Newspaper Page Text
On application of Richard W.
Watkins Jr., 169 Dempsey Ave
nue, P. 0. Box 105, Jackson,
Georgia, 30233, and Loy T.
Hutcheson, 740 Kay Street, Jack
son, Georgia 30233, articles of in
corporation have been granted to
Watkins Hutcheson Building Cos.,
Inc. by the Honorable Hugh D.
Sosebee, Judge of the Superior
Court of Butts County, Georgia
in accordance with the applicable
provisions of the Georgia Busi
ness Corporation Code. The reg
istered office of the corporation
is located at 169 Dempsey Ave
nue, Jackson, Georgia, 30233
and its registered agent at such
address is Richard W. Watkins
Jr. The purpose of the corpora
tion is pecuniary gain to its
shareholders and the nature of
the business of said corporation
is the development of real estate
and building residential houses,
with the corporation reserving
the right and being authorized to
extend its activities into other
fields as may be determined here
after. The minimum capital with
which the corporation shall com
mence business is $500.00.
/s/ Richard W. Watkins Jr.
/s/ Loy T. Hutcheson
Sealed proposals from Contrac
tors will be received by Hoyt E.
Robinson, Supervisor of Pur
chases, State of Georgia Pur
chasing Department, 142 State
Capitol, Atlanta, Georgia 30334,
until 3 P. M., E.D.S.T. 11 May
1972 for the Georgia Depart
ment of State Parks, Owner, on
the following six Georgia Parks:
(1) Bathhouse - Concessions
Building, Hart State Park, Hart
County, Georgia;
(2) Superintendent’s Resi
dence and Golf Cart Building,
Victoria Bryant State Park,
Franklin County, Georgia;
(3) Diving Dock, Fort Yargo
State Park, Barrow County,
(4) Rental Cottages and Golf
Cart Building, Hard Labor Creek
State Park, Morgan County,
(5) Diving Docks, Indian
Springs State Park, Butts Coun
ty,. Georgia; and
(6) Caretakers Residence and
Comfort Station, High Falls
State Park, Monroe County,
On or about 3 April 1972,
Drawings and Specifications for
the above named projects will be
available for examination at the
lom PttymentHoUday
■ HHHHv '
; | >- ? ? x - : : < JfSj. 9
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jt j|l| ;'j?-‘ V
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Call or drop by any C&S office for the details.
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Member FDIC Hie Citizens and Southern Banks In Georgia
office of the Director, Georgia
Department of State Parks, 270
Washington Street, S. W., At
lanta, Georgia 30334, and at the
office of William B. Holland,
Architect, 348 Peachtree Street,
N. E., Atlanta, Georgia 30308.
Applications in writing, with a
deposit of $30.00 per Project set,
or SIBO.OO for the Combined Pro
jects sets, should be filed prompt
ly, and bidding materials will be
forwarded, shipping charges col
lect. The full amount of deposit
for one set, or one combined set,
will be refunded to each general
contractor who submits a bona
fide bid, upon return of such set
in good condition within 30 days
after date of bid opening. All
other deposits will be refunded
with deductions to cover costs of
reproduction and handling upon
return of documents in good con
dition within 30 days after date
of bid opening. Deposit shall be
made on company check made
payable to the Architect.
Contract, if awarded, will be
on a lump sum basis. No bid may
be withdrawn for a period of 35
days after date of bid opening.
Bids must be accompanied by
a Bid Bond in an amount not less
than 5% of the Base Bid. No
check of any nature will be ac
ceptable in lieu of Bid Bond.
The successful bidder will be
required to furnish a Perform
ance and Payment Bond in an
amount equal to 100% of the
contract price and executed by
a Surety Company licensed to do
business in Georgia.
No oral, telegraphic, telephonic
or written modifications of the
proposal will be considered.
The Owner reserves the right
to accept or reject any or all bids
and to waive technicalities and
Hoyt E. Robinson,
Supervisor of Purchase
State of Georgia
Butts Court of Ordinary.
March 9th, 1972
The appraisers upon applica
tion of Wilma M. Smith widow
of said Albert Junior Smith for
a twelve months’ support for her
self and four minor children,
having filed their return; all per
sons concerned hereby are cited
to show cause, if any they have,
at the next regular May term of
this Court, why said application
should not be granted.
