Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, SEPT. 21, 1972
Lewis Family Reunion
Lasts Three Days At
Indian Springs Park
The Mclntosh Group Camp at
Indian Springs was the scene
August 18, 19 and 20th for the
gala 19th Lewis family reunion as
87 family members and 12 guests
gathered together for fellowship
over the weekend.
A happy faced welcome mat
was placed at the front door of
the dining hall greeting each one
upon arrival. The Lewis Coat of
Arms banner was raised on the
flag pole, waving gaily as the
family gatherd once again for
their companionship.
Friday a delicious spaghetti
supper was enjoyed, being served
throughout the evening as mem
bers arrived.
The main banquet Saturday
was most festive. The theme was
“The Lewis Legend” told in story
form. The cake, a book, told how
the story began 102 years ago
when Joseph Donald Lewis was
born, his marriage to Minnie Lee
Brantley and the lives of their
ten children, each a separate
cake and chapter. Each cake was
adorned with the flower of the
month of the individual it repre
sented. The story was on paper
placed atop each cake. The sum
mary cake was arranged with
flowers from all the other cakes.
Its story told how the Lewis Leg
end will never end as each new
generation will add new chapters
to the story.
Saturday afternoon the Tra
ding Post was opened and handi
crafts made by different mem
bers were sold with proceeds be
ing placed into the Reunion
After supper Saturday night,
a devotional service was given,
followed by a song fest.
Mr. Julian Lewis brought wat
ermelons he had grown especially
for the occasion and served them
Sunday before departure. They
were both red and yellow meat
variety and were greatly enjoyed
by all.
Attending were Mrs. Gladys
Brock, Decatur; Mrs. Fleets Phil
lips, Section, Ala.; Mrs. Hazel
Lewis, Columbus; Mr. and Mrs.
Julian Lewis, Crawfordville, Fla.;
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore, Dixie;
Mrs. G. C. Lewis, Barwick; Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Lewis, Colum
bus; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thorn
hille, Newport News, Va.; Mr.
and Mrs. C. S. Snider, Columbus.
Gene Rogers, Statesboro; Car
roll Brock, Kotzebue, Alaska;
Mr. and Mrs. John Bassett, Wes
ley, Melissa, David, of Decatur;
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Plymel, Phillip
and Joey of Jackson; Mr. and
Mrs. Elwyn Blanton, Buddy, Lisa
and Robin, Ashburn; Mr. and
Mrs. Larry Blanton and Kimber
ly, Woodville, Ala.; Mrs. Rhet
Tabb, Laura, Will and Lynn, of
Butts County Needs A Man
Who Knows How To Do
Business With Federal,
State, and Local Governments
Is That Man
Buffs County Commissioner
Crawfordville, Fla.; Carl and De
loris Lewis, St. Marks, Fla.; Mit
chell and Max Moore, Barwick;
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Masque, Ron
da, Ricky and Melanie, Clarks
Mrs. Wayne Herndon, Cairo;
Mrs. Wayne Godwin and April,
Barwick; Joel, Ramona and David
Lewis, Columbus; Mr. and Mrs.
Johnny Crigger, Sherry and Kim
berly, Newport News, Va.; Mr.
and Mrs. Terry Snider, Paul, Mi
chelle and Keith, Lawenceville;
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Weeks and
Steve, Atlanta; Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Hall and James, Morrow; Misses
Marsha and Rita Snider, Colum
Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Jones, Ca
milla and Damon, Florence, Ala.;
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bartlett,
Chris and Candy, College Park;
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Plymel,
Ginger, Samantha, Carmen and
Chad of Brunswick; Mr. and Mrs.
Mike Lewis and Lyndi, Union
Guests included Mrs. Tommy
Barrow, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Wilburn Womack, Sandersville;
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Harper, Mil
ledgeville; Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Barrow, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Mitchell, Decatur; Mr. Hugh
Hart, Savannah, and Joey Loud
ermilk, Columbus.
