School Year of
Attended J M..;. yq graduation
•.|.. !• r' : f.,i 7 ! r : ' •
Present Occupation j..| J !|jj IX-
Street extension announces this
week that it is planning to ex
pand' operations by addition of
new equipment and more work
News of 30 Years Ago
Jackson’s churches will have
special Easter services next Sun
day and prayer for victory and
world peace will be a feature at
all services.
Business firms of Jackson have
entered into an agreement to
close each Wednesday at one p.
m. for a holiday, the period run
ning from the first Wednesday in
April through the last Wednes
day in August.
Members of the William Mc-
Intosh chapter, Daughters of the
American Revolution, have in
vested $4,000 in Victory Bonds,
according to information given
at the meeting of the chapter
Friday afternoon.
For the purpose of electing of
ficers there will be a meeting of
the Community Chest committees
in the Grand Jury room Friday
afternoon at five o’clock.
News of 40 Years Ago
Friends of Col. and Mrs. J.
Threatt Moore and family sym
pathize with them in the damage
to their residence on McDonough
Road Tuesday afternoon, caused
by fire that originated in the
Master Andrew Webb was host
at a lovely Easter party Satur
day afternoon at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Webb, when he entertained from
three to five o’clock.
To Tuesday morning the com
mittee handling government loans
in Butts County reported that
approximately 250 applications
had been filled out and forward
ed to Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cawthon
and son, Joel, spent Friday with
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Chambers.
The committee in charge of
government loans in Butts Coun-
We wish to take this opportu
nity to thank each and everyone
who was so good to us during our
sickness. Especially do we thank
Dr. Barrow and Dr. Bruno and
the personnel of Jasper Memorial
Hospital, Rev. R. W. Jenkins for
his visits and prayers in our be
half. Also thanks to all our boys
and families who looked after and
stayed with us so faithfully. The
cards, flotvers, telephone calls,
and gift offering from friends at
Avondale were appreciated so
much. God only knows how we
need friends and help at a time
like this. May He always keep and
bless you all. We also thank Jew
el Lyons.—Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Morton Sr.
In loving memory of Mr. R. C.
(Pete) Lunsford, who passed
away 8 years go April 21.
His memory is a keepsake
From which we’ll never part.
God has him in His keeping,
We have him in our heart.. .
—Sadly missed by family.
ty is actively at work taking ap
plications and filling out blanks.
War's Gold _
Honor Roll
New and Renewal Subscription*
Of The Past Few Days
J. T. Beckham Jr., Baxley
Mrs. Harry W. Ball, Atlanta
Mrs. W. H. Mallet, Jackson
Mrs. Grady Couch, Macon
Mrs. S. L. Gray, Jackson
Mrs. Pearl Wise, Jackson
Mrs. Cathye B. Johnson, Jack
sonville, Fla.
Mrs. Lucile Hutcheson, Jack
Carol Kelley, Jackson
M. W. Lewis, Jackson
Mrs. Frances Eidson, Akron,
Jimmy Saunders, Jackson
Mrs. R. C. Riley Jr., Flovilla
Mrs. A. L. Price, Jackson
Butts County Extension Of
fice, Jackson
E. P. Colwell Jr., Jackson
Katie Powell, Jackson
Mrs. M. R. Shadrix, Jackson
Jewell T. Johnson, Jackson
W. A. Holston, Jackson
Mrs. M. G. Finney, Jackson
R. H. Burford, Jackson
A. T. Presley, Jackson
C. L. Cook, Ashland, Mo.
Ben Hill Dover, Jackson
Arthur A. Cheves, Jackson
Mrs. Anthony R. Baker, Thom
Mrs. Mildred Pecht, Jackson
Robert A. Watkins, Jackson
Leon Moss, Jackson
larry Conley, Rome
A. H. Waldrep, Jackson
Mrs. J. Will Carter, Austell
William R. Woodward, Atlanta
Victor H. Carmichael, Apple
Valley, Calif.
Mrs. Z. L. Burford, Jackson
Robert L. Smith, Wyoming,
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