Ordinary Butts County.
Words cannot express my
heartfelt thanks for the lovely
flowers, visits, baskets of fruit,
phone calls and other acts of
kindness shown me during my
stay in the hospital. It means so
much to me and my children to
know that there are still people
in this world who care. Without
their prayers I would not be able
to say thank you. Avery special
thanks to Rev. R. W. Jenkins, to
Dr. Howell and the nurses and
staff at Sylvan Grove Hospital.
Thank you and God bless you.—
Mrs. Bessie Vaughn.
Court of Ordinary, Butts Coun
ty, Georgia.
To any Creditors and All Par
ties at Interest:
Regarding Estate of John W.
Hay, formerly of Butts County,
Georgia, notice is hereby given
that Mrs. Annie H. Nelson, the
heirs, have filed application with
me to declare no Administration
Said application will be heard
at my office Monday, May 1,
1972, and if no objection is made
an order will be passed saying
no Administration necessary.
April 4, 1972.
L. J. Washington, Ordinary.
Direct-Tii >-Customer Savings
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Save %Z. 53 Per Gallon:
Best interior Latex
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Passage Lock Set
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Sturdy steel building is
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West Building Materials Centers... satisfaction Guaranteed
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Remember You Gan CHARGE IT . . . Ask Any Salesman for Details!
Mrs. Pulliam
Victim Of
Heart Attack
Funeral services for Mrs. Ger
trude Pulliam, 85, of Seffner,
Florida, a native of Butts County,
were conducted at Seffner Bap
tist Church Monday, April 10th,
with Rev. Terry Rice and Rev.
W. W. Wilkerson officiating. Bur
ial was in Myrtle Hill Memorial
Mrs. Pulliam died April 6th
following an apparent heart seiz
ure, the third in the last 90 days.
She was born Miss Gertrude
Hodges in Butts County to the
late Mr. Powell Hodges and Mrs.
Lula Hodges and had been a res
ident of Florida since 1925.
Mrs. Pulliam is survived by
three sons, Alton Pulliam and
Loyce Pulliam of Seffner, Fla.,
Ollis Pulliam of Covington, La.;
three daughters, Mrs. Florence
Roberts, New Orleans, La., Mrs.
Marjorie Burnette of Gibsonton,
Fla., and Mrs. Eva Robison of
Lubbock, Texas; four brothers,
Claude Hodges of Kingsport,
Tenn., Carl Hodges of Kingsport,
Tenn., Fleetwood Hodges of Ash
burn, and Lawrence Hodges of
% gnii if'
; Save $2.53 Per Gallon)
Best Exterior Latex
S: 6i 4
*- TopaHe qaeirty _• . on
beatable in price' Arises
easily, protects for years,
dries fast to a beautiful
finish. SAVE'
• - -
Sale! Save Now ,
Alum. Screen Door
***** Q 99
u Jy
* SSC*. I- I" wide x ' S’ high
Sturdy construction, resists
rust and corrosion. Aluminum,
to*if **. rr * s* t*s
ski to.**
HCompare at $5,35! j
Ornamental Iron
sr 3 89
Adds charm to any porch,
* K*il mSH*. rtwa*. iIH J O
* rut tolwi. coroj at . I.TJ
I’ fWbtt cofßp 1# 3# .. Tit
Butts County Schools Menu for
week of April 24 - 28.
Monday: Swiss Steak with
gravy, rice, buttered kale, Har
vard beet, roll, milk, fruit, cookie.
Tuesday: Fried chicken with
gravy, steamed rice, tossed salad,
milk, roll, peanut butter, cookie.
Wednesday: Barbecued wiener,
blackeyed peas, stewed tomatoes,
corn bread, cake with icing.
Thursday: Shepherd’s pie,
string beans, tossed salad, roll,
milk, Jello with topping.
Friday; Baked fish with tartar
sauce, buttered corn, butter
beans, sliced tomato, corn bread,
rice pudding with lempn sauce.
