Newspaper Page Text
Week Is
Mayor C. B. Brown, Jr., at the
instigation of the William Mcln
tosh Chapter, Daughters of the
American Revolution, has pro
claimed the week of September
17-23 as Constitution Week and
urges all citizens to study the
Constitution, to express grati
tude for the privilege of Amer
ican citizenship, and to keep Con
stitution Week in their hearts
and minds.
Mr. Brown’s proclamation
pointed out that it is important
each citizen fully understand the
provisions and principles con
tained in the Constitution so they
may support it properly as “the
greatest document for human
liberty in 2,000 years of recorded
The proclamation points out
that American people enjoy such
freedom and liberties, unknown
to any other country, that Con
stitution Week should be ob
served and celebrated throughout
our community as well as across
the nation according to Public
Law 915 and signed by the presi
dent of the United States.
Jackson, Ga., 11 Sept., 72
Eddie Travis recently enlisted in
the Marine Corps 180 Day Delay
program. Eddie is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Buddy B. Travis of
Eddie will report for active
duty on the 2nd October to Par
ris Island, South Carolina, for a
period of 11 weeks of recruit
Upon completion of recruit
training, Eddie will receive ord
ers to a school for technical
training, and return home on a
10 day leave.
There will not be an assessment for 1971-
72 due to the fact that there were only small
losses and sufficient funds with which to oper
Call us for your fire insurance needs:
$5.00 per SI,OOO
50c per SIOO
(Fire Insurance Only)
E. H. COOK, Agent
W. C. GARR, President
H. G. HARRIS, Sec’ty-Treas.
Tired Of
High Prices ?
Walgreen Products
"2 FOR
Is For You
Watch For It
Soon !
Parrish Drug Cos.
Mrs. Sparkman
Was Buried in
Funeral services for Mrs. Wy
olene Rusk Sparkman, 57, of 822
Greenwood St., Barnesville, were
conducted Monday afternoon at
three o’clock in the chapel of
Haisten Funeral Home in Bar
nesville. Dr. Wesley Martin of
ficiated with interment in Green
wood Cemetery. Haisten Funeral
Home of Barnesville was in
charge of funeral rites.
Mrs. Sparkman died Saturday
night, September 16th, at the
Gwinnett County Hospital in
Lawrenceville following an illness
of a year. A native of Wood
stock, she had lived in Barnes
ville many years and was the
widow of Mr. Bernice Martin
Sparkman. She was a member of
Fredonia Congregational Church.
Survivors include two daugh
ters, Mrs. Jean S. Smith of Gray
son and Mrs. Jane S. Dawson of
Jackson; two grandchildren; four
sisters, and two brothers.
Butts County Schools Menu
For Week of Sept. 25-29
Monday: Wieners with catsup
and mustard, baked beans with
ragged bacon, cole slaw, buns,
milk, peaches, cookies, strawber
ry whip. I
Tuesday: Cheese and pimento
sandwich, peanut butter and
jelly sandwich, potato salad,
sliced tomatoes, milk, apple.
Wednesday: Beef stroganoff
with noodles, turnip greens, beet
and onion salad, corn bread, milk,
ginger bread with lemon sauce.
Thursday: Baked fish with tar
tar sauce, English peas, mashed
potatoes, carrot sticks, bell pep
per rings, rolls, milk, peach cob-
\ \ K j
\ m JSw/'
Iftii t v
Jackson, left, receives a plaque naming him an agri-leader of th
year in the 23-county Atlanta trade area. Making the presentatior
is Byron Kirkland, president of the Atlanta Metro Agribusiness
Council, sponsor of the award. Mrs Maddox looks on as the aware
is bestowed at a luncheon in the Georgia Power Company’s genera
office building in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest York of
Locust Grove were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Naamon York Sunday
of last week.
Friday: Hamburger with cat
sup and mustard, potato chips,
Lima beans, sliced tomatoes,
buns, milk, cake with icing.
For Continued
Orderly Growth
C. B. Brown, Jr.
“There is No Substitute for Experience”
jfcjSfe, CHECKING 1N...
Etheridge-Smith Cos.
Weekend guests of Mrs. C. M.
Compton were Mr. and Mrs. R.
W. Gettman of Clemson, S. C.
Visiting Mrs. Compton on Satur
day were Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Lowrey and Maria of Atlanta.
Friends of Taylor Patrick will
be interested to know that he
entered Emory Hospital on Tues
day and will undergo surgery on
James Reasor
To Ministry
James H. Reasor, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Reasor of Jenk
insburg, was licensed by Mace
donia Baptist Church Sunday,
September 17th, to enter the
Mr. Reasor is a graduate of
Jackson High School and is en
tering Brewton Parker Baptist
College for the fall quarter to
study for the ministry.
Vote For A Man
Who Will Cooperate With
The Other Two Commissioners
For The Best Interest Of The Citizens
Of Butts County
Vote Hammond Barnes
Edward (Ed) Cleveland
To Post No. 3
Butts County Commissioners
I am a life time resident and business man of Butts Coun
ty. I am concerned with the needs and growth of our county
and its people.
1. Being in my type of business I travel over Butts County
and all surrounding counties. It is very noticeable that our
neighboring counties are benefiting by having a County Water
and Fire Protection system. I realize BUTTS COUNTY could
be just as much or more prosperous by having this same secur
ity of protection.
2. I will work for better roads for all sections of BUTTS
COUNTY that are paved and unpaved.
3. I will work toward obtaining more physicians and
better medical facilities for the people of our COUNTY.
4. I will work with our local Police and Sheriff Depart
ment to stamp out all local and outside organized DRUG
5. Asa business man I will be most concerned w 7 here our
Tax Money will be spent if I am elected for Post. No. 3.
6. If elected I will Cooperate and Work with the Com
missioners that you elect for Post No. 1 and No. 2 for the
benefit of the COUNTY.
I, ED CLEVELAND, humbly ask you to go to the POLLS
Sept. 26 and VOTE for ME as your COUNTY COMMIS
Vote For And Elect
Edward (Ed) Cleveland
Post No. 3
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Spoon of
Indian Springs spent last week
in Forsyth at the home of Mrs.
Helen Schwamlein while Mrs.
Schwamlein, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy
Moore of Madison and Richard
Homer of Slippery Rock, Pa.
toured Walt Disney World near
Orlando, and Busch Gardens near
Tampa. While in Tampa they vis
ited Mrs. Mae Moss and returned
home last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Schwamlein Jr. of Canton
were weekend guests at the
Schwamlein residence in Forsyth.
Friends of Mrs. Ruth C. Bur
ford are glad to learn that she
is recuperating at her home fol
lowing a week in Piedmont Hos
pital as result of a sting by a
guinea wasp or yellow jacket sev
eral weeks ago.
THURSDAY, SEPT. 21, 1972
Miss Kay Pinckney left Thurs
day for Agnes Scott College
where she will be a Senior this
year. She went to assist with
Freshman orientation activities.
Miss Ellen M. Putnam of Ro
chester, New York arrived Wed
nesday and is house guest for
several days of Miss Georgie
Watkins and her sister, Miss Delia
Watkins. Miss Georgie Watkins
and her guest have been to
Europe on two occasions. The
popular guest was entertained
Wednesday evening at a picnic
tendered by Mrs. L. W. Moelchert
and Mrs. M. W. Carmichael at the
Moelqhert Cottage on Jackson
Lake. Miss Watkins will be host
Thursday at a luncheon at the
Griffin Country Club with friends
invited to meet her attractive and
charming guest.