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Mr. and Mrs. Billy Butler of
Griffin, Georgia, announce the
marriage of their daughter, Sher
ri Butler, to Benny Hilley, also
of Griffin. The wedding took
place at the home of Mrs. Ira
Butler, grandmother of the bride,
in East Jackson on August 25th
at seven o’clock in the evening.
Rev. Arthur Price, pastor of
the Second Baptist Church, per
formed the double ring ceremony
before the mantel banked with
greenery and burning tapers.
The immediate family and close
friends attended.
The bride chose a street length
white crepe dress and white ac
cessories. She carried a bouquet
of featherd white and pink car
nations, baby’s breath and white
satin streamers.
Miss Cindy Daniel was maid
of honor and chose a hot pink
dress and white accessories. She
carried a bouquet of white car
nations. Mike Daniel served as
best man.
Following the ceremony a re
ception was held. The refresh
ment table was covered with pink
cloth and lace and was centered
with five branch candelabra with
burning tapers. The three tiered
wedding cake was embossed in
pink roses and topped with a
miniature bride and groom. Nuts,
punch and mints were also ser
ved. The cake was cut and ser
ved by Mrs. Jessie Mackey while
Miss Debby Hilley poured punch.
The newlyweds spent several
days at Lookout Mountain and
other points of interest and are
now at home to their friends at
Williamson, Ga.
Elect DAN FEARS To Post No. 1
To Succeed Himself On The Board
Of Butts County Commissioners
To The People Of Butts County
I am a candidate for Post No. 1 to succeed myself on the Butts County Board of Commis
In seeking this very important office, my only objective and reason is to continue to help
make some contribution in the administration of our County Government so that it will con
tinue to grow and progress in an orderly, efficient and stable manner so as to help promote
progressive, orderly, and economic growth for all the people of our County.
Unfortunately, the County Primary for the Board of Commissioners must be held again—
for the second time —this time this primary will be held on September 26th.
I am indeed grateful and humble to the people of Butts County for having nominated me
to the Board of Commissioners of Butts County in the first primary held in Butts County on
August Bth. Please vote for me again on September 26th.
In seeking the nomination to this office, I have stated to you on many occasions in my
judgment some of the many problems which our County Government must face are:
1. A county wide water system. (I sponsored the resolution as Chairman of your Board
of Commissioners for the creation of the Butts County Water Authority.)
2. A county wide fire protection system. (I sponsored promotion and resolution for this
project and it is now underway, towards being solved.)
3. A small sanitary land fill for each Militia District of Butts County for the disposal
of trash, junk and garbage.
4. Work to obtain State and Federal aid to help eliminate the pollution of Lake Jackson.
5. Work to obtain all weather roads for all sections of Butts County which are unpaved
that are traveled by the school bus and mail carriers.
6. Formation of a County wide recreational program. (As chairman of your Board of
Commissioners, I sponsored such a resolution, which has resulted in the formation and or
ganization of the Butts County-Jackson Recreational Authority which has now been formed
and is now in operation.)
7. Continued Permanent improvements for Indian Springs State Park.
8. The installation of a telephone answering system on a 24-hour day basis. The cost of
this will be less than four (4c) Cents per hour. This answering system will be available to
everyone in Butts County.
9. Continued improvements and modernization of our County Courthouse.
10. Work to obtain additional medical physicians and facilities for the people of Butts
11. Cooperate with all law enforcement agencies to stamp out and put out of business
all forms of crime, including the unlawful sale of hard drugs, marihaunna, gambling and all
forms of racketeering and criminal conspiracies.
12. Economy in all expenditures of County funds to obtain maximum benefits and services
for every dollar of the taxpayers money spent and a full and complete accounting thereof.
As an elected official of this County, I will as I have done during the past three and one
half years, pursue my duties with a sense of dedication in a spirit of harmony and compati
bility to work with the other two members of this Board for the best interest of all the people
of Butts County.
I respectfully solicit your help, your support and your vote on my behalf in the Second
Butts County Primary to be held on September 26, 1972.
Elect Dan Fears To Post No 1 To Succeed Himself
To The Butts County Board Of Commissioners In
The Second Primary On September 26.