Pound, Va.; two sisters, Mrs. Evie
Griffith of Jackson, and Mrs.
Bertha Brown of Jacksonville,
Those attending funeral servi
ces for Mrs. Pulliam from this
area included Mr. and Mrs. John
Robert Pulliam, Mrs. Nellie
Thornton, Mrs. Evie Griffith, all
of Jackson, and Mr. and Mrs.
Aubrey Williamson of Atlanta.
j| —~|TjMLiiMr 19-in- Electric Oven and
"kWßjjfi; 30-in. Electric Cooktop
Great buy on this
"* % E o.3te I handsome built -in
et-ko cooking unit. Oven and
jQ/r ■ - cycling heating indi
cator light, clock and timer, 10-temp controls and recessed
variable broil element. Cooktop has infinite switches, in
dicator light, chrome steel burner bowls and drip proof outer
edge. Take advantage of this exciting offer today.'
r V <
t ' ii.
f I i'
Interior Door
st 5 60
S-ft wide x Ml. 8-in, high
Accurately machined for
fast, professional installation
r r i ,**, i-H it*
. Compare at >11,30
Aluminum Windows
sis* 9s
Quality constructed windows
install easily, neser need
painting Many other sires
available at similar low
Local 4-H'ers
In Athens
Forty-one Butts County 4-H
--‘ers journeyed to Athens to par
ticipate in the District 4-H Dairy
and Poultry Judging Contest on
Saturday, April Bth. There were
about 275 4-H‘ers representing
some 18 counties in the contest.
Maria Todd, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Marion Todd, was fifth
high individual in the senior con
test. For this accomplishment
Maria was selected the at-large
member of the District Winning
Team and will compete in the
state contest in the near future.
In the Junior contest the team
of Debra Benton, Mary Jenkins,
Cecelia Deptula, and Denise
Brooks placed fourth and Debra
Benton was third high individual
in the contest. Others participa
ting in dairy judging were
Ann Franklin, Jimmy Lawson,
Saralyn Ridgeway, Julia Ann
Ridgeway, Ricky Long, Lee Duf
fey, Mark Riddle, Linda Greer,
Cynthia Foster, Cheryl Barlow,
Cloven Benton, Levonia Thomas,
Latanzia Barlow-, Martha McDow
ell, Thomas Scott Billy Smith.
Bobby Pinckney, Melissa Gaye,
Sle. Reg. s2i.9a!
Stainless Steel Sink
v*. c*nw |OBB
Durable, beautiful stainless
steel double-bowl sinks
resist rust and scratches
M’omp ifeat $21.49!
Awning Windows
18 35
Let the breeaes in but keep
the weather out. Low-
t **• r, wji*m ... hw
r i~ * r i". *i\k is i* m
Rev. and Mrs. Billy H. Ring
and family and Mrs. Eula Ring
had as their guests during the
weekend Mrs. Billy Ring’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Griffin,
and sister-in-law, Mrs. Martha
Griffin, all of Waycross.
Visiting recently with Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Maddox at their Four
Points home were S/Sgt. and
Mrs. W. P. Maddox, Bobby and
Kelley of Yakota, Japan, Mrs.
Stephen L. Horne and Joey of
Wichita Falls, Texas and AMM
Gary E. Maddox of Chanute
Field, Illinois. This was a special
get together in that it was the
first time the family had been
together in over three years.
Frankie Maddox, Rhonda Hutch
eson, Lynn Duke, Debra Ault, Ne
va Williams, Debra Lawson, Car
olyn Jester, Veronica Smith, Avis
Hendricks, and Danita Crowder.
The 4-H Poultry Judging team
from Butts County was made up
of David Peck, Hal Lathum, Jeff
Cannon, and James Ross and pla
ced sixth in the contest. Also
competing were Charlene Grier,
Jeff Harper, Mac Long, and Ken
neth Bankston.
The trip also proved to be very
educational as well as enjoyable
to all those that attended.
Com, at Me and SJL: j
Ceramic Floor Tile
&-R!*- ! lob
%IL U * Efß * “
k n
Two beautiful styles in the
latest decorator colors. Easy
to install, easy to care for.
3'/i x 15
Compare at $5.15